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Head Admins / Devs
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Everything posted by MattAtlas

  1. Hello, everyone! A little bit of history - the Aurora station (that's right, the old map) launched sometime in 2016, and discussion around Aurora's future had already begun in 2018. This means that we are approaching the central point of the Horizon's existence and that we are wanting to collect player feedback on where Aurora should go, and your opinions on the current setting and any future setting. If you are interested in participating in the discussion on Aurora's future and potentially having a say in what we do, please fill the following form. It is extremely important that as many of you answer this form as truthfully and accurately as possible - you are obviously not going to be held accountable for the feedback you write (unless you write obscenities or joke answers), and this is the place for you to be 100% honest about what we are doing and what we should do. Please reach out to me if you are unsure about the meaning or implications of any specific questions. Staff may, of course, respond to this survey as well. https://forms.gle/TWX6cBBd2o67A34k6
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  2. The 18+ rating on SS13 is strictly intended as NSFW/not-NSFW content which is what actually gets you in extreme legal trouble if you expose minors to it. If we want to get really pedantic, PEGI allows you to show realistic violence starting from the 16+ rating. I personally like the lobby art, and I don't get the complaints about it being dissonant - the point of lobby arts is to be an introduction or a hook to what you might find in the game (and, more specifically to Aurora, the lore). It isn't dissonant at all to go from a fairly tame lobby screen to a Tajara getting headshotted, because that shows the depth of lore we have. There are good elements in Aurora as well as bad elements, and it's good to expose people to it. As for what new players might think, I imagine they are not squeamish, considering that in every server you can drink water+potassium and explode into tiny bits and organs all over the floor.
  3. There is absolutely no reason for the armour game to be two-sided because it'd be a trap for the antagonist. Security always has at least two longarms deployed at any given time - there are always two officers with burst rifles and two officers with laser rifles, meaning that buying ablatives or ballistics is essentially useless since you'd just get steamrolled by two other officers with the opposite gun. Antagonists by default have access to the strongest weapons in the game which justify the existence of ballistic armor by themselves - seriously, 7.62, .50 and 357 are not calibers to be messed with, and those are all calibers accessible for something like 6 or 8 TC from the uplink, not a particularly big sum by any means. It's also entirely possible to kill someone through ballistic armour with a .50 - again, that's a handgun, can be holstered, available in the uplink for 6 TC, and its ammo costs 1 TC. All mercenaries have to do to bypass the armour issue is buy a singular laser rifle from the uplink. If you don't do it, that's on you for not preparing. A laser rifle will absolutely murder someone in ballistic armour in like 3 shots.
  4. I don't think I'm opposed to this happening even if I think that it's extremely optimistic to believe that there would ever be two reporters in one round after a month of this being in.
  5. Voting for dismissal; low-intensity rounds are needed to break up high intensity rounds. Besides, the issue is not with the gamemode but with people not toggling antags.
  6. DM me on Discord when you would like your trial to start, take your time.
  7. I've had a good look at what happened and at the logs in question. The first thing I want to address is that you are pretty worried that this ban was applied because we thought you were/are transphobic -- it wasn't. Cybs says so in his reply to your appeal as well. The actual reason you were banned is "You were banned a year ago for harassing a player in-game and out of it. You appear to be doing it again to a new player and should have really known better by now. Due to this, you are now community banned.". Reading what happened in the relay, it's all just really odd. You were basically slightly mocked by someone, and your reaction to that was going to the consular to talk to them about "This mostly ran with Levi who continued to claim to be a proud dominan that constantly befriended synthetics. hung out with them and aut'akh." This is a bizzarre reaction to say the least because you definitely know the impact that speaking to a Dominian consular about this specific thing has - it can end up in character death, and you're more than well aware due to the fact that you played a PRA character. You pointed it out in your own post, actually, so I'm not going to pretend that you had no clue about what you were doing, which is essentially aiming a gun at someone's head over a joke. Add to this calling them a degenerate (this is a very bad word to say to someone, don't downplay it) out of pocket, and I honestly just do not understand your reaction to this whole interaction. You turned a Relay messaging back and forth between two characters that had never met before into a potential character death for the other, all because your character was called a "washed out actor". You have to understand that at this point this is an OOC issue. You kept it IC in the sense that you acted only IC, but your character's reaction was both entirely unreasonable from an OOC standpoint, and your reaction is entirely unjustifiable from a logical perspective. What I want to get across is that your actions could have permanently killed a character you never knew IC, and the best possible view of this is that you did it because you were called a washed out actor. What I also don't find good is how you kept going IC despite the millions of red flags, multiple people tried telling your character how fucked that was and I don't even see a single hint of remorse from you OOC, not once did you think that maybe it was a bad idea or to inquire about how the player felt. To reiterate, this is why you were banned, and not because you are supposedly transphobic. My verdict is that the ban is staying, and I'll be locking this in 24 hours.
  8. This somehow completely escaped me, are you still interested?
  9. @WickedCybs need you to elaborate on the similarities you were pointing out in the unban appeal, please.
  10. All due respect I'm going to get to your complaint whenever I have the material time and energy to spend on it, so you can stop bumping it.
  11. What is being contested here? You made an appeal which is explicitly only something you're meant to do when you agree with the punishment. Now you are making a staff complaint over the denial of the appeal, which is not something admissible anyway because our policy (written on the wiki publicly) is that two permabans means you lose all right to appeal forever.
  12. should be lifted
  13. voting for dismissal; agreed with fluffy
  14. I don't particularly care about a pocket energy knife since it'll have very middling damage, too middling to really be relevant (it probably doesn't even go through armour), also considering that you can already have very strong pocket knives that are basically what's being suggested (plasteel butterflies do something like 30 brute and fit in a pocket). On the other hand, the axiom is different with guns. The only gun you can really hide and shoot without a problem is a shitty 9 millimeter. Revolvers have to be kept in a bag or holster and they're very loud because they're really, really strong weapons - probably either the best or second best in the uplink. Being able to shoot those from just your bag without making a prior sound is a much bigger advantage because it's an instant chest break past the standard carrier.
  15. engineering was given access to ship guns mainly for repairs and also as a last resort in case NOBODY ELSE is there to load the guns. if they're being given priority over ops or they're stepping over ops it should be ahelped
  16. custom sprites are basically unmaintainable so they need to go - better to use decals and paint on walls
  17. duplicate suggestion, see linked comment
  18. So for the last event my explicit objective was seeing how things would go with absolutely no admin guidance beyond some reminders at the start. It actually ended up pretty well overall. I think we might see rounds lean more towards 2:30 round time in the future, but that's guesswork. Fyni is right in that I need to do something on the meta aspect of knowing you're going somewhere OOC but not IC. My current plan is to have every Odyssey mission print a generic "there is something of interest in this sector we are scanning, prepare an expedition and you will receive more information soon" message, so that people can get ready and will be ready to go when the main message comes in at 00:30 or whenever. I'm not particularly sure about body cams but I'm also not opposed to the idea, honestly. Current post-release Odyssey plan is to add a ship gun that lets Ops shoot supplies down to the away site. I do like teleporter usage, though - nice element of emergent gameplay. Yeah, they basically are placeholders for these test. Actual Odyssey scenarios will probably have better kits, but expect the Storyteller to always have to do some heavy lifting with spawning items. No way around that - as an admin I can tell you that you'll always always always need to spawn things for people, no matter how much you prepare.
  19. On trial until 16OCT2024.
  20. Hi, sorry for the delay - had an exam, then my graduation in this period. Seems like it was indeed an automatic sticky ban that was placed because of your VM, so it should be lifted now.
  21. On trial until... well, a certain point in time, I guess.
  22. Accepted! Welcome to the team!
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