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Everything posted by Susan

  1. PICTURE TIME. Wesley and Samantha play with Nasir's cat. Wesley x Sam the movie. Brar in his new not-racist room. Ana and Sam working out. Nasir playing frisbee with Seto and being awful. Syrus and his sweetheart/girlfriend Rai at the fair~~~~ Wesley and Brar go to the library and end up getting smushed in a book. This becomes news. ARMANDO IS ON THE NEWS! Avery spends his time rolling around the floor of his apartment. MASTER OF DISGUISES, ANA NOT ISSEK. Armando at his part time job being a dirty Burger King employee. I don't know, Rai. Elena doesn't either. Avery robusts his punching bag. 'Hot greasy engineering griffing!' Vira starts a new fashion trend. Gr8. Ceiling Ana is watching you dream. Elena has a wonderful dream. Wesley's wonderful gummies. Vira and Avery start another new trend. Greeeeeat.
  2. Those people are childish babies and they need the full punishment given to them. Being in the brig is punishment, it is not a joyride, or a fun time, or anything of the sort. You broke the law and now you need to serve your sentence. What people fail to realize is it's not security's fucking fault they were a complete idiot and broke the law, then got caught. Complying gives you 25% off, and that is only if you turn yourself in instead of making us come look for you. 25% is more than enough. Let me explain something to you. Fistfighting is a violent crime. Fighting is assault. Drug charges vary in severity but more often than not the common charges on station are possession of a controlled substance (which can vary from a misdemeanor to a felony) and possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute which can carry prison terms up to twelve years. People should not be getting off easy for this stuff. I'd rather upgrade sentencing on crimes that can be felonies because realistically speaking you would be handed over to the police and then tried and convicted for serious crimes. People need to realize their illegal doings have profound impacts on their freedom as well as the outside world.
  4. Remove cells entirely, remove perma, engage communal brig mode. EXAMPLE
  5. Day 1: Ana Roh'hi'tin, Samantha Mason, Imraj Brar, Syrus Seto, Rai Amari, Armando Elysium, Bryce Faust, Wesley Jesse, and Nasir Hakim move in. Imraj kicks Seto's ass in a rap battle. Imraj also kicks Sam's ass in a rap battle. Ana thinks Seto likes her. I break my 3ds screen smashing 'NO'. Seto has feelings for the pudgy Rai. He tells her on the beach, and she agrees to be his sweetheart. Wesley begins working at the hat shop and starts wearing an ascot. Ana and Sam are super good friends. Armando has like 3 thousand problems and spends his time rolling around on the floor of his house.
  6. Yes. Describe to me your character, with name, age, hair color, eye color, hair style, skin tone, and a personality from the following chart. Head shapes and eye choices are below. Let us make the wackiest island ever.
  7. Bump for more deliberation.
  8. Bump for more deliberation.
  9. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora/pull/343 #hype
  10. If you consciously vote something that is niche and you know not everyone wants to play, you don't get to bitch that they don't want to play it. Suck it up and go play something else if you don't want to play secret. And sure, it may seem like that, but I personally think nuke is a cancerous gamemode and I see it voted and dogpiled constantly to outdo extended so I put no faith in the whining because the literal only time I have seen situations described herein is lowpop or early server nuke. There is no excuse for voting lowpop nuke, IMO.
  11. Except you're not being forced to play secret or extended. You can leave any time you want and go play another game, just like I do whenever nuke is successfully voted in. And admins don't force a gamemode, they make a new vote. If something you don't like is voted in, welcome to democracy. You don't have to play. You pick a niche game mode that not everyone wants to play and then bitch if it doesn't go through because not everyone wanted to play it. Get over it. The 'majority' isn't what you're making it up to be. We operate on first past the post democracy. If extended gets 13 votes and nuclear gets 14, nuclear wins on one vote. That sure as hell isn't a majority. Don't pitch your sob story when you clearly don't understand how the voting system works. All you need is a single more vote to beat everyone else. And if 15 people vote nuke and all the people who voted nuke don't ready, that's not my fault. I don't have to play nuke, you don't have to play secret. If you not participating means I can't enjoy revolution, that is the way the cookie crumbles.
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