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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. I was told that he opened fire first after the fact. If that is clearly incorrect, that's fine, but it did not change the situation that he was clearly in possession of lethal weapons and drugs, and was otherwise a dangerous criminal (people who have guns are likely to use them when resisting). In addition, it did not matter if he did open fire first, because he clearly had lethal weapons on his person and was evading arrest while under the influence of what was originally presumed to be combat drugs, but was evidently just energy drink and nicotine. You say this while insisting I should've opened the crew armory to manhunt him at the very start. This (as in, the whitelist strip) is an incredibly disproportionate response to a bad situation that happened on an underpopulated server during a time frame when it is not normally expected to have active antagonists doing anything on the server. That is the most uncharitably bad faith interpretation of my statement you could have come up with. I do not log on to grief antagonists - that is what I am saying there. The number is very close to zero how many people actually want to be yanked away from interacting with characters they want to roleplay with versus being forced by in-character job obligations to deal with blatantly illegal behavior coming from an antagonist whose character name is unfamiliar with everyone. If this were anyone else it'd be determined as a fair and proportionate response to someone in the antag role deliberately abusing game mechanics to bypass expected in-character limitations and otherwise break the flow of roleplay and immersion. You are accusing me of validhunting someone who was deliberately putting mechanics over roleplay (powergaming). Ignoring the antagonist was not an option because for all intents and purposes in a roleplay sense, an antagonist is still judged as an active character in the round whose actions should have consequences like anyone else, despite the fact that any round with an antagonist within it is non-canon, and lasting consequences for said antagonistic behavior doesn't exist. I would be doing worse from a roleplay sense if I simply ignored them, opened the crew armory for at worst a code blue threat, or forced Eleanor to handle the situation alone. You have deliberately manufactured an excuse for me to have long-lasting consequences for a situation that was suboptimally handled on all sides (because it was literally low pop with an investigator rather than a security officer), a sort of in-game thing which literally happens every single round regardless of popcount without people receiving threats of bans or whitelist strips.
  2. BYOND Key: Scheveningen Staff BYOND Key: Peppermint96 Game ID: cm4-b7J8 Reason for complaint: Unjustified whitelist strip motivated by an over-reaching interpretation of my prior warnings which have anywhere between a year to two year gaps apiece. The handling administrator already has a history with me for leaking a conversation I had with another staffmember in DMs, in another public staff complaint without my consent. During a low pop round where I connected to chill out and roleplay, a gardener in round was abusing GetMore energy drinks and nicotine in order to have superhuman speed. Their apparent character gimmick was "drug/weapons dealer" as they were witnessed by IRU-Eleanor attempting to sell their weapons to the merchant. The merchant declined them. They later loitered in operations, allegedly bragging about their firearm possession. I was not present for this, and was interacting with someone else on the ship. I gave it a couple more minutes before deciding to take action over it. As to why I personally got involved, it is because it was only myself (the captain) and the investigator (Eleanor). I did not feel it appropriate to mobilize the entire ship's crew to deal with one guy. I equipped Eleanor with a laser rifle, though they opted not to take any armor. I took a set of ballistic armor, because I heard from a witness that the gardener was bragging about having a pistol and a rifle. I showed up a bit late to Operations, and I have two witnesses ( @Sycmos and @Melariara , chiefly) that state that the gardener opened fire with a revolver upon Eleanor first. A flashbang went out, which is when I arrived in the back. The gardener sprints at Superman speed past me, and I only have sufficient enough reaction time to be able to follow the chain of airlocks that were closed. Because he is armed, has already fired upon someone in security, and I am the only one who caught up, I am able to tag him sufficiently enough to take him down because I am the only closest person that can possibly deal with the threat. This is around the time when a security officer, a head of security, and a few other members of command join the round a few minutes after this has already concluded with the gardener going down to paincrit. What followed was the discussion already linked in the pastebin. I carefully explained the situation and why it was not ideal, but I had no intention of either A.) setting up Eleanor to deal with this alone or B.) mobilizing the entire ship's crew to deal with a powergaming antagonist abusing unbalanced game features to achieve a mechanical advantage over the crew and shatter in-game immersion on account of how absurd they were behaving. It is also ridiculous to insist the crew armory be opened for one antagonist. It is for a code red threat and nothing else and this is literally been stated by @MattAtlas (whom was responsible for implementing the crew armory) in terms of policy to never use it except as a final resort. Evidence/logs/etc: https://pastebin.com/w8jE308Q Additional remarks: n/a
  3. Strongly opposed to this layout. This is, for the most part, a downgrade in every way that matters.
  4. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/16077 To provide a few rebuttals to what was already commented: The objective of an antagonist is not to destroy the ship. The objective of an antagonist is to -- oh, the server rules have me covered here, hang on. Anyway, fuel tanks will not only still be able to explode, but they will create a very intense burning fire that will continue to burn until all the oxygen is gone from the atmosphere, rather than the room being forced to siphon due to being exposed to space and nothing atmospherically interesting actually happening. The entire room will stay a hot zone and actually increase in pressure, so for anyone who is especially unwise in staying in the room, they will be set on fire and rocked by the increased pressure in the room. This provides a more interesting way for an antagonist to create area denial to a specific zone without threatening to put people into instant death such as what exposure to a 0 pressure vacuum will do. This also requires more intensive effort from engineering to fix, as they have to put out the fire, cool down the room, or if they're simply impatient, can just vent the room anyway so they can quickly refill it rather than bothering to preserve the air in the room. So arguably, I just made fuel tank explosions create a more interesting and complex issue for engineers to repair rather than just slapping metal rods and a floor tile on a turf and rolling a PAP in. Also, it is a strange argument to invoke new players into this, because I don't think they care about stuff like this. They tend to be too busy acclimating to the Aurora environment because this is not like any other SS13 server. Fuel tank balance is, quite frankly, the least of their concerns. And given the highly destructive power that is blowing a hole into the floor, this change will likely save newer antagonists from receiving antag bans due to accusations of gank or suicidal escalation. This also means security officers have legitimately no reason to blow it up either. Is there a quota we need to fulfill for antagonists having access to sufficient enough hull-breaching tools that will almost certainly instakill people if they are exposed to the vacuum and can't escape? I have been told already by Roostercat that forcing open firelocks closing off a 0 pressure breach to use for combat advantage is frowned upon and considered to be borderline powergaming even if there is a sufficient escalated roleplay reason for it. Using a fuel tank on a particular spot and then weaponizing the fact there is a breach to spread it and further get additional combat frags is therefore tantamount to breaking the rules. I am sure they are not the only one who holds this opinion on staff. No one finds being subjected to this level of grief fun except for the griefer doing it to others. On-station antagonists, for that matter, are already only neutered specifically because the maintainers wish it that way, and that exactly no one wishes to bother tuning them. If this weren't the case, they'd be much more powerful than they are currently. Fuel tanks no longer blowing a small hole in the floor will not, however, fundamentally change antagonist balance. What will fundamentally change antagonist balance is actually editing their respective files and adding/adjusting features.
  5. Huntime mapping era. Looks great.
  6. Yeah, do all this. No other solution would address the status quo as succinctly.
  7. Endorsing. Most of the personal attributes I'd describe lancer as have already been covered by nienna.
  8. The core problem appears to be the fact any of the non-baseline/shell IPC species have any distinct advantages or disadvantages at all. Should they not all really just be visual derivatives of a baseline IPC, with the same strengths and weaknesses? From a balance and design perspective, it is completely nonsensical that there is a vast RIFT in difference between one IPC subspecies and another, let alone the fact we have defined IPC subspecies beyond just "baseline" and "shell." It's bloat, to bring back an old buzzword, to have as many directly defined IPC subspecies rather than making the appearance of any given IPC simply be part of the package. Is there any particular reason why we NEED the Xion subspecies, the Bishop subspecies, the G1s and G2s, or the Zeng-Hus? Is there anything they currently add to gameplay that cannot simply be squashed into the basic Baseline package and let people either roleplay as corporate property or as self-owned, custom-maintained entities? Because as I see it, "weaker in certain areas and stronger in others and repeat this 5 times" is an unconvincing gimmick that is completely unnecessary for the sake of what is being offered in gameplay and roleplay terms.
  9. I'm starting to wonder why you're intentionally misleading people with generally incorrect information. You've played Trovensky on the frontline for a multitude of violent antagonist-involved rounds (think ballistic carbine + ballistic armor + walk forward towards hostile antagonist type situation), so I think you know what you're talking about, you're just choosing different talking points for whatever reason or another. Aurora movement speed is so slow that in a 10x10 chamber room, simply walking perpendicular to the incoming line of fire isn't a sufficient strategy. And because you are especially focused on evading... you're not dealing damage. The slower opponent is actually in a better position, because they're a walking tank with more predictable, steady movement that lets them line up more precise and controlled shots predicting where you're trying to go-- the faster opponent has to adjust to their speed AND blend that with offense-- which is incredibly difficult. It is always better to play it slow. A G2 can just continue to hose you down with incoming fire because there is NO situation where they can go down to paincrit like an organic species can. They cannot feel pain. Your best chance against a G2 is to disable their arms -- bullets and melee is out of the question, it is a G2 and they have a gun, they will simply DPScheck you. So your other effective means would be a laser rifle - because carbines don't do damage or hit very frequently. Against mercenary armor, it's not very good. Heavy corporate armor is equivalent in armor values, and practically reduces the per-shot damage down to nothing. G2s have more "effective-hits-to-incapacitate" than any other species, this much is objectively provable, and is exacerbated by the specialized armor. (Did you know that ablative armor and ballistic armor, with helmets included, can both fit in the satchel? Nevermind. I'm sure nobody would equipment swap as if it is runescape PKing like this.) The point of G2 merc/security isn't to catch the antagonist. It's to murder anyone hostile that dares stay in the room because you're a nearly invulnerable walking turret and completely deter the usual strategy of just throwing peppergas or flashbangs at the opponent because you'll just get right back up and pwn them. You control the room you're in when you have a gun. No one will carry an ion rifle over an assault rifle. As strong as the PEAC still is currently for shutting down any kind of antagonist, I would still prefer a 7.62 auto-rifle if provided to me. I also forgot to mention: G2s don't have hearts or lungs. Getting shot in the chest is equivalent to being tickled with a feather duster. G2s just have to not hit -100% health (bc they behave by pointmed health standards) and they will stay up. Compare and contrast, 2 PEAC shots (or 1 against a mildly hit target to the chest) against an organic target fractures the ribs -- any "overflowed" damage has a substantial chance to deal damage to the heart, or lungs, or both, which is a death sentence for anyone with those -- and also deals Heavy Impact-tier explosive AOE damage on detonation. More damage! Fun! While this does impact IPCs, it appears armor values can also disaffect the problem, as it is unclear how the math works for the brute mod works, is it 20% reduction at the end, or at the start before the anti-material vulnerability is considered? Who knows? The PEAC is supposed to be slated as the best for single-shot damage against IPCs, but armor and native species resistances complicate this matter. However, it is very obvious that nothing but the PEAC will be as effective for taking down G2s. However much of a difference it makes is irrelevant because you need at least more than 2 direct hits on target for a G2 merc/sec officer in heavy armor to definitively kill them. That's a lot of resources for just one person.
  10. - constitutes as catastrophic station/ship damage that requires extreme reasoning for this escalation else it is against the rules. even venting the ship for offense needs a reason. - see above. - singularity doesn't exist by default setup. and if you unleash this you are still griefing because the singularity does not behave well with multi-z. don't do this as your gimmick. - custom PKAs need extreme mining investment and direct access to hard phoron. essentially requires you rob the operations hard storage as research, given that hard phoron is difficult to acquire these days. that aside, antagonists are not the core focus of this server. it is characters. antags create conflict in order for the actual characters of a round (the crew) to test their ability to interact with a problem and resolve it. in many cases, antagonists are so frag hungry that they just get shot to death on first contact. no surprise there. i oppose any change that makes antagonists more relevant than they are currently; which is already by a fair bit, given the leeway presented to them to attention-seek in any given manner.
  11. Clearly you haven't been present for the ever loved "g2 mercs with L6 SAWs" gimmick on the other side. While beatable, and the fact they are incredibly slow, anyone that shows up on your screen as a hostile will die. Quite frankly those mercs don't even need LMGs or ARs, laser rifles would similarly suffice. Recognize also that security can do it too. It requires a level of in character strategy also polluted with having to counter min maxxing with your own. Another curious thought experiment I think people ought to think about is how much damage a g2 can suffer in a ballistic suit with an already existent 20 percent flat reduction to all brute damage.
  12. I think this suggestion is unfortunate, given that Xion Industrials are one of two IPC frames that look any good in security. I support this removal, though. The fact they have such severe brute modifiers and no organs is not a joke. Despite their movement speed they become unkillable ponderous turrets that walk forward at you and output more meaningful lethal damage than you can give them, assuming a match of lethal weaponry. They WILL claim that space. As Schwann has replied here, I can actually testify that an emp grenade has only really disabled them once in a given round. You have to be standing point blank currently to be disabled by it. And since they were a shell in that situation, it was still different. Did you know that 0.8 brute mod stops delimbing by the entire 30 damage line of bullet weaponry? You'd need shotgun slugs to take anything off.
  13. I think it'd be a reasonable ask for the expedition shotguns to be replaced with something that is actually effective. Or balance tune them so they don't suck as much, perhaps.
  14. I oppose this. You have various issues playing a serious character, from my perception, on account of the fact you leave antagonist status on... probably all the time? It is very difficult to therefore get to know what your characters are like when they are not antagonists -- and from what I have seen and heard, it doesn't seem impressive, either, given Lawrence Caladius' bizarre passes towards another character on this server, Tsisana Caladius. And it seems you were recently antagonist banned as of today due to a highly murderous changeling round that got out of hand for one reason or another -- I joined incredibly late just to see the disaster that round was with a lot of people dead in an hour and a half's time. You openly complained about the admin's discretion in OOC in antag banning you (against common parlance for people to not do that, so that player-admin drama does not become publicly known drama), so I feel like that seems to greatly contradict what you were saying about "knowing when to and not to speak your turn".
  15. I appreciate that this isn't being considered for a game mode, at least. This is definitely one of those things that would cause burnout from Aurora if it was implemented that way -- I genuinely don't mind if this is for adminbus reasons only. If this is the case, though, I'd probably suggest adding zombie variants a la the L4D style (or something similar). Anyone that opts for adminbus of this nature should at least be subject to the referential sovl that comes with the package of the most famous case of zombies in fiction.
  16. Personally, I think the last thing I want to see is Aurora seem anything like Project Zomboid in terms of a round pacing. I would certainly not want to see this as a round type, because this is one of those types of "internal threat" type game modes identical to changeling, except the nature of zombies in trope fiction means they don't communicate or interact with the crew in any meaningful or interesting fashion aside from groaning about brains and eating people. My personal assessment for what qualifies as an antagonist is they must be still able to roleplay with people if this is going to be a consistent round type. Someone might bring up the geist as a counter-argument and I'm just going to flat out say there are major differences and issues with that which doesn't merit explaining. Changelings, vampires, traitors, mercenaries, pirates, revolutionaries, all these that we have in the game mode rotation can talk to you and justify their motivations prior to engaging in combat and killing you violently. Zombies don't do this. I hate to insult the amount of effort Read is trying to put into this but I don't think there's much gameplay or roleplay value that can be extracted from this because of how predictably it'll end.
  17. Barotrauma nominally has this fixed by having a reactor that requires more than semi-occasional visits to ensure it stays running and isn't overloading on power output or heat. An engineer on reactor duty isn't always needed to be near the reactor, but their first priority is to be on that as well as fixing electrical devices (or the hull) as needed.
  18. Repeatedly setting up the tesla and waiting close to 20 minutes every round for the grid PSU to discharge into the main grid after maxxing out the RCON settings and then having to go downstairs to modify the thrusters with the Wiley-Zhao method in order to have a functional thruster set-up isn't as fun as it seems. After you get the hang of it, and do it enough times, it becomes as repetitive and boring as folding your own clothes.
  19. the aurora forums (derogatory)

  20. I feel like in the future the major thing that'll fix the communication problem for more serious expeditions is to make the off-duties into [Departmental] Volunteers. The following being, of course, Engineering, Medical, Security, Research and Support (i.e., literally anyone else that doesn't fit into the Big Four, but can fill in for specific roles or jobs, such as cooking or hunting - the OM would be in charge of them, the captain's the all-authority shot-caller, and the XO functions to help execute and relay the captain's instructions). You could still keep off-duties for event expeditions, so that a person can join and not be expected to do anything. Alternatively, you might not want that, and you just want flat out workers instead. The important thing to department volunteers is to lock said departments out of loadout stuff such as medHUDs and the superior versions of webbings/holsters. Events tend to have a LOT of people, so it'd probably be better to nerf the individual strength of what would be the substitute for a security officer or a medical doctor. They're essentially visitor+ except they get departmental headsets-- that should be the only meaningful distinction compared to an actual off-duty or passenger role. I did not really have many issues with the final round that could not be applied to rounds in the rest of the arc, which I'll describe fairly succinctly and has been described in detail in this thread already: "crewmember skill issue". The softgriefing and lunatic behavior done by certain actors was also fairly irritating, as one would expect. I hope there's precedent to work off of to not only ICly punish people being unacceptably incompetent in-character and ignoring their self-preservation, but also OOCly if the circumstances are especially egregious. It does appear Alb already covered this, but I viewed this as the core problem throughout the arc, which is that the crew throughout this chain of events generally tended to only share one brain cell.
  21. PR started out good and seems to have ended up excellent. I'm happy with the service remodel (if I happen to find oversights as an engineer I'll let you know).
  22. BYOND Key: Scheveningen (Scheveningen#0666) Total Ban Length: Indefinite, or otherwise until appealed? Banning staff member's Key: MattAtlas (mattatlas#0230) Reason of (Discord) Ban: More politics talk about black nationalism that doesn't fit the relay. More than enough warnings about it. Reason for Appeal: I recognize I posted incredibly dumb ironypoisoned shit that should never escaped my brain as a riff or a way to humor myself. Even if I attested that what I posted was intended to be funny at the time would not absolve that the content that was posted by me was very inappropriate and completely out of the scope of what should ever be discussed or posted in any of the accessible Aurora channels. None of the easily viewable content posted by me, should have been posted, period. I recognize that this offense was probably also most likely an escalation of other offenses involving my previous unhinged posting behavior to either get me to stop or to solve the problem more permanently down the line. I have had more time to normalize my brain and inhibit my wacky posting habits, as I more properly understand how stupid I was behaving in prior months, and recognize being able to participate in the wider community in a more normal manner is much more valuable than succumbing to the impulse of sharing my online brainworms to anyone that has the misfortune to suffer my questionable takes. I would like to post again in the Aurora discords with the assurance I will not be incredibly annoying to people.
  23. Lowering the counter would put too much pressure on antagonists to make conflict happen when things can be unfixably disorganized with how little control an antagonist really has over who staffs the round in terms of competent characters and such.
  24. Dreamix's logic seems to be the most sensible. Good things should be bright on the system map -- bad things should be dark or marked out with typically unsafe colorings or markings.
  25. One last thing, make sure the grille hidden over a hole behind the captain's secondary office (deck 3 bridge) bookcase drops into somewhere, preferably some kind of floor below rather than below a wall.
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