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Everything posted by Bsmiffy78

  1. Great RP and great CE. Encourages group RP, when engineering is typically all AFK waiting for an alert to pop up +1
  2. While I haven't had much direct interaction with them, what I have has been enjoyable, overall a well-put together character. One thought that I would have for constructive criticism, would be to try to come up with some interesting or quirky antag-gimmicks. Most of the antag-gimmicks I've seen Fernando do were *interesting* but I'm not sure if they involved as many people as they could. ?‍♂️ Other than that, +1
  3. Whatta dude, dude. +1. Amazing lizard. Him and Coolwinlah are cute af.
  4. Yep, part of the reason I'm cutting back on the smoking while on shift RP. Although if I do, I try to keep such behaviors away from public areas, and is usually done in the company of her friends, for reasons of: fuck it, this shift is boring, let's get high. Or fuck it, this shift has been stressful af and I'm no longer needed, let's get high. But yes, I agree. Thanks for the feedback ❤️
  5. A cool, fun-loving, dad that wants to be best-friends w his kids, while still keeping them in check. Could loosen up about his opinion on reishi, but ?‍♂️
  6. Whatta woman. ? Really tho, great roleplaying on all accounts. Fun to interact with. Need to start playing the Smythe-Demos command team again.
  7. Haven't interacted w them too much. Seems to have a lot of hate on them from the looks of the aurora manifest google sheet. Naomi thinks she's hot...but there's a lot of people on that list.
  8. Yeah, I've toned that back a bit recently. Due to IC and OOC character development...she does love Reishi though. :shrug:
  9. Yo knabs, jus' lookin fer a lil feedback on m'main wrencher Naomi. Lemme know what'cha t'ink an'if ah'should be doin biz differen'ly. T'anks. Also, here are some other characters I play
  10. BYOND Key: Smifboy78 Character name: Naomi Marlowe Item name: "Reishi Queen" Winter Coat Why is your character carrying said item to work? It's a personal keepsake from her previous adventures in Epsilon Eridani, where she was known by her band as "Queen Reishi" for her love of Reishi, of course. I think it fits in nicely with the lore, i.e. being a total dreg I don't think it would be that out-there to suggest she would wear something thats slightly out of regulation. (seeing as there are plenty of people who do that w/o custom items already) Although its just a coat. And she still has her jumpsuit under it. ?‍♂️ Item function(s): Togglable Coat Hood (same as winter coat) Item description: A worn purple winter-coat. On the back, "Reishi Queen" is stitched on top of a skull patch. It reeks of Reishi. Item appearance: All sprites have been created by yours truly, and are attached below. They are still WIP although they are fully sprited, Kyres1 is helping me test them. How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP?: The coat is a symbol for Naomi's backstory and a device for those characters who haven't met Naomi to get a first impression of her. Ultimately, I want the coat to be able to drive interaction between Naomi and the characters around her. It's a great piece to start conflict, friendships, and start IC conversations that wouldn't happen if she were simply wearing, say, an Engineering winter coat. (suits grimacing, confronting her over it; other dregs complimenting her on it/forming friendships through a conversation that wouldn't happen naturally w/o the item) Additional comments: First time spriting (also im colorblind) lmk how I did! naomi_coat_complete.dmi
  11. Would be nice for the Reishi Queen's wardrobe: +1
  12. This. Probably could've worded it a bit better. I was very sleep deprived when I wrote this.
  13. The idea is less so about which time zone to choose, and more that the time from the last shift continues on to the starting time of the next shift. I am suggesting we use UTC, Coordinated Universal Time (Zulu Time) as that is what is most likely used on the ISS. Basically, I just really like continuity. So when I stay on the shift after transfer and then spawn in my office for the next shift, the time should line up, not be like..10 hours different, on the same day in game.
  14. So, the dates on all forms, PDAs, etc. adhere to IRL dates, with about 450 years tagged on. I think it would make sense to keep station time consistent across rounds, rather than have it randomized (at least that's what it appears is currently going on? don't really know) each round. I'm imagining this being fairly easy and straightforward in my head, but I'm also very sleep-deprived atm so maybe I'm being dumb. I think this would help some characters who "stay during transfer" RP that they're working a shift longer than 2 hours. Which, for me personally, is something I do quite often. Lmk what you think, or if I'm being dumb. Cool, thanks
  15. Makes sense! I'm a sucker for realism, so, just checking to see other's opinions.
  16. To add another layer of immersion and realism to medical, I was wondering if it would be possible to add a Hypoxia mechanic to oxygen deprivation. It would work pretty simply. After so long without oxygen, depending on local atmospheric stats, and oxy damage, induce a confusion effect on a given mob for x seconds, until atmos stats are restored, or oxygen damage is repaired. Basically, this would encourage people not to run into an unpressurized room without internals on, or try to be some hero sec officer running into a hard vacuum. Would also encourage people to actually equip internals when a breach has occurred. Thoughts? Is this something that would be interesting, and realistic, or just annoying? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_of_spaceflight_on_the_human_body#Vacuum
  17. So, Jennifer was actually my very first IPC. I got my whitelist by writing her background summary, and I've recently revived her and began playing her as she was intended. As she develops however, I'm unsure if I'm on the right track with her development because I do things a bit..iteratively. Not really knowing where I'm going. If you see anything in the following backstory, or in-game that you'd like to point out- or if you'd just like to leave a comment/remark, feel free. Thanks!
  18. What about Human Anti-Gravers? Like anti-vaxxers, but less dumb, and they don't like gravity.
  19. I have faith the lore team can work out the kinks and present this in a way that can present new interesting roleplaying opportunities. As for spacers/offworlders/spacey-bois/spaghetti-bone-bois carrying some sort of genetic trait down from their relatives who are also spacers/offworlders/spacey-bois/spaghetti-bone-bois I would say that this is a bit flawed. You are a spacers/offworlders/spacey-bois/spaghetti-bone-bois because you were born in or subjected to low-grav environments for an extended period of time. A plausible explanation, I would say would be due to the lack of grav-gens one would expect in frontier space only 45 years after their invention. Such a complex thing would not be widespread so quickly, and even if it could be mass produced and mass-drivered out to frontier space in the billions, are you also sending people to maintain them? Not to mention the power associated with keeping the device online, which may not be possible to provide for some ships/stations, and given the brutal nature of the frontier I would say that most (who are probably already used to suffering from low-grav) would just opt not to waste the resources on it. peep: my 69th post
  20. I would be willing to assist, although my knowledge of byond code is....limited, I'm an SE major, and might be able to help, given a bit of guidance.
  21. Suggestions to rework said computers/making the role actually worth playing as a non-antag: - Make all consoles wired to the network. The reason for this being that wired connections are generally much safer than wireless connections. This would also mean that any explosions/damage to station structure would disconnect associated computers from the network. Add several redundant connections to highly important devices. Make the wires resistant to standard wirecutters, requiring a special tool from IT to cut. This would give IT something to do in the case of repair/maintenance. Maybe add a network controller similar to APCs? - Add various random events (malfunctioning consoles, bad wires, network breaches, I dunno maybe have them prevent DDoS attempts from a bunch of furries or something) - Remove R&D, Messaging Server from R&D/AI Upload, move them to IT Department. Put limits on how much memory servers can hold, make them upgradable. I.e., building additional servers, adding memory banks, etc.
  22. +1 That is all. Edit: Suggestion, should have some sort of antagging ways to fuck with crew. Like maybe malf AI can route buttons on consoles to do different things, like ya know, blow up or something.
  23. Reporting Personnel: Hans Weber Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Captain Game ID: bXs-aJeM Personnel Involved: (Name, Job Title: Offender/Witness/Other) - Hans Weber, Captain - Witness - HAMMER-55, Detective - Witness - Brian Caruso, Security Officer - Witness - Zahra Mrakiizar, Security Officer - Witness - Edward Sholl, Security Officer - Witness - Jeremiah Watson, Warden - Witness - Fernando Gonzales, Chief Medical Officer - Witness - Kelvin Riker, Chemist - Offender Time of Incident: 12/17/2460, 12/18/2460 Real Time: 0100EDT, 12/18/18 Location of Incident: NSS Aurora, Medical Department, Bridge, Brig, Bar Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ X ] - Neglect of Duty [ X ] - Harassment [ X ] - Assault [ X ] - Misconduct [ X ] - Other: Employee charged with i206 and i212 regarding the incident as described by Arresting Officer Caruso. Overview of the Incident: Prior to this shift, an incident occurred resulting in the offender's arrest and charges of i206 Neglect of Duty and i212 Contraband. These charges were witnessed by Officer Brian Caruso. Upon arriving onboard the station I was informed by Chief Medical Officer Fernando Gonzales that the offender, working as a Chemist that shift, had an extensive security record, including i206 and i212, which was filed the previous shift. As it was my concern to assure the safety of the crew under my supervision that shift, and due to the nature of the reports on the two incidents I deemed the offender unfit for duty. I had Detective HAMMER-55 bring the offender in for questioning to assure our records were accurate and that Central Command was in possession of his statement. I then proceeded with the suspension of the offender, filing the necessary paperwork, and had HAMMER-55 escort them to the Bridge. Upon arriving at the Bridge, the offender was stripped of his duties as a Chemist within the NSS Aurora's Medical Department and provided their copy of the suspension paperwork. When asked to proceed to the locker room to change into a different uniform and return his gear to the Medical Department the offender proceeded to become angry, dispose of his clothes, his bag, and presumably with it his copy of the suspension paperwork, and gear belonging to the Chemistry Lab. At this time the offender began yelling hostilities, making rude gestures, and becoming visibly upset. The offender asked me to "step outside" of the Bridge, a request I ignored. I asked Security to report to the Bridge, and after losing sight on him, stepped out of the Bridge to assess his location. At this time, the offender appeared from behind a wall and charged angrily at me. The offender was able to strike a light punch to my shoulder, before being forced out of the Bridge airlock via a less-than-harmful shove. Soon after the incident at the Bridge, the offender left in an attempt to avoid Security and was later found at the Bar by Officer Mrakiizar, who attempted to make an arrest. The offender was eventually taken into custody at the Bar, after having a racially-charged argument with Officer Mrakiizar, who reported the racism over the Security frequency. The offender continued to struggle with and resist officers while being detained and processed in the Brig. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: N/A Actions taken: To the best of my knowledge, the offender was taken into custody at the end of the shift by ISD for Indecent Exposure and Hooliganism, Resisting Arrest/Sparking a Manhunt, and Minor Assault. I, Captain Hans Weber, suspended the offender after being made aware of the nature of his previous charges, deeming him a possible threat to the well-being of station personnel due to his access to Chemistry equipment, and his previous abuse of said equipment. Additional Notes: N/A
  24. BYOND Key: Smifboy78 Total Ban Length: A week (Until 10/18/2018) Banning staff member's Key: flimango Reason of Ban: Continuously AFKing without using cryogenics or ahelping. Multiple unacknowledged warnings for similar behavior. Reason for Appeal: To preface, I understand that I definitely have a habit of occasionally leaving rounds without ahelping or cryo'ing. I enjoy playing on Aurora, but life is life and when I need to exit a 3D spess-man game to do something else or maybe get some sleep for once, I tend to just do so as I wish. I apologize if this has effected the "immersion" or "gaming experience" of other players around me in a negative manner, but have never heard of any complaints personally from other players, or members of staff about this behavior and I politely disagree that it is worth a week-long ban. I am also unaware of any official attempts to warn me of my behavior-- if they are able to be seen across rounds, nothing has ever stood out to me saying you have been "warned" by a member of the staff, something which I'm almost sure I remember being a thing the last time I was warned for reasons concerning RP (several years back now). Anyway, Aurora is a great place and I genuinely enjoy using it to let off some steam and relax after a long day at school or work, and certainly never meant to smother anyone else's fun. Thanks!
  25. Good point. Revised OP and pseudo code to show this. At the time I wrote this I had yet to actually do the inspect limb function in game and was under the impression this was used while having a reinforced grab...for some reason.
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