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Everything posted by Jakers457

  1. Jakers457

    Footwear changes

    Combat slippers and steal toed slippers.
  2. Depends on that language's 'calligraphy.' I always imagine Tajaran to write in kitty cat sandscript.
  3. We have Decopunk catman. I shouldn't see why 'space cowboys' wouldn't be a thing.
  4. They seem viable. I give it a thumbs up.
  5. My trade secrets!
  6. Wouldn't say it was smuggling.
  7. Miko Du'Razhu?
  8. @MessasBounty Come to Messa's Bounty for Salacious Saturdays! Our Head Chef Abbas will be cooking his specialty curry with a delicious selection of spices picked by Abbas himself.
  9. What I am saying, is racism wouldn't be prevalent in a top of the line Research station. It would be more apparent outside the station.
  10. With the announcement of Deus Ex and a new Ghost in the Shell series. I have a hunger to see more robotic augmentations available to people. Stop The term snowflake will be not be accepted as valid critique within this thread. With the dawn of IPCs, cybernetics and all these grand things. Wouldn't be interesting to see a little more in the ways of bionics, or whatever the term is? At the moment, we have a concept which is barely there to say the least. Sure we have limbs and a selection of organs, but wouldn't it be interesting to see those who went overboard with augmentations? I mean, we have the Vox, no? Plus we have the abomination of a cyberbrain from Baystation that plagues our current IPC players, so why not utilize that? Give people the option to have cyberbrains (with 'optional' loyalties to NT) I mean this concept needs to be fleshed out more, but you get the jist of it.
  11. BYOND Key:Jakers457 Character name:Miko Du'Razhu Item name:Miko's Sake Bottle. Why is your character carrying said item to work?Miko enjoys bringing his personal brews from his bar to work. The bottle would be one of his selections at Messa's Bounty. Though you may ask, why is he allowed to bring booze onto the station? With that I say, he has 'sponsors' in high places within NT, and advertisement of Messa's Bounty will benefit the share holders of NT. Item function(s):It contains Sake. Probably the same amount of units as any other bottle I'd presume. Item description:A stone bottle of Sake with a Blue Moon painted on it. Item appearance:It'd be a traditional looking black Sake bottle with a Blue Moon on it. Additional comments: Though food and drink hasn't been done before as far as I know. I thought it'd be nice, sure you can make sake on station but I thought this would compliment Miko's passion as a provider of drinks.
  12. No, do not even open a thread on what constitutes a dick, this would benefit no one because it will result in people pointing at eachother once again. What we need to do, is avoid threads like that and also cease turning any thread into an argument. There are some people who instantly go onto the hostile approach when it comes to any threads baring concerns into argument. I've found my own threads, hoping for a decent enough discussion get turned into a heated argument. I've been tempted to start a rogues gallery, posting the quote of the person who first took to being hostile on a thread. This will be my last post in this god awful thread, but Frances I have full respect for the original intentions of this thread.
  13. We already have issues with SSD during extended. I've found myself running the bar with half the station in a coma at times. Edit: To reiterate, I enjoy roleplay (I'm kind of 'pioneering' for a forum side roleplay) so I'm not bashing that. The issue with extended, is the stigma attached. Nothing really happens, and those who happen to look for some spice don't find it. This is mainly an issue in Engineering and Security. Security only have griefers to arrest, who of which are banned on the spot or go SSD as soon as they're cuffed. And Engineering don't really have much to repair or do. What I am saying, some people enjoy chair rp while others prefer roleplaying via their role on the station and sometimes sitting around isn't enough to keep them engaged. Especially at night, I've found myself nodding off while waiting for shit to hit the fan as an Engineer. I like to think of extended as a two hour break from the clusterfuck that other rounds involve. With the potential to last longer if the majority so desire. But I have yet to find any reason for the rounds to get in the way of roleplay. While changelings were eating people, I found the opportunity to mentor Essel a little by review her taxonomy. To summarize, Extended isn't the only round for people to roleplay in.
  14. Could you see about a wrist and necklace item slot? At the moment we're wearing necklaces like gags and watches on our knuckles.
  15. It has to be organic opposed to implored. Otherwise it'll seem forced. Though my characters do not share the same views as me, my OOC opinion would be humanity at this point in time wouldn't have much prejudice. To me, unifying a planet and a solar system to then go forth to colonize many systems would require racism and xenophobia to be given the boot. Unless we can say one culture absorbed all other cultures and their land, to then further their own ideology into space, then at that point we can probably say racism would be prevalent. But apart from that, reading from a lore perspective, the current level of racism on the station is apt. Humanity and the Skrell formed an alliance to benefit each other if my understanding is right, and without that unification of species I don't think much would have been done to benefit humanity. Then we have Tajaran, who are excluded from Captain roles while only the two unified species are allowed to take the reigns. IPCs aren't allowed to be in a Head Position because people see them more as machine than people. Unathi are basically seen as cheap muscle and aren't given much opportunity to be academic. The Vaurca will probably be cheap labour. I mean the Diona seem intelligent to some degree with deep thought put into their actions, so I can see why they'd get more academic roles. If anything, that level of inequality of opportunity is already prejudice you'd expect from an inter species workplace. Remember the station is there to benefit Nanotrasen and to make them money, so most of the people there are expected to put their views aside and work towards NT's goals. Racism off station? Well, with my Little Adhomai creation. Human purists attack and raid the outlying businesses of the district, wanting the Tajaran community removed away from their area. There's also racism between Tajara, those who hate the Blood Rulers (The brightly colored cats) for what happened in the past. I'm pretty sure there's lots of racism off station, but within the station, I'd think people wouldn't be preaching against the xenos when they're expected to be professional on the expensive research station. But that's how I believe racism is apparent, lore wise.
  16. The Decopunk Tajara approve of this message.
  17. It would appear some of you guys are doing the opposite to what the title implores you to do, let alone kept on topic. Perhaps taking a step back, and looking at the broader picture. Yes, Sue's an ass and I'm an ass. 1138 is an ass aswell as Cassie. The fact we're all assholes to.some degree and we'll do things that'll piss other people off, but rather than bickering about who is wrong and who is right, while hijacking the thread all together. Let's take the.first step, calm down and take a step back. This is not a ground to argue on nor are the threads on the complaints board. Let the staff take the necessary actions, and if you're not happy with the outcome then just wait for the perp get a second strike. Now can we just drop the Sue argument? She's human too, and this seems unnecessary over a 2D space game built around stupid and crude humor.
  18. Sadly I'm having difficulty with seeing the apparent social issues that would follow a simple title. I remain adamant that it would be a nice touch and that it would not hurt to present a trial run to test the waters. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  19. Though I believe a human brain has a shelf life of 150 years? I don't know, I will have to do some looking into that.
  20. It wouldn't promote elitism. It has no reason to promote elitism, and if someone does think themselves better for having it then what a sad bastard they are indeed I personally think it'd be a nice touch, besides I have faith in our little community of heads. I don't see why giving them a trial run would be out of the question.
  21. Well, I like to think the people with Head whitelists wouldn't have that kind of mindset. Most of the heads, in my opinion, seem to be sensible enough to have senior in their job role.
  22. I've heard life expectancy goes to 200 or more apparently. So aging, aesthetically speaking, could depend on your lifestyle.
  23. They do but in work places, there are senior positions aswell to help with delegation. In care homes or some wards, there are Senior Nurse positions. For example, lots of people are wounded on the station. The CMO is busy doing Surgery on a patient who's bleeding out but the floor staff are trying to keep the clusterfuck on order. Someone needs to take charge, who? You can waste time looking up records or you can go to the clearly highlighted senior staff member to keep things together and relieve the pressure. I can see this being useful. It's about cohesiveness at the end of the day.
  24. I believe the purpose is to show who has the most hands on experience in their respectful area. Not to create an exclusivity but to streamline command during emergencies and also to streamline the teaching of newbies.
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