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Everything posted by SleepyWolf

  1. it's still really cool and interesting to get remaps. let's not just say 'Let's never change this, it's fine as is!' when there could be something more interesting or unthought of. i personally enjoy the ideas being thrown into the air, like Burger always does.
  2. if this is included with positive effects between other medicines as well, maybe tricord and alcohol just makes the tricord fucking Extreme Heal, and maybe even heal internal bleeding or some shit. someone else can think of better combos i'm just throwing the 'alcohol and drugs help somehow' idea out there. and not just alocohl, but other drugs as well, tricord and bicard maybe doing some janky fuckin shit
  3. yes show us
  4. a BOW and ARROw, craftable on station. give the ability to tie the 'shaft' item you can make with 10 wood with some wire and boom. arrows can be those bolts made by metal rods, or made better with paper that's cut up with wirecutters and put on maybe add a quiver too
  5. BYOND Key: Sleepy Wolf Character name: Aez Goldhorn Item name: old pirate coat Why is your character carrying said item to work? It's his favourite, traditional pirate gear from his old days. It also just has valid functional use as a sturdy coat with big pockets. Item function(s): Suit slot, 2 pockets, minor rad shielding?? Item description: An old coat with golden lining, it looks a bit faded, and heavy. A nametag inside the coat reads "Captain Goldhorn - IFV Long Lasting" Item appearance: just use the 'pirate coat' sprite from the suits dmi How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? It shows his past, lets him tell stories about his old freighter, and lets him get praised/disowned by certain people. Hegemony Unathi might see him and be like 'Wow, that guy is a pirate. He sucks'. or, if they ask if I'm a pirate and I say 'Yes, but I have a code of honour', they'll respect me for being a space-faring Unathi pirate while still adhering to morals and traditions. Additional comments: Radiation shielding isn't required, but requested. Just enough to, where if I were to wear the Hazmat Radiation Hood i'd be at least mildly protected from the engine. Goldhorn is an engine tech and the radiation suits don't have TAIL HOLEs, about half, maybe even a third of what the Radiation Suit's do
  6. i'd like to request mining pickaxes remain in the game, but the alternate of the KA is available as well. the additions you want are fun and fine, but removing the pickaxes isn't needed i feel. i want to have an actual PHYSICAL labour feel to the whole mining job, at least as an option, so I can roleplay my bitch being exhausted all the damn time.
  7. I was the AI this round, Akino, when the miner was moved into medical he was gaining about 5 toxin damage per second, with mostly only toxin and oxy damage, and I assumed it was overdose from my experience with multiple overdose cases. The borg WAS dragging the body without a stretcher, but it wasn't opening the wounds at all, apparently due to them already being treated and healed on the outside. I commanded dialysis and planned to find out what was being overdosed, and try and counter it in a sleeper. No matter if he'd been put into cryo or dyalisis, he would have died either way. We did attempt cloning, about 15 times, for about two minutes. Another person had died just before due to antag stuff, and they were being processed for cloning as well, somewhere along the lines the bags did get mixed up and they both got sent to the CSI when only one of them had to. This borg was working to the best of its ability, and although both of us may have made an error somewhere, I don't think they deserve a borg ban. They obviously understood mechanics and communicated with me properly during the round about what was going on, and we were commanded by the Captain at the time to not argue/defend ourselves from the other crew insulting and telling us we failed. Honestly? Sometimes people forget there are humans playing these AI characters, and that humans can still make errors. It is only human to err.
  8. Name: Sonorous Zouzoror Species: Unathi Age: 33 Date of Hire: [JAN/7/2459] Job Title: Security Officer Preferred Contact Info: Talk, Letter. Phone Number: 102-210-3059
  9. Xander, I have been broken out of solitary twice and broken someone out three times. Just because you're not seeing it doesn't mean it's not being used, and giving someone the ability to slowly inch through the back wall to save a friend is great stress and leads to amazing roleplay. removing the ability for it would be a real bummer
  10. this ALSO removes the ability to blow up the wall from maintenance into processing. I've used that tactic one or two times and it's not good to block off like that
  11. this removes ability to get to solitary from behind so -1
  12. i vote yes. i spoke with others about this when i was lore dev for dionae, i suggested 'Only dead people, let them eat the limbs only so the torso is still left.' real curious what @jackboot and @Elohi think tho
  13. Hi, I'm the person that the gold-plated pen was made by, totally fine with it being used by the Captain as long as it's only the captain and not other places.
  14. just make sure the beer doesn't give heart damage please thanks :^) anyways I don't think replacing the pills in emergency closets is a good idea, as a Vaurca i'd need to take off my mask I think, i'm not sure. ALSO with alcohol, make it have you 'Feel warm' or 'Feel nice' or whatever when you're buzzed like you did with smoking
  15. hideworking competitions, like how people do woodworking but with cloaks and capes instead of chairs and tables
  16. hey this guy knows how to roleplay, definitely. i have a few questions though, where was KEG originally from, Tau Ceti? and if so, how long? would he have internalized robo-racism and what kinda job does he have? i like that you included the fact that he was originally property to these frat bros, and even the fact that you said that the frats would just 'Buy another KEG', that's really in the vibe of what IPC's are in our universe and i think that's cool.
  17. All I want is a little option in Preferences that allows you to, when you're flashed or anything like that, get a black screen instead of white. I'm not sure if this'll even work but I now know maybe 5 people that have epilepsy in the server and all of them are afraid of flashes. This'll just improve the safety of some shit.
  18. Oh, and I plan on making her a Quartermaster planning to be an HoP, not a cargo tech. I finally decided on that.
  19. I had COMPLETELY forgotten about this and, when writing this character, was too focused to remember or investigate the timeline too intensely. I was just in the 'I need to write this down and figure the timeline out later' feeling. It does make me have a question though, during the Tresja agreement would regular citizens of the Federation be allowed out of Federation borders to these 'isolated' colonies? Could a lone Skrell try and convince a colony or outpost to rejoin the Federation, when their time came? Or was the Federation regulating the borders so much that they would need a reason to leave - and if their reason was to reintegrate a colony by themselves would the Federation allow them out? Anyways, I'll make sure to refine the timeline and a bit of the story to reflect it on the Tresja agreement. The elders were still the teachers of these young skrell, and the even with their new mindsets on the future they were still held in the past in a way. They wanted the future to be good for their younger Skrell, but still wanted to be able to help and guide them, give them wisdom and knowledge so they'll be able to learn the rest on their own. These elders had just lived through the Incident, and were trying to grasp at anything they could to restructure and ensure things were different. They endorsed this because they had failed the future generation once already, and it was a general consensus that was popular and accepted in this colony. I chose Fedas for Otp to show the Incident had an impact on him in some way that he would never forget - I had it put in to show where he was during the whole thing and that he is old enough to recall it. I chose Fedas because in the notable Skrell's page, it was said Fedas was a 'Liberated City', and even if it was only a liberated city for a few months, it must have held strong a lot of emotions to many Skrell about how they can make it past the incident. In my original whitelist I had written up Otp was actually the main character - but I'm not one to just say 'And then 100 years of oppression went by', and I didn't want to make this application 30 paragraphs long. An accident, I'm not completely in the mindset of a Skrell and their biology. I should have done something like, 'Emanated the feeliings of simpering victory.' I can understand that completely. Can I ask what parts made you think they're so human? I can think of a few parts primarily - Maybe the impulsiveness all throughout her character. There can be a way of trying to skrell-ify impulsiveness by having it go through multiple stages of planning, where the impulse isn't the action but the planning beforehand. It was part of the speech against Otp, using the name Glorsh would hurt more than just implying to the situation with 'The past'. I wasn't really SURE how big a 'Colony' would be. The colony of Ogl IV is only about 500-700 people, which is probably more of an 'outpost'. And she wasn't the leader of the Guild faction I made up, but just a 'mayor' of one of the 20 planets. I can easily say Ogl IV only has 50-100 people, but I feel like a larger number would help influence how she failed in the beginning. There is a LOT you can do in 78 years. I held off on making a 200 year old character because I CANNOT fill up that much space in time with meaningful content that helped shape the character every moment it could. Even with just a 78 year old character, I was having trouble keeping the vast expanses of 'And then 30 years passed' from popping up. I believe that having a diverse history can be part of age, and I'll probably make up more fun little jobs she did for her 20 years on Tau Ceti, like ... Pool cleaning, or a translator for a tourist group. I'm editing the final bit after Otp's death to feel more organic and into the story, it also includes Tau Ceti's independence and how she got to work at Nanotrasen. All changes are in the spoiler. I removed everything after Otp's death about Pheonixport and the singing, it WAS kinda stupid.
  20. BYOND Key: Sleepy Wolf Character Names: Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Red-brown Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I love making characters. I have about 100 characters that I've made all with different backgrounds and ideals, and I want to dip my toes into the moist and lush backstories I could make with a Skrell. I want to build my characters from the history of a technology based society that focused on art, design, and diplomacy that you just can't get in the other species. I have so many potential stories to tell that I could likely do with my other whitelists, but they just wouldn't be the same flavour or convey the same emotions. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I feel like, with roleplaying a Skrell, you wouldn't have to just show minimal emotion -- I feel like you can do the complete opposite and describe your emotions in vivid, brutal detail. Only in words, less in physical movements. Where a human would go red in the face, point, and maybe even attack someone, I feel like a Skrell would just say everything, with painful correctness. 'This indentation you've fashioned will be burrowed deeper by yourself, you will be only able to dig down because of all of your actions. Experience your demise when you watch your own 'companions' toss the soot and dirt down on your head for your actions against me and mine. Remember, that it is your own activities that caused me to respond this way.' And, as a society they are isolationists, watchful and cautious, never too greedy. Just trying to put the pieces of their federation back together. Character Name: Gex Oxio-Otp (Age - 76 ) Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Rebuilding -- That's what Gex was always told this was. Her colony, Ogl IV, was just a small outpost on the westernmost rim of the old Federation borders. Now, it was part of a new government across about 20 worlds, all colonies, all without real contact with the core worlds, called the Guild of Restructuring, run by the youth of the colonies. This Guild's goal was to change the way their society worked, relying on the youth instead of the elders. The Guild was created 15 years before Gex was born, and was made because everyone on these colonies agreed - This was the older Skrell's fault. The Guild's planets communicated often with each other, supplying and requesting supplies and steadily forming its own economies, with each planet having designated tasks. Gex's planet, Ogl IV, was focused on logistics - focusing on creating and maintaining all the freighters and ships required to keep all 20 colonies connected. Gex's 'Coming of age' story was much earlier than most other Skrell in history. The previous Skrell had always become wise with experience, but Gex was just expected to be wise off the bat from the elders attempts at accelerated teaching. At only age 19, she was requested to become the figurehead for their little colony on the rusty, desert colony she was raised on. Gex, who had been the only egg in the whole colony to survive, and the youngest Skrell, who had been raised those 19 years specifically to be a leader, was forced to accept. She bore her reluctance to her parents and her friends -- but was scolded and told to remain as the leader. 2 years into her service as the Colony Team Leader of Ogl IV, she was doing below average compared to what was expected of her. She failed to solve arguments and debates regarding rationing supplies, failed to properly create a defense force against outside threats, and failed to meet the deadlines she placed for herself on a new construction of a supply ship she promised. One of the other Colonies, also run by a young mayor, had collapsed from starvation and lack of engineers, evacuating to Ogl IV. Finding trouble managing all the new migrants, Gex denied half of them sanctuary on the colony, but was forced to let the whole group stay temporarily - or risk a hostile situation, as their shuttle was out of fuel. Gex contacted a local colony that could handle these migrants, and began setup to move them there on one of her cargo ships. The colony, strained on supplies, was about to come to a breaking point. Gex was insistent on sending these frail elders to the other colony, aiming to ease the pain and suffering that would come if they stayed, and sending them to the more prepared and stocked planet. Selecting only a few of the capable Skrell from the migrants to stay, she sent the old and unqualified onto the ship to prepare it to launch off the docking pad with enough rations to get them to the new colony. Unbeknownst to Gex, the elders that taught her wanted her out of power. They had seen she was unfit to continue governing the colony, and had just taken in outsiders while taking some of her own supplies and putting them on the ship with the leaving migrants. She constantly changed her feelings about things, and refused to step down from her position. Before the shuttle of migrants could leave, the eldest of the wise came forward, Otp Fiexs-Fedas, a veteran from the Incident. Otp demanded Gex step down from her position, and Gex was shocked. Gex loudly argued, "You - You want me to step down? You raised me for this job, you gave me knowledge for 21 years of my current life, to simply have me throw all my teachings away? You always told me that you failed my generation by failing to stop Glorsh before it began. You told me every day that I would be better than you, without teaching me how to be better - saying that I would simply learn how to be. Well, I am going to learn how to right now. Otp, you will go onto the shuttle and leave with the migrants to the other colony. Along with all the elders of the colony." Otp heard this command, and left willingly with 5 of the other elders of the colony. Gex was left with only 400ish Skrell, a crowded little colony, and yet still felt completely alone. She sent the migrant ship with the Elders towards the other colony, watched the launch, and then began thinking properly for the first time - in her eyes. She spoke more fluently, giving commands and making friendships, ordering shipments of supply and rations, finally finishing the planned cargo shuttle from her plans, and organizing a Youth Council of ages 150 and under to help her delegate. Things were going well for about a year, and then a ship arrived. A Federation shuttle with a purple insignia on the side landed on the same pad the migrants and elders had left from a year ago. Gex went to meet the newcomers with her Youth Council, and came face to face with Otp Fiexs-Fedas, the Elder she forced to leave earlier, in Federation Ambassador clothing. Otp moved to the stunned Gex, and requested the immediate release of the Mayorship title to a properly qualified elder of the group, and if none were present, one would be stationed on the colony to help reintegrate it into the Federation. This was both a gleeful experience and a gut wrenching tear in the gut. Gex was finally functioning to her full potential, and an Elder she'd slighted years ago came back to take her role from her. Gex tried to refuse Otp's integration - but was interrupted by the crowds behind her cheering and gathering around Otp and his shuttle. As the crowd distracted Otp, Gex ran towards the shuttle bay where her newly constructed Cargo Shuttle awaited, a Custom GX-io class that could get her away from the system. Filled with raging emotions, she flew the shuttle haphazardly (due to little training) over to the main landing pads, and scraped the bottom of her ship with the top of the Federation shuttlecraft. This was completely on impulse, and it was luckily only a bit of paint and armor damage, but it definitely made her regret her decision immediately. Fleeing Ogl IV, she set out on a journey of revenge. Gex moved from backwater colony to backwater colony, trying to find someplace with the same Youth Leaders idea -- because although she had experience now, she was still only in her mid 20's, barely an adolescent in most Skrell's eyes. She was looked over, and had to find regular jobs where she shipped cargo. She did this to survive for 10 or so years, and then moved to investigate the core worlds. After getting the paperwork to allow her into the core worlds, she went straight for Jargon to know what life is like -- and it was much better than any other planet she'd been to. She made friends in the political area by asking a lot of questions, and following politician's secretaries around. Eventually, she gained herself a job in the government -- A secretary under a 'Reintegration Director', one who goes to qualified planets and colonies to see if they can reintegrate into the Federation. She didn't know who it was until he came to meet her. That's when Gex Oxio met Otp Fiexs-Fedas again. Otp smiled, but was very obviously hiding his true emotions. Gex immediately cursed loudly in the City Meetings building where their 'surprise' meeting was planned. Otp suggested that "Gex could learn a thing or two from him", and Gex responded with "You will never teach me anything again." and stormed out of the building. But, just outside the doors to the City Meetings building was her cargo shuttle, with a Skrell officer aboard at post. Gex froze in place, and Otp slowly came to her side saying, "This shuttle is under investigation for endangering a Federation Reintegration Director. I suggest you do decide to learn from me, because you have so much potential." And so, Gex was forced to be the secretary of Otp. Otp's current plans were to reintegrate all of the Guild's planets into the federation and have their 'youth' leaders replaced with more experienced mayors. Otp brought Gex along to increase relations, as she once was a Young Mayor like the others, but it was sabotaged by the fact that Gex conducted secret meetings with the Young Mayors to refuse integration. She believed that the planets would lose their new culture they were creating, and joining the Federation would allow them to completely discombobulate what these young Skrell had created. For 3 years, Otp tried to integrate these planets, and gave the reigns over to another Director of Reintegration so he could retire at an old age. Gex, after 3 years of being with Otp on those planets, decided to follow Otp willingly, still as his secretary. At this time, Humanity had just been discovered, and Gex followed Otp on his retirement to tour the new planets the Humans had. Seeing everything that Humanity had built just felt so right - Culture, much like what she was endorsing in the far west Guild colonies, with young aspiring human Colonists that could just make ends meet, independence and expansionism with vibrant arts and varying culinary dishes ... Gex was amazed at what she could see, and followed Otp around for years - not as a friend, but just simply there. Otp never minded Gex anymore, and Gex didn't constantly insult his techniques, simply because over time, they had come to a situation where they just knew the debating didn't mean anything anymore. Otp and Gex spent a long time silently wandering around Human space, simply watching everything. Gex would endorse independent governments in the outer frontier of human space to make connections with other colonies to create stronger alliances, and Otp would watch silently from the sidelines nodding as he withered away in old age. Eventually that old age caught up with him, in 2439 Otp became comatose mid bluespace warp after trying to make a trajectory, and was rerouted to a hospital. Gex landed on Tau Ceti, near crashing into the hospital entrance with Otp's shuttle, and helped Otp into the front doors. She waited in the lobby for a day, Otp's shuttle being towed off at some point. No Skrell trained doctors were at the hospital, and Otp was proclaimed dead. Gex, since then, added Otp into her life forever - making an addition to her name. Gex Oxio-Otp After a few days, Gex began to regain herself and tour alone, finding little things she enjoyed in the culture that she had seen a lot of before - but had never admired. A large majority was pushing for independence in the system, and as she listened to speakers in the city square she understood their struggles more - and Gex thought to herself that this was the perfect thing to see what she could do by herself. She went straight to work, speaking to the main speakers at these rallies and helping them organize better locations for their speeches and meetings, better connections with other speakers, and contracting catering! Gex even begins to advocate the independence herself, seeing everything around her as a system that is too diverse and ever-changing to be in the Sol Alliance. The needs of these people are vastly different from the Alliance's goals, just like when she was in the Guild. This place was like one large canvas, with several artists - you could find acrylic paints on one corner, oil pastels in the center, and then quilting in the bottom. She helped along with the independence movement until it finally came true in 2452, when the Alliance accepted the independence. This was, what she felt, her first true victory for her as an adult - even if she was just a small part in it. After Tau Ceti independence, she found how influential Nanotrasen was in the system. Constant advertisements to work for them sprang up in her emails, her friends and allies in the independence gatherings all worked for them, and she was soon going to be in need of credits. Gex applied for a mid-level logistics and people-managing as a Quartermaster at the many shuttleports in Mendell, and worked alongside a few of her friends for a good few years. The shuttleports were where she could see the most diverse cultures come and go - Cargo ships packed with Tajaran migrants, bringing with them their warm soups and otherworldly government styles. High-class Unathi shuttles with warriors coming out in slow pace, spears coveted in gold and silver, with extravagant robes. Human mining ships coming back from a haul, chatting about their last meal or their lovers. Without a proper education, though, from a university or college, her work has quickly stagnated. Now, in 2459, she's planning to get on board the NSS Aurora to grab a chance at the Miranda Trasen Scholarship - so she can go to Nanotrasen Academy and rise in the ranks. What do you like about this character? She is EMOTIONAL. Her main thing is going to be writing poems, song lyrics, and haikus on the job. She's qualified for a Quartermaster position but I want to have her start at the roots and try and get an IC promotion and recommendation. There's some sort of program I recall that I'm going to investigate ICly about getting a low-budget character a degree at the Miranda Nanotrasen University. She'll avoid attacking people and instead attack the character of those people, and she'll probably have a mixed relationship with older than 200 year old Skrell. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I like to think I'm good at creating characters and playing them, but bad at maintaining them past about 5 months. I've had over 100 characters I think. Notes: Tl;Dr -- Skrell girl gets put in position of power and is bad at it because she's 19. She never learnt to grow up and instead learnt how to handle cargo and other people, never herself. When she's working she's functional and happy, so when she gets older she resorts to poems and songs as a way to cope. ~~please leave constructive feedback on my roleplay and my application, questions about the character are recommended because im sure there's things i forgot~~ p.s. i am aware my writing skills are sub-par but I excel at telling a story in character. i like to make things fit into the world and it's easy in singular sentences and /me's but hard with a story. PLEASE don't judge my story based on the story and its grammar, please don't try and correct the grammar unless it's something shitty that could be misinterpreted and mess up the lore. judge my character based on who they are and their actions.
  21. Paradox knows how to make a character be just alien enough, but still relatable and understandable. They incorporate world building things into their characters and all that, have goals with them, and without a doubt is good at roleplay. BUT, I don't really know WHO this skrell is, or how they'd act in a situation, only that they're fearful and a bit cowardly. If you add a bit of a story of adversity to this it'll show how your character reacts to shit and give us a glimpse at how you'd play your character. 1+ regardless, because of Paradox's roleplaying skills.
  22. Bloke 2 was QUITE a while ago, and was an outlier in my characters. he was replaced with Tully 2 in terms of mechanics and people know Tully 2 doesn't greytide like Bloke. Also, my command characters act seriously, I DO have serious characters, Sonorous Zouzoror, my HOP Szu, almost all my command characters are serious or realistic and never break rules. I've stopped playing the bullshit characters that get me in trouble, like Bloke Two. And with the note, I've been on the server for years so I kind of just imagined people would know a joke, since so many of my characters are high quality and fleshed out. Another note: I have NEVER fucked around with my command characters before. I HAVE had this whitelist before and it was removed for non-whitelist related reasons. My command characters can sometimes joke around, but in a UNIQUE way, not a RULE BREAKING way.
  23. I had two warnings in 2017, one in 2018. I had one 3 day ban over a joke Diona name and then the perma over the accidental phoron grief because of mutated kois, the ban was mostly because of me doing it as staff, and the fact that I've been on the server for 4-ish years. ALSO, my ban wasn't about my command whitelist, or really about any of my command characters - all of my troublemakers are non-command.
  24. BYOND key: Sleepy Wolf Character names: How long have you been playing on Aurora?: A long while, since it was first made sorta? Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: A LOT of my characters are command already, and I REALLY want to play them. Toronto, Flaming Hearts, Karnaikai, and Szu are all of my primary characters, with established narratives and items. Why did you come to Aurora?: lol who knows, I came back because of the community, my friends here, and all of the stories I can make. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is fabricating a story for the characters you create, and having them interact with other people in amazing ways. Your character fits into the narrative seamlessly, if you're a good roleplayer, while also still having three dimensional qualities - and likely goals. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: I feel it can be both antagonizing your staff below you to drive a story a bit, or pushing them to work their best. Heads of staff don't have to be amazingly charismatic people that work well with everyone and know everyones issues and how to solve social situations, sometimes they can just be there to drive a story - antagonize people with paperwork and orders, organizing them into groups but being too stubborn to change the groups when someone says 'I just don't like this guy', because they want them to 'Find a way to work together' - because that would be a better narrative! I have characters that are both ways, the 'Just work, you punks' and the 'Fuck, okay, I'll fix that with you guys by diagnosing the issue and fixing it slowly and diplomatically.' What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: To be role models, sort of? Whitelisted players are usually the most recognizable characters since they're communicating to every member in the department, and have to communicate with other department heads as well. Whitelisted players should also keep their toxicity levels to a Minimum most of the time, uphold the standards of roleplay on the server, and realize that rules are meant to be followed, because if someone sees a whitelisted player break rules constantly they feel they can do the same. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Toronto-88 (HEAD OF SECURITY) Character age: fuck i don't know like 3 or something Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Two years ago, Toronto-88, or The Bulldozer, was just an up and coming Bot-Boxer. He fought in Bot Fighting Pits for his boss's gain, plowing through enemy after enemy in the pits with his bulldozer-shaped hands. He was unstoppable, his agile but durable chassis allowing him to dodge slow Industrial chassis's hits, but his strong piston-powered gauntlets letting him gut carbon-fiber light chassis's. All Ring-Kings have their end though, because while Toronto was in an old factory in the outskirts of Pheonixport fighting for some easy cash against a rust-bucket, a Sol Marine shuttle landed outside - busting into the factory and taking all the bots to be scrapped or sold. After not being sold on the Sol occupied Centcomm, Toronto was shipped to the NSS Exodus to be sold there, or turned to scrap if nobody bought. Our courageous orange Bot here went above and beyond here - not only selling himself, but all of the other synthetics that came along with him to the Exodus. Raymond Hawkins, his new owner and best friend, saw to making sure Toronto was safe during the Occupation, letting him stock himself in a cabinet in his garage. After the Occupation ended, Toronto sought to work alongside Hawkins, a Head of Security on the Exodus - He joined in as a security cadet, with no knowledge of security items, protocols, or regulations. After an arduous 5 days of Cadet training, and multiple accidents, Tau Ceti suddenly came out with a new regulation on Synthetic Command staff - allowing synthetic Heads of Security with a Nanotrasen-owned Shell. Spending a whole day bugging every single captain on the station for a Synthetic Command avowal, one relented - possibly seeking glory and respect for allowing the first ever Synthetic Head of Security in the system. Toronto, quickly accepting thousands and thousands of credits in debt to purchase a Nanotrasen-created and approved Head of Security shell - with pre-installed regulation and protocol data - ignored the fact that he was now a slave to the Corporation, only valuing the fact that he could now follow in the footsteps of his new obsession, Raymond Hawkins - who must have surely appreciated the fact that Toronto's shell was an exact replica of him at the time. What do you like about this character?: Fuck, he's horrible socially, but charismatically and as a leader he can delegate amazing shit. Also, ALL of his character building was made over the course of in character events that all happened on station, besides the 'Abducted by Sol' part. He WAS actually sold on the NSS Exodus in a round where I just randomly thought up the character for the event I was picked to be in. Toronto is so naive as well, and can sometimes be horribly synthetic at times. What do you dislike about this character?: He's tiring as HELL to play, I usually only would do one round with him per day, and often he would be too accepting of shit. He's more often passive and happy to people, while also being physical and up-front, which can be really hard to pull off sometimes. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: He's a side-lines leader most of the time, delegating people to different areas to patrol in groups that would work together. He usually tries to find a good pairing for people most of the time, partnering friends together. Toronto is EXTREMELY ambitious, and every round has his own little 'Remember kids, don't do drugs' moments, sometimes conducting drug-busts and stings on randomly selected individuals to drive forward a good narrative of his history, and making him seem a lot like a walking PR stunt at times, which I feel like Nanotrasen would do definitely. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: lol whats that Extra notes: I am NOT good at writing, just good at storytelling. Excuse my excessive grammar mistakes and my horrible sentence structure because honestly??? I don't need that to roleplay, my sentences usually tell emotion and not Proper Etiquette.
  25. Give Vaurca the ability to climb up and down walls/Z levels, which should soon be implemented as an already made mechanic with the Mole People coming. I feel it would make sense in our lore, and mechanically the Vaurca have a lot of disadvantages - this would just add a tiny advantage that lets Vaurca hide like the little bugs they are. [mention]Bygonehero[/mention] can give some reply as well maybe.
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