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Everything posted by Kintsugi

  1. Ckey/BYOND Username: DanseMacabre Discord Name: DanseMacabre#6742 Position Being Applied For: Human Lore Deputy Past Experiences/Knowledge: Examples of Past Work: Additional Comments: Now, onto the questions. 1. Why are you applying for this position and why do you believe you would make a good Human Lore Deputy? 2. What is your favourite part of Human Lore and why? What is your least favourite? 3. What are three projects (medium to large sized additions, reworks, or arcs) you would like to do or help organize if made Human Lore deputy? 4. What do you believe are the current strengths and weaknesses of human lore? Why? What would you do to improve upon the weaknesses? 5. Recently there has been discussion in the community and among the lore teams about Offworlder Humans. If made deputy, what is something you would want to do with Offworlder Humans as a whole and/or their various factions? 6. There is a current open thread on community suggestions for a planet page for Eridani I. If you are accepted as a human lore deputy, you along with the rest of the Human Lore Team, would work on this planet. What are some things that you would like to implement on Eridani I's new planet page if given the opportunity 7. Have you ever be subject to any strikes or bans of any kind from Aurora's moderators or admins? If so, how long ago were these actions and what were they for?
  2. This is already the behavior with a lot of pistols.
  3. Kintsugi


    Why do you, personally, want this change? And what is the basis that you make the claim that what we have is insufficient for the playerbase?
  4. An away site can functionally be very simple or extremely complex. As for how "out there" they can be, I would stray from anything that is 1. overpowered or 2. immersion-unfriendly. There's no standard here to my knowledge but you're going to way things to be balanced and to be immersion-friendly. As for what "we're looking for", I can tell you that we do very much need exoplanet ruins - these spawn randomly on asteroids and planets and our lack of them is why we don't have exoplanets spawning and why the asteroids are so boring. They could presumably be anything that makes sense in that given circumstance.
  5. True. Having an away site or ruin with fully-fledged atmospherics or power systems would definitely set them apart from most of the ones we have atm
  6. Have you ever looked at the server and thought - Man. We don't have enough away sites and ships. And exoplanet ruins? Don't even get me started! It's a barren wasteland! Well, here's what you should do - map them yourself, and I'll add them for you! That's right, no coding necessary. Unless you want to learn. In that case, I'll help you. But if you're a humble soul who just wants to dip their toes into the contribution waters with the easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy contribution format of away site mapping, look no further - I'll teach you how to get started and I'll handle the rest when you're done. First, you'll need two things. 1. A copy of the Aurorastation source code, downloaded at https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pulls And 2. StrongDMM, a mapping program, downloaded at https://github.com/SpaiR/StrongDMM All you need to do is extract both somewhere specific on your computer. I don't care. It's up to you! You just need to have them some place you won't delete them or something. Now you just have to: Launch strongDMM Click "File" in the upper left corner Click "Open Environment" Navigate to your extracted Aurora code Open that folder Click "aurorastation.dme" and open it. It'll look like this. Then, once it has loaded: Click "File" in the upper left corner Click "Open Map" Navigate to the maps folder, and then one of the subfolders, depending on what you want to map Click a preexisting map And use that as your base! You can delete it completely if you want. StrongDMM is very intuitive to use - the buttons here: Are your selection modes This Is your environment tree, which contains all objects in the game. You can search for them to find specific things, or navigate through the tree - which will take much longer. And this Is your object selection and the variables preview. Variables are things like direction or special names or whatever. You'll figure them out as you go along. From there, you can begin mapping! You can make full-blown away sites, or ships, or you can make exoplanet ruins, which can be very small - if you don't want to map anything big. Exoplanet ruins would be great right now, because we don't have any! If you have any specific questions, just DM me. And just remember - I'll add whatever you add to the game for you! No need to do it on your own. When you're done with something, just click file - save as. You can always come back and work on it at a later date, too.
  7. Going to play devil's advocate here: The scuttling device doesn't need secrecy. It is common knowledge the ship has one, and it is totally inert and safe unless the SCC provides a code to detonate it. If anything, it is good that it is outside the bridge. In a situation where you actually need to scuttle the ship, you don't want it to be isolated (and therefore vulnerable) and hard to get to. You want it to be in a location that is easily accessible and easily-defended. As for the vault, I guess there's no harm in having one... Except that I've always found that "rob the vault" gimmicks are very, very boring. The contents of the vault are meaningless and vault gimmicks just tend to not be engaging.
  8. I am not suggesting we mechanically remove artifacts or golems. I'm just saying all we should do is decanonize. Their mechanics are, as such, irrelevant in the course of this discussion. "Rework don't remove" is a platitude repeated since time immemorial, one that is empty and has a similar outcome every time: here's the fact of the matter. It's easy to say "rework don't remove", but it's a lot harder to actually make that happen, and hoping someone else is going to do it just isn't going to work.
  9. I'm going to keep this brief. Perhaps on account of the setting change to the Horizon, we've recently had a number of situations where golems and especially artifacts (in one situation, a machine that makes crabs out of thin air) appearing ingame. While these are fine in the course of gameplay, they are largely incompatible with our setting and dissonant with our tone, as evidenced by the frequent mentions of these entities in the relay and the cyclical and bizarre conversations that they bring about. No, I'm sorry, machine that draw out your blood and turn them into green blobs of flesh or create infinite sources of food don't belong in our canon. Artifacts and golems are technically canon, according to the bluespace page - https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Bluespace#Artefacts - however, this lore is nearly a decade old and is a relic of a time when Aurora was a much sillier server. It doesn't have a place on our server. I suggest that all golems and artifacts be decanonized. Perhaps in order to give xenoarcheologists something to talk about, people could be allowed to ahelp to ask for explicit permission to keep an interaction with an artifact canon, provided it is one that fits more in line with our standards as a server. But otherwise, I see no gain in keeping artifacts canon and I am getting tired of seeing them referenced in IC mediums and derailing conversations and interactions with bizarre tonally-dissonant tangents.
  10. I closed the PR. At the end of the day, regardless of my personal feelings, any change with public opinion so decisively against it as this one just isn't a good idea and shouldn't be pursued.
  11. >Then fix him, or suggest for someone else to do it. No. "Improve not remove" is not a valid reply. If you want it improved or fixed, it's up to you to code that, not me. >This is a trope that is absurdly common in fiction where people keep otherwise hostile creatures as pets. She's a baby who's being cared for by humans. This is a thing that happens in actual life with otherwise hostile animals. I don't really care if it's a fiction trope. Fiction tropes don't guide design. >They literally can be in the modern day, let alone in the future. Science experiment in Russia. Frankly, I don't care if there are a few supposedly domesticated foxes somewhere in Siberia - dancing bears aren't okay for the station, either. >I say again, fix him or get someone else to do it. No. "Improve not remove" is not a valid reply. If you want it improved or fixed, it's up to you to code that, not me.
  12. This thread has been created as required by PR #14173 (Animal Control) https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/14173
  13. Made at my own behest for https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/13830 How do you feel about this PR and its many changes? From sanasomnum to the TC count buff to the armory restock to others. Anything you feel could be better or would like changed?
  14. Might be a little nebulous, but maybe a checklist of sorts? Otherwise I'd go for a clearly visible identifier of departmental affiliation, like an armband/badge/hat/other large clothing item in departmental colors.
  15. No, it isn't fair. Whether or not the rest of the crew wears their uniforms is not relevant. Every player for every other department in the game could happily wear their uniforms, and it would still be irrelevant to the point this thread is making. There is no regulation requiring other departments to wear their uniform. They have the freedom to choose, security does not. Ergo, not fair. It is not fair to force security to wear their uniforms, when every other department has the choice between loadout items and their job uniforms. Again, not relevant. This thread is suggesting that the requirement be changed so that: 1. Security is allowed to wear business-appropriate clothing 2. As long as they are easily identifiable as security. Clearly, your examples run contrary to the suggestion made by this thread. Again, not relevant. This is a strawman. See above: We are saying security should still be easily identifiable as security. One does not need to wear the uniform to be easily identifiable as security, as a plethora of items exist that make them identifiable as such, including:
  16. What it says up there. Frankly, at the moment, security's uniforms are a highly contentious thing to talk about in regards to our community. This topic is not about whether or not they're good. It is about how this regulation arbitrarily restricts security from enjoying the same freedom of loadout use as the rest of the jobs on the server. I don't need to write up an essay justifying my position on why this is bad: It's just not fair. The regulation isn't enforced as it is, with most command characters wisely avoiding bothering to force officers to wear uniforms that don't aesthetically match half of what we have on offer as far clothing sprites on the server are concerned. Change the regulation. Officers are no longer strictly required to wear their exact uniforms - instead, business-appropriate attire along with being identifiable as a member of security at a glance should be enough.
  17. The images were created by https://github.com/openai/dall-e , as per their license https://github.com/openai/DALL-E/blob/master/LICENSE all images created by me belong to me, credit should be given to the project itself as well, however.
  18. Lore Impact: Small Species: Human Short Description: A number of minor additions to the Visegrad page that didn't make it into the original release. This includes some reference images (AI-generated - consider it an experiment), lore for cities, an additional city, some changes to Visegradi Creole and to the politics section, and a new section on the Visegradi-Plutonian enmity. How will this be reflected on-station?: Character backgrounds. Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: Yes. Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? Yes Long Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dDSB81pW7Oi4t6KM7rhp4Xju3da6tSa3GknFczYNYVQ/edit
  19. Changeling's potential for developing a narrative is pretty much tapped out. They don't have the tools other antagonists do for narrative development, and at the same time they're individually quite weak and are focused for stealth on a server where stealth is dissuaded. I don't hate changeling but it's one of those gamemodes we have, like vampire or cult, that is showing its origin as a flawed, objective-based gamemode that mostly exists in the modern day for the sake of "variety". At the very least I can tell you just about every changeling round I've ever played on Aurora has felt the same as the last, unless the ling in question got horror form. This isn't a matter of ten bad rounds, but of hundreds.
  20. Wait, what's the NBT? Why are we switching maps? Are we a milRP server now? I don't want to play on a ship, why would my character leave Tau Ceti?
  21. I didn’t realize Aurora’s seriousness was up for debate.
  22. Do you think mercs and raiders should get overmap-capable shuttles? I am personally of the mindset that we should give them such, on the condition that they must nonetheless engage the crew in some way, instead of flying around the overmap and doing their own thing. One thing to consider is that it may be necessary to buff security voidsuits - security's voidsuit armor is paper-thin for anything other than melee combat, which means a boarding operation is nearly-suicidal.
  23. The Aurora lore universe is expansive - probably the most expansive lore any SS13 server's ever seen - deep, nuanced, interconnected, and constantly evolving. Let's say the story's coming to a close: the year is 2050 and Aurora, the last surviving SS13 server, with a population of deep cover FBI agents and semi-autonomous bot-players, is finally shutting down - and the loremind (an artificial intelligence devoted to developing Aurorastation's lore, based off of brainscans of every member of the lore team to ever exist, and myself as well) has decided we got the Bad Ending. What does it look like to you? What do you think Aurora's Bad End is?
  24. In light of the recent intensive and targeted griefing the manifest has sustained at the hands of an apparent community member who frequents the relay spanning multiple sheets now, I am unfortunately presented with an unpleasant situation: give up on the manifest, simply accept the persistent griefing moving forward, or try something new: an invite-only manifest. I have decided to do this on an experimental basis - my primary concern is that moving in an invite-only direction will kill activity on something that already struggles to maintain much activity at all past the first week of a new sheet. As such, from May 1st until July 1st (spanning two sheets), the manifest will be coming back. To gain access, you'll need to DM this account - Bone Courtier#4585 - which can be found in both the main Aurora discord and the Relay discord. Do not DM my account, please - just the one listed. You'll need to send it a gmail address - it doesn't have to be a real one, and can be a throwaway - and the name that that gmail address is associated with. For example, my gmail account could be sneedfeedandseed@gmail.com, with the name Charles Sneed as the name associated with the account. This is important to keep track of who is who - all edits made to the sheet will show up with the name associated with the account. From there, I will let you know that you have been added to the manifest and you'll be able to edit it freely, and hopefully without risk of griefing. This new manifest will also feature a few new relations on a trial basis - envy, contempt, disgust/discomfort, and nemesis. Additional ideas welcome. If these prove to be poorly received, they will be removed. Here is the new manifest: Click this - It will not be open to editing until May 1st, and only those added will be able to edit it, obviously.
  25. I disagree completely as far as ERTs allowing you to play legitimate characters is concerned. The fact of the matter is that the frequency in which you have opportunities to play an ERT "character" and the time window you're presented within a round completely prevents you from achieving meaningful character development (and that fact their very involvement is non-canon in the first place). An ERT character played once a month for an hour window at each time and is immediately forgotten is hardly a character at all - merely a story element, a deus ex machina that arrives to change the narrative from its logical and fair conclusion. Third party ships spawn more frequently than ERTs, are around for the entire round, and can actually be remembered by the people they are involved with - just because the system they use to spawn in is the same as the ERT, doesn't mean they're similar in any respects. Finally, this isn't advocating for the outright removal of ERTs - it is advocating for the removal their automatic spawning when two characters arbitrarily decide "now is the time" by pressing a button on their screen. ERTs should be locked behind an admin decision, so if there really IS a need for one, and there really ISN'T any alternative, they can be sent in. For example, if no third party ship spawned.
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