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Everything posted by Loow

  1. BYOND Key: Loow Character name: Chance Mendoza Item name: Mendoza's Corporate Security Cap Why is your character carrying said item to work? Chance wore this cap every shift when he worked aboard another station. The cap eventually became something of a calling card for Chance among the crew. One of his closest friends even inscribed a note on the bill of the hat, making it nearly priceless to Chance. He brought this cap with him when he transferred to the Aurora. He' d keep the cap with him as a memento of his time before Aurora as well as the friends he left behind at his old workplace. Item function(s): Exactly the same as the Corporate Security Cap. Item description: It's baseball hat in corporate colors."C. Mendoza" is embroidered in fine print on the bill. On the underside of the cap, in dark ink, the phrase "Gamble till you're Lucky!" is written in loopy, cursive handwriting. Item appearance: Same as the Corporate Security Cap in game. Additional comments:
  2. Having seen Vess in action, I can see that Scholar is more than capable of the sort of serious RP required of a Head of Staff. This puts my fears regarding Lecter's actions at ease. Lecter is "off" because he is meant to be, not because of any fault of the player. Scholar has proven to be responsible, competent, and quite skilled at RP. This application has my approval. +1.
  3. I had the privilege of interacting with Focks on server quite a few times since they joined us on the Aurora. I have already stated on Focks' Tajara app that they are more than capable of high quality RP. I am glad to see that Tanja is no longer the subject of this app, as I would love to see her maintain her current position in security and continue to be a competent member of the department as she stands. Focks can handle Head of Staff positions. There is no doubt of that in my mind. I look forward to seeing Focks on the bridge. +1.
  4. Firstly, I am a fan of Red sec. I like the look of the uniforms, I like the look of the department, and I all around see red as a good color for security as a department. However, quite a bit of work has been put into the Bluniforms as well as the mapping of Blue Sec. At this point, I want to try Blue sec. I see the amount of effort that has gone into making a Blue Security and I concede that it would be a waste to not at least give it a fair shot. At this moment, I look forward to trying out Blue-curity. The change has been announced as imminent, and I'm willing to try something new. I'll give Blue Sec a go during this trial run and see how I like it. Hopefully we'll all see how we stand on the matter and have a nice chat about Red sec and Blue Sec.
  5. In all seriousness, Grugg is one of the most well maintained characters I have ever interacted with. This application is largely based on the stories and development from Monkey's time on Paradise station. With several minor changes to this character's back story, I can see Grugg being accepted without a second thought. I interacted with this character for a long time on that other server. Monkey can RP this character very well. This character will be a wonderful addition to our crew manifest. Grugg's story may be changed to fit in with this server's standards, but Grugg is going to be accepted at some point. Just wait and see. +1.
  6. Dog tags make sense for the character. I like the look of the dog tags. I see good RP coming from this. Most importantly, I see this as something that the character would realistically have. I can dig it. +1.
  7. Loow


    Thundy. I have spoken with the person in question and have told them how petty, despicable, and otherwise childish I believe their actions are in full view of several other players. I've known the two of you for a while, but I'll admit, not as long as I'm sure some of our community has. Their opinions largely mirror my own. Specifics be damned. Nobody has the right to tell you not to come back.
  8. Beatrix Saylor: (Tracey Rooney) Brady Saylor: (Troy Baker) Teresa Vasquez: (Michelle Rodriguez)
  9. I buy in. I've been brainstorming Tajara characters for an app for a while now, and this bit of lore holds potential. This lore would be of great use and reference not only for any character I make, but for any players hoping to come up with a high quality Tajaran. This city fits into the existing lore and does well to make us think about the impact that human contact had on the Tajara on a much more personal level. Never mind sweeping generalizations about the entire race. This shows us how contact changed a specific city. It also opens the door to thinking about how the other cities responded. Is Kal'Tiiv the standard by which all other communities changed? I hope this city leads us to new questions as well as new RP. Kal'Tiiv should be canon. I buy in.
  10. If anyone has an opinion on my IPC "Jack", I'm interested to hear what people think about him. Personally, he's one of my favorite Security officers. He's a trope I enjoy and a pretty bro dude. I have a character or two that enjoy him. I also have one character who thinks he is a despicable human being and a waste of skin, but hey! You can't win 'em all. Lockie is a fantastic character. I feel lucky to have had a character able to befriend her. She's sweet, she's kind, and she deserves better than how my characters have been treating her lately. Here's to hoping I get some more interaction with her soon. He can take a slap like a champ.
  11. Loow


    THUNS! It's so good to hear from you! I know for a fact that I'm glad to hear you're coming back. We'll be here with arms wide open! My condolences for Dea. Rip in peace. Thuns pls! Thuns come back. Pls Thuns.
  12. I have seen Bokaza conduct himself well in this community. For some time, I have considered his input and opinions to be ones generally worth respecting and listening to. Even though Bokaza is not a member of staff yet, I trust him as much as I trust current mods and general staff. This is because I know he will always be straight forward and honest. He won't sugar coat an issue. He will say exactly what is wrong in a situation. I've never had a single moment where I thought he was being unreasonable, simply because he explains his views so well. To top it off, he is even in a timezone which allows for him to help at times in which many mods are offline. He is the moderator this server needs. Bokaza is the exact sort of person that should be a moderator. In my mind, he is already a trustworthy, upstanding, and otherwise ideal member of the community. It's time to recognize that and allow him the opportunity to moderate our fine server. I support Bokaza for Mod. +1.
  13. I would like to start off by saying that I have not had the chance to RP with Mr. Lecter. I will be going off of what I have read in this app. This raises several red flags for me. I am genuinely worried. This app reads like a scene out of a soap opera. Alexander appears to be "far gone" mentally, but someone (in this case, the player) is still insisting that he is fine. Someone help me out here. How far gone is Alexander? Is he capable of being a head of staff? At this moment, I am unable to say he is.
  14. The title should really mention that this is your second Whitelist Application attempt. Maybe add "#2" to the end? Edit: While we're at it, your old app was under your user name and this one is under your character's name. It is typical to use your Username (or ckey) for app titles.
  15. I have has multiple interactions with Focks' character Tanja. My first impression of Focks was something to the effect of "this person knows what they are doing." Since then, I have RP'ed with Focks several times on station and I find myself enjoying the character as she is brought to light. My only problem with this app is that it means I will have less time to get to know Focks' other characters. I love the thought put into this character. I look forward to seeing them around the station. I enjoy Focks' RP and have no doubt that they will bring Hasna to life in a way that we can all enjoy. Enjoy your fur and tail. +1.
  16. Loow


    Hey, Py! Good to have you on the forums. Can't wait to see you around outside of TS! Hugs and kisses, Loow
  17. HBD, Volt-san. Enjoy your waifu.^
  18. Pyrotechnics has posted four applications for Jack O'Keefe now. Pyrotechnics has continued to keep Jack O'Keefe almost entirely out of security since some point around app 2 or 3. If anyone wishes to post on this thread, it would be wise if they read the previous three. I said that Jack O'Keefe needed to change in order to be a functioning member of Security. I believe Jack O'Keefe, as he stands now, is completely incapable of functioning as a Head of Staff. Nothing would make me happier than to see Jack O'Keefe change into a character that I could trust, but this has not happened in the weeks since the first Head of Staff application regarding Jack O'Keefe. Jack O'Keefe beats prisoners to the point that he himself is put in handcuffs. Jack O'Keefe spends extended amounts of time as an EMT and Hydroponics worker in addition to his time as an abusive warden. Jack O'Keefe, according to this and every other application he stars in, is more than qualified to be a janitor on the Aurora. This story also mentions that he completed his education at the age of 17. Did he stop learning there? If so, he would not have the qualifications to work in advanced positions of authority. For many reasons, this character is incapable of being a head of staff. I do not approve of this application. -1. Pyrotechnics, please fix this character.
  19. This application makes reference to many of the key aspects of Skrell and Skrell RP which I enjoy. I am especially glad to read your view on the cold manner of the Skrell from a human perspective and a Skrell perspective. And I hope to see you RP that depth well. I do not remember having any RP with your past characters, but I trust that you will do well bringing your view of the Skrell to life. Happy warbling. +1.
  20. This is the issue that I see. Someone comes with something to say about the server and hopes to have some good discussion. People choose to see these as attacks on their character or themselves personally. This is an excellent example. Such phrases offer nothing to the conversation and only degrade the topic into defensive quips and other such comments. Crescentise clearly stated her position, and she was attacked for it. It is more than possible to have a conversation without being offended or unnecessarily defensive. I'd like to see some more of that. And since I'm making myself out to be the next person to have offended someone, let me include a bit of truth. I enjoy Ana as a character. She is one of several detective/investigators who I actually enjoy seeing on this station. She gets results. She acts within a well established mentality ("no nonsense"). Everything Sue has ever made her do is something I can realistically see Ana as a character doing. I am not "attacking" anyone. I am not "out to get" anyone. From an OOC standpoint, Ana brushes with one of the rules. "-Keep the round fun for everyone - your actions should always have the goal to add to others' fun, not detract from it." But that's more or less the nature of the character. And as I have said, I don't dislike Ana. To sum it all up. Keep conversation constructive.
  21. Nebula is one of those players whom I saw back when I first joined Aurora and said "Golly gee, I hope I get to RP that good some day! ....O-Or at least RP with them." I've been here a few months and guess what? I've gotten to RP with most of those cool peeps. Here's some praise that's been a long time coming. A chance to say thank you to one of the character builders who inspired me to step up my game. Nebula's RP is great. I've had a bit of interaction with Karima and It's always been a pleasure. I've recently had the opportunity to have quite a bit of character building, synthetic on synthetic, high quality RP with DragonSnap. She did an excellent job of RPing a synthetic who had (in my opinion) experienced many of the same things as other IPC's and processed these experiences in ways that I had not seen before and did so with a quality that pushes me to better my own RP. Nebula does not just RP well. She inspires players to RP up to her level in the future. Example: Her RP inspired the Mo'Taki characters we now know and love who (in my opinion) also stand as prime examples of high quality RP. If anyone can make a good character to act as a believable Head of Staff, it is Nebula. Nebula is going to play this character. And we are all going to like it. And we are all going to grow from it. +1.
  22. Loow

    New Hairstyles.

    I could not agree more. We need more haircuts that people actually use. Less Afros. More ponytails. More short haircuts. More long haircuts. And more bangs maybe? I don't know if asking for all of this helps at all, but I figure it can't hurt to bring it up! I too abuse the emo hairstyles. More "over eye" styles could be nice.
  23. BYOND Key: Loow Character Names: Beatrix Saylor, Brady Saylor, Chance Mendoza, Jack, Teresa Vasquez How long have you been playing on Aurora: 4 months? More? Nearly 5 months? Yeah. Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Blue-Green.....wait.... Green-blue.... Aquagreen?...Teal? Somewhere in that range. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: The Skrell represent an idea that I have been interested in for some time. If we do meet an alien race, how will they be? What will they care about? How will they interact with Humanity? I've enjoyed seeing it play out on the Aurora. I want to contribute to this diverse cluster of individuals. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Skrell have a range of emotions that falls flat to most other races. They can potentially have two ways of interacting with people and therefore live two seperate ways of life simply because they are unable to convey all of their feelings with other races. How a human sees a Skrell may be totally different from how the Skrell may actually be. Character Name: Nautif Mehhil Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Nautif tapped his fingers on the keyboard nervously. His hands were shaking. "In addishion to my reshume, shertain thingsh are ashked of me, yesh." "Amonsht theshe are that I explain myshelf and my life to shome degree... That ish why I am recording thish." Did he need to explain that? Surely they would now why this recording was sent to them. Did explaining this make him a less or more viable candidate for employment? "I wash hatched on Laush V, yesh. I wash raished in Eriuyish." Nautif kept staring into the camera. He was unsure what to do with his hands. Would the camera even pick up on the shaking? He tried to ignore these thoughts. "I shtudied the Shienshesh, yesh. I hafe done much to make myshelf a more effective shientisht and reshearcher." Nautif's eyes were wide open, he was perfectly still. "I hafe alwaysh conshidered Nanotrashen to be my ideal employer. The Shkrell community fouchesh for them and I hafe alwaysh been impreshed with their work." He had done it. He had answered the minumum number of questions required. He no longer had to record. "Thish wash Nautif Mihhel... Your future shtar employee." Nautif quickly tapped on the keyboard a few times. He let out a relieved warble and leanes back in his chair. He began to speak aloud in his native tongue. "Th-That was good, Nautif ...confident." "This is going to be a new start... A uh... new step in the right direction....yes." Nautif looked down at the keyboard and let out a dejected warble. He glanced back at the camera and went perfectly still."I could do better...yes." Slowly, Nautif sat himself up straight and tapped his keyboard again. "In addishion to my reshume, shertain thingsh are ashked of me... yesh." What do you like about this character? He's a Skrell scientist (Skrellentist) who wants to give himself new opportunities, but he is far from perfect. He wants to be a better person than he was before. He wants to be sure of himself. He wants to be capable. He wants to be happy. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Four pockets full of spaghetti falling to the ground out of five. Notes: Thanks for reading my Skrell app! Let me know what you think of my new character, my existing characters, my overall RP or the horrible Skrell pun I made. Any feedback can help me in the long run to better my RP.
  24. Regarding he characters Conspire plays: I have interacted with Kay, Silent Bee, and Flames to a degree that I feel worth mentioning. Kay Lee was a solid character that I had minor interaction with. He was realistic. He was feasible. He was consistent. That's what I saw from Kay. I was never disappointed. Flames is a lighthearted character in my opinion. I have no idea how he keeps up his "habit". I have never had a character bold enough to ask. Flames' "voice" along with his radioactive eating habit make him a memorable character for me. (Unless I am thinking of another tree. If I am, please redact all compliments up to this point.) Silent Bee stands firm to this day as my favorite Diona. His interactions within himself coupled with how he reacts to the world around him is the best example of Diona RP that I have ever seen. It gave me an impression of the race as more than just the hollow "plant men" I had come to know on other servers. To me, Silent Bee is the standard by which all other Diona are measured. In regards to Witcher: I love the idea behind this IPC. The manner in which Witcher's past is explained (through Malcolm's desperation) does wonders to paint a vivid picture of exactly how far this intelligence was willing to go to gain freedom. Witcher now has a chance to have this "freedom" he has fought so hard for. How is Witcher going to adjust to his new existence? How is Witcher going to get along on the Aurora? ...Is Witcher truly reformed and leaving his old ways behind him? I look forward to finding out. +1.
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