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About witchbells

  • Birthday 14/03/1995

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  • Interests
    scarecrow, jonathan crane, master of fear, lord of despair, duke of dread, prince of palpitations, savant of screams, marquis of the macabre

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  1. i carry a boombox on my shoulder. i turn it on. scape santa starts playing at full blast

  2. Technomancer adds nothing to the game other than to satisfy the people who moaned about how "unrealistic" it is. The round type is boring at best and insufferably obnoxious at worst. Wizard had a lot of effort put into diversifiying it before it was removed and it could add to rounds, there were like five different types of wizard, each with their own angles to play into. It could certainly be improved upon, but technomancer was a deliberate downgrade.
  3. I didn't feel like the events were railroading the ship to a particular decision, rather, I felt like this was an event where there was real, tangible danger that weighed on every crew member. The severity of the repercussions that could befall the Horizon wasn't just felt by a few select people, which is a really common pitfall some events fall into, but an imminent danger that illustrated the perils of being functionally alone in space. That was the most important function of the event, in my opinion.
  4. I had to scratch the farthest depths of my mind to remember if you've ever been remotely annoying. Demon is consistently enjoyable to roleplay with. Also, imagine for a moment, having command during dead hour. That sounds great. I think it sounds great. and oh look it's one of my favoritest ever bestest things to see in a command application Plus one, gibe command whitelist, etcetera. I hope to see fatlizard again soon.
  5. Holy shit, no. Everything I want to say about this has already been said far more eloquently than I could ever say it, so I'm just going to try and add a coherent argument. Anything that can go wrong on a space station or space ship most assuredly will. There are about two hundred different ways to die in game, and as time goes on, that number will increase. The tagline for the game is "try to stay alive," and no matter how many years Aurora spends building an identity, that theme will persist. This is a game where you will die, in a universe where the accepted truth is that the Horizon can be very, very dangerous. There is no mechanical nor a in-character purpose for suit sensors to be unavailable on code, or any code. Nobody on the ship is ever truly safe. It is not believable. Like Gem said, suit sensors are already voluntary. They're also easy to forget. Worst case scenario, just buy a radio jammer. That's what they're for.
  6. star trek IS canon since it existed before timeline divergence which means we CAN AND SHOULD discuss prime directive ic

  7. Most servers actually already have this feature. This would just be QoL feature and bring us up to speed with everyone else.
  8. who do you think has the funniest ckey on the server i think notaspider is a top contender

    1. DeadLantern



  9. I eagerly await the addition of unagi to kitchen menus.
  10. all votes for nursie should be a vote for runtime
  11. Name it Runtime again. Runtime was a funny little code joke. It will always be relevant to the game. Always. edit: π—΅π—Όπ—Ήπ˜† 𝙛π™ͺπ™˜π™ 
  12. It's not a bad change, but I'm getting a kneejerk reaction because I'm one of several people who took a long, long break from Aurora before returning. I see that there are other people in the thread who feel the same way. Losing your whitelist, despite how easy they can be to get, is a daunting thing for some of us who just stop playing SS13 every so often. While I've always agreed that we should handle command whitelists with more care, I can't help but worry that it might discourage some people from returning. I would wholeheartedly agree with this if it was combined with additional criteria, or if you hadn't used your whitelist in longer a year.
  13. No. And here's why. I was a lore deputy until for about a year, from 2018 until 2019. We both know what happened, so instead of going through it all again, I'm going to post a link and an excerpt from the staff complaint that resulted in your termination, and allow everyone to read that thread and make up their own minds. I've worked with you closely enough to agree with the sentiments in this thread regarding your aggression, but I'll spare everyone from having to hear my own account in regards to your immature, hair trigger behavior, since it's already been covered in depth and I'd rather not throw stones in glass houses. Additionally, I'll have to agree with the sentiments DanseMacabre, CampinKiller, Triogenix, - after your termination, you took a year-long hiatus from Aurora. You are no longer in touch with the community, and it's of my opinion that no person, whether they write code, or lore, or handle tickets should be in an official position if they aren't an active member of the community.
  14. More labor movements. We've seen the ugly side of every other faction, and it's time we saw Biesel's. We've gone in this direction of "conglomerate of megacorporations that control everything" and we get the impression that everyone is Okay With It. And yeah, I get that there are people fighting the companies, but we aren't seeing enough of it. Mass media control can only do so much. I want to see people trying to form communities outside of SCC control, I want to see protests (they'll call them rioters, let's be honest) and I want to see people in Mendell just fighting to make their home better off because they didn't win independence just for this. I want to see the SCC fight back by running smear campaigns against corporate dissidents, I want to hear about "ex-employees" who tried to unionize their workplace, only to be called some nasty name like a syndicate of mutineers. I'm tired of seeing the nice side of Biesel and just making assumptions about what goes on behind the curtain.
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