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Everything posted by WhatsUpBrotendo

  1. Either in the IC or preferences tab there is an option to change your move speed for RP purposes. As for the other things I wouldn't mind some sort of mechanical representation.
  2. The only lore I can find regarding mindshields is from this page https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Solarian_Security_and_Law#The_Solarian_Interstellar_Intelligence_Bureau (The part about the nlom and aluminium is inaccurate, in case anyone else read that bit) Mindshields prevent psionic interaction mechanically, so that's definitely a thing. I can't say whether or not mindshields used by the corporations are specifically designed to prevent Skrell espionage since I can't find anything else on the wiki about it. Considering its predecessor was the loyalty implant I think mindshields replaced them with the intention of allowing command some leeway for antag gimmicks. As for the main point of the thread, I'm not a fan of the Leviathan as it is currently. I agree with Fluffy in making the Leviathan a less powerful and less secretive* artillery piece. That said, I'm not actually sure how powerful the Leviathan is meant to be. I've had it described to me as a planet cracker, or that it could cleave massive ships in two, and other claims that might just be an exaggeration. *as in its existence isn't a big secret, the mechanics behind it being secret makes sense still since it's an experimental weapon.
  3. I've been ill the past week so I've not been able to look at this app myself. I have a few things I'd like to point out: Skrell names still need to follow the first name last name requirement. The backstory is incredibly sparse. As Butter's pointed out, while the minimum is two paragraphs we expect species applications to cover the main points of that species' lore. I'd recommend reading through accepted applications to get an idea of what we normally ask and what other players have included in their apps. As it's been two days without a response and three days since the app was posted I'll be archiving this. You're free to reapply straight away with an application that addresses both mine and Butter's points.
  4. Sorry for not being more involved in the app. Illness means I've not had the energy lately. I think after answering Butter's questions all my concerns have been addressed. Accepted.
  5. Picrew pfp user


    1. Flpfs


      so so so true.

  6. Independent Traverser Movement Officially Established; Jrugl Announces Reforms Translated to Tau Ceti Basic The, until now dispersed and unorganised, opposition to Federation authority in the Traverse has now centralised itself as the "Independent Traverser Movement". This new development follows a series of public statements made throughout the Traverse by dissident leaders across several planets who appear to be spearheading the new movement. The Independent Traverser Movement's public manifesto lists over forty separate "concerns", ranging from the Federation's deeply-ingrained values and systems such as the Social Credit System, representation of the Traverse on the Grand Council, the Federation's economic and foreign policy, as well as what the movement perceives as a "conscious effort to exploit and mistreat" the population living within the Traverse. Inner-system politicians have individually come forward to debunk many of the manifesto's claims since its release, stating that "[the manifesto] is not much more than individualist rhetoric meant to divide our people and obfuscate the goals of the Federation." While the political stance may be prevalent in certain areas of the Traverse, the manifesto has seen zero support within the inner systems. Several queens from the C'thur hive have made statements denouncing the movement and reaffirming the hive's commitment to the Nralakk Federation. In response to the formation of the Independent Traverser Movement, Grand Councillor Jrugl has surprised many by publicly stating their intention to actively work on some of the main points made in the manifesto. While not going into details, Jrugl has said that the Grand Council will be convening in the coming weeks to discuss potential solutions. Despite the gesture of goodwill made, the Independent Traverser Movement has so far not slowed down its activities. Protests and demonstrations are still being organised as local authorities and the military are temporarily returning to containment measures in an attempt to minimise damage to public facilities and communities. Within the inner systems, the response to Jrugl's attempts to peacefully resolve the situation in the Traverse has been met with more positive reactions: The government has declined to comment on how the Grand Councillor's statement will impact operations in the Traverse, only stating that they are "taking steps to de-escalate” while still “keeping the peace in affected regions."
  7. Sorry this took so long to get to reply to. Been a busy weekend. I don't see any issues with the app itself outside of a few missing details I'd like you to fill in for me by answering the following questions: What faith does Xhan follow? What does Xhan think about other species that have integrated the Federation (C'thur hive Vaurca and Diona)? How does Xhan feel about humanity? How old is Xhan? What era would they have been born in? How does Xhan feel about the Federation? Your backstory touches on this a bit, but I'd like you to expand on their thoughts more. How does Xhan feel about Skrell from outside the Federation?
  8. Councillor Jrugl Calls for Action; Kala to take "Advanced Measures" in Traverse Translated to Tau Ceti Basic Councillor Weashbi Jrugl has called for "swift action" against the dissident systems within the Traverse during a speech made earlier today. The Grand Councillor has until now not shown any concern towards the current wave of subversive activity in the Traverse. They gave a public statement earlier today regarding some of the new policies being implemented as part of the government's response to the Phoron crisis. At the end of their speech, they were asked for their personal thoughts on the current situation in the Q'elpi region of the Traverse: The Grand Councillor then went on to say that the Qukala and Nlomkala have been ordered to take "advanced measures" as part of this new strategy. This includes a more aggressive stance on the Marauders and subversive activity wherever martial law has been declared. Alongside regular patrols and the consolidation of forces in key areas to prevent disruptions to civilian infrastructure and services, the Kala are now expected to take a more proactive approach in detaining non-compliant citizens. Similar to when martial law was first declared last year. Dissident activity in the Traverse continues to spread in the Q'elpi region and has begun to threaten the inner parts of the Traverse as well. The government issued a statement that reminded citizens to refrain from socialising in large groups due to the possibility of being misidentified as a subversive actor. Kala branches have allegedly heightened their security alertness in response to the developing situation. As of this article, three additional systems have been added to the "Marauder Systems", with martial law put in place to crack down on dissident activity.
  9. Dissident Action in Traverse Grows; Ti'Rakqi Activity Resumes in Marauder Systems Translated to Tau Ceti Basic As dissident activity spreads to other planets in the Traverse, the Qukala has deployed additional troops to areas neighbouring the Marauder Systems. Numerous planets neighbouring the Marauder Systems have reported an increasing frequency of subversive activity similar to what is being faced in the Marauder Systems. Anti-Federation activity is reportedly being conducted not only physically, but also through disruptive actions both online and in the Srom. Similar policies to those currently in place within the Marauder Systems have been emplaced on this new set of planets; extranet access has been disabled or heavily restricted, a travel ban is in place, and the Nlomkala is enforcing a strict curfew for civilians of all numerical bands. Whether or not martial law will be officially enacted on these additional planets is still up for debate. However, troop movements suggest that at the very least, the Qukala are preparing to intervene. The deployment of additional troops marks a record high for active Qukala operations in a single region outside the Core systems. The marked increase in Qukala troops has raised concerns about the security of uninvolved systems as Qukala concentrate in the Q’elpi region. These concerns mostly relate to the security of other regions of the Federation, which the government has assured are still well-protected despite the movement of Kala to the Q'elpi region. In related news, Ti'Rakqi activity has resumed in the Marauder Systems and the surrounding region; vessels identified as being aligned with the Marauder group have been engaged by the Qukala and driven off when discovered. It is currently unknown what their intentions are. One can assume that the Marauders are beginning to take advantage of the situation in the affected systems, as those most impacted by martial law look to the black market for goods and services that have been restricted; or those that are otherwise unavailable. The Grand Council issued a statement reminding citizens that subversive activity in all its forms will be punished accordingly, and to respect and adhere to the rules outlined under martial law. For our readers, we have included a flyer that has been used in the Marauder Systems as an example of what martial law exactly entails for the common citizen:
  10. Double-checked it with the deputies since it's been a while since you initially brought it to us. It has the Skrell team's approval.
  11. Disorder Continues in the Marauder Systems Translated to Tau Ceti Basic Anti-Federation activity continues to rage on in the Marauder Systems, with the Nlomkala and Qukala facing more open opposition by citizens. Users on Viv-ID have expressed their concerns over the situation, believing that it will take a stronger response by the Federation to pacify the region. The Grand Council continues to reassure citizens that what is happening in the Marauder Systems will subside and that they are doing everything in their power to ensure that the situation does not deteriorate. Various images released show the violence across the planets of the Marauder Systems; fortunately, it appears that the carnage is aimed primarily towards property rather than enforcers or civilians: While unconfirmed, it appears that videos and other media have been posted from the Marauder Systems in support of the dissidents, somehow bypassing extranet restrictions. The posts allegedly show why these groups are resisting Federation authority, showcasing life under martial law as well as calls for the end of Qukala operations on the planets and a return to regular civilian life. The Grand Council has declined to comment, instead stating that "the offending media was in breach of media policy on the platforms hosting it and has been promptly removed". The situation has had a noticeable impact on neighbouring systems as well, with local authorities noting an increase in subversive online activity originating from these systems. While noted as troubling, many have dismissed the activity as "young tadpoles looking for a cause.".
  12. The Marauder Systems, Eleven Months On Translated to Tau Ceti Basic The roughly dozen systems of the Q'elpi region of the Traverse, dubbed "The Marauder Systems" for their role in a Ti'Rakqi scheme to defraud the Nralakk Federation of Phoron, have been under strict martial law for eleven months without resolution in sight. The systems have endured not only an interplanetary travel ban, but strict curfews, extranet access restrictions, and suspension of other rights and privileges across all numerical bands. Some progress has been made towards transitioning back to a civilian government, but there are delays as the local Kala are still searching for known Marauder collaborators in the now-defunct local administrations. Even with this progress, however, there are now reports that dissidents have come to blows once again with the local authorities after a period of relative peace. Vandalism against government property, illegal demonstrations, and the spread of anti-Federation propaganda have suddenly been on the rise with no known catalyst for the events. A representative of the Grand Council went into detail on the developing situation: The Q'elpi systems have been relatively peaceful until now; with the majority of the conflict between the local citizens and the Qu'kala ending shortly after martial law was enacted. While the authorities are unwilling to point to a cause, the Kala stationed in the region believes that the long time under martial law and the negative impact it has had on daily life in these systems are the leading cause. When asked to comment on the extraordinarily long period of martial law being enforced in the systems, the representative stated that "[Martial law] will stay in place until such a time we believe we have detained all known collaborators of the Ti'Rakqi operation that resulted in Qukala intervention." This statement reaffirms the Qukala's aim of only operating for as long as it's strictly required (see: Martial Law Declared as Systems Resist Collaborator Arrests). Grand Councillor Weashbi Jrugl, while not personally available for a statement on the matter, posted the following on Viv-ID: As the Q'elpi systems are currently under strict travel and extranet restrictions, information coming out of the systems is slow. The Enquirer will continue reporting as the situation develops.
  13. Hi, thanks for applying. I don't see anything in the app that I need to correct, so I'll ask some questions. How does Qika view the Federation as a whole? Has their inability to advance in the social credit system due to their personality (and inability in the case of having children) caused them to resent the Federation in any way? You mentioned them being deeply loyal to the Federation in the "What do you like about this character" section, but I'd like you to expand on their views. How do they view groups that are anti-Federation (Lyukal, certain other nations, etc)? How does Qika view non-Skrell? Specifically Diona and C'thur Vaurca, but mention other species if possible too. How does Qika view Skrell born outside of the Federation? Is Qika a listener or a receiver? How does Qiki view synthetics as a whole? They were born in the Radiant/Contact Era, meaning they wouldn't have experienced life under Glorsh or the immediate aftermath of their disappearance, and would have had to rely on school and first-hand accounts from older Skrell to learn about that part of their history. While you may have answered it indirectly, what is Qika going to be on the Horizon? With a background in archaeology and history, I'm assuming xenoarchaeology, but I just wanted to double-check. How does Qika feel regarding recent events as they relate to the Federation (the collapse of the Sol Alliance, the Phoron Crisis, etc)?
  14. Hi, thanks for applying. Ryver's already covered most of what I wanted to ask, but there's a part of the backstory that I'm confused about: What test are you referring to here? And does this mean that Mbo comes from a quya of mostly listeners?
  15. I forgot to do this before I went to bed. Accepted.
  16. Hi, thanks for applying. I have nothing to say about the app other than that the Work Initiative Programme only started in 2464. It's still possible for your Skrell to have signed up fairly easily with Zeng-Hu if you wanted to keep the dates and backstory the same. I don't have much in the way of questions either, but one part of the backstory did stick out to me: Why/how did their Qrri'Myaq join them? If the parents both had a low social credit score, it would be safe to say that the Qrri'Myaq also had a low social credit score.
  17. Hi, thanks for applying. Before I ask questions I want to point out some things that I noticed: We don't really limit colours for Skrell characters outside of a general "be reasonable". This means don't make your Skrell something that would be hard to look at or ugly intentionally, or mess with styles/markings to make something that looks like a non-skrell at a glance (IC this wouldn't be an issue, but we're playing a 2D pixel game). While IC it would definitely be possible for a Skrell to have a broader skill set because of how long they can live, we don't want to promote job-hopping. Your character would have to either be a psychologist or a xenobiologist, not both. For future characters (or if you decide to change something about this character) I suggest asking admins to see what combinations, if any, they'll accept. On to the questions: What is Aqii's social credit score? How does Aqii feel about other species in the Federation? Specifically Vaurca and Diona, but you can mention non-Skrell in general too. What are Aqii's thoughts on synthetics in general? They were born close to the end of the supernova era/start of the radiant era. They're not old enough to know what living under Glorsh was like, but they're not young enough to have a degree of separation between them and those most impacted by AI. Did Aqii go through the work initiative programme, or were they hired by Zeng-Hu before the programme was introduced? How does Aqii view the Federation? How do they view those that are against the Federation? (Lyukal/resistance groups, DPRA, those that took part in Weibi's exodus)
  18. I don't know if it's because of the lack of engineering jobs to do (post-setup and barring antags/hazards) but I'm a fan of this. While having more useful things to do would be better I do like the general idea of non-consequential mechanical things you can do. In this case it'd give you an excuse to enter a department and interact with other players. Antags could use it to get closer to secure areas. I don't really see a downside to it.
  19. I was meant to accept this yesterday but I ended up not doing that. Accepted.
  20. Hi, thanks for applying. The app is good, I have no real questions or concerns, but I want to point out that one of the character's parents being a liaison between Qerr'Zolvq and Hephaestus is inconsistent with lore as the two enterprises only really started interacting with the work exchange programme, which has been around for a year. I'm not entirely sure about the other parent being a liaison with Zeng-Hu on Eridani either, but it could potentially be a thing that happened/does happen. I'm not going to ask you to edit anything since it's fairly minor and you've shown your knowledge of the lore surrounding the species. My one comment overall would be that it appears to me that you tend to input your own thoughts/ideas into the lore which might contradict or not entirely be in line with what's canon. I've noticed this in the lore discord, and while I've not noticed anything egregious it does result in small inconsistencies like I've pointed out here.
  21. Nice to see you've applied, I've enjoyed working with you since you joined the team. Your ideas are solid and collaborating with you on team projects was never a hassle, and I don't see that changing if you end up becoming the new Unathi lore dev. Praise aside though I do have a few questions: Do you have a long-term vision for what direction you want to take Unathi? Do you have any plans for Unathi lore that include other species or include Unathi in other teams' areas? Oeurea and the Unathi piracy update are two examples that come to mind. Can we expect anything similar in your future work? Is there anything regarding Unathi lore that you'd really like to remove or heavily rework, but it's so ingrained in the lore to the point where it'd be challenging to do in a way that's satisfactory?
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