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Everything posted by Loow

  1. This idea is awfully "special". You would be much better off retconning your character to the point that the miraculous feat of medical engineering/visitor from another land's gift/magical transformation/bluespace anomaly never happened. Other themes may prove equally special, but can occasionally be done rather well. It could be a good idea to avoid such things or use them in moderation in order to make sure your work does not suffer. As you said, this character has "been through a lot of changes " already. I don't think this thread is going to go in favor of the change. At this moment, approval of a sort of IPC to Organic Maneuver seems like wishful thinking to at least a few members of the community. Whatever the reason for this sudden change in your character, the transformation does not quite fit in with the universe or the community.
  2. The only Sheppard I can recall at this time was a security officer... If memory serves, he did not do a very good job. His name may also have been Alexander, but I cannot be sure. I will keep an eye out for your character and hopefully be impressed enough to give a plus one. Until then, please keep RPing Alexander. Here's to hoping we see each other soon!
  3. The only Sheppard I can recall at this time was a security officer... If memory serves, he did not do a very good job. His name may also have been Alexander, but I cannot be sure. I will keep an eye out for your character and hopefully be impressed enough to give a plus one. Until then, please keep RPing Alexander. Here's to hoping we see each other soon!
  4. Too young. He would not be a Head of any kind, let alone a captain. Too simple. Further explanation could help. His biography is far too short. In fact, it is one sentence... and it could use a bit of work. I picture a man with a frying pan tossing a small stack of combat knives into the dish for "added flavor"... while kicking things off of nearby shelves and yelling like Bruce Lee. This application and this character need a lot of fixing. I don't see this getting approved. -1. And if you really did mark your application as "Processing"... that is just shameful.
  5. Too young. He would not be a Head of any kind, let alone a captain. Too simple. Further explanation could help. His biography is far too short. In fact, it is one sentence... and it could use a bit of work. I picture a man with a frying pan tossing a small stack of combat knives into the dish for "added flavor"... while kicking things off of nearby shelves and yelling like Bruce Lee. This application and this character need a lot of fixing. I don't see this getting approved. -1. And if you really did mark your application as "Processing"... that is just shameful.
  6. First off, I love this app. I actually checked several parts of this application to see if they were lifted directly from the wiki. They weren't. You seem to have a wonderful understanding of the Skrell and their mentality. As far as I've seen you, you're OOCly pleasant and capable of using reason. Probably a good trait for someone who plans on RPing a largely logic-based race. On the subject of shluwrring Shkrell Shpeech, I try to encourage players to think about if it fits their character. Is it likely that Psudoa trained out of his accent by this point in his life? That said, it's my opinion that you made the right call with this character. He is very young and it appears as if he was planning on serving with the Jargon military until recently. Considering his sudden shift to working in a largely human environment, I don't see any reason why this specific character would have trained out of the accent. A Skrell doesn't /need/ an accent, but it's extremely likely that this Skrell would have one. Try and have fun with it. Draw the line wherever you feel it needs to be drawn. Shtick to old Shterotypesh or try mahkyng yowur own ruwls for the young officer's speech patterns. I expect Psudoa develop quite a bit on station and to do an excellent job of representing his family in the work space. How this character will play out is entirely up to you, but I think you've made a great start. This application has my full support. +1.
  7. First off, I love this app. I actually checked several parts of this application to see if they were lifted directly from the wiki. They weren't. You seem to have a wonderful understanding of the Skrell and their mentality. As far as I've seen you, you're OOCly pleasant and capable of using reason. Probably a good trait for someone who plans on RPing a largely logic-based race. On the subject of shluwrring Shkrell Shpeech, I try to encourage players to think about if it fits their character. Is it likely that Psudoa trained out of his accent by this point in his life? That said, it's my opinion that you made the right call with this character. He is very young and it appears as if he was planning on serving with the Jargon military until recently. Considering his sudden shift to working in a largely human environment, I don't see any reason why this specific character would have trained out of the accent. A Skrell doesn't /need/ an accent, but it's extremely likely that this Skrell would have one. Try and have fun with it. Draw the line wherever you feel it needs to be drawn. Shtick to old Shterotypesh or try mahkyng yowur own ruwls for the young officer's speech patterns. I expect Psudoa develop quite a bit on station and to do an excellent job of representing his family in the work space. How this character will play out is entirely up to you, but I think you've made a great start. This application has my full support. +1.
  8. Jason Finn has proven himself to be open minded, free thinking, personable, and overall competent at the medical field. He's capable enough to work as a CMO and better yet... I can actually picture him in the position. Jason is agreeable and task oriented enough that he would likely be effective as well as preferred by his peers. I picture his future experiences as a CMO like the "nice manager" at an office building. He cares about his people, but he always gets the job done. Tomix himself has proven to be plenty reasonable and I am confident that he can do well to have Jason navigate the workplace as a CMO.
  9. Jason Finn has proven himself to be open minded, free thinking, personable, and overall competent at the medical field. He's capable enough to work as a CMO and better yet... I can actually picture him in the position. Jason is agreeable and task oriented enough that he would likely be effective as well as preferred by his peers. I picture his future experiences as a CMO like the "nice manager" at an office building. He cares about his people, but he always gets the job done. Tomix himself has proven to be plenty reasonable and I am confident that he can do well to have Jason navigate the workplace as a CMO.
  10. Someone wouldn't be hired onto a space station for the sole purpose of being a criminal. This sounds more like a character idea than a job position. The purpose of the occupation appears to be "aid sec" and there is no clear explanation as to what exactly the Professional Criminal does for the crew. I understand that this leaves room for players to RP however they wish with the position, but it doesn't seem like the sort of thing one gets sent into space to do. If this Occupation serves no purpose to the station, it wouldn't be on it. I'm willing to listen, but there's not much for me to work with here. I don't see any reason why NT would recruit people to go on their stations and spend shifts as a Criminal... Professional or otherwise. As for having it as a game mode... I'll have to agree with Jackboot. It gets done regardless of Antag status.
  11. Someone wouldn't be hired onto a space station for the sole purpose of being a criminal. This sounds more like a character idea than a job position. The purpose of the occupation appears to be "aid sec" and there is no clear explanation as to what exactly the Professional Criminal does for the crew. I understand that this leaves room for players to RP however they wish with the position, but it doesn't seem like the sort of thing one gets sent into space to do. If this Occupation serves no purpose to the station, it wouldn't be on it. I'm willing to listen, but there's not much for me to work with here. I don't see any reason why NT would recruit people to go on their stations and spend shifts as a Criminal... Professional or otherwise. As for having it as a game mode... I'll have to agree with Jackboot. It gets done regardless of Antag status.
  12. I seem to recall a round not too long ago where "small amounts" of plasma were filtered into the air system. Multiple characters were blinded. Goggles definitely seem like the sort of thing that should protect against that. Goggles should protect eyes? This suggestion sounds very reasonable and somewhat obvious. I'll have to agree that Science Goggles should at the very least protect the eyes from plasma.
  13. I seem to recall a round not too long ago where "small amounts" of plasma were filtered into the air system. Multiple characters were blinded. Goggles definitely seem like the sort of thing that should protect against that. Goggles should protect eyes? This suggestion sounds very reasonable and somewhat obvious. I'll have to agree that Science Goggles should at the very least protect the eyes from plasma.
  14. I am glad that this thread did bring up interesting topics regarding the original ideas behind the IPC linguistic ability and the like. That said,I see no good reason to add alien languages to the long list of reasons why people should make IPC's their preferred race. (If people are serious about wanting to make an optional alternate language similar to AI binary for the IPC's, it may be interesting to read a thread on it or to write one.) I'm afraid that the IPC shells may discourage people from trying "new things" with these races by keeping one IPC character that may simply switch shells. I highly recommend making a character of one of the other races in addition to IPC's. It often proves to be an interesting exercise in RP and a chance to make a character that others may enjoy. IPC shells with alien languages will just make the possibility of a "fresh" Unathi or Tajara character even less likely.
  15. I am glad that this thread did bring up interesting topics regarding the original ideas behind the IPC linguistic ability and the like. That said,I see no good reason to add alien languages to the long list of reasons why people should make IPC's their preferred race. (If people are serious about wanting to make an optional alternate language similar to AI binary for the IPC's, it may be interesting to read a thread on it or to write one.) I'm afraid that the IPC shells may discourage people from trying "new things" with these races by keeping one IPC character that may simply switch shells. I highly recommend making a character of one of the other races in addition to IPC's. It often proves to be an interesting exercise in RP and a chance to make a character that others may enjoy. IPC shells with alien languages will just make the possibility of a "fresh" Unathi or Tajara character even less likely.
  16. I'm gonna come out and say it. I don't want Victoria Beach as a Head of Staff. She's not a pain to interact with, she's capable in her field, and she is pleasant in general. Why not have her as a CMO? To put it simply, I feel it goes against the character. I still see Victoria as the Intern, then nurse character that supports the team and is genuinely competent. I recently saw her on-station as a surgeon and thought it was odd. I chalked it up to "well, she's finally reached her goal" and was happy for her. But seeing Victoria as a CMO is something that I can not visualize at all. I am inclined to believe VickChaotic could make a character that would fit the bill of Department Head much better than Victoria. Someone who has been in the business longer. Someone who has put the years in as a higher level medical professional. Victoria is, to me, a rising doctor that has recently found a position that she can spend years building experience in as a surgeon. She should not be the "Boss" at this point in her life. I would likely support this application if it was for a character other than Victoria. Think about what kind of person you see as the leader of a group of medical professionals and consider making them your whitelist character.
  17. Loow

    Hidden Weekends

    Hidden weekends are probably the single most important part of Aurora as a server. I'd even go as far to suggest that we go entire weeks at a time hidden. Just think about it. While we get to work on #InvisibleAurora let's settle for going hidden on weekends again. Sound good? Good.
  18. Firstly, LaForge's RP as Joel Reeves has impressed me greatly. Joel's as cool, calm, and collected as is possible in nearly all situations in which his life is not threatened. He seems to think clearly, make conscious decisions, and rarely lets his impulses get the better of him. For all of these reasons, I believe LaForge can RP the mentality of a Skrell quite well. Now that I've got that out of the way, here's a bit of feedback. The name. Quenneck Quark. I hope you take it as a compliment when I say that you can do better. Quenneck is, in my opinion, original and helps solidify the character as something foreign. Something different. Something not human. On the reverse end, we have Quark. This surname feels brusque and underdeveloped. It's also a bit too close to the word "quack" for my taste. I'll be honest, I think the name would flow better if it was slightly different or more complex. One theme in Skrell lore is the addition of the name "Tup" to Skrell and Diona alike. "Quark-Tup". Take it or leave it, I love the sound of it. You're more than welcome to do whatever you wish with your own character's name, but I just feel like more could be done with "Quark." Next, the Shkrell Shlurr. I've shween it dwuan in mahyneey waysh, but I feel like I should mention something. Skrell do have difficulty with pronunciation, but they can train themselves to speak clearly. I recall a Skrell captain who had done such a thing, and I believe any Skrell could lose their ahcshent if they put forth the effort. You don't /need/ to have the accent if you believe your character could have trained out of it. Seeing as how Quenneck's parents were traders and that he himself seems to enjoy picking the brains of others, my guess is that he would have spoken quite a bit and taught himself a proper common dialect. Again, you can do whatever it is you want with the character. I'd just like you to know that your options are open. Skrell feel their own range of emotions. Along with that, they are more than capable of forming intimate friendships and caring for others deeply. If you're asking about carnal relations, I don't see many promiscuous Skrell. I can believe that Skrell may choose to couple-up out of appreciation for each other and possibly to signify themselves as a pair, but they wouldn't be running off to maintenance closets. Please let me know if you have any more questions. I won't pretend to be a master of lore, but I do like talking about character ideas and the like. Also do let me know what you think of my earlier feedback. With all of that said, I believe LaForge can RP the Skrell state of mind well and I look forward to seeing another excellent Skrell character on the station. This application has my full support. +1.
  19. Zubari is a breath of fresh air, as far as Unathi are concerned. He's not overly aggressive, unlike the stereotypical Unathi. He seems to think things through to a degree that would behoove someone in a position of power. Many Unathi are simply aggressive with little to no character behind them. Zubari is not one of those Unathi by any means. With this character's personality in mind, I am confident that Filthyfrankster can handle a position as a head of staff. I wish him the best of luck and look forward to seeing how he orders the more belligerent and undisciplined members of security. I also look forward to seeing the smooth-workings and well formulated bits of teamwork that will come from Zubari leading the level headed members of security. +1.
  20. After speaking with you through LOOC and and the forums, I feel I have a better understanding of Skailen as a character and an idea. You've also proven to be quite level headed and take criticism very well. After corresponding with Moltenkore, I am happy to give this application my full support. I am quite sure that Moltenkore can handle a Skrell whitelist and that Skrailen will serve as a fine addition to the station. +1.
  21. Well this application leaves me with quite a few things to say and ask. First off, a reformed criminal Skrell? I can't recall ever seeing that before. Skrell are typically logical and precise, at least in outward appearances and actions. I truly do not like the idea of a "gutter skrell", which is what I am afraid you may be considering. I admire your enthusiasm and your want to do something new with an organic, and Skrell would usually be a good choice for players who enjoy the more mechanical and logic-based thinking styles. As long as this Skrell is not too "emotional" (from a human perspective), then this idea could work beautifully. For my piece of mind at least, can you tell me if Skailen is a thinker or a fighter? Second, the Skrell slur. It is a common theme and one that turns quite a few players away from Skrell RP. I just want to make sure that you know that Skrell are in fact capable of getting over their accent through practice. Think of it like any other form of accent. Consider it: Would Skailen have eventually trained out of hish shlight shlur? Next, I'd like to know what position Skailen would hold on the Aurora. You mentioned him having an interest in forensics while a cadet. Is he now a forensics tech living his dream? Is he an aspiring cadet with hopes of getting his degree? How old is he now? Also, the surname irks me slightly. The playerbase and the wiki show a variety of unique names for Skrell throughout history, but you chose "Nova"? I feel like you could do better. Lastly, I can't recall interacting with you IC. I know I've seen Kix around. I'll keep an eye out and see how you RP. I look forward to your response and I hope to see you on-station and In-Character soon.
  22. Majora RPed a vox character that was fresh, interesting, and entertaining Vox. He showed that he was capable of RPing a character with a clear thought pattern, a different culture, and an industrious attitude. With all of this in mind, I have no doubt that Majora can make an interesting Skrell. +1.
  23. I've been considering picking up Sunless Sea for some time. It looks interesting and fixes the one problem I had with Fallen London. Energy Bars. Maybe sailing around an underwater ocean will be more exciting than waiting ten minutes to click a button to get the next scrap of lore.
  24. I somewhat recently watched a detective rambo into a RP hostage situation and take down the antagonist by firing off around 3 to 4 shots from his revolver at point-blank range. It was a tad excessive. I can see your logic behind the switch up until the last sentence. Making tasers weaker will not in any way fix the state of RP. It is more likely that security would just use just settle for using other tools (batons, flashbangs, laser rifles, combat shotguns) to acquire similar results. I don't see any security RPing in a hostage situation unless they want to. Nerfing tasers won't do much to fix that, sadly.
  25. Yo. Rude guy here. I've got a few things to say. That "assault" sounds completely out of character for Furry. He wouldn't just attack someone for no reason. My guess is that you have a different definition of "unprovoked" or you yourself are lying. Also, "uncooperative?" She was trying to clone all of the dead who kept getting dropped into medical. That character was trying to do her job, but /your own calls to security/ resulted in officers taking a keen interest in her. She ended up getting harassed, questioned, interrogated and even bossed around by security throughout that round. If you want to try and blame anyone for anything that happened after you started calling to sec, you can look in a mirror. I'm not afraid to say that I saw you and your character in the round. Two doctors are together and they let themselves get killed off by a minor infection? Pardon me, they let the infection develop into a major one and slowly kill one of them? Why wouldn't two doctors think to use antitoxin or any sort of treatment before the condition got to life threatening levels? I thought you said you'd played "plenty on other servers"? Frankly, it doesn't even matter. Why doesn't it matter? This has already been dealt with. Furry was talked to and already dealt with this entire situation. They make it sound like he got chatted about for a few minutes before getting a slap on the wrist, which is just not the case. It wasn't some casual talk and a cursory decision made by the staff. It was a definite judgement that was made after Furry made his case clear. Maybe you should tell your friend not to insult coworkers on his next "first shift", eh? Furry's nice enough to bury the hatchet and offer to help you if you want it. The least you can do is stop spitting in his face.
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