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Everything posted by BurgerBB

  1. Medical can be an exception considering that most players already abuse the button on the wall and most medical players don't like it.
  2. I want to try an experiment. I think the station is too secure. It seems designed for balance where everyone is a shitter but given that this is an HRP server, I think the station's areas are a little too overprotective and severely limiting for antags, security, and medical. There are a lot of areas that contain 0 valuable equipment or items but are still locked. I want to make these areas more accessible to the public. Now, there are two ways to go about this: 1. You can open the doors to these areas and walk freely around them unless to disrupt others. 2. You can open the doors to these areas except if you go in them and you don't have a good reason to, you can be charged with trespassing. Example for science: (Green means public) Engineering: Medical: Bridge:
  3. "Improve, don't remove." is a vocal response that players tend to give to developers, other players, or contributors who discuss removing a non-bug mechanic/feature of the game. While in most circumstances this is a good school of thought but in some it absolutely isn't. Every since I've played here about 2 years ago, Changeling has been constantly debated on whether or not it should be in circulation. If you search on the forums you'll see an abundant amount of forum posts asking for it's removal or rework, as seen here: https://forums.aurorastation.org/search/?q=Changeling. Discord also has frequent arguments about changeling, and of course, they don't seem to go anywhere because of the held opinion of staff, players, and even hosts: Changeling was voted one of the least liked gamemode when a player survey was done in 2018, as seen here: Many players then went on to say that they prefered a rework over a removal, but were still happy with a removal if a rework is not possible. But despite this, changeling has only been reworked minimally since the player poll in 2018. I'm not trying to downplay the work that contributors made on changeling, but it's extremely obvious with all the feedback that players have been given since then that the core problem with changeling still exists. It's clear that no one really likes changeling still except for a few people, but for a reason I honestly find malicious, it's still in rotation. Garnacus has been the one to usually shutdown any thread or discussion about removing ling. It's not just him, but he's usually the one to do it and is the most vocal about it. To summarize his stance on changeling, I am linking this post: I don't mean this as a gotcha or anything but, I don't think this is a very good reason to have a flawed gamemode in rotation. What he, and others believe, is that it's better to have an extremely flawed gamemode in rotation than to not have it in rotation because it means that people have a higher chance of fixing it. Personally as a contributor and ex-developer, I find this kind of insulting that contributors are being used/manipulated like this, but I don't speak for everyone here. Regardless, I don't think we should ever leave broken or extremely disliked features in Aurora just because if we remove it, no one will fix it. Making gamemodes is hard. Reworking already existing ones is harder. There is a reason why the $100 gamemode challenge hasn't been completed yet, and there is a reason why haven't had any new or unique game modes other than "Ninja except there is two." Changeling is just an example of this. It's the biggest one and perhaps the easiest to talk about because nearly everyone on Aurora has an opinion of it or seen arguments happen. Quite a few players like to call the volunteer devs or contributors who don't work for any money "lazy" because they want to remove a feature instead of spending the 20+ hours of reworking it and having to deal with the feedback from players, developers, and hosts on changeling. What I want to do with this thread is perhaps show people a new perspective on the issue and perhaps maybe get players to understand the developers better and why they believe that some features are better left removed and out of circulation instead of reworked.
  4. If you're a human and you have a weapon, your threat level is 4. If you're a non-human and you have a weapon, your threat level is 6. This only applies to weapon checking and nothing else.
  5. I did some code diving after someone's gimmick was ruined by beepsky because they caught them instantly. To prevent that from happening, here is a general guide on how to avoid them from a mechanical standpoint. If Beepsky sees a mob (basically a creature) who is threatening, (visible to beepsky using byond's internal calculation, not invisible, in view of a radius of 7 tiles) it will shout "Level [threat] infraction alert!" with [threat] being the current infraction level. The interaction level is calculated based on the mob's type and their current traits. Beepsky is coded to report anyone with a threat level of 4 or higher. By default, all living beings have a threat level of 0. If they are dead, then they have a threat level of -50. If they are a carbon lifeform and are handcuffed, then they also have a threat level of -50. If the mob is a hostile animal then it will return a threat level of 4, exceptions apply to goats or hostile animals that are coded to obey commands, like wizard minions or guard dogs. It gets more complex when analyzing humanoids. This is where it matters here since this applies to nearly everything a player directly controls. If you are dead or handcuffed, you have a threat level of -50. If you are wearing a traitor agent ID card, your final threat level is reduced by 2 regardless if Beepsky is told to check access. If you are wearing a centcom ID card, your final threat level will always be -50 regardless if Beepsky is told to check access. If you don't have an ID card with any of the following access strings: (access_security, access_forensics_lockers, access_weapons) and you're carrying a melee weapon (actual melee weapon) or a gun in your hands or belt slot, your threat level will be increased by 4 if beepsky is told to check weapons. Additionally, a value of 2 is added if your species isn't human. If you don't have a record associated with your ID's registered name, or if you don't have an ID, a record associated your mechanical name (Your name when you hover over your character) your threat level will increase by 4 if beepsky is told to check records. Additionally if you do have a record, and in your record you are set to "*Arrest*", your threat level will increase by another 4 if beepsky is told to check arrest status. If Beepsky is emagged, everyone's threat level will be 10 regardless of the above. Tips, crazy and uncrazy, on how to game Beepsky/ED209 as antag. Beepsky will ignore people who are "Unknown"(hidden face, no ID) if there is a security record with the name of "Unknown". Beepsky doesn't alert security if they find someone, unless you attack beepsky or if they start handcuffing you. Beepsky noticing you will not give your position away to security. Beepsky will ignore you if you are wearing handcuffs or restraints of any type, regardless if you are being escorted by a security officer. Having an ID that does not match your character will count as not having a record and will incur a +4 threat level if beepsky is told to check records. Having a fucked up face can trigger this as well. Wear an accurate Agent ID at all times. It is entirely possible for Beepsky not to chase you even if you are carrying a weapon (ONLY IF YOU ARE HUMAN) or are set to arrest (but not both), as 4 - 2 = 2, and 2 is not high enough to trigger the 4 threat level requirement for beepsky to chase you, regardless if Beepsky is told to check IDs. Agent IDs that don't match your face will only give you a threat level of +2, but still, you should wear an accurate agent ID at all times. Beepsky does not track voices nor gives a shit about them. They only care about your name. If you're carrying a weapon that is too big to store, put it on your back. For some reason (see: coder oversight), Beepsky doesn't notice weapons on your back. Beepsky does not give a shit about zombie powder or "fake" deaths. Beepsky 100% knows when you're dead for real, and only checks if your dead for real. It's magic (See: coder oversight.)
  6. Byond key: BurgerBB Discord key: Burger#3948 Character Name: Bar Shaleez Item name: Father's Mask Item function(s): Increases Equip Load by 5% Item description: "One of the three masks of the Pinwheel, the necromancer who stole the power of the Gravelord, and reigns over the Catacombs. This mask, belonging to the valiant legend, slightly raises equipment load." How did your character obtain this item (1 paragraph or more please): Dropped by Pinwheel. Sold by Patches the Hyena in the Firelink Shrine for 8000 souls. Drops from Pinwheel Servant (2% Chance - Tomb of Giants). Sprites: Additional Comments: Cannot be upgraded. Increases Equip Load by 5% Stacks with Havel's Ring and Ring of Favor and Protection.
  7. The problem with this situation is that it is incredibly difficult to give criticism without coming off as an asshole and without trying to drain your message. Like, I don't mean to target anyone in particular but when I was see I kept seeing the same regular antagonist players doing the same bullshit over and over again despite players complaining about their behavior to the players directly or to staff or the forums. Repeat complainers, not just me, would come off as assholes or whiners and would be berated for it. I think the reason why people are too scared to ahelp, make a complaint, or anything for that matter are scared that they'll be labeled as either of those things or don't want to come off as rude. Like one of the things I don't think some of the staff here understand is that their banter about players not ahelping issues or complaining in deadchat really has a negative impact on what gets reported here.
  8. This isn't meant to target any individual person, antagonist, or gamemode, but rather an ongoing thing that occurs usually once every ten or so rounds that I feel deserves a thread. Antagonists are powerful. They're powerful for a reason, and that's to make it so that they last 2 hours on a crew that may or may not robust them. If you made antags out of paper, rounds would last 20 minutes and nothing would happen because of crew valid hunting or sec doing their job. Their strength allows more flexibility when it comes to conflict and gimmicks and allows them to take control of the situation that sometimes crew or security would otherwise ruin. Being an antagonist is similar to being a mini dungeon master in terms of what you can control and the responsibility of such. As an antagonist, your goal OOCly is to provide an entertaining experience to the crew and to have fun along the way. Like a dungeon master, you provide a story as well as the choices your players can make, and both have a serious impact on player enjoyment. A dungeon master with a really good story but little to no choices in player action can come off as unfun to players; I'm sure everyone knows the term "railroaded" when comes to interactive media, where the experience feels like you're just on a straight path to a destination you already know. Unfortunately, antagonists tend to accidentally create railroads, whether unintentional or intentional, by their actions in the round. Most antagonist types have the power to shut down or seriously hinder the productivity of certain departments to give you more "breathing room" as an antagonist for your gimmick or story. For example, a rogue borg may shut off power to the director's office, a ninja may decide to raid the armory to steal all the weapons so security can't kill them, or a malfunction AI may blow up EVA Storage so it would be harder to breach the core. If an antagonist does a whole bunch of actions that limit roleplay or make the goal near impossible to complete, then the players won't really be too happy. For example, if a merc bombs medical to the point where no one can treat anyone, bombs the armory to the point where security can't access it and the guns, and then bombs cargo's surface where they can't retrieve guns, then that would be severely limiting choice depending on what your gimmick is. If your gimmick was to takeover the station and enforce some orwellian rule for 2 hours, then that would be fine because there is plenty of time and options that the crew can make to overthrow you and you'd have a good story and interaction if you use your power appropriately. If your gimmick was to raid the vault, kidnap crew randomly, and spread a lethal virus to cripple everyone as quickly as possible, then that wouldn't be fine because you severely limited the time and amount of resources players are allowed to use and made it near impossible to protect the crew. In 99% of rounds where a good majority of the players didn't like the antags, the antags didn't give the players much of a choice. Changeling is considered one of the worst gamemodes on Aurorastation because it's very core mechanics make it so that players don't have a choice, or have the opportunity to make a choice. Most people don't like rev because one side or another is forcing the other side to picking one choice and one choice only with the threat of being kicked out of the game. Most people don't like cult because they're forced to make the "right" choice (submission) even if they don't want to. So the point of all this is this: Give players more choices in how to deal with situations. You don't have to give them ALL the choices but don't limit the choices to something like "SERVE ME OR DIE." where you can literally either serve them or absolutely die because you had 0 chance of fighting them because they destroyed nearly everything you could possibly use against them. The less choices you give to the players, the more generally players won't like your gimmick because you're giving yourself too much power and doing a lot of things that most players consider powergaming or metagaming.
  9. Blue is a better color for medical. "Tradition" and "Uniqueness" should be irrelevant when it comes to PRs and should rather be judged on their merits instead. Also given the recent changes in lore and sprites, I'd argue that security is now "Black" instead of blue.
  10. I had to be lengthy in my response because the OP grossly misinterpreted what actually happened and to explain accurately what actually happened. I did not complain about their gimmick, I did not call them a retarded cunt, and honestly I didn't really complain about them at all. Most of the antags that round did their best to interact with crew but it was obvious that some people didn't want to to do that, and didn't do that. I'm also definitely not a bigot. When people lie or seriously misrepresent what happened you're going to see a few paragraphs from me. It would be dumb of me to say "No that's not what happened." and not explain what happened.
  11. I mean honestly it is. It absoultely is which is why I haven't done it until now. I always wait and see where the gimmick might go, but I think it's a good idea. Sometimes walking away from a bad situation is the best option for everyone involved.
  12. I would just like to clarify some things. I was about to make a complaint about your behavior towards me but I rather not have two threads about the same situation. Since you're asking for me to be permabanned I think it's very appropriate for me to comment on this and focus my efforts on explaining my actions instead of adding more accusations to the plate. For the first instance, I do not recall that I was complaining about your gimmick three days ago. I recall that I said something, and you then decided to take it exceptionally personal and in a completely wrong direction. I believe I said something unrelated to your gimmick but you took it as something related to your gimmick. I was going to explain to you that wasn't the case, but realised the path that would be in the process. I instead told you to stop, and I stopped myself as well because it was clear there was some serious miscommunication going on and it was very clear that you're not interested in a conversation with me. For the second instance, this isn't me defending my actions, but I did not call you a retarded cunt. I asked you to stop being a cunt because for two days in a row you were exceptionally hostile towards me. I said that your quip, not you, was retarded because it was absolutely crude and of low level. I admit that my wording should've been better, and that I should not have used the word "retarded" despite the frequent okay use of it in Aurora, but making a callout to someone who isn't even in the conversation about an opinion they held like 6 months ago is really stupid and quite worthy of me saying "Hey, stop being an asshole." For the third instance, I absolutely had enough of you and was planning of messaging an admin on discord about your behavior as it's been ongoing since I've gotten back and even longer than that. At this point I decided to repeat what I said to you like I did the second time in case I wasn't clear enough. I was bwoinked by an admin when they noticed, and they told me to stop calling people cunts. They also told me I should make a complaint if there are any issues that go past ongoing rounds. I was noted for the behavior at the end and I did not contest it. Now, onto the post. Saying to me "but okay burger you do you" is not very pleasant in the context of the other two incidents. I legitimately rather you use racial slurs and other unpleasantries towards me because I know that those are used out of dull anger instead of calculated hatred. Personally if someone goes out of their way to put effort into their insults and express themselves in a way that takes more effort than saying "go fuck yourself" or something similar, that hurts more. The shitty behavior that lead to my banning in the first place was me being a shit and complaining about rounds in a non-helpful way that did not contribute to the future of AuroraStation and provided nothing of substance to the conversation. My criticisms were "Round man bad." so instead of complaining about the round I decided to phrase my messages in a way that don't even involve the people in the current round and give advice about possible future rounds and making the criticism extremely general by not going into specifics but instead focusing on what is important like I did in my general thread about AI Invasion Gimmicks. But I will admit that I think I've broken a lot of steps that I would be taking to avoid it, honestly. I'm using the forums now as a tool to express things that I would normally say in OOC, but at a greater depth. I've participated in development for a bit, Yonnimer has asked me to look over a PR and I have made several PRs after a user specifically requests that I make them. There is a thing I also want to touch, and that's the accusations of me being bigoted and/or racist. If anyone dares, I suggest talking to Kevinz about my opinion on the n-word if he even remembers. On citadel, you're allowed to call people the n word ICly and OOCly for any reason and Kevinz hilariously noticed my discomfort when I saw it being used like crazy. I would also like to point out that since my unban, I have never used the n word with a soft g or a hard r or any other variation whatsoever since me being on Aurora.
  13. Foreward: This isn't meant to target a specific person or specific gimmick that someone did. It may sound like it, but that is because every single type of this gimmick follows a pattern. The general gimmick is the following: The AI makes fake announcements saying [INSERT LORE LOCATION] has been invaded by [INSERT LORE FACTION HERE]. The AI makes a boatload of hacked messages containing paragraphs upon paragraphs or lore and explanation. Unfortunately, many players known or even care about lore, which turns several people off. In some cases, players don't like the role-play entailed with "Everything is at war, everything is turned to shit, everything is dying." While of course this is an HRP server, not many people are interested enough in the "expanded readings" of the lore. After a certain amount of time passes, the AI then proceeds to detonate APCs to simulate an invasion, such as a ship firing on the station or a team of stealthy people planting bombs and detonating them. In most cases, the AI gives people some sort of hint of what they should probably do, such as kill a specific target, save a specific target, or secure a specific target. In 99% of cases, the request is usually ignored because people don't want to the usually unreasonable, unmotivated task they were given, or they can't really do anything since most jobs don't have access to the tools used to complete task they are assigned, or they absolutely can't do the task because security or command outright blocks or makes it harder for the crew to do that task. In the cases that players are brave enough to do anything, the amount of hurdles they'd have to go through is extremely tedious and not very fun. Going through breached areas from APC explosions is extremely time consuming, annoying, and usually incredibly laggy. Not having any access to areas that they need to go through is also extremely annoying given powergaming rules on hacking, as well as several mechanical implementations that prevent you from breaking into areas that you need to get into. Usually near the end, the AI reveals that it was all a ruse and starts to go full on aggressive. Before or after this revelation, the AI constantly recalls shuttles that are called from emergency shuttles, and the station has gone to such shit that it's hard to really do anything at all to stop the AI from killing everything because the AI core is excessively fortified. Most MALFs just go with a straight up code delta nuke here. Mechanically, the crew are expected to break into the AI core without being allowed to hack, without much weapons because security died with them elsewhere, and without much of anything since EVA suits are hard to get. All of these factors have lead to people trying to cheese the AI, such as the meme of dropping rods, or using station emitters to just breach the endless amounts of reinforced walls that they're supposed to break. When the round ends, people express actual genuine criticism about the round, but it is usually straight up ignored or deflected because there are always 3-4 people who said they've liked it because of the amount of lore it contained, the amount of effort was put into the gimmick, or that they were the ones the gimmick was centred around. So honestly, I'm sick of it and I feel that a lot of people are sick of this gimmick too. I know that this multi-paragraph will probably do nothing to stop it or really get people to stop doing a thing that some people don't like and some people like, so I'm legitimately going to just cryo and do something else every time I see an announcement about how [INSERT LORE LOCATION] has been invaded by [INSERT LORE FACTION HERE]. I seriously encourage others to do the same so people aren't as mad at the end at eachother over the poor execution of the gimmick. If you know the actual journey of the gimmick and the destination of where it will lead, and you know that both will be not very fun, then what is the point of participating in it?
  14. I would be fine with dying easier if antags were better. Death is super rare, but when it occurs it's usually due to really bad antagging. I'm not talking about "They didn't roleplay with me!" bad antags but bad antags in the sense where lings sting you and absorb you without a word 5 minutes into the round, or a vampire that drains too much blood, or raiders who think the TTV bombs are breaching devices and end up killing everyone in a proximity, or the AI pulling a cuban pete and bombing APCs because they think they're hilarious. If dying was easier then you're going to see a lot of people like me who will stop giving antagonists the benefit of the doubt and go along with less gimmicks. People complain a lot about crew choosing "fight" more often than "flight" in dangerous situations, but if it is easier to die then you're going to see more of that.
  15. I cannot provide examples because I do not save every single encounter that has happened to me, especially in OOC where most of it occured. I also cannot be bothered to go through 500 of your posts and find the ones that offend me because 1. The search function here cannot cover that sort of thing, and 2. I don't have time for that. I can, however, direct you to your own discord where you mention the word "burger" because it hass some instances of shittalking, unsolicited advice, poor attitude, and rants about or directed towards me, which is reflective of your behavior in OOC.
  16. I can't really +1 this. You're exceptionally hostile. I have a memory disorder but the only reason I still remember you after 6 months is that people have been showing me shittalking me a lot on discord and elsewhere, and you've been incredibly passive aggressive to me when I got back. I was willing to put the shittalking aside but the fact that your attitude hasn't changed when in front of me just seems unacceptable for a moderator. I even now recall several instances where you've gone over the line several times in the suggestions forums as well as my ban request thread to the point where an admin had to step in and delete your posts because you kept flaunting about how everyone wanted me gone and people were happy for it. I can't really picture you acting mature or impartial in a situation where you have to give out bans if you take things to a personal level like that.
  17. One of the main reasons, besides community hostility, for abandoning this PR is the worry in the back of my head that there will be less security officers playing because of this. Like let's all just be honest for a moment here and admit that it isn't a coincidence that sec is usually almost always empty during a secret merc, raider, or crossfire round. I think an additional PR that makes security more fun to play should be merged after this one is to prevent a drop in security.
  18. What about the fact that their entire gimmick was that they were insane and put absolutely zero effort into it and literally only cared about themselves? I was one of the borgs that were subverted and they did literally nothing between us except the fact that I just happened to be roaming around the station when they decided to try and assault security. Why aren't we following antag guidelines anymore? What they did was an absolute prime example of what you shouldn't do as antag. It's even listed as an example as I said multiple times.
  19. I think you're missing the part where he spent an hour and thirty minutes prepping a stealth suit and a fully equipped durand, set his antag objective to "get research maxed out and go on a short terrorizing spree like a psychopath around the crew", subverted two borgs "just in case" and left them hanging for quite some time, and started acting insane in the holodeck with no clear motive, other than just plain ol' insanity. > try to do things which will be fun for others, not only yourself > no unmotivated/not roleplayed out mass murderer > no murder for the sake of murder > the average joe will not simply decide to blow up their workplace one day > the more drastic the action, the more motivated your character has to be to commit to it Spending 2 minutes in the holodeck while spending 1 hour and 30 minutes prepping for your gimmick, leaving your subverted borgs in the dark for an hour, and then finally unleashing it because the crew transfer shuttle was called shouldn't be acceptable as roleplay, even if they were ridiculously unrobust and got shut down instantly. If I was a traitor who spent 90% of the round preparing to fight sec, spending 2% of it roleplaying with a single person, and the other 8% trying to kill security but failing spectacularly, I should AT LEAST get some sort of nudge from an admin saying "hey maybe you shouldn't do that."
  20. I feel like the one major thing that was ignored here is that their gimmick was that they were psychotic and wanted to shoot up the station. That was their gimmick 100%. That gimmick is literally an example of things you should not do as antag in the rules. I don't understand why nothing was done.
  21. BYOND Key: BurgerBB Staff BYOND Key: garnacus Game ID: b3q-apl8 Reason for complaint: Poor handling of a ticket. Right. At around 0:40 A Skrell scientist (Xiialt Weish) emagged me as borg. They gave me syndicate laws or whatever saying that they were an operative and I was supposed to follow orders. I asked for orders, and they told me to just be normal or whatever and they'll PDA when they needed me. I listened, and buggered off for the rest of the round providing assistance to medical. An entire 1 hour and 20 minutes later I found them in a Durand and stealth suit. I rolled my eyes but continued along with whatever gimmick they had. They then announced that they'd do a demonstration, in the holodeck. Two people came, Preston Prestoff and some unknown (face covered, ect). Xiialt Weish then declared they're an insane skrell, and an unknown kept pointing at themselves. Xiialt Weish asked if they wanted to be shot, and they nodded. Xiialt Weish then proceeded to climb in the durand and shoot them with explosive gyroget rounds. Medical was called because they somehow managed to miss every shot, but the wall behind them was close enough for it to deal some explosive damage. Security was called, and the dude in the mech was immediately shat on because of ion rifles and how unrobust they actually were. They ended up dying very shortly after because they tried fighting security instead of fleeing. I ahelped Xiialt Weish for four reasons: - They spent the entirety of the round maxing out research, building a fully armed Durand, and building a stealth suit with modules in robotics with the intent of fighting security. - They had absolutely minimal escalation once they had everything. - They subverted me and did absolutely nothing with it. They emagged us basically just because they could but not because they needed to. - They broke several antagonist rules. https://imgur.com/a/aTLJChp Now this isn't just me guessing people's motive; they literally declared themselves insane with the goal of shooting up the station. This is absoultely what they were going for. They made it clear that they were just simply insane and wanted to shoot up the station in a Durand. That was LITERALLY their goal. So I ahelped it. I ahelped. I stated that Xiialt Weish spent an hour and thirty minutes building an exosuit and arming themselves up, subverting borgs, and other prep just to fire on people semi-randomly. Garnacus grabs the ticked and argues that he didn't see them gank anyone, and that attempting to gank people wasn't against the rules. If sec neutralizing someone "go on a short terrorizing spree like a phycopath" then it's fine because sec stopped it and the psychopath didn't actually do it. I bring up the fact that his gimmick was literally "I am insane, time to shoot up my workplace." then deflected with the fact that there was a shitter janitor asking to be shot despite that only being a fraction of what happened. I bring up the fact that they spent approximately 75% of the round gearing up and preparing to gank security but Garnacus deflected with "It was okay to shoot security because security shot first." and kept to it. It would help if the logs were posted because I don't want to accidentally misrepresent what I said or what Garnacus said. To me it just seems like he was making excuses for the person despite that person breaking several server rules.
  22. The only way to prevent any sort of griefing or shit behavior is to bwoink players for OOC transgressions (powergaming, griefing) and punish players for IC transgressions (violating privacy laws and regulations as non antag, meming). I mean janitor has near all-access and can cause a lot of issues and people who abuse that all access have been bwoinked about it. Like when you think about it, it's kind of like AI where there is a lot that can go wrong if a bad player chooses it, but it's dealt with when it happens.
  23. Network Administrators would have the following responsibilities: Managing, fixing, and maintaining telecommunication servers. They would be repairing any equipment failures, monitoring the coolant levels in telecoms, helping engineering fix breaches, and using NTSL2 for telecommunication scripts. Managing, fixing, and maintaining PDA servers. They would be managing problems like blocking PDA spam, providing PDA logs to security, and tracking PDA viruses. Managing, fixing, and maintaining NTNet servers, such as chatrooms, news, and other things. They would be the only ones with the power to block news articles on request of security, and have the power to delete them. There would only be one slot of this job. This is for people who wish to learn more about telecommunications, NTSL 2, and some other features without having to be the Chief Engineer. Currently, the Chief Engineer is the only one who has access to telecomms which just seems silly.
  24. WarOps is when Nuke Ops declares war and everyone gets all access and arms up to defeat the incoming nukies who have like 500 TC. I wasn't in the paranoia round but I was in the voting for it. 6 people voted paranoia, 4 people voted extended, 4 people voted secret. There were about 20 players ready. I don't see how that is fair.
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