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Everything posted by Gromnax

  1. Eclairs could have multiple forms according to the form of the dough used. Religieuses are basically the same thing, but bigger, and round. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religieuse Crepes would be lovely too. Also, the possibility of using different kind of spreads (faux nutella, jam, honey, peanut butter...) would be really cool. We can already obtain some of these but they serve as hardcoded ingredients for recipes and not as condiments, if I remember correctly.
  2. Following the removal of security camera access in code green, I suggest we do the same with suit sensors reporting the position and medical status of crewmembers. This could allow for more intrigue to take place without someone sleeping at medical yelling "THERE IS SOMEONE DEAD SOMEWHERE" on comms. It happened yesterday during my plot, and even though it wasn't an issue since it was a bit peculiar, for a different plot it could have ruined the whole thing. If needed, oranges from the brig could be still reported during green alert. However, I feel that the green tracking should be either entirely removed, or given to someone else than medical (namely security) considering its nature. This would also incite medical staff (myself included) to roleplay with people instead of staring at this screen for half the shift "just in case". What are your thoughts on the matter?
  3. As a self proclamed antag main and someone who shared a number of shifts with Glory in medical, I did not see these issues as blatanly as you seem to imply they are. I am not saying you are wrong - I am not here all shifts - but I do recall, for example, a round where I played Ebere as an open vampire using their power to heal. If I recall correctly, Glory did not try to valid me at the time, instead protect me with the CMO present against Security who did want to get me. But this was a few weeks ago, so maybe I remember this incorrectly. At the same time, I have not been unsettled by Glory's way of talking or acting towards others. However, I recognize I can be biaised on this point, as I myself play blunt characters sometimes. I however can not express myself on the supersurgeon side. I haven't really been paying attention on this one. Or at least, nothing caught my eye hard enough for me to notice it. I do not wish to say you are wrong, I just want to put some nuance in this and precise my experience with Glory, which seems to contracts a bit what has been said here.
  4. I have worked several time with Light as medical staff. They are a capable surgeon and a good roleplayer. A definite +1 from me.
  5. Well, her birthname is in her records and the name was legally changed when she joined the eagle corps. The other identity is indeed hidden from most of the crew, but since SCC knows I doubt it would be an issue. If it is one, though, I can use a new character instead. However I would like to know if it is the only issue you have with Ebere or if you can think of other ones that I could correct.
  6. I asked every round I've played since I've posted this app, with the link, but no one answered, which is quite a shame. I will try again today.
  7. We might go further with this. The object could allow anyone to transfer their consciousness in a new body. It could only be used on a body without anyone inside, though. If we go even a bit further, it could be an implant allowing to remote control a body with a PDA-like tool. This would allow for quite the gimmics. +1
  8. I'll be taking this compaint Goolie you are in serious trouble now
  9. BYOND Key: Gromnax Discord Username: Grom#6592 Character Name: Ebere Ijeoma Item Name: (if you are applying for multiple items, it should be made into a list with the description, name and appearance together): Face remodeling implant Item Function(s): This item allows for the face, accent and voice of the user to be changed to preserve their real identity. It is not modifiable once implanted, and is subject to damages and ions. Mechanically, this item would be an implant doing mostly nothing, unless damaged, ionized or straight up removed. Then, Ebere Ijeoma's face and voice would return to Natalia Cilnius, her true identity, and her accent would go from Eridani to Vulgar Morozi. This implant is located in the head mechanically, in the jaw icly. if active, when Ebere's face is physically examined (checking bruises and bones with the grab), it would say there is something strange with the skin of the face. Item Description: A face remodelling implant originating from the Techno-Conglomerate. Its technology allows to project new facial features which are undetectable with sight alone. It can modify one's voice and accent as well. However, it is quite fragile. Why is your character bringing this item to work?: Ebere Ijeoma is trying to hide her true identity to any potential dominian aboard, since she is an Edict Breaker researched in Dominia. Plus, this item is an implant, and thus can not be taken out easily. How did your character obtain this item?: Natalia obtained this item while she was working as a medical intern in the Techno-Conglomerate. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: I have played a bit with Ijeoma's real identity these last shifts. For example, I managed to play with a voice changer and an ID card in an Intrigue round where she was searched by the ninjas for her dominian crimes. A lot of people enjoyed this gimmick, and since it is part of Ijeoma's identity, I would like to make it more easily doable even when non antagonist. Sprites: None. The custom head implant sprite could be used, as by definition this item is not visible most of the time. The sprite thus does not really matter. Additional Comments: Icly, Ebere started checking to join Zeng-Hu and the TCFL to gain biesellite citizenship. She might thus change her name at some point. However, if this implant can work as explained, the character name in the character creator page is all that will need to be changed, so this should not be an issue.
  10. One easy way to fix the issue would be to remove/greatly reduce the brig on-station so that the TCFL prison ship (or alternatively, a jail station) would be used instead.
  11. BYOND key: Gromnax Discord Username: Grom#6592 Character names: Ceri Alwenn, Ebere Ijeoma, Dreaming Together About Everything’s End, Pyotr Timofey, Jade Cooper, others How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Almost three years it seems, joined the forum on August 10, 2019. Damn, way longer than I expected. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? No administrative action I know of. I had my share of bwoinks of course, but nothing that was serious enough to be marked on my account as far as I know. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: A head of staff should guide the department and link it to other departments and the captain ingame. They should act as a reliable authority for players who might have questions about the job, should make the department feel alive, and give it clear objectives. The Captain has the same role, but as the head of command instead, guiding the entire crew by proxy. [I however am not sure of the difference between Liaison and Consular. Liaison seems to be the former IAA, is this correct? I do not intend to play this role for now, but the wiki is not clear] What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: As for xeno species, command players are trusted in giving good roleplay to fellow players according to the option their whitelist grant them. Thus, command staff should make sure to provide fun roleplay possibilities to everyone aboard. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Due to the phoron scarcity, Nanotrasen allied with the other major companies (Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, Zavodskoi Interstellar, Einstein Engines, Hephaestus Industries, Idris Incorporated) to form SCC, the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. They launched not long ago the SCCV Horizon, a state-of-the-art vessel, to find new phoron deposits in uncharted space. Each company is sending their best employees in this mission to assure the energetic future of the Orion Spur. Ebere Ijeoma, a medic from the Eagle Corp, part of the Eridani Private Military Contractor, itself part of the PMCG, has been sent to the Horizon to assure medical aid. This has proven to be a golden opportunity for Ebere herself, as it allows her to flee the Dominian Empire even more – even if she sometimes meet other dominians aboard. Dreaming Together has been sent by Zeng-Hu to assist with newfound botanic samples in uncharted space. They are glad to research new species and continue the work of the one who gave them life long ago. They secretly hope to meet uncontacted Dionaea, to understand their own kind even better. Cooper has been on the run from Mars, trying to get a new life – no matter what life it could be, she wanted to forget Mars’ state. Even with her shady past, she managed to get herself a job as a hangar technician in Orion Express and is glad not to be a stowaway anymore. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? CMO, RD. I would also like to try Executive Officer in the future. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I have been knowing the chain of command for quite a while, and already read all the command roles pages on the wiki for my former application, which I retracted. I have read them again for this application, particularly for the roles I wish to play. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Ebere Ijeoma, Physician, has all the qualifications for the role of CMO. Dreaming Together About Everything's End has theorically all the qualifications needed to be RD. I had also created a RD for my former application, Graham Rosemond, and I still have him in my character list. However, I would need to find my former application and read it again as I am not sure of his story anymore, which would need to be updated anyway considering we boarded the Horizon. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? As I had retracted my former application myself when I deemed myself not worth the roles back then, I can confirm I understand this very well. Have you linked your byond account to the forums? Yes Extra notes: N/A
  12. Yesss Also, I do not know how much this will weight in the balance, but Suno has expressed their interest in diona gameplay multiple times over the discord and we chat a lot about it since I got my own whitelist. They are geniunely interested in the race. So, if that can help, have my +1
  13. A big -1 from me. Mercs are supposed to be well organized, specialist intruders. Raiders literally have nothing else for themselves. This would break a bit of the spice of these roudes, which are the more intense on the battle side. Mercs can buy it anyway for almost nothing (4TC total), Raiders have no other possibilities to be at least a bit informed about what happens on station. I can barely see how this will make things more enjoyable for the crew either. Thermals have to be bought by mercs, it's not given directly. After thinking about it a bit more, changing my pov to a hard -1 considering raiders, "why not" +1 considering mercs. Mercs can buy them anyway and as explained earlier, this would give them a bit of element of surprise, so why not. But as explained, Raiders can't buy stuff and have random gears besides said hacked channels. This would be taking away the only advantage they have over the crew. For other off-station antags (techno and ninja), I am not sure.
  14. Reporting Personnel: Dr Ebere Ijeoma Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Physician Game ID: chN-cAQc Personnel Involved: Jiyi, Chief Medical Officer - Offender Shae Sciratius, First Responder- Witness Ostroverkhov Urvan, First Responder- Witness Secondary Witnesses: (Name, Job Title: Short description of what they witnessed) - Larisa Hunter, Engineer - Witness Time of Incident: Before 17:54 Real Time: Before 8PM UTC+0 Location of Incident: Medbay Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [ x ] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: (General description of the incident, to include as much detail as is deemed necessary) Female medical personnels were discussing with Larisa about their experience with the Head of Security Mike Bisenti. Some of them, and Larisa, expressed they received unwanted messages from him during some of their previous shift. The Chief Medical Officer present, Jiyi, was silently looking at the medical sensors list in the reception desk. Any attempt to try to communicate with them were proven dull, as the Chief Medical Officer was not able to fully understand human communication in its larger meaning - Sarcasm, Irony, and other examples of lost subtelties were proven lost with them. It was agreed between medical staff, including me, that, even if the Chief Medical Officer was an excellent physician and surgeon, he was unfit to manage employees due to their poor "human" communication skills. After the chat between the people regarding the HoS ended, I went to get some fresh fruits for everyone in the public garden. Suddenly, the CMO asked for us all to line up in the medical lobby, refusing to explain the reason for it. When we all came, the CMO asked Mike Bisenti (not present during the talk, but started his shift a bit before) to come in the lobby as well. There, he asked for anyone with grief against Mike Bisenti, male, security member and authority figure over us, to speak out loud. This got all members of medical very concerned and made all of us feel very unsafe as we did not know what security was about to do with us. The CMO seemed completely unable to understand how the situation at hand was an issue. Once this masquerade of a public trial ended, they seemed to think they were really helping the crew by mending everyone together. Afterwards, we had confirmation from Submitted Evidence: (Place any in round evidence that you gathered. Forms written in round, recorder logs and photographs can all be considered evidence. Signatures, dates and stamps all account to the authenticity of the form, and it's good to have them whenever possible. Clear screenshots of the whole piece of evidence are required. Evidence that has been produced or affected by antagonist activity should never be submitted. Forging or falsifying evidence is forbidden both ICly and OOCly, and may incur administrative action.) None, as no evidence could be captured. However, Shae and Uvan accepted to give a testimony for it. Adeline Pavlovich, Investigator, confirmed that slander against the persons involved started in their private security channel afterwards. Mike came to get Amon Eshka, surgeon, for a "private talk" afterwards. Jiyi stated at the end they wanted an upgrade on the empathy module, which could indeed prevent such issues in the future. However, I think a report was necessary for records. Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [ x ] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: No, as all command members were part of the incident. Actions taken: None by anyone involved, due to the nature of the incident. (Both only command members involved) Additional Notes: N/A
  15. BYOND Key: Gromnax Character Names: Ceri Alwenn, Ebere Ijeoma, rarely-played others Species you are applying to play: Dionaea What color do you plan on making your first alien character: (Color of your character; Dionaea & IPCs exempt) Dionaea exempt Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Dionaea are effectively the most alien specie in Aurora. They work differently than human physically, psychologically and mechanically. They allow to explore things that could never be explored as humans, or as any other specie. As very long-lived individuals, they have a different vision of time and the cosmos than other species might have. This makes for a very unique roleplay experience to try, unlike Tajaras or Unathis who seem less interesting to me. Dionaea's lore links to Skrells are also interesting to me, as I would like to play some in the future, and playing Dionaea might be a good introduction to their lore considering how tightly bonded these species are. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Dionaea are inherenly plural creatures, made of multiple nymphs associating to form a single gestalt. More nymps can make larger structures, up to be as large as stellar objects. In the gestalt, single nymphs might work in different types of cooperation, which defines the type of "mind" of the gestalt. Some are democratic, with the nymphs voting over single actions, when others are more autocratics, with a single nymph having more power over the others. Dionaea are able to absorb other species' DNA, and with it, memories of the DNA owner, even if not all of them do. Unlike other species, Dionaea can come from "almost" everywhere and have a whole lot of different cultures, even if they are discriminated against in some part of space (Like Sol and Elyra), or if some other places are hard to survive for Dionaea (Adhomai). This still allows for a wild array of characters with different cultures and experiences. Dionaea are also almost all pacifists. Character Name: Dreaming Together About Everything's End Please provide a short backstory for this character (Approximately two paragraphs) Dreaming Together About Everything's End was born on a scientific Luthien research facility, near the south polar sea. They are one of the products of an experiment made by Dr Aileen, Xenobotanist, on extreme-environnement flora. Dr Aileen was supposed to study dionaea's adaptation to extreme conditions and effects of said conditions on the nymphs. Due to the great amount of light present on Luthien, Dr Aileen managed to grow a lot of single, light-colored nymphs, with the objective of measuring effects of different exposures to light and radiation on the growth of said nymphs. Once this study has been completed, Dr Aileen asked to continue working on dionaea, and was allowed so. She started to bond closely with the nymphs, allowing them to drink her blood in order for them to understand her. At some point, the nymphs decided to form a cyclop together, who chose the name of Learning Under Daylight. They began more and more mature as time passed and as they kept learning from Dr Aileen, whom seems to have seen a lot of things in her lifetime. Soon, Learning Under Daylight started to feel something wrong, eerie about the blood samples they were drinking from the Doctor : An impending sense of doom started to gain them, and soon enough, this same sense of doom gained the doctor herself. Dr Aileen, quite old at this moment, was diagnosed with Alzheimer, and loosing little by little her grip on reality. Learning Under Daylight, whom had since gained biesellite citizenship, started to take care of the scientist. But no matter what they did, they couldn't stop the inevitable. Dr Aileen asked directly who were effectively her child to gain as much memories from her as possible, so these memories would not be completely destroyed over time. Learning Under Daylight accepted, and kept drinking blood samples from the doctor, even though each time, new eeries memories were coming with it. Learning Under Daylight felt more and more disoriented, as they could really live Aileen's Alzheimer. And one day, Dr Aileen passed away. At this moment, Learning Under Daylight chose to drink the doctor's blood one last time, as much as they could, to retain as much memory from them as possible. They did not wish for them to disappear, and could not find another way to keep them, in a way, alive. Learning Under Daylight were devasted by both the doctor's memories and her passing away. They chose to change their name, calling themselves Dreaming Together About Everything's End. They chose to continue the Doctor's life work and, after mourning for several years on Biesel, earned a doctorate on Xenobotany, thanks to the doctor's knowledge. Dreaming Together About Everything's End got employed by Yomi Genetics, part of Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals in the Research and Developpement field. The dionae started working on Dionae-Human interactions, hoping to understand fully what happened between them and the Doctor on a scientific level. They are now recruited aboard the SCCV Horizon as a Xenobotanist. What do you like about this character? (Describe what you like about this character) Besides the interest of trying a new specie, I would like to explore mourning in roleplay, as this is a subject that interest me a lot IRL for personnal reasons. The mourning mass suggestion in the wiki sparked this -rather simple - story idea for me. I have hesitated a bit about which origins to give the character at first, thinking a scarab or a jargon diona could be a good idea, but I thought that staying on safe ground with a biesel one would be better for a first one, especially as I have no experience with Jargon rp. Also, this character would have an excuse for me to icly discover things about dionaea, would it be mechanically with my own, and maybe icly with diona nymphs grown in pods. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I have the habit of roleplaying different characters. Giving a definite rate is a bit hard, but I would say I'm a veteran roleplayer by now. Notes: N/A
  16. They would be forced to get out for sheer survival (food, medical supplies and whatnot). Trying to fake being part of the crew could be fun too. Icly they should never be seen, oocly the objective would obviously be to create drama aboard. But really, the "funny guy that murders people on extended" sounds like a non issue to me. That's not how being a stowaway should work and is a reportable behaviour anyway. If you want to see things they could do, you can think about the old maintenance bar we had on the aurora. They could run underground things like that, which existence would be spreaded by ear, for example. Or act like forced assistants if they can't do anything else. Or be authorized to stay if they mine stuff... The possibilities are endless.
  17. A stowaway's objective, by definition, should be to stay hidden until they get to their destination. It's very different than a pirate-sort of things, which you seem to be describing and would be an actual antag role. A real stowaway has no interest into committing murder. Exactly. We had the event of the lone lost explorer on the Aurora, whom came in his capsule on the asteroid. This wouldn't be too different.
  18. As the new station is a ship, it makes sense for some people to board it without being authorized or even known by NT. This change would make sense with the marooning punishment added to the lore. They would begin with a nameless ID able to open maintenance doors but no other doors, and would not begin with a PDA or a headset. Instead, they might begin with low quality ghetto tools for medicine, surgery, growing food... If we allow for multiple stowaways, we might even think of a channel they could use in their own headset. They wouldn't be able to hear general besides sitting near an intercom. This might be a very good role for unique roleplay interactions. Security's behaviour on them could vary, and some members of the crew could hide them as long as they don't commit any serious crime, for instance. This might add conflict and drama even without real antagonists involved (which often ends up in gunfights anyway). What are your thoughts on this?
  19. Eris has a bunch of different kind of roaches that are different from each others, and can be hunted for chemicals while being dangerous. I'm not saying we should import them to the Aurora, but this might be an idea of what we could do.
  20. Dronz said it all. The costumes available in the wizard's closet are quite limited, unfortunately.
  21. Perhaps making a renegade go "Do everything to stay free and alive" explicitely instead of just giving them a gun would help? I don't know. I unfortunately never rolled renegade, but if the validhunting is part of the problem, then maybe this should be tweaked in this fashion. We are in a semi-dystopic corporate setting with dangerous things aboard even in extended. Giving them such leeway would make them less dependant on traitors and would help RP, I think. Also, instead of just giving a random gun, we could offer them a veeeery limited uplink. Guns aren't the only way to protect themselves against imaginary/potential enemies. Things like the bug kit, freedom implant or medical supplies could be used too. Those are just ideas. As I never rolled it, I can't help much more than by doing just that. However, I do think removing completely the gamemode isn't the way to go. Oh my god, yes, please.
  22. People playing robots with all the advantages, but not roleplaying as one, for instance.
  23. Sooo... A Full Body Proteshis? It brings a lot of its own problems.
  24. Security borgs were a pain in the ass to antags and were picked way too much. It's a good thing they're gone. Validhunting should not be the job of stationbounds, especially when they were a direct counter to multiple antag types, such as ling and vamp. "Unironically it was the most useful of borgs as it can actually fulfill its role to what was needed." is an issue when the role is to imper an antag as quickly as possible, thus ending someone's round instead of making someone else's round better, like medical, or science. For the other modules... You're giving out problems, but you don't give any suggestion about how to correct them. So, what should be done? And what about the mining borg, too?
  25. I don't think deconstructing what are essentially museum artifacts is a good idea roleplay-wise, but the spectrometer gives a good alternative. Instead of a single alien technology level, we could have hidden, 1-level only projects available in rnd, like, for example, alien materials, or alien medical. They would give access, as you said, to some good alternatives to items available through "human" levels. I can imagine alien machine components, or, for alien medical, things that would help with xenobiology or xenobotany, for instance; Anyway. +1 for me.
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