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Head Admins / Devs
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  • Byond CKey

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Head of Personnel

Head of Personnel (26/37)

  1. More slots doesn't equal more work stations, more gear, more anything so on and so forth to support those additional roles.
  2. Unbanned.
  3. Hello. That was me that banned you, and that was two years ago, not four. As long as you improve on your general play by listening to the rules, IE don't suicide, hitting cryogenics/living quarters and so on, I am happy to lift this ban. Do you agree with this?
  4. Interview: https://pastebin.com/RFfFu7Jt
  5. Considering you came into my DMs a day before posting this asking if it would be accepted, and I said it would likely not be. The reason for this is because you have been perma banned twice, and as per the rules: I will be denying this.
  6. I have tried unbanning you again. If this doesn't work, there is literally nothing else I can do to assist you except to tell you to not use a VM. As it is listed in our rules to not use them. "Use of proxy-servers can result in a ban or may not be supported. Due to the amount of griefers that use proxy servers in an attempt to bypass punishment, connecting via a dedicated proxy server, VPNs, or routing your connection through a dedicated server host, can result in an immediate permanent ban." - General Rules
  7. Preferably not using a VM or VPN at all, but I understand that's not something applicable to you right now. Try now.
  8. Hi there. Usually people get hit with a stickyban if they use VPNs or VMs, which is why we discourage the use of them on the server, as you may get caught in someone elses ban, as you've experienced a few times now. That's really the only advice I can give on it. You should be unbanned now, apologies for the delay. Let me know if this doesn't work, I'll leave it open until you can confirm you can connect.
  9. YIPPEE locking and archiving
  10. Binning due to OOC reasons.
  11. Hello. As a CCIA Liaison and Headmin that also overwatches CCIA, I figured I'd better chime in with my two cents on this. CCIA exists in the same regard that you, in your real life job, would have HR exist. You go to HR when you have issues with someone. Someone picking on you? Bullying you? Report it, get a paperwork trail. Minor things such at this, people will likely get told off, with the possibility of something going on their character record [i]that that person can see on the web interface and will show up ICly on that characters security records/command notes and there is nothing the player can do about that[/i]. Its up to security and command to ICly make note of these actions and plan accordingly. Characters never get deleted just for one thing. People have to actively fuck around and find out to have that happen, such in the case, as mentioned above, with Bava. As stated, Bava had a drug ring running that was actively selling cocaine on the ship. CCIA hates canning characters so much that they get to come back after some time. The only big time that a character will get canned is if they perform a mutiny on a canon event round, as a semi-recent reference. CCIA is not being removed. Bear and I have come to an agreement that a few new wiki pages will come about from this so we can further help players understand what CCIA is, and what it is for. CCIA is not a boogeyman out to get you. CCIA is here to moderate on an IC level. I will be dismissing this, and the team will be working together to create new pages to ensure the player base understands what CCIA is and its purpose on the server. If you have any questions regarding this, my DMs are open, as are Bear's. Locking and archiving.
  12. I highly recommend not using a VPN to connect in the future, as this may continue to happen. You are unbanned for now though.
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