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Everything posted by Vizendel

  1. Gillian is an amazing roleplayer and I consider myself lucky to interact with their characters. Give them a chance, you won't regret this. +1
  2. I'm not a Tajaran whitelister, but this is a fantastically written app that seems to take a lot of the lore into consideration in its writing. Plus, Lupo knows how to RP well. +1.
  3. I actually really like Klaus, Bear is one of the sec players who don't immediately go for the gat and I think we need more of that, if he ever goes captain or hos the server would be better off for it. +1
  4. Having had no experience with Caelphon outside of Malakai Hendricks, my judgement of their roleplaying is lacking, however they have shown great understanding of Eridani lore in Hendricks. Likewise with Unathi, Caelphon has shown an excellent understanding of Sinta, with their doggedness and utter devotion to whatever they desire or deem to be the right choice. It's a +1 from me.
  5. I have only interacted with Anastasia Komarova, but she feels realistic and like an excellent representation of the players skill and professionalism. I'll keep an eye on them in future and update this post regarding it, but for now it's a +1.
  6. I fail to see why this is a big enough deal to oppose its implementation, especially when someone has already expressed an intent to look into it. It's literally more work to not want this for the individuals who are opposing it.
  7. Ati has taught me quite a lot about atmospherics and Engineering and I'd love for them to have the chance to do that for other people too! +1
  8. I haven't seen this player in any interim positions yet, but I will say that they RP quite well and they tend to play when the presence of Command staff is minimal. Can't hurt, +1.
  9. Don't tell me how to roleplay my characters.
  10. You clearly didn't read my reply. His history is a small part of the whole, and I hardly hand-waved the situation away with saying that he's "used to it." I gave three good reasons otherwise as to why he wasn't sobbing over the death of four people whose actions almost got him killed. I'm not going to humour you any further, and will await staff member input.
  11. Hi. I play Huzu. Why was nobody else who made the offhand comment about Berko killing himself targeted? Jamal didn't start sobbing. Huzu is a survivor from the Contact War of Moghes and has seen some shit that's made him at least partially desensitized to death, especially after surviving a point-blank explosion and exposure to a vacuum because of the actions of the ISD who after being offered several chances at a less immediately lethal option by Huzu, continued to try to go for the valid on the antag. Additionally, when Huzu was held hostage this round by the antagonist, he quite loudly begged the ISD to not do anything and antagonize the ninja. "Please, don't." Yet, they initiated hostilities and got Huzu shot in the hand. This seems like a pretty reasonable reaction from someone still fresh from being SHOT and filled with adrenaline. Even further from that, Huzu didn't witness the suicide, he asked if it happened, and then made a comment at the ridiculousness of the situation. Shock represses a great deal of emotions immediately after a stressful situation. All in all, I don't think I should need to justify my IC reasoning to a player, but there you go.
  12. Geeves is without a doubt one of the best people in Aurora, give him anything he asks for and you won't be disappointed.
  13. This sounds like a pretty amazing idea.
  14. It's more than a bit annoying to be so close to slipping the bonds of your straitjacket, and then suddenly you're spammed with a stun gun and have to try again. I propose that straitjackets remember how close you are to breaking out of them and continues it when you try again, unless someone tightens the straitjacket back up.
  15. I have always enjoyed my interactions with C.L.A.N.K, though I can't say I've interacted with his other characters, I think he shows understanding of what an IPC should be. So.. +1 from me!
  16. BYOND Key: Vizendel Character Names: Lachlan King and Robert Shor are the only ones I’ve played in a while. Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Black Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: While I could continue to play Humans with little fuss on my end, I find the way that the Unathi culture has been written out and developed to be extremely interesting and engaging, I want to take part in the honour-bound culture of this race, along with the way it treats social interactions with other species. Interacting with Unathi (particularly non-Guwan Unathi) has been a source of great entertainment for me, as I love interacting with their honourbound culture and society and want to take part at a deeper level than that of an outsider. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Aside from the simple fact that they're not Human, Unathi have a much more centralized culture that isn't nearly as varied as Human culture. The greatest cultural (though not Religious) divergence within the Unathi people is Ouere and Moghe, where Ouere is much more forgiving for social faux-pas dealt by non-Unathi races, but still considers such faux-pas to be insults, even if unintended. The entire way their culture has developed lends them to be much more different to Humans than simply being lizards. Additionally, the several distinct Religions within Unathi culture, all at eachothers throats represents an interesting niche that while not entirely dissimilar from Human Religions, is different in the fact that they may as well be openly at war, for all the blood that is spilled by them even in the present. Character Name: Tersza Kazur Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Though hatched on Moghes, his family fled the planet for Ouerea as soon as they could, thinking it a better place to raise a family away from the poisoned, expanding wasteland on Moghes. Tersza was hatched in Versakh and embodied the warmth and comfort of his birth season quite well as a child, not a particularly difficult child to rear save for the unfortunate incident where a young, sun-loving Tersza developed the skin condition common to Ouerean Unathi, much to his embarrassment in not listening to his parents’ warnings about such and being the first in several lessons in learning to obeying one's wise elders. These traits followed him into early adolescence, where Tersza was raised in a traditionalist household, the tenets of honour and the family’s personal faith- The Akhanzi Order- were drummed into the young Tersza. With a childhood that was atypically free of a majority of struggle, Tersza may have grown up somewhat soft compared to the majority of his kind. This was aided by a mother which coddled him and encouraged him to learn, imprinting on her child her own unfulfilled desires to learn and grow more intelligent. His father was not wholly against these practices, though while he had desires to see his firstborn son grow into a model of traditionalist Unathi customs, the fire of his youth had been tempered by his love for his wife and changed him, softening him enough to relent and allow his son a more bookish childhood. As a result, Tersza grew up valuing his knowledge more than his fists (though never lacked for opportunity for the latter to make a showing in his teenage years, where most of such fights were bitter losses.) University was a guaranteed prospect once he had matured enough for it, and enrolled in the Hongsun Park Engineering Institute for, (at first) a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering, and soon after completion of that going for a Masters in the very same, doing little more than his very best and graduating much to the pride of his family. At the tender age of just twenty five, the young Unathi, very much unprepared for the rigours of life in the real world, away from those who love him unconditionally, applied for a position at NanoTrasen, and to his delight was granted (in his eyes) the privilege of working for such a prestigious corporation. What do you like about this character? Personally, my favourite part about Tersza is that I can play him as a wide eyed Unathi, a step apart from the old and grizzled Unathi that lived through a lifetime of war, very much unskilled in the ways of the world and still believing that most everyone will act honourably. I am really looking forward to roleplaying how he’ll handle working in a multicultural workplace like the Aurora, with so many conflicting cultures and how life aboard the Aurora will change him, for better or worse. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I like to think that I'm a good roleplayer! I could probably improve, but the best way to improve is to branch out and go into areas one isn’t skilled in. Notes: None come to mind, other than please be honest, I’d love to improve!
  17. Having roleplayed with Cactus for several months, I can attest that he keeps to his characters' weaknesses and strengths, respecting what he can and can't do and not metagaming or metagrudging. I think he would make an excellent Tajaran and should be offered the chance to do so.
  18. DrHobo as a player is an absolute joy to play with and my rounds instantly get better if I see Joe Anders on the roster. He is helpful and quite skilled at teaching new players the ins and outs of Science and I've seen him take an in-character approach to teaching people things outside of his current job (For one instance, helping out a player in Xenobiology understand the mechanics behind it in an IC capacity.) Anders would make for an awesome Research Director and I think DrHobo as a player would definitely be able to pull off CMO or Head of Personnel if he put his mind to it. +1 from me.
  19. I've actually never had any negative experiences with Vick, personally. I've been in a few of these rounds that have been spoken about but my not being in Sec has lead to me not seeing these issues. All in all, from my PERSONAL EXPERIENCES, Vick's just a character that stirs the pot a bit, which seems OK.
  20. I have always, personally, considered Antag RP to be of a higher necessary quality than that of the protagonists. Or, given that I don't like those terms very much with the implication it makes that the story belongs to any one character, I'll refer to them as Villains and Others. (I'd say heroes, but honestly some of the non-antags are as openly ruthless, cruel and vicious as the villains themselves.) This is, because of the fundamental level of OOC understand that is necessary to correctly play an antagonist. Your goal is to make things not only fun, but interesting. You have to make a point of conflict in the story of the NSS Aurora for whatever reasons you so decide. (Let's all love Nar-Sie, Nanotrasen are bullies, etc.) However, that's not all you have to do. You have to lose.. Eventually anyway. I personally consider the rounds end to not be the end of the story for that particular scenario, I always assumed that Nanotrasen sets things right with its multi-trillion credit networth and budgets they'll reclaim the station or send in a Death Squad to wipe out particularly horrible infestations. It's for that reason that the Antags CAN kill people so freely, because they will lose eventually and they have to lose eventually, just because they're a small group/individual/infestation standing up against what may be one of the most powerful megacorps to grace the Galaxy. That rant aside, you want to know how to provide interesting RP to someone you're killing, so I'll say what I know from my experiences on a vast different number of servers and games. Interact with them. You don't need to give them the chance to escape but there's no reason you can't go for the legs, down them and pull off their comms and then spend a minute or two divulging a plan, let them in on it. Failing that, interacting with them prior to the kill. (For those villains that can do that anyway; Revs, Traitors, Lings, etc). Get to know your target before you kill them, chat with them in the hallways, be friendly. Then rip the mask off for the grand betrayal, call them dirty Nanotrasen sympathizing dogs, give a little bit of your potential backstory out before sticking the knife in their throat. Naturally there's some villains that just straight up can't do this; Ninja's, Mercs, Raiders. Someone's gotta die and that's OK! Not everyone survives every story, some people get the unfortunate situation of having their throat cut in maintenance so that the villain can use his comms to taunt and tease the rest of the station, to interact with them. The issue that I see is that people don't like losing, which is normal. But people (especially the non-Villains) need to learn that losing is all well and good, and it's necessary to provide a fun entertainment for the server. Sure, it's not too fun to get your shit stomped, but you're also providing more fun for the rest of the server. It's very poor form to expect the Villains to take their deaths quietly if one or two non-Villains can't accept that they might die ignoble deaths every now and then. (After all it's only two hours out of your life.) Obviously if you're dying every round right at the beginning that's less fun and should definitely be looked at. Rambling rant done.
  21. Dunno if my newbie opinion counts for much, though I do think that Tsemir would make for an excellent Chief Engineer. He's diligent in his job and sticks in character always unless he has to be OOC, which is rare and brief. He seems to understand the responsibilities that he'll undertake as a Head of Staff. It's a wholehearted +1 from me.
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