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Everything posted by Valkrae

  1. Considering the massive 'FUN' fest this was as playing Vox, Sue was just trying to make the round exciting. As out of the five or six Vox that ended up spawned in as Vox, only around 2 of us even make it to the end of the round logged in. Three of us were there from around the middle of the round, and we barely made it long enough, and it ended up with me dying due to my N2 tank running out, and the other dying trying to rescue myself and Sue. Sue was the last Vox alive. It does make sense that a vox would go mad after losing one of their crew.
  2. Alright. Obligatory questions from another resident sla- I mean, moderator. I haven't really read much else of this thread, mostly due to me wanting to ask my own question without having been influenced by another question. You've been seen recently giving what could be classified as emotional outbursts in OOC. Would this behavior go away with a return to modship?
  3. I'm for this, as it's slightly annoying having to basically take guesses as to who is qualified.
  4. I disagree. I do, however, agree with a redesign as a whole. I say it should have a separate room, about the size of the interrogation room. In the main room, two desks, about the size of the Detectives desks, on either said, with the chair facing the wall. The room would essentially be symmetrical sides of one thing, with a door in the middle leading to the interrogation room copy.
  5. It's one of those things where you could easily just go to skype/steam/byond pager/ whatever else you use. I am aware of multiple people, myself included, who use skype for out of work RP. Not saying I'm against it, just making a point.
  6. I've honestly just been patiently waiting.
  7. (( Surprised Robert lasted as long as he did. ))
  8. Gonna play devils advocate here. Why? Why would an RD have access to a Sec. Officers employment records?
  9. What about adding Krokodil as a sort of ghetto chemistry recipe, using welder fuel and the such.
  10. Inside of the Red Winter, the ship is in utter chaos. War was in the hallways. A dispute had broken out about what to do with the newfound powers of being Deputized by the Hegemony. Some wanted to cause chaos and become space pirates, while others wanted to redeem themselves and their crimes. The two factions clashed, and the ship was thrown into turmoil. The crew was a mixture of ex-marines, doctors, engineers, and a variety of life.
  11. Oh, I wasn't saying anything in particular about this complaint, just trying to steer it away from turning into an 'X DID THIS SO Y SHOULD TOTALLY GET AWAY WITH IT'
  12. It was just a really big error in communication, in my eyes. If you're going to experiment with Atmos in the future, at least send an ahelp first. That way, we know what you're doing, and won't INSTA-WIND the instant something flares.
  13. Valkrae

    More Vampires

    We should go about fixing the bugs with the Vampire abilities in general. Vampires are waaay weaker than 'lings when it comes to this. And as such, the Vampire rounds tend to be really boring up until a five minute gun fight in the hallway, followed by immediate transfer.
  14. In my eyes, this isn't a case of X got away with it, so Y should too. This is a case of; "Is this guy being racist and offensive with his portrayal?" Don't bring another player/character into complaints.
  15. You do what you need to, man. We'll be here.
  16. There's almost always an admin on, and when there's not, there is a mod. This is a very, very rare occurrence.
  17. The Red Winter immediately goes dark, all power gone from the ship, even to scans. If scanned, what could be determined was tiny bursts of fire from inside the ship. Gunfire.
  18. That'd be really awesome, actually. Thanks Hackie.
  19. I was thinking more of an earthen brown color, with fur on it. So it would fit the climate of Adhomai.
  20. BYOND Key: Valkrae Character name: Rasuna Ki'hata Item name: Na'Tor PD Jacket. Why is your character carrying said item to work? It's what she wore everyday when she first joined the police force on Adhomai. Item function(s): It's just like a jacket. More like a parka, really. Item description: This is a Na'Tor Police Department Uniform Jacket. Item appearance: http://s4.thisnext.com/media/largest_dimension/7D533ECF.jpg But more of a dark blue. Additional comments: She would wear this because it would basically be what started her career in Law enforcement, and it'd basically be a day-to-day jacket that she'd wear almost anywhere.
  21. Valkrae

    More cigarettes!

    Horizon 200s.
  22. Valkrae


    I'd definitely play it. I prefer RP to be honest, over anything.
  23. A few of us play every now and again, but haven't forawhile.
  24. People already know my work Dalton Industries, so, I'm in with this, yeah.
  25. You come back now, ya hear. But seriously, take care man. It's been an honor RPing with you.
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