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Everything posted by Valkrae

  1. Frontiers a dangerous place. Bound to be some bounty hunters and bandits out there.
  2. Oh boy, Let's get started explaining this utter catastrophe of a round. First of all, Let's dicuss the entirety of the nuke team, shall we? First off - Bread - Ended up stranding himself in space, looking for me using the pinpointer and nuke disc. Honestly tried to help. Can't blame at all. Second - Shadow - Ended up leaving 30 minutes in, and dying to a disease while afk. Third - Stein - Was AFK for a majority of the time, only returning to talk over the radio. Fourth - Reaper - Myself. The only nuke op that made it onto the station, and actively was seen by the playerbase. We started off, and things were good. I then attempt to start talking about a plan of action, of which no one payed any attention, save for Bread Shadow informed us that they had to leave, which we were all fine with. I then attempt to start talking about a plan of action, of which no one payed any attention, save for Bread. They ended up getting some strange disease, and then Stein sat in a chair, and as far as I'm aware went AFK for a bit. Bread and I decide that I'm going to teleport to the Bridge, and steal the Captains ID. A fairly risky, and attention grabbing move, yeah? Well, I do so, and emag my way into the bridge. I steal the ID, plant a bomb(which I severely underestimated the power of nuke transfer bombs.) and grab the hand tele. I walk out of the captains office, and by the fully populated medical bay. Not one player noticed, or made any sort of action that would let anyone know that they noticed me. Okay. I teleport off, and hear the bomb go off. Immediately, the station is in utter panic. I really don't know what happens. But, I end up teleporting back the bridge because I forgot the nuke disc. I do so, and float my way over to the disc. Then, I walk through the hallways, encountering a few people. Again, they don't make any notice of us. I walk out an airlock, and around. I go up to the brig outer wall, in full view of cameras and all. Throughout this entire time, I've mainly been communicating with Bread, as Stein is alternating between AFK, and taunting on the radio, not really contributing to the team game. Bread was trapped on the T-Comms outpost. Somehow. He ended up cycling out and flying into space. But, I try to ask Stein when we should blow the bomb. No answer. He continues taunting, and then tells me that if they don't answer the riddle, to blow the bomb. What happens on the end of the crew is, from what I can remember, everything but answering the riddle. From insulting the ops themselves, to screaming at each other. I blow a hole in the brig for two reasons, One RP reason and One OOC reason. The RP reason was to create a hole in which to bring the nuke into. The OOC reason was to attract people to the brig to confront me. My plan was to give up if outgunned, and disarm the nuke myself, as I had the codes in the memories. The AI barely even registered that there was an explosion, and from my perspective didn't tell anyone about the nuclear device we had installed onto their ship. I deliberately took my time setting up the nuke in hopes that someone would at least come, and see me planting it. No such luck on that account. Then the shuttle was called, right after I had given up on arming the nuke. I decided it was pretty good timing, and just kind of left it there. I was deaf by this point, for.. some reason, and I just started shouting over the comms to go. It turned out that Bread and I were the two active ones left, as Stein was just sitting in his chair. Again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All in all; It was a shit round in general, and no parties are really innocent in it. Yes, I could've created more RP if I had plainly said I was going to detonate the nuke in the brig. All in all p2.0: We all fucked up this round.
  3. When I said tangible evidence, I meant for both sides. Sorry for the confusion.
  4. A large explosion rips through the hull of the ship, nearly splitting the ship in two. Multiple escape pods attempt to jettison, but small explosions cause them to vent and the occupants to die. A garbled transmission is sent out. All frequencies. "SOS.... mut... .. ine cores gone! ... "
  5. Other than that.. Does street fighting actually count as a legitimate way of fighting? Cause I can do 'at.
  6. There is more complexity to that side than this. While I do think Sue is receiving undue hate (from people that are not fact-checking their accusations, for example), the core of the issue is that I believe Ana has the right to act that way as a character, while others disagree. The problem here is that what will offend someone or not is very subjective. This is the reason why the rule was left as vague as possible, though people seem to be disagreeing on how to enforce it. While I do agree that the hate that Sue has been receiving has been ridiculous, it is not coming from thin air. While I personally do not have an issue with the character, I know that many members of the community do. That has to mean something. If a thread like this can explode, then something of tangible evidence has to be there. It's something to be examined and debated calmly and civilly, not argued and fought with tooth and nail like a bunch of savages.
  7. Any word on this at all?
  8. hep bethdy gud frnd
  9. OOC: FULL SPEED AHEAD CAPTAIN. I be interested in this yonder.. thing. Fuck, whatever. I'm in.
  10. Allow me to state my point of view on the entire situation. I have never been on the receiving or sending end of the unrelenting security machine that is Ana. I have never even been in Security whilst Ana has been in. I have only ever watched from afar, and listened to testimonies from other people. That being said; What is the big issue, on all sides? One side believes that Ana is bad, and that the character should be looked at, etc. While the other side believes that side one is just hating on Sue and Ana as a character. Let's look at something I think we all should pay more attention to. Rule 1. Don't be a dick. Now, is this directly relatable to the topic at hand? Yes, yes it is. While the rule may seem that is meant for OOC, it's intended meaning is as an ambiguous umbrella rule for all mediums of the server, and it's community. Before you post something, before you say something, before you do something, you have to stop and ask yourself "Am I being a dick?" Now, some of you may already be asking questions along the track of "Well, my character is a dick in RP!" While that may be true, that doesn't mean that you have to be a dick ICly. What I mean by that is that if your action is overly dickish, mean, or could possibly piss someone off to the point where they would write a complaint about you; You may need to rethink your actions. That also relates to the flipside. If someone does something to you that could be considered mean, that doesn't give you a free pass to go full rage phase 7 and be a dick right back. Again, you have to stop and think about your actions as a person, and as a part in a larger community. I'll let you all take this post as you well.
  11. What does it say when you try to log in?
  12. I think Rusty did the current lore, and it's very old, and really mixed.
  13. That's sort of the plan, actually. The way I see it, The Vox want to minimize death, and collateral damage. They are there to steal anything of value. Another plan I have, is to make each individual Vox ship behave like a family. They stick with each other their entire lives, and live on the ship that shows up.
  14. As I've said on the complait this was listed on, and the lore questions thread... I've asked Jackboot if I could do a lore writeup of the Vox, in order to better define them.
  15. I said this in the complaint mentioned as well, I have asked Jackboot for permission to do a full write-up for the Vox. This thread will most likely lead my hand, depending on the points listed.
  16. This might be an unrelated thing, but I've asked Jackboot for permission to do a full rework of the Vox, to include personality, language, RoE, and other things needed during a round.
  17. Oh lord. Don't die.
  18. I explicitly added a number of incidents that need to be reached before an arrest is actually legal to help curb people going overboard. Such as a few certain doctors that have a uh... tendency to go overboard with insults. Not pointing fingers And a few officers
  19. There aren't logs in general, but one particular incident I can call up was the extended debate that happened about a week or so ago.
  20. There are multiple people that do that, so I'd assume it's fine. As long as its SFW and tasteful for the server.
  21. Seeing as more than just two people want it to happen, I'll speak to Skull and Scopes about it, and see if we can't get the Forum roleplay section set-up with some rules on Aurora RP and OT RP.
  22. Just as a thing, Jawdat wanted to free the Vox. He told my Vox that personally, as he ran down the hallway, which there was then the sound of gunfire and flashbangs.
  23. While I was wary of the context of this, I'm sort of for it. Let's not take it overboard, though.
  24. we always remember
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