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Everything posted by whiterabit

  1. I have to concur with Ornias, the level of detail put into the development of this character prior to its implementation on server is very impressive. Lets start from the top, shall we? Combat is often an RNG fuckfest, something I'm sure Pauls4eva has dealt with in the many toolbox brawls of Bob Dolf's adventures. As expected, Muir' Jkar will be at a great advantage with his claws and increased brute damage so long as he can channel the m'sai for speed in order to juke the fully loaded toolboxes the griefers may swing in his direction, and as we all know, successfully protecting yourself from the griefers is the absolute pinnacle of robusting. Furthermore, I can only see these skills going to even better use as Muir' Jkar fights for his rights on station, putting down his human oppressors through force if they won't see reason through their corrupted conservative blindfolds. While some may wonder about the ethical concerns of bringing such violence to the workplace, they are reminded that Muir' Jkar is an intellectual, assigning meaning to the artifacts found in the astral dumping grounds of the galaxy as a xenoarcheologist at age 23, only 2 years after seeing his legs tragically lost in a gas explosion. "Gas the Tajara" will be a phrase this man takes personally and I for one look forward to seeing it wiped from the face of the server. Just make sure you don't get banned for yiffy behavior, I know it may not seem like it but this server has rules against it too.
  2. what the fuck why what is wrong with you oh my god you piece of shit Abo has shown time and time again that he's a competent roleplayer, give him his whitelist so I don't have to see this anymore. +1
  3. 30 minutes is hardly enough time for the round to get established, most antags don't even fully start kicking off until the first hour mark. Most departmental work will only even be to its basic level at this point so job wise there should still be plenty. Worst case if the round is too far in for someone, there's a game_status channel for a reason. It'll notify you on round restarts so long as you're subscribed. You don't have to sit in as a ghost the entire time waiting which is something it seems like people are forgetting. I find the pecking order of each department is determined within the first hour. After that late arrivals are not treated the same as if they started with the round. Maybe it depends on the department but I've never noticed that myself. Though I mainly stick to engi, sec and occasionally cargo with jewcat.
  4. I don't see an issue with the new system, rounds seem to be somewhat extended but it's nothing severe. People actually in the round are enjoying it and want an extra hour? That seems to be about as long as most active rounds will get out of it anyway and all the better for them, having the round dictated by people who aren't involved is silly. 30 minutes is hardly enough time for the round to get established, most antags don't even fully start kicking off until the first hour mark. Most departmental work will only even be to its basic level at this point so job wise there should still be plenty. Worst case if the round is too far in for someone, there's a game_status channel for a reason. It'll notify you on round restarts so long as you're subscribed. You don't have to sit in as a ghost the entire time waiting which is something it seems like people are forgetting.
  5. The reported person in this case has been inactive for over three months, so I'll be closing this.
  6. I'm a fan of bullying the synths and this is a good way to both do that an allow some extra freedom of choice. Yay
  7. Due to Braden Blessig's key involvement in this case as an antagonist, this IR is being closed. If you believe the actions reported to be severe enough to warrant a character/player complaint, you may file one here: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewforum.php?f=35
  8. This IR has been closed by the investigator.
  9. Even on a test server, catnip and I should never get in control of an engine room.
  10. Relating to that, his response in dead chat was mostly made up of stuff like "Well at least I managed to break his skull :^)". His main interests seem to just be combat with antags regardless of this role or character.
  11. YES REMOVE ALL SYNTH RIGHTS I NEED IT i need my oppression but no one oppresses my characters : (
  12. Closing due to inactivity of the relevant offenders.
  13. As a reminder, Incident Reports can't be related to antagonists from the round, any antag action is considered non-canon. A situation like this would be best ahelped to the staff during the round or if you think the situation warrants it, a player/character complaint can be filed here: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewforum.php?f=35 Since this report is invalid due to the antag's heavy involvement, I'll be closing it.
  14. The player of Fabian Goellstein has been permabanned, as such this IR is being closed.
  15. Closed on request of the reporter.
  16. You dirty fucking snowflake, get out of here. For really reals, Abo is good shit and I'd be happy to see what he could do with the whitelist. Despite having an unathi whitelist myself, I'm rusty as all hell on the lore and am definitely not the best to speak about that side of the app. But I know Abo as a player, I know how he's used his other whitelists and I think he'd be a good fit to the Unathi playerbase so long as he knows what's expected. that is all
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