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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. My only concern at the moment is being able to find the e_flash animation in a swath of packaged .dmis all over the place in the icon folder. Extending the animation is as easy as just adding more frames prior to fade-in period.
  2. var/safety = M:eyecheck(TRUE) if(safety <= 0) M.Weaken(10) flick("e_flash", M.flash) Minor roadblock. the proc flick("e_flash", M.flash) is a fixed animation. The animation lasts for five seconds, it transitions from a blur to standard vision in one more second, then vision is normal. The issue is that because this is a fixed animation, this isn't a simple variable change to make. The flick("e_flash", M.flash) needs to be changed to last from anywhere from a few more to several more seconds. Another issue is that the proc flick("e_flash", M.flash) is used for virtually every blinding effect in the game. Meaning unless I did something like create 3 different versions of the E_flash animation with varying durations (which is a bit complicated as I'm not sure where the overlays are stored, though how I know how simple it is to repeat some frames and insert them before the end to make the blind effect seem longer), changing the visual duration of the flash effect is going to be difficult. Without it, it's not exactly visually immersive, either. I've yet to find the e_flash animation so this might take awhile.
  3. I'm mostly just supporting the idea of a change because I think the idea of turning the flash into a different kind of cancerous utility would be better for gameflow, as long as it's still good at something, that is all I really care about when it comes to game balance.
  4. I'll do some digging in the code and propose some changes if I can get around to it, then. Note that I'm going to talk to BygoneHero about this as well because bugbeasts have special interactions with flashes.
  5. Fair enough. Would you like flashes to blind for a longer time than the current duration while removing the cheap and easy stun, then, so as to not completely make the item unviable in using? You do need to understand that the argument I am coming from (I honestly don't care what Loow thinks or says because it most likely isn't my opinion most of the time, but I really can't be associated with him either way) is that not everything that is "too strong" at the moment needs to be reduced to a state of unusability. I wouldn't care if flashes got nerfed in the fashion I described, I'd just use pepperspray anyway and guns for cases where pepperspray wouldn't work. There must still be tradeoffs for balance changes to make them reasonably usable, otherwise you'd be better off removing the features from the game outright. If you plan on nerfing something that is toxic to gameflow, you still need to make the feature usable, right? Arguably, making the flash a blinding utility that temporarily cripples the amount of information the victim can use for a certain amount of time is much better than forcing the blind and the stun where they cannot react to do anything. I'd make an analogy about replacing the guns on the station with the BANG! flag guns because security is too gung-ho for instance, but I imagine everyone gets the point by now.
  6. I reviewed some of the asystole stuff from bay and realized I did not want that kind of brain damage for this server. What I would like, however, is arterial bleeding! And the other thing but I'll get to that. Effectively, through RNG or such, taking damage from sharp weapon sources may cause an artery to be slashed open. Arteries cannot be fixed through bandaging and must be fixed through surgery and softened by giving blood transfusions. Another thing that would be neat is also porting the behavior that causes burn damage to reduce a mob's current blood count. Successive laser hits, as an example, cause this to happen and quickly can deal even more of a lethal blow than they already could by depleting someone's blood in addition to causing a lot of damage to them, making people think twice before they try to use heat weapons to try and """non-lethally""" capture someone. This better simulates how burns can damage blood vessels. Adding consequence for actions and making them match the severity of the action is one of my favorite things to think about in terms of suggesting features to RP servers as it really helps match for an immersive experience.
  7. A big problem at the moment is the amount of space between point A and point B, point A being virology and point B being chemistry. Would any of the map layout change with this suggestion? It's difficult to justify going down to virology when half of your responsibility mostly involves stocking chemistry for the majority of the round, and likewise difficult to justify doing virology research at the start of the round when you could be preparing medicine when the crew will most certainly need it.
  8. Prototype equipment is always neat and I'm sure medical would enjoy being regularly given nifty tools that have a wide variety of applications, but I have ideas for R&D hyposprays to be modular instead of just "it's a CMO hypo I guess." Hypospray Vial Container Options: Hyposprays have various container modules. You know how the prompt works for cyborg hypos? Do it like that. The vials are split into various nodes in which beakers are contained in. Upon activating a hypospray in hand you can interact with the active container nodes to inject fluids with, identified by simple naming structure such as "Node 1, Node 2," etc, up to 4 nodes. They can accept ANY size of beaker, including bluespace beakers. Bluespace beakers are expensive by themselves so I think it's wholly justified to allow 4 possible bluespace beakers in a fully upgraded hypospray, for instance. The size of the beakers implemented also influence reliability checks. Möbius Storage Vial: May contain any one size beaker. High reliability. Requires only glass and silver in fair amounts. Multifacet Storage Vial: May contain two beakers of any size. Medium-high reliability. Requires glass, silver and a little gold. Trilateral Storage Vial: May contain three beakers of any sizes. Medium reliability. Requires a lot of glass, some silver and gold. Quadrilateral Storage Vial: May contain four beakers of any size. Low-medium reliability. Requires a ton of glass, a lot of silver and a lot of gold. If the above parts are responsible for malfunctions, they will immediately break and also spill their contents all over the person holding the item, and any reagents that would happen to mix at the time if they were included in a single beaker will immediately react with one another. A replacement will be required in the event of a reliability check fail. Hypospray Injector Conduit Options: Hyposprays don't necessarily have needles, but they still have a transport mechanism required to transfer the injectant. Standard Injectant Conduit: Only has one option for interaction and that's injecting 5 units of chemicals at a time. Excellent reliability, will never break down. Requires some steel and a little silver. Intravenous Injectant Conduit: Effectively acts as a fully functional syringe, able to draw reagents from any container and also draw blood from anyone instantly into the active storage vial. Requires steel, glass and silver. High reliability. Atmospheric Injectant Conduit: May sample the nearby atmosphere contents to store into the active storage vial. Also shares some features with the Intravenous injector, but cannot inject into carbon mobs, only into containers. Great examples of usage would be in purely a phoron-based environment to allow for phoron gas recompression into liquid. In an oxygen/hydrogen environment, will take 2 parts hydrazine and oxygen, and etc. Requires steel, glass and gold. Adv. Intravenous Injectant Conduit: Can inject and draw much more reagents at a time compared to its more standard form, up to 15 units at a time. Medium-High reliability. Requires a lot of steel, lot of glass and both gold and silver. Bluespace Intravenous Injectant Conduit: Injects and draws up to 60 units at a time. Low-medium reliability. Requires a large amount of steel, glass, gold and silver together. If the injectant conduits malfunction at any point in time due to a failed reliability check, not only does it immediately break the module itself but also has a 50% chance of breaking another module. I had a brief idea for what Hypospray frames would do, such as increasing capacity of the beakers by a multiplier or allowing an additional functionality mod for the injectors, or increasing reinforcement for overall reliability to prevent malfunctions from happening as often, but I wasn't sure what to call them since I ran out of medical vernacular. Seems like a neat idea? R&D can make modular guns already so I feel it'd be nice to broaden the spectrum than just being able to kill people with R&D.
  9. Not to mention that you do not want the powercreep meta to shift to only making batons useful for detaining people, in which you'll see immediately escalated stunprod beatings happen much more often because frequent forum goers decided that flashes were "too strong" despite being not useful in a majority of situations against most antag types.
  10. Well, okay, as long as you can't break handcuffs if your arms or hands are dislocated too. Since it doesn't make sense that you can somehow escape handcuffs while having your joints to even move completely dislocated.
  11. The flash is not the best stun solution. There is only one 100% "you're dead and can't do anything about it" solution in the game and security doesn't have access to it. Flashes, unfortunately have significant amounts of counterplay and have limitations, something that the best stun measure in the game cannot be counterplayed by and doesn't suffer particular issues in using. A flash can only be used 5 times a minute, but it recharges 1 use every minute. They can also irreparably break in that timeframe if overused in that minute timeframe, approximately a 10% chance, and usually when that translated to computed RNG it happens more often than you'd think. I prefer pepperspray for this reason, as it overrides glasses protection and has a more effective range that can be used. I use the AOE flash all of the time to help chain up a directed flash to ensure someone who's trying to run away gets stopped in their tracks. The AOE flash by itself has a chance to break the flash by itself, however, another 10% chance. It's useful in its own way. The only problem I see with flashes at the moment is they recharge automatically rather than requiring to be recharged in a charger. I otherwise don't see why it's necessary to further enforce the idea that security needs to be using stun batons or pepperspraying people as an initial measure of force. I don't feel that extreme nerf measures are required to handle this issue, either. Devs aren't fans of outright removing stuff without adding things to compensate. "It's time to nerf something with absolutely no trade-off to still make it useful" is not something that's going to be considered, nor should it be. Calls for nerfs should have more thought than asking for something to be balanced into uselessness.
  12. Genuine question. Have cars been naturally the same since the 21st century (relatively) or did they evolve into repulsor-lift vehicles sometime along the way? What's the standard for individual transport?
  13. I actually went and revisited this post, having given it a second read. I initially thought it didn't deserve a response, but something to notice that hasn't happened for many other people who've failed to appeal a permaban is something called atonement. It is whole-hearted recognition for mistakes and a desire to do better. Unlike for some people who declare they did nothing wrong and accuse others of wrongdoing and take no personal responsibility, you did something fantastic, and that's admit you've made mistakes, a very simple admittance to make but few people are willing to do it. In all of my time when I was a moderator I can count on one hand the amount of people who appealed their permabans from me that actually understand the issues with what they did that was wrong. I changed my mind. I'm not as vehemently against this appeal as I was and I'm willing to entertain the idea.
  14. pAIs are really not supposed to be IC memers, though. They're supposed to be computer programmed personalities that still have the flaw of being inorganic and otherwise unable to express emotion in a meaningful way given how barebones of technology they are. I really understand how annoying it is to deal with a memer pAI, it is an awful experience every time it happens. It would be nice if people went in with the expectation they're supposed to act accordingly as a simple personal assistant intelligence instead of what the execution normally is. Ideally this expectation could be enforced if staff members were willing to decide on a case-by-case basis who's being a memer pAI and who isn't. It's important to argue a strong case as to why the pAI is a memer and why they should be spoken to, though. Help staff help you help the server culture, that kinda thing.
  15. Honestly thought they had one already. I approve overall, there's little I can say that would constitute as a good reason to be opposed to this application.
  16. There are currently three problems to cargo right now. There's a huge issue with individual item listing clogging up an entire department browsing section when looking for the supplies you want. There's no directory to sort this thing either alphabetically or through specific categories to find what you're looking for in an easier manner. The entire UI is very unintuitive and slow to respond, and because it uses a UI interface different from the old cargo, you actually cannot use Ctrl-F to find what you need. Further, stacking individual items on top of one another just to get the items you need or want in a single crate seems to be almost 40% more cost inefficient than in the previous cargo system where you purchased items in a reasonable bulk shipment for one crate. I.e., before weapons crates cost around 3000 points (citation needed I don't recall) before with a bunch of tasers, laser rifles, batons and a bunch of other cool utility stuff. Laser rifles now cost 2250 credits per rifle. Meaning two laser rifles in addition to the ridiculous tax for sending a shuttle to the station will add up to 4650 credits. That's an absurd amount for just two laser rifles. The pricing is not the worst thing either. Third off, there are no standardized bulk crates. Meaning you purposefully have to settle for inefficiency in expenditures which ends up making it so that you have overall less options to buy because cargo will become broke very quickly because of how pricey it is to order cargo materials. Ideally, there needs to be a better search system or even a better sorted list, even if it's listed from priciest to cheapest, that would be fine, even an option for alphabetical order would be great too. Secondly, Either the tax needs to go or price cuts need to be made across the board for weapons because it's not reasonable to make bulk orders when officers decide to keep themselves safe and go 1v3 when the odds are very obviously stacked against them and thus losing a precious weapon. Thirdly, bulk crate listing need to come back. These should be general item contents that synergize in purpose and won't include complex stuff like assault shotguns or et cetera. Even having a bulk crate of energy carbines would be fine for bulk weapons. Please also shorten the shuttle timer. Nobody should have to wait six months for a medical crate to arrive. It can take the supply shuttle EIGHTEEN MINUTES due to how the suppliers work. No one should have to wait almost a third of an hour for a crate.
  17. I will agree that peace antags are awful. I used to think otherwise but a slew of awful peace-antag gimmicks have changed my mind recently. Why ready for antag if you don't plan on antagonizing? I find that to be very strange of people to be doing.
  18. Antags don't deserve special treatment beyond what they deserve in-round based on what they've already done in the round to justify any sort of action. I've always said that without a dedicated amount of individuals who are not only creative and entertaining to interact with to start, randomly picked antagonists always go to ruin because you cannot expect a mediocre player to get anything done, they will make critical mistakes and flop, forcing the round into extended whether that was the intention or not. I would rather have antagonists that make the station their bitch round-after-round while still interacting to an interesting degree with the crew on a regular basis than having to deal with mediocre antagonists at all. I've honestly seen better antagonists out of organized event rounds rather than what we see currently on normal rounds.
  19. Entertaining the idea of unbanning this individual may prove to be a poor display of judgement, considering they were either permabanned twice already or the appeal to this permaban failed twice already, I can't necessarily recall which it is. Having checked now, actually, I was right initially. That's unfortunate. Most people who get their permaban lifted once recede from breaking rules at all, knowing when the second comes they have no excuse, and that people don't care for their excuse after the second permaban happens. Expanding on that, unless you were explicitly caught in some form of deception it probably helps your case better if you didn't just say anything of the sort like, "I was trying to be deceptive" like that excuses how embarrassing that was to begin with. You put a lot of effort into that, and that was quite sad. Then that hilarious apology video went up, which, as you detailed with unnecessary amounts of honesty, was apparently made to attempt to manipulate emotions of other community members to your own benefit and to buy sympathy. I like what Frances said in your last failed appeal, something about how a cocaine addict who used to play on this server managed to recover in a shorter timelapse than 8 months to correct their own lifestyle and hopefully dodge a metaphorical bullet in the same sense, something that requires immense strength of character and pure will to overcome. Meanwhile, in the timeframe of a year you seemed to have difficulties overcoming your own personal issues with immaturity and going out of your way to target/shame specific individuals in the community for whatever reason you had. During your third ban appeal, I remember a particular familiarity in absolutely regretting having been the first person to suggest you be given a chance after your second permanent ban. A case like that in addition to some other cases I misplaced trust and personal investment in, has done quite the number in inching me closer to unhealthy cynicism each time a person promises they'll improve and instead disappoint in not just subtle and mild ways, but fantastical and strikingly memorable ways that I won't soon forget. Sort of why I'm very hesitant to support paroles anymore, either when I was staff and also currently. When looking into whether people really deserve them I just have to reflect for a moment on what they did to get their proverbial administrative shit kicked in in the first place and base judgement off of the initial severity, counter-weigh the potential risk, etc. A lot of autistic thought processes that people would say I'm overthinking, but I like to think overthinking things is better than "being open-minded" when some dude who's been permabanned twice now is asking people to do him a favor, after some individuals already did him one in getting the first one lifted. How many times do you think individuals need convincing that you need a third, fourth or fifth chance, exactly? This appeal bugs me even though it really, really shouldn't. I'll say that I care enough to posit that if there was a better reaction to this thread than what I'm currently cursing this thread with, it'd be that if a head admin were to immediately follow up this post with a response somewhat close to "Appeal denied", that would be an interesting prediction to say the least but staff SOP has changed a bit to entertain these kinds of discussions even when they really really shouldn't for outlier cases like this one. I am not a prophet, of course. Might want to point to one case some of the older community members would be more familiar with, what with how Mirkiolio was basically to be treated under the premise of, "Even if he tries to appeal, we're not considering it." Considering the amount of shit he brought to the server, and notably comparing how you brought just the same amount to only a mildly different degree, I fail to see why the decision would change.
  20. Being able to order energy pistols on top of energy carbines would be nice too.
  21. IIRC the naval uniforms are for Fleet Security Force lore-wise, and not ISD.
  22. The station VOX is extremely loud in respect to the other game sounds given the presence of sound echoing thanks to amazingly advanced sound developments. An ability to completely toggle off the VOX announcer oggs through the preference box would be a welcome change to utilize, as I don't enjoy turning down all of the game sounds to only barely muffle how blaringly loud the station VOX is. I'm sure I'm not the only person who doesn't enjoy this feature much but it doesn't have to be removed entirely.
  23. Hopefully this makes it more clear that there are consequences for disobeying orders even if disobedience is a reasonable option.
  24. I'm not sure if it'd be able to detect this sort of thing.
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