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Everything posted by WhatsUpBrotendo
ClemTheDuck Unathi Deputy App
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to ClemTheDuck's topic in Developer Applications Archives
I like your proposal and I don't see any issues with your answers so far. I've got a few questions: Do you have much experience with wiki editing? If not, have you considered looking into it since you made your app? Do you have any specific plans for Unathi? Would any of these plans involve collaborating with the other species teams? As an aside, it might be worth noting any edits you make to your proposal here to make sure people are aware that it may have changed since they last looked at it. Good luck with the app. -
Myphicbowser's Unathi Deputy Application
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to Myphicbowser's topic in Developer Applications Archives
I'm happy with these answers. Regardless of the outcome I'm looking forward to seeing any contributions you make (either as part of the team or through the canonisation process). -
Work Initiative Programme Announced: Relations between Nralakk Federation and Megacorporations Develop Further Translated to Tau Ceti Basic Officials have released a statement that officially announced the start of a new programme in conjunction with megacorporations operating within Federation space: An interesting development in the relationship between the Nralakk Federation and human megacorporations, the initiative aims to partner Nralakk Enterprises with the equivalent megacorporations that operate within the Federation. Contractors employed by Xomor or Qel’Zvol Hospitality can opt to transfer their contract to Idris Incorporated, allowing them to work within either their security or service branches respectively. Hephaestus has been partnered with Qerr’Zolvq and Nralakk Logistics, with Skrell from these enterprises working in fields such as engineering, mining, logistics, or as ship crew. Zeng-Hu has developed its already strong relationship with Tuz’qlip Researchers further through this programme but has also partnered with Ziip’Ta Medicinal, allowing researchers and now doctors to easily find work abroad. One of the more controversial topics surrounding this new initiative was the ability for Tertiary Numericals to sign up for the programme. The Enquirer reached out to Councillor Jrolk for their view on the matter: Our State Enterprises are currently finalising agreements with their partnered Megacorporations, and volunteers from all sectors have come forward to join the ‘first wave’ of Skrell to take part in the initiative.
Myphicbowser's Unathi Deputy Application
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to Myphicbowser's topic in Developer Applications Archives
I'm not going to give a + or - towards this app, but I have a few general questions. How do you feel about having to work alongside others who might have a different view on lore direction? Do you think you'd be able to work with others who might not always agree with ideas that you put forward? You were part of the CCIA team for a short time but then left. I don't know much about how CCIA operates internally, but I know it would be an issue for the Unathi team if you were to suddenly leave - especially if you were mid-project. How would you deal with this if you suddenly found yourself having less time for deputy duties? It's been a while since you've posted the app, have you looked back on your proposal since then? This is more out of curiosity since I find myself looking at my old work often, and I'd like to know how you perceive your own work now that some time has passed. -
I don't think this is necessary, and if someone came back using outdated lore/not roleplaying the species correctly that can easily be handled via ahelp, LOOC, or a simple DM. As others have said this would just have a negative effect on player count. Re-applying would do more harm than good in my opinion, and I'd much rather have someone DM me or ask questions on the discord after a hiatus (something that's encouraged and is done by returning players) than force them to go through the WL process again.
Custom Item Application - Eden Is Not A Skrellophile
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to Hunt's topic in Completed Items
Personally I think this would be good as a loadout item, but having an inverted version as Huntimes custom item too is fine with me. -
DrFarson - Skrell Application
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to Dr. Farson's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I don't see any issues with your answers to Butters questions, and I can't think of any of my own to follow up with related to Skrell lore. You've mentioned them being in the medical field, what role specifically would they be employed as? -
Topic of the Day: Interstellar Travel
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to Caelphon's topic in Aurora Lore Club's Topics
I don't think current lore mentions hyperspace as a viable method, the EE page mentions it but their attempts have been failures and no ones willing to volunteer for testing it. Right now the two established methods of FTL travel are warp and bluespace, with warp being the cheaper but slower alternative. I'd like to see warp, bluespace (and bluespace gates) see a glow up on the interstellar travel page, mostly to address the question of how the phoron scarcity has affected things. Most of the points made here already are things I think should also be discussed such as pilots and travel times, but I'd like to see warp be changed/retconned slightly so that it's a bit more viable than it currently is. Not to the point where it's competitive with bluespace mind you. The Suzuki-Zhang Hammer Drive should definitely be looked into again since in my opinion it just skirts around the whole point of there being a phoron scarcity in the first place, with it being described as being able to rival bluespace travel. -
Ben Afflek's Skrell Whitelist
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to SatinsPristOTD's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
You've hit all the main points I feel, but could you elaborate further on the differences between Humans and Skrell? I've also got some additional questions: Who did they vote for in the latest Jargon election? They seem to enjoy cooking, are there any particular dishes they enjoy making/eating? Were they always a follower of Weishii? Follow up, how did their coming of age ceremony go? How does Kai feel about the refugees/the Starlight Zone in Mendell? Have they ever left Qerrbalak, or would this be their first time off planet? -
[Accepted]WhatsUpBrotendo's Diona App
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to WhatsUpBrotendo's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
1) Veil took a few blood donations from Skrell colonists on Xrim to better understand Nral'Malic. They're not averse to drinking blood, but doesn't go out of their way to try and get blood samples unless it's required to better understand a subject. 2) They are 213 years old, making them a geras. They typically believe that those younger than them require tutoring, especially new-born diona, and those older than them to be gestalts worthy of veneration. 3) They're independent, being formed from a handful of nymphs with common interests that weren't linked to any greater gestalt. 4) They follow the orthodox Eternal faith and are happy that they are able to work in the same area of space that the figurehead of the Eternal faith resides. Veil is likely to meet the choir in some capacity seeing as they're also considered community leaders for the species, which Veil would be looking forward to, seeing it as an opportunity to learn from more experienced Dionae. -
-1 I've literally never seen this player before.
BYOND Key: WhatsUpBrotendo Character Names: Yeqol Xusha, Dayo Abioye, Ka’Akaix’Kog Zo’ra, Ka’Viax’Ryt Zo’ra, Enzaril Kanza Species you are applying to play: Diona What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Light brown Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I’ve interacted with hydroponics-grown nymphs quite often and it’s always been a blast helping them grow and trying to convince crewmembers to provide blood samples. More recently, my Skrell character Yeqol has become more involved with diona, having replaced a hand with a nymph prosthetic, and also adopting a newly-formed gestalt into their family unit. I’ve also been interacting more with the Diona team since becoming a lore deputy, and all of this has made me appreciate and become more interested in the lore behind the species. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: They’re a species where multiple members come together to form a collective consciousness, and each nymph that forms this gestalt shares its own knowledge and experience with the whole. This makes cooperation important for proper function as the individuals have an effect on how the whole is able to interact with their environment and those around them. This also has an effect on their psychology, as mind types form based on the members of the gestalt. The structures that form are unique to the gestalt and have a large effect on how they are able to function; democratic structures such as Harmonious Hymn often lead to large gaps in speech as they decide their actions based on what the majority wants, while Chaotic Cacophony is more anarchic since the nymphs are prone to talking out of turn as an example. Character Name: Seeking Knowledge Beyond The Veil Please provide a short backstory for this character Seeking Knowledge Beyond The Veil merged in 2250, coming from the Kshhr cluster on Xrim. They consist of six nymphs who have come together to form a Competence Choir structure within the gestalt, merging together after realising each nymph had a common interest in science. In 2265 Veil was given the opportunity to leave Xrim after applying for Federation citizenship. They believed that Federation space was the best opportunity for them to pursue a scientific career, and came to this consensus despite some members of the gestalt having anxiety at the thought of leaving their home planet. They eventually found themselves on Qerrbalak where they went on to take a course in theoretical physics, the gestalt finding themselves interested in the science behind teleportation specifically. Over the decades, Veil became more and more enamoured with the Federation; its collective and apparent meritocratic ideals appealing to how the gestalt itself operates. Veil is a loyal citizen of the Federation because of this and it has further deepened Veils already existing dislike for synthetics, something that stems from their experience on Xrim and their clusters interactions with Shkrh in the past. Recently, Veil has been given an offer from NanoTrasen to work abroad in Tau Ceti as a telescientist, something that was eagerly accepted by the gestalt as until now most of their work has been theoretical. They are looking forward to working in Tau Ceti, where they hope to interact with diona outside of the Federation and listen to their experiences, as well as interact with other species not typically found in the Federation. Some members of the gestalt have shown similar fears to their initial emigration from Xrim however, having mild anxiety at the thought of working with synthetics. What do you like about this character? I like this character because they allow me to explore some themes regarding non-Skrell in the Federation, which should bring out some interesting interactions in-game. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Good, not great. Nothing to write home about.
Liking these answers so far, just one more question from me: Is Tuliia a listener or a receiver? Disregard that I just woke up.
I like this app, and you've obviously put a lot of thought into the background for this character. A few questions: Do they still follow Qeblak, or have they since converted? How do they feel about current events concerning the Federation? I think it's hinted a bit in the app, but what role will they have on the station? I'm assuming something science related?
BYOND Key: WhatsUpBrotendo Character Names: Yeqol Xusha, Ame’kaz Szek’hakh, Ozan Mak’draz, Dayo Abioye Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character: RGB 11, 21, 0 Athvur’s brood/Zo’ra Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Vaurca have an interesting backstory in that they’re not from the Spur, and are truly alien when compared to other species. From being a eusocial species to their use of VR and augmentations, I think playing as a Vaurca will allow me to experience a unique playstyle. Playing with C’thur and K’lax as either my Skrell or Unathi characters has been an enjoyable experience. There’s common background there despite them being different species, which makes for more varied interactions, and I’d like to experience those interactions from the Vaurca perspective. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: For Vaurca, the hive and their queens are important, and they’re unwaveringly loyal to both. This is a powerful motivator for a Vaurca character and would have serious effects on how they react to situations on the station. Vaurca are also heavily discriminated against, both by their employers through exploitative contracts and wages, and by other species due to the fallout caused by the Lii’dra. For unbound Vaurca in particular, being outside of VR is distressing as they’re more sensitive to the concerns of the real world like hunger which was a non-issue for them while in virtual reality. In contrast, bound Vaurca are more like station bounds; having no real personality or desires other than to do the task they’ve been given. Character Name: Ka’Akaix’Kog Zo’ra Please provide a short backstory for this character Kog is an unbound Zo’ra worker of Athvur’s brood, born in 2459. While in VR, Kog intently listened to the teachings of the Xakat’kl’atan Fiil, and taking after Athvur, became enamoured with humanity’s culture, art, and lifestyle. This fascination with humanity can be seen in their work, where they attempt to build their engineering projects in human-inspired styles. Still quite young and without much time spent in VR, Kog wanted to experience humanity outside of the idyllic landscape of Athvur’s VR realm. Seeing the real world as an opportunity to expand their knowledge of humanity more than what the VR library could offer. Currently, they are an engineering apprentice aboard the NSS Aurora, where they’re hoping the diversity of the crew will also allow Kog to learn about the various human cultures in the Spur. Kog was already aware of the discrimination Vaurca face in the real world, and was made even more aware of it when they first came out of VR; with many of their colleagues either being disinterested in interacting with them, or showing distrust towards Kog. Kog realises that the other races are diverse, and that it would be wrong to let this interaction negatively impact their views on non-Vaurca as a whole. Kog is one of Athvurs worker-artists, and uses their knowledge to create aesthetic works of engineering, sometimes even creating small art pieces or displays where allowed. Their art style and building techniques take heavy inspiration from well-known human architects and artists of the current century. Since Kog is a member of the Athvurs brood, they dress in a unique blend of Vaurca and human fashion, often tacking on various accessories to their work clothes, or attaching things such as glasses, or ear and nose rings to their expression mask. Kog follows the modern Hive Pantheon, and has a particular focus on Queens that have a more diplomatic or gregarious nature, such as Athvur Zo’ra for their attempts to integrate Vaurca into human society, Vytel C’thur due to their history in inter-hive politics, and High Queen Vaur Zo’ra for her diplomacy with humanity since the species arrival to the Spur. This amplifies their already strong aversion to conflict, and has made them more willing to attempt diplomacy with their coworkers when there are tensions rather than avoiding them. It’s also had a marked effect on their views on the other hives; they tend to be less hostile towards those from the C’thur or K’lax, but can sometimes still let tensions get the better of them. What do you like about this character? I like characters that have a more artsy side to them, and Athvurs brood allows me to create a character where art is the main focus of their personality. I also like the idea of playing a character that although heavily discriminated against by humanity, still appreciates their culture and art. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Good, not great. I try my best. Notes:
Gr33dy Command Application
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to Gr33d's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
+1 from me. I've interacted with them enough to know that they'll do well as Command. -
WhatsUpBrotendo's Skrell Deputy App
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to WhatsUpBrotendo's topic in Developer Applications Archives
I'd like to say I'd finish any outstanding projects before stepping down, or discussing how I could still contribute without it affecting any other responsibilities I might have. I don't see myself burning out any time soon but it's definitely something I feel needs to be discussed if my applications accepted. I don't see any reason to not be eager to collaborate on projects that aren't necessarily Skrell related. If anything I could see it being refreshing when the opportunity comes around. I like Vaurca lore, and to be honest it was a coin toss between putting forward a Skrell app or a Vaurca app at one point. The way I see it the C'thur are in a good place, but I'd enjoy the opportunity to work with the lore team to see how their role in the Federation could be expanded upon. -
WhatsUpBrotendo's Skrell Deputy App
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to WhatsUpBrotendo's topic in Developer Applications Archives
1) I'd like to see the Federation take a less isolationist approach to galactic affairs, and be more involved in politics than they are now. Although saying that it seems like we're seeing the start of something similar to this with the recent news articles about megacorporations getting contracts in the Federation. 2) I'm not a major fan of the social credit system as its currently implemented, mostly regarding the numerical part of the system. I believe it should be expanded upon so that there's a bigger difference between primaries and secondaries, and that certain advantages/disadvantages have a specific score or score range tied to them. At what point would a secondary have their reproductive rights taken from them is quite vague currently, as an example. 3) As a general thought I don't mind megacorporations being allowed in the Federation, and I think it'll be interesting to see how the current arc with government contracts and economic zones being established in the Federation turns out. Saying this, I wouldn't like to see the megacorporations have a major hold over the Federations economy or politics. 4) None in particular, but I don't see myself not touching it at some point if my application is accepted. In my opinion, there's always room for additions and the Starlight Zone is an interesting part of the lore with its pro/anti Federation divide in particular standing out to me. -
WhatsUpBrotendo's Skrell Deputy App
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to WhatsUpBrotendo's topic in Developer Applications Archives
1. I'd like to say I'd make the effort with the project, regardless of my personal feelings about it, and try to do it in a way where everyone involved is happy with the result. I don't mind doing work that's not particularly appealing since at the end of the day it's something that needs to be done. 2. Skrellian culture and lifestyle definitely. Like I said in the application a species' culture is one of the major things required to make a fleshed out character in my opinion, so having control over that facet of the species would be my first choice given the chance. -
Ckey/BYOND Username: WhatsUpBrotendo Discord: A 49 Year old Dad#7046 Position Being Applied For: Skrell Deputy Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page?: Yes Past Experiences/Knowledge: I've contributed some Skrell lore, shown below Examples of Past Work: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Cinematography#Bloopy_and_Friends:_An_Educational_Children.27s_Show - Bloopy and Friends, Low Tide: Qerrbalak, Seaside Shuffle, and Tail to Tail. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Faith#Doctrines - A small update to Qeblak doctrines, along with a coming of age ceremony for both faiths and a 'Bright Nights' religious event. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Culture#Nral.27viq - A small update to Nral'viq, turning it into Federation Week along with Founding Day for the colonies. In addition to the standard application format, please include a brief essay on your thoughts about the current state of Skrell lore, and what your plans for it would be. For me, Skrell lore is in a weird place. In some cases there's a lot of detail in the lore, like with the Starlight Zone or the pages for Qerrbalak, Qerr'Malic, Aliose, and Aweiji. In comparison however, there's quite a few areas that feel lacking, which I feel has a major impact on how the playerbase plays Skrell. I'm mainly referring to things like Skrell culture, food, and religion, which are key areas that help flesh out a character. I'd like to see them receive some love in the form of a major glow up or at least some extra fluff to help the players make their characters seem more alive. I like the direction that the current lore team is going in, and I've enjoyed the contributions I've made towards Skrell lore with them. I'd like to carry on contributing to the lore and bringing all areas of it up to a standard that hopefully everyone will be happy with. My initial plans for Skrell lore are to continue with what I've currently been doing with Ryverstyx and Butter with Skrell culture and religion; expanding upon existing lore or adding new parts to it where needed. I've got ideas for many aspects of the lore, but my main focus will be anything related to Skrell life and culture, including building on current planets and systems already established in the lore. On that note, I'd also like to contribute towards the Traverse, and work with the team on fleshing out its place within the Federation as an important piece of the whole, while also being host to secessionist movements and anti-Federation sentiment. Finally, I’d like to contribute to the lore surrounding the genophage. There’s been a lot of work recently with the addition of additional ailments and illnesses, and I’d like to see this part of the lore continue to be given attention; it’s a major part of Skrell history and part of what makes the species unique. To sum it up, I'd like to contribute towards a much more robust lore page for Skrell, allowing players to flesh out their characters and make the species feel more 'living' than it currently does. Additional comments: I mess around with spriting, but it's amateur at best. No idea how to code.
CoffeeToffee - Command App
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to CoffeeToffee's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've got nothing bad to say about CoffeeToffee or their playstyle. I'm happy with how they've answered the questions and I've got none of my own. +1 -
WhatsUpBrotendo Skrell Whitelist App
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to WhatsUpBrotendo's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
On the wiki page it says that the right to reproduce is 'often' taken away, so I didn't see an issue at the time with making them secondaries. 1), Yeqol has some prejudice towards Vaurca because they're ultimately loyal to their hive, rather than to the Federation, but overall doesn't mind working with them. Diona are extremely fascinating to Yeqol and they always make the attempt to interact with them hoping to learn more about the species. 2), While Yeqol distrusts synthetics as a whole due to Glorsh-Omega, they didn't live during that time. They're willing to work alongside synthetics as part of their work, but would definitely try to avoid any prolonged interaction with them. 3), Their credit score is 6.6. While a strong supporter there's been few opportunities to increase their credit score outside of furthering their education even more or forming a quya, both of which take time. Like many other Skrell, Yeqol was impressed with Weashbi Jrugl beating an AI in finding the highest prime number in only a few hours, and voted for them in the last election. Yeqol isn't much of a reformer themselves, but see's no issue with Jrugl's policies, and trusts that Jrugl wants to change the Federation for the better. 4), Like the majority of Skrell they are a receiver. 5), Yeqol loves aqoliz, but for actual dishes they prefer soups like qilvo. -
WhatsUpBrotendo Skrell Whitelist App
WhatsUpBrotendo replied to WhatsUpBrotendo's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
1) Qeblak is the dominant religion on Aweiji, so that's the religion they were brought up to believe in. The doctrines Laqiq (obedience) and Vri'Wii (diligence) mesh well with their personality, and plays into how they view the Federation which I'll go into in question 3. Qeblak (at least how I've read it) doesn't seem to have any major issues that a follower would be disgruntled by. Seeing as all followers are allowed to enter observatories when able and take part in the various activities, and the members of the clergy only requiring strong psionic potential (on paper at least, social credit would definitely play a role in being eligible), the faith overall seems to be quite egalitarian. To answer the final point, Qeblak might seem completely bizarre to non-Skrell, seeing as it's a mix of science (the study of astronomical objects) and faith (giving divinity to said objects, and making predictions from them). When it comes to explaining the faith to their colleagues, there may definitely be some points of contention, especially with religions that follow a God/Gods. 2) I'll answer this in two parts since I don't know if you mean their peers back home, or their peers in Biesel. Back home, mining is a necessary job, just because its (relatively) menial labour compared to working in a lab or being a surgeon doesn't make it any less important in the grand scheme of making civilization work. In Biesel, it might be strange to some that a drill technician, which at least by the wiki, doesn't require a university education, would have two degrees related to geology and mining engineering. It could also be seen as wasted potential by some. 3) Yeqol has a strong sense of duty to the Federation, and believes that they are in a way an extension of it, so they must always strive to be a model citizen of the Federation. As I said in my answer to question 1, their religion heavily influences their views on the Federation; the doctrines of obedience and diligence definitely would reinforce his views on both his work and his relationship with the Government, and as a result makes them staunchly loyal to it. On the topic of the refugees, he feels a mix of confusion and sadness towards them. From Yeqols point of view, they're unwilling to work with a Government that to them is a benevolent force that aims to make all their lives better, and in some cases are actively working against it by supporting the resistance cells.