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Everything posted by WhatsUpBrotendo

  1. This is way too high. It would be rare for a non-command character or a non-consular character to have a score above 8. Why did they not vote?
  2. Thanks for applying. I want to point a few things out in the application before I ask questions: Due to previous Skrell arcs, we don't allow players to create Tupkala characters anymore. This was meant to be on the wiki but it was never done. This will be changed and announced soon. Skrell are hermaphrodites, so Vutlit would neither be male or female. For the questions: What is Vutlit's Social Credit Score? How does Vutlit feel about the Federation? Where is Vutlit's family? Still in the Federation or have they moved abroad with Vutlit? Keep in mind that children are not allowed on the Horizon. What job will Vutlit have on the Horizon exactly? Is Vutlit a Listener or Reciever? What religion/belief do they follow? How does Vutlit feel about C'thur and Federation Diona? How does Vutlit feel about Skrell who left the Federation as refugees? How do they feel about Skrell who were born outside the Federation? How does Vutlit feel about Megacorporations? Specifically their activities in the Federation, but also in general. Who did Vutlit vote for in the latest election? Do they still stand by their vote? How old is Vutlit exactly? You mention that they're part of the Supernova Era of Skrell, but no exact age has been given. Where did Vutlit go to university? What did they study? From what I can gather you recently returned to the server, and you were still fairly new beforehand. While not strictly necessary I'd appreciate it if you could try to gather feedback from other active members in the community. You can do this by posting it once at the end of the round in the OOC channel, or by using the application feedback channel on the lore discord.
  3. Hi, thanks for applying. A few questions: Is Xiraq devout in their religion? How does Xiraq feel about the Federation? How does Xiraq feel about the non-Skrell in the Federation? Specifically Diona and Vaurcae. How does Xiraq feel about Skrell born outside of the Federation? How does Xiraq feel about the other species in the Spur? You mentioned that them being on the Horizon will be their first time outside the Federation for a "prolonged period". Where did they go outside the Federation before working with the SCC? Would this experience help make the adjustment to a more long-term stay abroad easier?
  4. I have been made aware that you have played for a total of four rounds, which is not enough time to showcase your roleplaying ability. I'll be denying this application, but I encourage you to play on the server more and properly establish yourself in the community. You can reapply in two weeks.
  5. I have been made aware that you have played for a total of four rounds, which is not enough time to showcase your roleplaying ability. I'll be denying this application, but I encourage you to play on the server more and properly establish yourself in the community. You can reapply in two weeks.
  6. Hi, thanks for applying. A few questions: What is Qraluu's social credit score? Is this small unknown company that Qraluu initially worked with meant to be working in the Federation? The Federation has its own state-owned enterprises and the megacorporations, and the rest of the Spur is largely dominated by the megacorporations. Smaller companies do exist in the setting, but not in Federation space. Given the relationship Zeng-Hu has with the Federation and the megacorp's reputation for hiring Skrell as soon as they graduate, Qraluu could go straight to Zeng-Hu rather than try and gain work experience before applying. Is there a reason that may have stopped Qraluu from doing this? What does Qraluu believe in? Are they particularly devout? Which region of Federation space does Qraluu come from? Are they from an established, canon planet or headcanon? How does Qraluu feel about the Federation? How does Qraluu feel about Skrell born/living outside the Federation? How does Qraluu feel about the non-Skrell citizens of the Federation (Dionae and C'thur Vaurcae)? How have recent events in the Federation/the Spur in general impacted Qraluu? You never mentioned what happened to them after Qraluu lost their arm. Did they get a prosthetic?
  7. Hi, thanks for applying. A few things: "!" will not work in a name. When looking at whitelist applications we expect the proposed character and backstory to be more ingrained into the species' culture. While this character would be fine once you have the whitelist, the application itself is meant to showcase your knowledge of species lore and how it affects your character. Please edit your character's backstory so that they're either from the Federation or a major Skrell community somewhere else in the Spur.
  8. I meant to reply to this earlier in the week, apologies about that. Butter and I don't see an issue with this item being added from a Skrell lore perspective.
  9. I'm going to tentatively say no to rewriting the background for your character and discuss it with my deputy. As it stands I'm fine with you leaving it as it is as long as you're able to answer questions regarding your character's backstory like you are now. I'm asking if Naa'hir's family (as in, those who raised them) are primaries/secondaries, as this would impact Naa'hir's social credit score and early life. I was also asking for an actual social credit score for Naa'hir. Based on what you've mentioned throughout your application, it seems that they are meant to be a tertiary numerical. Sqai'Tzi is a martial art that's linked to Qeblak and Weishii, which are the two main Skrell faiths. From the wiki: "While not a belief in and of itself, Skrellian martial arts holds signifigance to most Skrell, being used as a tool to practice their beliefs." Would this group have left as part of the Exodus led by Weibii a few years ago, or would this be before/after that event? Also, the Nralakk Federation does not allow dual citizenships except for the Sol Alliance, CT-EUM, or Eridani Corporate Federation.
  10. Hi, thanks for applying. A few things before I ask some questions. Firstly, you need both a first and last name for characters as per the server rules. The only exceptions to this are IPC and Diona characters. If you haven't thought of one or just didn't write it down on the app that's fine, I just wanted to clarify before you set up the character in game. Secondly, I'm not seeing much in the way of Skrell terminology throughout the app. While you've shown you know what listeners/receivers are, you haven't really shown knowledge in other places (quya terminology, relationship terms, etc). This isn't a major issue by itself, but since you've said yourself that you've only recently started reading about Skrell lore it does raise concerns regarding your knowledge of the species. The questions: Which community on Qerrbalak did they move to? Why did Naa'hir's family choose to move into one of these insular communities rather than somewhere with a large listener community or even moving off-planet, considering that they are likely still going to face prejudice by the locals? What was it like adjusting to living in a place like where they moved to? What is their social credit score? What is the score of their quya? Did Naa'hir being a listener heavily impact their social credit score? How old is this character? Does Naa'hir have any formal education? Which religion does Naa'hir follow? Do they also follow Suur'ka or Kir'gul? How does Naa'hir feel about Dionae and Vaurcae in the Federation? How do they feel about Skrell born outside of the Federation, or those that fled the Federation to live abroad? How/when did Naa'hir leave the Federation? Recent events in the setting would make interstellar travel difficult, especially for a lower class Skrell. How do they feel about recent events in the Spur, both Skrell-related and more generally speaking?
  11. Thank you for your answers. Good luck with the app!
  12. I pretty much agree with what you've put down and I don't really have much else to ask. Good luck with the app!
  13. Can you expand more on your thoughts/plans regarding Diona-Skrell lore? How do you feel about writing things that aren't necessarily related to Diona lore? The team's expected to contribute to things that might not be related to their species, do you think you might have issues (motivation, etc) if you were tasked with lore that isn't necessarily Diona related?
  14. Do you have any plans to expand on Diona-Skrell lore outside of CT-EUM if you're accepted? You've briefly touched on this I feel, and I got the impression that your focus as deputy would be more on Diona lore that is more independent from the other species. Something that I agree with as an aside, in case that came off the wrong way. Related to the first question, how do you feel about collaborating with other teams on lore in general? The Diona team does this more than any other team due to the species' place in the lore, but this also includes things such as megacorporations or Biesel/the CRZ which the entire team is expected to contribute to when needed.
  15. Title: Independent Former Colony TreiWaq'li Hosts Mad Scientist Q'uarshin Q'qili Who's work Threatens the Existence Of Us All Date: 31/07/2018 Author: Jackboot/Marlon Phoenix Reason: Mentions of a doomsday device amongst other things. Not something we wish to keep. Content: Title: Trei'Waq'li Wins Washa'ql'tup, System To the Federation After Re-Evalutation of Colony's Status; Mad Scientist's Lab Seized and Destroyed Date: 03/08/2018 Author: Jackboot/Marlon Phoenix Reason: Same as above. Content:
  16. Title: Human Cultural Awareness: Guide to April Fools Date: 31/12/2017 Author: Loow Reason: Low quality content. By this point Humanity and Skrell have interacted for around a century, there would be no need for an April Fools explanation. Content: Title: Ceremonial War Ends; Further Events Required Date: 12/01/2018 Author: Loow Reason: Goes against current Skrell lore regarding the species' view on the use of violence/war. Content: Title: Outsider Calls False Alarm: Forces Respond Appropriately Date: 17/01/2018 Author: Loow Reason: Low quality content. Mentions a Skrell being executed over a fake synthetic threat which goes against current Skrell lore regarding their view on the worth of a Skrell's life. Content: Title: Bacteria Native to Human Space Eradicated Date: 24/07/2018 Author: witchbells Reason: This is the only mention of Skrell in human space being forced to adopt vegetarian diets, and as far as I'm aware has largely been ignored/forgotten. The team would rather retcon this than keep it as a result of the information not being put on the wiki or made more apparent beforehand. Content:
  17. Title: 1986 Earth Sports Film Unearthed: Makes Waves Across Federation Date: 23/10/2016 Author: Jackboot/Marlon Phoenix Reason: Low quality content. Content: Title: Respectful Reclamation Initiatives Proceed Date: 20/07/2017 Author: Loow Reason: Goes against current Skrell lore in its content regarding businessmen/entrepreneurs existing in Federation space, as well as private land ownership. Content: Title: Re-Unifying the Republic: Ritual Wars to Resolve Longstanding Disputes Date: 30/08/2017 Author: Jackboot/Marlon Phoenix Reason: Goes against current Skrell lore regarding the species' view on the use of violence/war. Content: Title: Sister Systems Reunite as Qrruhilum is Reannexed Date: 08/11/2017 Author: Loow Reason: Goes against current Skrell lore regarding the species' view on the use of violence/war. Content:
  18. Retconned articles from the Warble Enquirer will be posted here along with why they were retconned. Title: Longest Dionae Name Registered Date: 15/02/2016 Author: Jackboot/Marlon Phoenix Reason: Low quality content. Content: Title: Traversing Politics Once Again Date: 22/04/2016 Author: Loow Reason: Goes against current lore regarding Dionae in Federation politics. Dionae are only allowed to be in low positions with few exceptions. Content: Title: Human Relations: Reaching New Highs Date: 06/08/2016 Author: Loow Reason: Low quality/unused content that the current team does not want to further develop. Content: Title: Representative to Adhomai Suspended For "Deeply Insulting Rant" Against Tajara Ambassadors Date: 03/10/2016 Author: Jackboot/Marlon Phoenix Reason: Low quality/unused content that the current team does not want to further develop. Content:
  19. Hi, thanks for applying. I have a few questions: Expanding on your answer regarding Skrell from the Traverse, does Tal-Sup's view also apply to Skrell born outside of the Federation, or is there a difference between the two groups (in their eyes)? What was Tal-Sup's social credit score before signing on with the SCC? What is it now? How do they feel about recent Skrell events? How old is Tal-Sup? How many degrees do they have in total? Just the one, or did they pursue further education? As for your note about Bridge Crew, there aren't any requirements in terms of degrees, just a valid pilot's license. As for what would be required for a similar position in the Jargon Federation I haven't put any thought into it. Depending on the position though I'd be inclined to say that a pilot's license would be enough.
  20. Closed per applicant's request. Feel free to reapply in the future.
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