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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. Jesus. Paying for OC artistry is one thing, doing it with the expectation that you'll immediately get accepted for an RP character/species is another. This is a finely written bait application, I applaud you taking the effort and spending the necessary funds to do this but you should probably find a way to get your money back if you explicitly think you'll get this app accepted with that character design. Or like, go to Paradise with it, or something. This is still a gem of an application. We see too few of these.
  2. You're barely qualified to usurp. You have no lore dev experience here. Assuming this place is a meritocracy, you've little merit to claim that qualifies you specifically for the role. You're not just applying for lore dev to gain experience, you're applying for a seniority role because "you think you can do better." Many arrogant subordinates think they could do better than their boss. They end up struggling just as much as the manager themselves. I like you, Coalf, but frankly if anything were to happen it would need to start with an extremely proactive lore dev first. Assuming I ever wanted that, considering the amount of work Jackboot orchestrates just on his own.
  3. This application seems a little unwarranted unless [mention]Senpai Jackboot[/mention] apparently mentioned out of turn that he was quitting. This is far below the standard I'd expect for an up and coming usurper to the lore master position. I say that entirely sardonically as I don't see it happening until Jackboot wants to quit.
  4. Minor issue: unless [mention]Skull132[/mention] ever wishes to implement his diabolical pipedream of enforcing all say functions through the command bar, I don't believe there's a proper way to implement a system where it automatically cuts off messages and detects damage being done and replaces it with a suffix "OOF". I believe it's been covered before as a limitation of the say function when opened in a window. It isn't a bad idea, though.
  5. see you next week pal
  6. Bumping again due to particular interest in an old mechanic that was sadly removed a long time ago and saw a lot of use and acclaim before.
  7. it was nerfed another lightcode headache to solve by the sounds of it. seems more of a shadowling sort of mechanic that deserves to stay there, i don't think vampires would benefit very much from turning the lights out instantly in a room. nor does it make a whole lot of sense either, considering that's not something they do in VtM/White Wolf documentation.
  8. You don't seem to see anything any other way than your own, I'm not surprised. That is what people call arrogance.
  9. I'm not sure if matching Xander's arrogance with a flavor of your own is something that you should want to reflect in your application. Your attitude as displayed here only provokes a thought in my mind in simply asking who would be a better candidate than you, because if you were chosen I foresee that you would only create problems rather than solving them. I'm really, really not a fan of how Xander conducts themselves either but I'm neither the person with the time, interest or desire to harass them 24/7 and claim it's just harmless "call-out" culture. And such behavior really isn't appropriate for anyone to be doing, much less a staff member. Fervently against this application. Your rather interesting attitude matches that of an individual who likes to be a vigilante, inflates the importance of their opinion and would likely crack under pressure very easily. Ability to roleplay is one thing, ability to change fundamental behavior as a person and a player is another.
  10. Or, instead of encouraging doctors to become vigilantes which is already enough of a problem, maybe we could call Security and let them do their job and stop using chemistry and the CMO's self-defense flash to be doctor cops? My suggestion was for those too immature to do the civilized and proper way of handling it, which is "deal with it and stop caring so much about it".
  11. this thread smells like OP got outdebated by a head of staff that has general access to the area sorry janitors even if it makes sense for you to walk in and clean viscera off the deck you should heck off because medbay is an exclusive club CMO has a flash. and a wide variety of sedatives. use it.
  12. You were a pathological liar based on your previous reputation. Whether that's changed has yet to be seen but I needed to clarify that distinction first in having said it.
  13. You need to actually recognize that what you did in the past (the evidently not so distant past, as it seems from what Skull's provided in a byond pager conversation) was targeted harassment towards other individuals in this community, in addition to having done it once outside this community as well. You put forward quite the extra effort in this harassment and it surprises me to see that you take zero responsibility or accountability on the behalf of your friends either, because I don't think your buddy Ryfer or AbandonedScholar would've popped around here if you didn't decide one day you weren't going to let go and stay away from the server for once because you still harbor some petty grudge from almost two years ago now. Your influence over them is pretty present, I think it'd be ignorant to dismiss the idea that you didn't suggest it would be funny to harass individuals from a community you were all banned from for a simple chuckle. The only thing that needs to be said in response to anything else is, "I'm sorry for the harassment and it won't happen again", and this entire issue blows over and the odds are decent you'll be unbanned. With the caveat that you simply need to have a little restraint on who/what to make fun of. I personally don't care if you were a sub-par roleplayer or not, I think anyone should be able to play here while understanding they need to follow the rules and simply not be a dick to people. And know how to apologize and make up for failing to communicate appropriately.
  14. I can't emphasize how rare these appeals are. There's a lot of very old drama dating as to the reasons why this person is banned. It always sucks when a long-time player gets banned from one of the more prolific servers that they play on, but the history behind these decisions that get made are always very interesting. It's a gold nugget among the other plain old rocks of unban appeals. Tactful, Xander. Very tactful. Thundy has in the past confided info about whatever happened between Thundy and Nanotoxin, and despite much of the awful shit I've heard about Nanotoxin from the mouth of Thundy, no tangible "abuse" happened. Thundy had no reason to lie about it when she talked about these issues. No physical abuse was ever mentioned. Whatever people constitute "psychological abuse" as, that's a bit of a different field that gets more or less subjective dependent on who you're talking to and what was actually said. I'm assuming the abuse accusation originates from Dea, another good friend of Thundy, but funny enough Dea had some things going on that didn't quite make her the most credible person either. That being said, whatever was between Thundy and Nanotoxin should remain to be nobody's fucking business. What should be considered is the other conduct, the other things Xander brought up have a fair amount of merit to them. Hunting an individual down to another server just to broadcast how much of a shitty person they actually are equates to stalking someone who quit the job you worked with them at and telling the establishment they interviewed at some nasty things about their past. It defies any sense of allowing people to have clean slates with newer communities, and it's also quite creepy and manipulative to do. It's stalker type behavior, and given the other shit Nanotoxin has done it doesn't surprise me he's trying to buy sympathy through a friend's endorsement again to make the previous outrage over their conduct outdated. Barring the fact it's Xander, in what world is it ever okay to follow someone around just to embarrass them publicly and talk shit about them? Because that's seriously disgusting. That is extremely shameful for someone to do and right now I'm wondering on what merit Nanotoxin thinks he should come back after having done that in addition to the multitude of other things he's done that's damned himself as a pathological liar and manipulator. Not to mention the other numerous attempts of ban evading and creating numerous accounts just to mock me. Totally not stalking behavior to try to harass and embarrass someone through ban evading and calling on another one of your metafriends to engage in another one of your petty self-righteous crusades again. Can you not stay away, or is there an actual desire to reform from the terrible individual you acted like? Because if you tried I'd be 100% willing to endorse giving you a shot, despite how much of a terrible idea it is coming from a more rational perspective. Because either you'd eventually succeed and become a better person, something we'd all feel good in seeing happen, or you'd fail and I get to prod at Garnascus about the "everyone can change" meme he talks about a lot. The only thing that really matters is that a chance was given, and you give your best shot for once.
  15. Sometimes people ask me, "Schev, you were on staff, what were the major problems that made you more passionate to become even more of a tyrant for the greater good?" I point to threads like these and weep into my palms.
  16. Zero upside to this. I may have a silky smooth Don Juan voice but I can't guarantee everyone else has one. Squeakers are terrifying, man.
  17. I imagine having brain damage would cause speech impediments but that's just how I see it.
  18. It would be preferable to edit the regular say message from, Urist McThonked says, "My head doesn't feel too good. What happened?" to Urist McThonked gabbles, "My head doesn't feel too good. What happened?" Maybe add a permastutter until the brain damage is fixed.
  19. The administration did. lmao. SS13 is serious business.
  20. It would be an utter travesty to allow this person back into the community to continue spreading their toxic personality around further. Nothing has changed. More accusations of bullying. No acceptance of personal responsibility except when convenient to buy sympathy. You did this before. It's not fooling anyone.
  21. You have a funny way of making peace with people if after doing so, you choose to accuse the banning staffmember (previously speaking, of course) of lying as your basis to be unbanned. Nobody thought you were Hitler with pink hair. You simply did not understand the atmosphere of this community and your behavior was volatile enough for the server staff to notice and attempt to nip in the bud before it got too out of hand. Provide these examples, if you would please. You're effectively levying the sole reason of you to be unbanned on the premise that in some way or another I lied to you about any particular circumstances relating to why you were banned. Nonsense. I spoke to you twice before I finally started to crack down on your behavior to attempt to correct your thinking processes and tell you where the line of in-character decency was defined. Not my fault you didn't comprehend, not the staff team's fault either. It is insulting to say the least that we never offered you chances. I had absolutely no reason to believe you when you defended yourself given the complete lack of log-based evidence compiled from your end to help contextualize your side. You chose to be passive-aggressive and extremely snarky when I spoke to you, to the point where the staff at the time decided not to waste time on the back and forth and agree on applying the ban. I didn't make the decision to remove you permanently from the server alone, given you were a fairly prolific regular at the time. Idek what your issue was with ClearThoughts in particular but it's very much telling when one individual is more willing to provide solid evidence against another person and that person in particular just doesn't even try to defend themselves or take the issue seriously. I do not even know them that well and I take great amounts of offense still to the accusation that somehow we're metafriends and they influenced me to remove you from the server for selfish reasons. That was not the case. You were an offender of the rules, my job was to deal with offenders with appropriate discretion. That's it, to be objective as possible. I take accusations of corruption very seriously because you're insulting my moral character when you accuse me of such. Beyond that, there was little good faith I could offer when you refused to put up much of a defense and reacted in such a way that further made it more justified to punish you outright. You made your situation inherently worse as I was investigating your case. If you remained calm, civil and tolerant throughout the investigation process I wouldn't have thought to stretch to such an extreme as permabanning a player from the server, but your behavior was so amazingly toxic that it made little sense to keep you around given how volatile you acted towards your critics and how volatile you would've likely continued to act had I not removed you from the community. Behavior and thought processes don't change in an instant, it takes considerable wisdom, foresight and humility for an individual to see the consequences of their own actions and even predict how other people would see them as a result of them carrying out those actions, and very few people are that introspective. You made it very easy for yourself to put yourself into a position where you attempted to play the victim, and manipulate people through weaselly language and accusations that you were somehow being persecuted. I have never tolerated this sort of attitude and it would be a shame if it were to be simply let go and you were unbanned without a single bit of retrospective of what you did that was wrong.
  22. I don't think a non-captain head of staff should be able to completely suspend the contract (i.e., completely fire) someone from the corporation. It doesn't seem fathomable that they possess that authority to remove someone from the corporation's employment.
  23. You can't enforce people to be good at their job.
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