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Everything posted by whiterabit

  1. It's hard to think of any poor experiences I've had with Moltenkore, in fact I don't think I actually have any. Pretty much any time I've had the time to talk with one of their characters, be it Nika, Akela, Khalid or a certain bodyswapping wizwoz, I've had an enjoyable time. While I can't really comment on the backstory for this character, Diona representing a bit of a blindspot in the lore for me, I can say that Moltenkore is more than capable of roleplaying an alternate race and keeping it enjoyable for others to interact with. I see no reason why they would be any different with Diona. Catgeneering +1 Edit: This tree better not grow limes.
  2. I always thought it was weird that the universal recorder got pulled from the loadout. Being a scientist isn't quite the same when you can't dictate your thoughts out loud while studying an anomaly or getting eaten by slimes.
  3. Ricky Madenson is a pretty great roleplayer, actually I'd say one of the better I've seen at the community. It's really to the point that I don't even need to make a post about it because everyone knows it. Curel Wald is executed so well you'd forget her name was a STUPID PUN. Also if I can play a furry catbeast then Ricky can more than handle a lizard. I'm only posting here because Ricky needs some people to post obvious opinions about the fact that he can handle this. Rickyforligger2016 +1
  4. Similarly to Catnip's Head of Staff Application I didn't originally plan on posting since my bias is so blatantly obvious. However, like with the other app, I ended up changing my mind. In that case it was because others posted opinions which mirrored my own, though in this case It's more because no one's really posted at all. So I guess I'll start it off because It's kind of silly there hasn't been any feedback at all and I figure I should make some. ANYWAY, there have been numerous occasions where Catnip has gone out of there way to assist other players, teaching them mechanics, voiding situations and allowing them to try again when they made a mistake with the mechanics or fell victim to a shitty bug, something I'm sure many people have had happen to them before and would have liked to have received the same leeway. Catnip cares a lot about the enjoyment of others, and will go out of his way, even to his own detriment in order to make sure that he can keep fairness in play. He is incredibly active, and luckily his sleep schedule has been ruined so hard he effectively cycles through and ends up playing prime time one day and dead hour the next. In my opinion this would give him a good bit of flexibility in when he's able to administrate, helping out the other mods and badmins during prime time when they might need it most and on some other days helping to keep dead hour moderated. I've been around him plenty of times when he's had to handle stressful situations, a more common occurrence now that's he taken over the role of Head of Security about as often as he can get his hands on it. In my experience talking to him as well as seeing him handle these situations, he handles stress extremely well and is more than capable of keeping it from effecting his work. eyo bb +1 from the other sutton
  5. Yeah, obviously the plan would be to age her up when I actually wanted to start pushing her toward CE. Right now though I'm happy with her as apprentice and the age isn't much of an issue for as long as she stays apprentice or even when she ends up promoted to full on engineer. I'll end up aging her up once I start taking IC steps to move her toward the position.
  6. BYOND key: Whiterabit Character names: Alexis Sutton, Lyla Rathen, Stephanie Moore, Katie Auman, Aaliyah Kha'jur, Natalya Zimmer, Verna Marshall, Carrie(pai,borg) How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Six months or so. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:Some of the roles I’m interested in making characters for are restricted behind it and I feel like it could be fun to start moving into head positions. Why did you come to Aurora?: I was looking through heavy RP servers and Aurora was one of the only populated ones on the public server list. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Maybe. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: At it’s base it’s about stepping into the shoes of someone else. You put them through different situations, see them react, change and simply be in the situations presented. The mixture of other players doing the same can make it easy for a character to move well past what you may have originally planned for them, though that’s part of what makes it so interesting. In the end, it’s about enjoyment, it should be about having an enjoyable time whether you’re no matter how deep or shallow you make your character but through the interaction made by the situations presented to them. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: Heads of Staff have multiple purposes, one is to set a standard for their department, another is to help take stress off the players in their department and allow them the easiest time playing. When someone sees a head, it’s typical that they’ll see them as a representative of what anyone in the department should be like. Because of this it’s important to set an example, through how you act of what your department should be. Just as well, many times as a head of staff, your job is to coordinate your team in order to make sure things are running smoothly or keeping them from having to handle all of the overhead themselves. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Whitelisted players are also meant to set a standard, though in a different way. While Head of Staff are meant more to represent how their staff should act, a whitelisted player is someone others will look to in order to get an idea of how a whitelisted player is meant to act. Just as a poor attitude or improper procedure as a Head may set poor examples for your staff, the same poor attitude from the player can set a poor example of someone who is meant to represent the more trusted players. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Aaliyah Kha’jur Character age: 27 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Copypasted from catbeast app: What do you like about this character?: I like that she’s non-confrontational yet still competent. I enjoy that when I play her I typically need to look for alternative ways of dealing with conflict than if I were playing one of my other characters. Where Alexis is more of a straight shooter, Katie may avoid conflict entirely, Natalya probably isn’t even on station or Stephanie is likely part of the cause, Aaliyah may be involved but she avoids tackling it straight on. What do you dislike about this character?: She can be indecisive if she doesn’t fully understand what she’s meant to be doing. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: Something I’ll note below is that I currently don’t plan to move her to CE and even if this is accepted she’ll be staying as apprentice for a while, more details in extras. I think she’d be fit to be as she’s coming to learn a lot about her department and how it works, including the intricacies. She makes fairly liberal use of this knowledge, explaining what she’s learned to anyone in her department who doesn’t know it and anything she doesn’t know she’s eager to learn. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: eeeeeee/10. I already rated this on my tajara app, which was something like; I can’t judge myself on this, just gotta wait and see what other have to say about me. Extra notes: This application is not meant to make Aaliyah CE. I have no plans of making Aaliyah Chief Engineer any time soon, she’s still in her apprenticeship and doesn’t meet occupation qualifications as of yet. My hope is to, at some time in the future move her toward it, but as of right now that isn’t my plan. My plan with this app is to make a couple new characters entirely to fill the roles of some head positions, IA, Captain, HoP. However the application required I use an existing character and the only other character I could really use would be Alexis, a character who I also don’t plan on moving up to HoS either until certain changes to her personality are done. Though I haven’t had much interested in sec recently so that probably isn’t anything to worry about. Aaliyah just being the only character who I thought I’d like to move into a head position at some point and whom I also had a backstory written out for.
  7. All of my experiences RPing with Muncorn have been incredibly positive. You can tell he puts a lot of thought into the characters he plays and I think he'd have no trouble when it came to playing a Skrell. +1
  8. Byond key: Whiterabit Character names: Alexis Sutton, Lyla Rathen, Stehpanie Moore, Katie Auman, Aaliyah Kha'jur, Natalya Zimmer, Verna Marshall, Carrie(pai,borg) What times are you available? In GMT: 11am-12pm Do you have any experience with Moderating? Or similar. Some experience moderating RP servers, though not in SS13. Why do you want to be in the CCIA Division? Personally I think CCIA sounds really interesting, I've also wanted to, in some way do something to benefit the server as most all of my time is spent playing here. I'm not very good at coding or spriting and going for mod isn't really something that interests me. Really my reason for wanting to join the CCIA is simply because I think it seems like it would be something I'd enjoy doing. How well can you handle stress? I'd like to think that I can handle stress fairly well, or at the very least that I can keep it from having a heavy influence what I'm doing in the moment. What does it mean to be an agent? From what I've observed of the duty officers, at their base, they deal with incident reports and act as representatives of Central Command in the event they receive a fax from a member of the crew. Being a representative of Nano-Trasen It's important that you can keep a professional attitude and as a majority of your work will be sifting through the different stories and details of an incident while trying to find the truth of it all, it's important to keep rationality. I'd like to think that with the way that I've diversified my characters that it would show my flexibility in identifying with different mindsets and hopefully give myself some credibility in being able to handle this. How active on the forums and server are you? I'm well aware that my forum activity is pretty lacking, this isn't really anything new for me. I joined the server mainly for the server where I am extremely active when I'm not dealing with finals. If my forum activity is an issue, I can try and make an effort to be more active in it, but I think my server activity can more than make up for it. Anything else to add? I won't say that I'm a hundred percent ready to just jump in as a Duty Officer and take the reigns, but I'm more than willing to take my time to learn and would obviously ask questions about anything I was having trouble with before following through on any decisions.
  9. Originally I was hesitant to post on this app as my bias to give him a +1 is incredibly obvious and didn't want to give the impression of fluffed, content-less support. With everyone else already posting and showing support I feel like my own won't come off quite as biased now so I'm happy to give it. Catnip has plenty of experience as interim running security and the majority of rounds where I've seen him get it and actually keep it long enough to do something, he's done a wonderful job at running the security team and keeping them efficient and effective. Dylan Wright is an incredibly well known security officer and as shown by the support given in this thread, he's well liked, competent, and most importantly, flexible when it comes to dealing range of situations security often has to handle. Just like Pikl said, Catnip does his best to make sure the round stays interesting instead of simply trying to shut down the antagonists like many other officers often do. At this point, it's not uncommon to see Dylan Wright directing security action when lacking a head of staff as many of the other officers trust him. Even though I do have some reservations about certain aspects of the character, I still think that Catnip could easily make for one great Head of Security as Dylan Wright, much better than many of the others that I've seen. +1 bb
  10. Stephanie Moore appears on the screen, her eyes lazily staring to a space below the webcam. After a few moments her shoulders jerk and she quickly looks up the webcam, pulling a dissembled camera mount out the pocket of her lab coat. She begins waving it angrily at the webcam. "Hey! Look familiar? I had a talk with the AI and I know you've been making it spy on me! What the hell! I'm told you I'm not crazy and I don't need you telling it to rat on me! God! I swear... If I find it doing it again I'm really going to do it! I'll put your brain in a lawed chassy, don't you think I won't!"
  11. whiterabit

    New Mobs

  12. Pin them down and force-feed them bread, they'll learn to like it.
  13. BYOND Key: Whiterabit Character Names: Alexis Sutton, Lyla Rathen, Carrie, Stephanie Moore, Verna Marshall. Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Silver Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I would hope. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Typically when I make a new character I try and decide what will make the character different which will make me want to keep coming back to play them. Usually deciding one key point of their personality when I create the character and using it to help shape the them into something with a bit more depth as I play them over the next few shifts. In this case, I thought a Tajaran would be the best way to make a character unique from my others, one that I would be interested in playing and could be interesting to interact with. For the type of character I was interested in making I thought of all the races, Tajara made the most sense. With a position in the lower class, working mostly in manual labor with more of an emphasis on avoiding conflict which is a polar opposite of the other characters I tend to play which usually end up straight in the middle of it as a result of being SEC oriented. I know this is going pretty heavily into the character specifically and not the race in general, however I'm applying for the race as I thought it most fit the character I wanted to make. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: They make consistent use of the third person in conversations and have difficulty adapting to the first, this of course implies a difficulty identifying with a “self”. As a result, I’d think Tajara are more likely to be aware of the world around them and their place in it as opposed to being as easily swept up in subjectivity like humans. Not nearly to the degree of synthetics of course, but I believe they are more likely to hold onto objectivity in a situation. Other major differences would be their difficulty dealing with heat, often needing to either avoid heavy clothing entirely or limit their time spent in it. Another detail to keep in mind would be their choice of cuisine, often being something that they could eat quickly which also easily retains heat, such as soup, this of course being the result of an upbringing on Adhomai. Typically they enjoy art, preferring music above all, though many might still have a distaste for books. Just as well, based on their political affiliation, their views of humans in general or even other Tajara could vary greatly. Character Name: Aaliyah Kha'jur Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Fluff that I accidentally made take up too much space. Real backstory that ended up feeling kind of crammed. What do you like about this character? I like that the is pretty much the opposite of the other character's I play. Having more of an emphasis on avoiding any conflict that arises with a defined reason to stay alive and safe. My hope here was to make a rather average Tajara just trying to do their job, I tried to avoid making the backstory come off as snowflakey, but finding a reason for a Tajara to reasonably chose to leave their home world was a bit difficult. I figured I'd tie it into the rapid modernization of their culture and thought health care during a time of war would work best. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I think my role-playing ability is fairly good, I try to make sure that my characters don't seem too similar to each other, but really I can't judge myself on that accurately. Just have to wait for feedback and see what others think of me instead. Notes:
  14. Nat knows a lot about the server and I've seen her helping people more than a few times when they were having trouble. Just as well she has a generally positive attitude and certainly likes to ghost as much as the other mods.. I think she'd make a good mod +1 obv.
  15. tested services experienced erper gave 1 mil +1
  16. You make good sprites and have good ideas for what to make and how they could be used. From what we've talked about you sound really interested in making stuff to flesh out the server. Obv +1 ily.
  17. OOCly I think Nanako would make a good Head of Staff, they work to make sure that they understand their department well and try to see to it that they are doing their job efficiently. All of my interactions with Nanako on server have been positive, I like knowing she's in a department if I need help from them because I know someone, at the very last, will be trying hard to fix whatever problem I have. Just as well, I've seen her multiple times trying to teach people new to medical and she has high standards when it comes to the others working with her, all good qualities of a Head. Though, I don't personally have an issue with the Nanako Collectibles I can see why so many do and why this app is so controversial. I can definitely see Nanako playing well as a Head, and one of the only real complaint I have is how hard they can dig into one side of an argument and how hard it can be to change their mind. However, at the same time it makes sense that people would want Nanako to play for longer and try and vary their character list a bit more. Obviously I want to give Nanako a +1 but at this point all I can really do is put my thoughts down.
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