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About MattAtlas

  • Birthday 30/08/2002

Personal Information

  • Interests
    Trying not to get my low level units killed in a skirmish
  • Occupation
    Changing the future of Ylisse
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  • Byond CKey

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Cyborg (35/37)

  1. @WickedCybs need you to elaborate on the similarities you were pointing out in the unban appeal, please.
  2. All due respect I'm going to get to your complaint whenever I have the material time and energy to spend on it, so you can stop bumping it.
  3. What is being contested here? You made an appeal which is explicitly only something you're meant to do when you agree with the punishment. Now you are making a staff complaint over the denial of the appeal, which is not something admissible anyway because our policy (written on the wiki publicly) is that two permabans means you lose all right to appeal forever.
  4. should be lifted
  5. voting for dismissal; agreed with fluffy
  6. I don't particularly care about a pocket energy knife since it'll have very middling damage, too middling to really be relevant (it probably doesn't even go through armour), also considering that you can already have very strong pocket knives that are basically what's being suggested (plasteel butterflies do something like 30 brute and fit in a pocket). On the other hand, the axiom is different with guns. The only gun you can really hide and shoot without a problem is a shitty 9 millimeter. Revolvers have to be kept in a bag or holster and they're very loud because they're really, really strong weapons - probably either the best or second best in the uplink. Being able to shoot those from just your bag without making a prior sound is a much bigger advantage because it's an instant chest break past the standard carrier.
  7. engineering was given access to ship guns mainly for repairs and also as a last resort in case NOBODY ELSE is there to load the guns. if they're being given priority over ops or they're stepping over ops it should be ahelped
  8. custom sprites are basically unmaintainable so they need to go - better to use decals and paint on walls
  9. duplicate suggestion, see linked comment
  10. So for the last event my explicit objective was seeing how things would go with absolutely no admin guidance beyond some reminders at the start. It actually ended up pretty well overall. I think we might see rounds lean more towards 2:30 round time in the future, but that's guesswork. Fyni is right in that I need to do something on the meta aspect of knowing you're going somewhere OOC but not IC. My current plan is to have every Odyssey mission print a generic "there is something of interest in this sector we are scanning, prepare an expedition and you will receive more information soon" message, so that people can get ready and will be ready to go when the main message comes in at 00:30 or whenever. I'm not particularly sure about body cams but I'm also not opposed to the idea, honestly. Current post-release Odyssey plan is to add a ship gun that lets Ops shoot supplies down to the away site. I do like teleporter usage, though - nice element of emergent gameplay. Yeah, they basically are placeholders for these test. Actual Odyssey scenarios will probably have better kits, but expect the Storyteller to always have to do some heavy lifting with spawning items. No way around that - as an admin I can tell you that you'll always always always need to spawn things for people, no matter how much you prepare.
  11. On trial until 16OCT2024.
  12. Hi, sorry for the delay - had an exam, then my graduation in this period. Seems like it was indeed an automatic sticky ban that was placed because of your VM, so it should be lifted now.
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