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  • Byond CKey

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  1. You actually can exit morgue trays, but not when you're inside a body-bag inside a morgue tray. It isn't that clear to me how to fix that right now.
  2. It's a game that tries to be reasonably serious. But is held back by having a lot of mechanics that were designed for lrp servers.
  3. I agree with the suggestion overall, I think. Usually I've seen the Chemist role fall to a cyborg player, (or my AI in emergencies) and it hasn't been that fun for the cyborg to be ordered to do chemistry for half an hour. This suggestion doesn't help the Chemists, though... maybe chemist players can think of something to add for it, or else it could be changed to some sort of alt-title for Physician (something other than Chemist idk what it would be called). Some points I want to comment on though: This is more of a tangent about game design relating to supply, and not super relevant to the suggestion: If there are no members of a department on board, it's okay for the ship to feel the lack of them -- If we have no medical, no engineering, no security, then we notice it. I get it might be awkward for medical to not have the tools they need, but not everyone needs to have the tools to solve every problem every time. I'm still going to look at adding some of the basic and mid-tier chems to Supply for any situations where a Chemist/Physician for whatever reason isn't present/making chems/medical is exploded. I don't think increasing the amount of tools medical has at round-start is a good move. It is already quite well equipped to handle common injuries. I would prefer they be given more routes to get what they need than just be given it. The Chemist role would have even less to do, too.
  4. In general, yes probably but not right now. But I think it is important to consider a few things - Things that are way more important than voidsuit balancing: Does it significantly add to the time it takes them to get to the Horizon / get their plan going? What mechanics should we add to support it? (Cloaking devices, transponder changes, ship weaponry, docking codes, ship tethering...?) What will the consequences be? This post was made right after a really cool round in which sec did a boarding action vs. the Orion ship -- How do we make sure that the antagonists still interact with the non-sec, non-pilot crew? Will it mean they antagonize the SCCV Horizon less? Do we really raider/merc round to look like that one did frequently or will it lose its novelty quick? The mercs/raiders should also probably have a choice between an overmap ship, or another way of getting to the Horizon similar to their current method (e.g. breaching pod, teleporter, direct shuttle etc.).
  5. Sounds good. Or just implant the Merchant stuff into the Orion ship.
  6. I've played with VARIANCE frequently with my AI and Reporter characters. They play the role well, and what I especially like about VARIANCE is that they make an effort to interact with characters as a robot and roleplay being a lawbound robot well -- Rather than just being a faceless piece of equipment. They have always been a good robot under my AI's command, and I know they'll work to make any robots playing under their command in future have a cool round. When subverted or given questionable orders, they have always enthusiastically played along so long as it is within their lawset. I have watched them learn almost every department from my cyborg and AI characters, and I know they are qualified to oversee the ship's systems. I look forward to being their loyal robot minion.
  7. Sounds like something weird is going on there, I timed it locally and it cycled in 3 minutes -- Obviously 3 minutes is still way too long though. Doubling the vents isn't an ideal solution. I've got some other ideas on how to solve it but I'm not sure which of those is best yet. You have a huge quantity of air in the airlock tank, you can safely Force Exterior all round and you'll be fine.
  8. I feel like you could say that exact sentence about every antagonist mode. A rework would be great, but I don't think you can beat lazy gimmicks / lazy converts who go and ruin the gimmick, with a rework.
  9. The News Matrix had an interesting round... Security wanted some pictures I took of a 'ling getting psychiatric help. ... There were a lot of pictures.
  10. Pipe leading to the west-most air scrubber takes a weird path under the table. Can just have it end under the status display? North Dinnerware dispenser feels weird. People can access it from the seating area, however the face of it is clearly not in an accessible position. This is also the one that will be used the most due to the proximity to the drinks dispenser. I loaded up the map locally. The fire alarm spawns on the wrong tile for me? Two disposals in the kitchen. I would move one of them to the seating area, maybe. Put a holopad, intercomm and newscaster in the seating area. Put the kitchen requests console somewhere else. The way it is placed now, it looks like it is pointing outside the hull.
  11. I feel like this is probably an oversight? Freelance Reporters were also unable to be Independent until just before release.
  12. Something similar was already declined by a maintainer. Because there are multiple ways to fuel the shuttle, two of which rely on systems we'd like players to use more (cargo and atmos). --- If you do continue with this. The secondary fuel for the shuttle is indeed phoron. There is no need for hydrogen as it is the worst fuel by far. There are three, not one, phoron cans in the secure storage.
  13. Pretty sure this is an unintended side-effect of some other PR.
  14. The Horizon could easily gain a stowaway since it has people visiting the ship from away-sites. Don't really understand the objections on that basis. If it is to be a thing, it should be an extremely low chance. I did not enjoy it on Bay mostly because it frequently interfered with my traitor gimmicks when the ship was more likely to go to blue alert -- You're essentially adding a role that simulates 'traitor runs around maintenance and sec chase them for a while', which is... not the best kind of antagonist and not that fun for any antagonists in the round to have to work around. If it does get added it needs some more thought into how the role should affect other players than bay's stowaway had.
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