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Everything posted by Diggey

  1. You are forgetting one VERY essential thing here Aliens a Vaurca can't wear gloves,period and Vaurca don't handle posioning well at all,as a matter of fact they don't handle any kind of injury stay strong buggos but yeah,many aliens need specific made gloves for them,and while handling large amounts of radioactive or toxic material should in my opinion be of consequence I do not think making them immediate like spined fruit is the right way to go here
  2. You know,I really like the idea for what the idea itself is,yeah? taking the concept and exploring it,elaborating on it,taking the original concept to the level it could have But from a gameplay standpoint this is a giant meme
  3. That's what i meant of course if the HoS commands you to wear something it's not optional no longer,but I didn't intend this to be part of the Code green uniform that would be aids,if you allow the crass language it is a "we are loosing officers and have no idea where they went" "okay team,put on cams I'll be your guardian angel" kinda situation
  4. Pretty simply,a voluntary item Security officers and interns can slap onto their uniforms a small camera on demand from HoS these can be mandatory,also then of course give the HoS a little camera screen in his office for said Security personell cameras,also accessible for the AI of course this way the HoS can direct and supervise personell from the comfort and relative saftey of his office as well as discourage unsavoury behaviour from security personnel,a security guard with a camera beeing jumped in maintenance now has a good 3 items on him that make it difficult for an antag to take him out as well as allowing vision into maintenance for the AI This is of course not "wear this always and fuck you antags" the HoS and captain are to decide when these things have to be clipped and turned on for station safety reasons Other practical applications are away missions if say an emergency responder has to go outside to rescue someone dragged off by space carp if there is threat of an attack and so on and so forth It's a real thing in real life and I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work aboard the Aurora
  5. I like this just wanna ask are there ye olde "the exception reinforces the rule" ages for characters of different species (can be higher or lower for example for IPCs built for medicking) or who have been a Wunderkind because this is afterall the Foremost first of it's kind research Vessel Aurora We got the elite of the elite working here,as well as that one bald Assistant guy we hired for no discernable reason as he attempts to hack into command and is immediatly borged for murdering the captain with a welder and a toolbox
  6. at the point in time you are not obligated to follow orders or laws,obviously if you are a Captain you are usually not going to change your course of action as a result,but if, say, someone gives you their very own homemade loyalty implant you can use the moment of clarity to act against them
  7. I hope you aren't one of those people that goes SSD on round start and instead clicks unready or jogs to Cryo,because else....dude...
  8. The trick is to find the structural geneseed and apply it to non mushrooms such as cabbages r.i.p. cabbage patch kids
  9. I like the particularly weird shit that happens on station,anything from monkeys beaten to death in ritual circles to the entire station covered in off purple guts,I like to send such pictures to my friends,and they enjoy it.
  10. Hey hey hey! Kinda screwed the Pooch on that one,however,did anyone take any interesting screenshots of the Walking Shrooms? I kinda wanna put it on my resumè
  11. So,thing is,Annika Petrovka is not an entirely unreasonable personality onboard the Aurora I've seen her a few times and she doesn't strike me as an inhuman character made solely for the purpose of [add purpose here] I think her player is a capable roleplayer and wouldn't mind a full time chaplain onboard that doesn't instantly don the mechanicus robe and start blood sacrifices I give her my +1
  12. huehue Regardless,Yes I would like this player to be the CMD
  13. can't they just google a random idea?
  14. Now I'm sure I can find this information somewhere but I've looked on the wiki and only found out how to make food safe for human consumption I know you can make a meal Vaurca safe if you just add a fuckton of K'ois paste to it,like a K'ois sandwich,but what is the Ratio from K'oispaste/Phoron to Nutrients that allows this? is is like 2 to 1 or is it more? also I know Vaurca can consume water just fine,they are not slimes,but I think there might be the same issues with K'ois/Phoron to Sugar/Nutrients and I don't want to go into a round,drink a space cola and potentially have to go into cryo/medical because apparently my Unbound is too retarded to know his own biology,you know? it'd be swell if someone could help me out here
  15. Then why was he joining as a surgeon like breh there is a medical trainee job,and clearly you don't care about beeing typecast if you played a botanist an earlier shift,so learn the game before taking the important slots,like imagine if he was like an atmospheric technician and there was just a blowout or if you didn't have whitelists and he just bumblefucked around as captain
  16. Sorry I did not,I know this is a HRP Server but I always try to make sure people who aren't actively malicious have a good time,my bad.
  17. I did not ahelp it since I,at the time,thought that this weird behaviour might have had it's reasons,that he might have been new to the game,only in retrospect do I write this,because I think if he logs on again and behaves like this again he might need a gentle nudge from a moderator telling him to react more to his surroundings
  18. So This is a thing I know I actually noticed Richter during a hell on earth round I just wished would end,he managed to keep my spirits up,no joke. I seriously would like this character as a Head of Staff +1
  19. Diggey


    This is my jam,used to play it on my OLd PC because that old piece of work used to only run Dwarf Fortress and TTD so fuck yeah
  20. BYOND Key: Diggey Mineson Game ID: bPV-afh9 and the round before Player Byond Key: Not Certain Staff involved: None Reason for complaint: So Dude McSky has a weird name but that's fine,what isn't fine is his roleplaying,so in the first round I met him he was the botanist,he for example didn't know how to set the transfer amount on buckets and all that but that's fine,we are all new one time. However,when I went into his garden as a Xenobotanist and gave him seeds he didn't react,I mean that as literal as humanly possible,I talked to him,pointed to the seeds,ran into him,planted the seeds,he did zilch to acknowledge I was there,which might be a character quirk you know? Well I certainly thought so, so I asked the 2 chefs on Staff,turns out "Dude" wasn't growing what they were requesting of him,now you might think maybe "Dude" doesn't know how to talk to people,but nope,he used the service headset while I was trying to make contact The Round thereafter I saw him join as Surgeon...yeah,I was actually scared to be injured that round,which is not proper in character behaviour,because my character should be allowed to make mistakes and not fear the doctor,so by the end of the round,that dreadful round, I required Phoron Gas (I was a Vaurca you see) ,so I had to go to the medbay,the only doctor available and on staff was Surgeon Dude McSky,he was instructed by a nurse to give me phoron,10 minutes pass and he hasn't done so,I was lucky the HoS was nearby chasing that mantrain so he tried to get me phoron via a drone,Yes,we had to tell a dead player who took control of a drone to enter chemistry and pull phoron towards us because the surgeon on staff couldn't be arsed to do literally anything So yeah Dude McSky has a weird name and kind of...doesn't know how to talk with people? He knows how to use his headset,but...it's...This is why I'm complaining I have no idea what is going on with that man Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? No,this is a weird person not a ban request Approximate Date/Time: the 11th of August methinks possibly the 12th,timezones man,also I played all night until 6 am sooooo
  21. I like your style and I know Nasser from experience,so you got my +1
  22. I know Pocketbuddy,so you got my +1 from that alone,but you don't seem to be failing to live up to what would be expected of you as a Head of Staff I support you in this
  23. A medical suturer that is heat based like a welder Now why on earth would you want this you psychopath? Listen,I'm talking about a pensize object that can be applied to heavily bleeding wounds to close them instead of applying gauze tape this would be equipped on paramedic staff and be able to be found inside the surgery rooms Practical applications beside closing wounds You know how Vaurca can not self heal without assistance? How do you close the wounds on a cracked carapace? Suturing the carapace together? This is where the medical welder could come in could also help with disinfecting a wound as well as be a cool traitor item if you want to overcharge this baby to kill people or weld doors shut This thing would of course heal wounds in exchange to giving burn damage,so it's not a paramedics first item of choice and neither should it be, but I feel like this niche would add something to the game
  24. I like this especially as an option not as a must maybe an option to set up an antag variant in the character creator? such as writing in medical records and the like for your antag for believability when someone checks you know,the whole shebang!
  25. Makes sense I mean we have temperature calculations for the chef's deep frier and oven,they need like 15 minutes to get going 5 seconds for a welder seems only fair could also translate well into accidentally hitting a fuel tank when you try to refill your welder and not exploding into a shower of gore
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