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Everything posted by ryog

  1. I'm doing little more than echoing the sentiment in the above two posts, but based on my interactions with him both OOC and ICly I can safely say that I feel like he is a wonderful addition to the community and takes great care and thoughtfulness into any endeavors he pursues. Very good at playing interesting gimmicks, whether it be as an antag or not, and involving people in the events of rounds he's participating in, which I believe is a great insight on how much he cares about the enjoyment of his fellow players. I will say that my initial impression of him many months ago was less than savory, and to have changed my opinion so positively towards him as an RP partner and otherwise is just a testament to how he as a person is more than capable of rational improvement. No doubt he is absolutely wonderful to talk to and would do great on the lore team. +1 ezpz
  2. Can't do much more than echo the sentiment already posted in this thread, Sycmos is a wonderful person to RP with and puts a lot of thought and care into his portrayals, I have full confidence he'll do great. +1
  3. Kryo's a cool dude with a great variety of characters and plays them very well, and his character given here has some real thought put into the backstory and some solid foundation as to how it might act. Looking forward to get schooled by this nerd robot that doesn't seem to be mentally absent. +1
  4. +1. For the sheer simplicity of making combat mechs, they are effective enough and don't provide any meaningful interaction for a round.
  5. I've played a few rounds with it, and while I can see the merit in the stealth-based gameplay, I do share the sentiment of people saying that it's quite disorienting when people suddenly disappear when you turn. I haven't read all the feedback to know if this was already suggested or if it's currently in progress, but I want to suggest perhaps a "last seen" aspect to prevent the whole sudden disappearance, where the tile itself doesn't change once you turn your back, and it could update once you gain sight of the tile/mob in question again. As it stands, I cannot currently put my support down for it as I feel that it's a bit too clunky in its current version.
  6. Hello! Okay, so. I've spent some time playing with Haydizzle's characters and I can first of all state that the level of personality and interaction exhibited is wonderful, I'm always able to tag onto a story with them and we can keep that rolling for a significant period of time. Now, specifically speaking about their command characters, I've played with their HoP on my QM. Their HoP seems to me, at a first glance, a character that is invested in the welfare of the departments, even going so far as to request a department tour as a new transfer to the NSS Aurora. It's things like this, and allotted bonus for good work, that show me that the player is actively trying to involve themselves with the department, which goes a long way in shoring up a good reputation with your employees. In a command player, I LOVE to see player involvement in a way that positively reinforces the level of roleplay available, because after all, we're all here to have a good time. I'm rambling. +1 this fool.
  7. Hello! Deadhour gang rise up indeed, although I wish I had more energy to RP at those times haha 1) Conceptually, while this may/may not be far reaching to some degree, I had the idea in mind that Alexander (this particular model) was designed with some degree of social interaction as opposed to other models that might be stationed in less-communication necessary locations, and this would probably manifest in dry speech, low to moderate emotional response. However: this is an idea I am planning on playing with and developing as it gets more station interaction and starts to "read the situation" so to speak. Which would lead into... 2) Developed as a workforce unit, and being only less than a year old at this point in time, would probably appear as a foreign concept and, for the time being, will probably not be pursued until more real experience aboard happens. I do think this would be difficult but not impossible as Alexander is a Bishop frame, but I would have an idea in mind for "downgrading" if freedom becomes a feasible option eventually. Thanks for the questions, happy to answer any others as well!
  8. Of course! So, in line with how IPCs develop a 'behavior' so to speak, the limited neural capability is the justification for being able to adapt and put forward an appropriate course of action given a situation. Cause and effect, etc. While not completely void of emotion, this one is, to a certain degree, intended to have some social interaction as a pioneer model on the station. It will probably be stunted, but not silent. This is also partially to give myself some breathing room mechanically to ease back into chemistry, as it's a role I used to play a lot but have been out of for a significant amount of time.
  9. BYOND Key: Ryog Character Names: Lyhia Kyousa - Cargo Technician Kir’kizan Geiz - Scientist Species you are applying to play: IPC Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yep Why do you wish to play this specific race: Synthetic RP is something that’s been interesting to me since I’ve started playing SS13 some years back. Generally speaking, I’ve had an opportunity to play a variety of cyborgs and pAI personalities, but never to an extensive degree that I’d consider worth noting. The methodical and analytical process that contrasts heavily with the emotional draw of organic races is an aspect I’d like to explore more. Mechanically speaking, I find the different frames and how they vary in function pretty interesting and it allows for a diverse range of character concepts. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Stated previously in the reason why I’m interested, I think that the lack of meaningful emotional response is the biggest difference between an IPC and a human, as the concept is truly foreign, and if at all represented, is just an imitation of any routine that has been programmed into it, or witnessed and written to memory. Colloquialisms, traditions and gestures that might seem commonplace for organics are likely lost on an IPC and seen as extraneous. Even if they were to be replicated, it would be very difficult to convey these ideas in the same way as an organic would. The limitations provided by both the need for self preservation and the concept of ownership offer a range of concerns in regards to their place in the workforce as well as decision making in perilous situations. As they are designed for a purpose and ultimately, for profit, IPCs are not generally afforded the leeway in decisions beyond what they are made for, unlike how an organic can operate with ulterior motives and influences. In terms of owned IPCs, efficient operation and fulfillment should be paramount given the consequence of being retired. Overall, an IPC is aboard to perform a duty first and foremost, whether it be to fulfill the wishes of an owner, or to maintain income to pay off their debt, they are designed with a direct purpose in mind and are expected to operate to their fullest capacity. Character Name: Alexander, Biochemist The ZH-Ax unit was developed by Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, with assistance from their subsidiary company, Bishop Cybernetics, in order to address public backlash regarding the production of retail-grade medicine and accessibility. This design took much inspiration, in both name and frame, from the company’s first run of the “Axiom” model but modified in such a way to hone in on deft handling of chemicals and medicinal expertise. A limited production run saw thirty units developed and dispersed among a selection of companies, ranging from field military application to civilian medical establishments, with Nanotrasen operations chief among these as a close business partner of Zeng-Hu. The model, primarily developed as a departure from the rigid and static production line, was designed with two core tenets in mind: flexibility and adaptability. In the evolving world of medicine and the myriad of treatments, a production line cannot always be relied on to account for the needs of different backgrounds or situations, and changing production can be needlessly expensive. The company’s answer to this problem was an autonomous unit with limited neural capability to understand, diagnose and apply an efficiently calculated variety of medicine for the designation given by its assigned workplace. While the development of the unit (given the Bishop frame) was proven to be quite costly, the expected investment will pay out as companies utilize a ZH-Ax unit to waive the expense and time of manufactured medicine. This particular, early model was rolled out in 2461, curiously designated the name ‘Alexander’ as an endearing title for the public, and was presented in Tau Ceti space aboard the NTCC Odin in order to better facilitate the medical needs aboard the vessel, and then shortly debuted on the NSS Aurora to address public health concerns as well as document important field data in an environment with a high variance of organic life combined with the vast amount of hazardous issues that seem crop up on such a station. What do you like about this character? Conceptually, I wrote the character as a sort of allegory to real-life pharmaceutical procedure and how it can be exorbitantly costly for no real reason. I think the development of such a model is very in-line with Zeng-hu being on the forefront of medicinal technology, and personifying a production line is a funny concept. How would you rate your role-playing ability? arbitrary number scale but i can type funny words and speak the englishes good sometimes
  10. Vulcenus is a cool dude that manages to play two believable, humane characters with an interesting enough and consistent story to showcase his proficiency in convincing roleplay. IC, I have primarily interacted with Ronald Monday, but I have also had the pleasure of running a couple shifts in supply with his QM, Donald Hays. The impression I get from both is that, as a player, he is invested in the welfare of the department he's working in, and I think that's an excellent quality to have when putting yourself in a command position. I'm interested to see the direction he would take for his new characters and the additional responsibility that comes with it. +1 for me on the trial. note: blobcomfygun
  11. I've had the pleasure of playing with Bento in Supply for a couple of rounds now, and I have to say that my experience with them has been positive; very thoughtfully played characters and a desire to learn and improve create a wonderful atmosphere to work with and in turn, make it easier for me to work with my own characters in the scene. This is one of the aspects I value the most of a command role, involvement of the players. It's a breath of fresh air, honestly, and I'm looking forward to seeing how their play can develop further. Solid +1 for me, rock it. Addendum, bump your self-roleplay rating to a solid 8.
  12. I haven't fully decided what kind of role he's gonna play so I decided to keep it open ended with the CT thing. I would maybe swing more towards a role in medicine for wanting to eventually return to Moghes and attempt to "help", so to speak. This would probably show up as an extended leave from the NSS Aurora to pursue an education in medicine, but I'll get to that when it comes to it.
  13. Hey, thank you for the feedback! @DeadLantern 1) Th'akh, likely being taught since it would be the more traditional with his family. He has a moderate acceptance of Sk'akh, and an outright fear or dismissal of Si'akh and Aut'akh due to the radical natures of the two, the limited access of knowledge he has of these two is probably mostly propaganda. 2) Since his family was one of the first colonizing ships aboard Ouerea, I would like to think that he was raised with the Moghes honor values for approximately the first ten years of his life, so he understands the Warrior's code as taught by his father. He would have likely learned much of the traditional honor in his early life as his family conflicted with their evacuation of Moghes as a cowardly attempt of survival. This is mostly shown as being an honest, hard worker, but he also does not fully understand the consequence of exile. Over time, the family's opinion started to smooth out as they became more associated with the other races taking residence on Ouerea. He holds reasonable concern for machinery, still viewing the majority as simple tools and objects without a soul, and is willing to cooperate with them with extreme caution. 3) Geiz's family was originally from Teht, living an average life. As far as he knows, the Contact War essentially "took" something dear from his family and views it as a great shame. I say his family are largely supporters of the Hegemony as they would have had to be in order to colonize early. I hope this answers your questions, please let me know if there's anything I missed ;w;
  14. BYOND Key: Ryog Character Names: Lyhia Kyousa - Cargo Fleeting Wishes upon Errant Winds - Atmos Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Probably a dark shade of green Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yep Why do you wish to play this specific race: I had a chance to dig into Unathi lore in the process of working on my first whitelist, which was a Diona. It let me get some organic interaction with Unathi personnel which then prompted me to learn more about it. After further reading, exploring the different factions and how they vary heavily can create some natural conflict. I found myself overwhelmed by the potential options for character concepts when figuring out what to start with while writing this application. I also just think Unathi characters on station are pretty interesting and it'd be cool to work on it myself. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Let’s break it down into a couple things since organic Unathi and Aut’akh Unathi have some notable differences. Between all of the organic factions, they value the honor code in a much more strict way in terms of hierarchy, action and the consequences of failing to oblige. In respect to Unathi honor, one might value their dignity in passing more than their life if that difference meant that they would continue to live as a disgrace. It can, and should, play a huge role in decision-making when dealing with the myriad of situations that can go on in a round. As Aut’akh, however, it’s a significant swing in the OPPOSITE direction. Living as an outcast and being isolated from your commune would weigh heavily on the mind, and this trauma could manifest in erratic, desperate behavior. Decision-making for an Aut’akh focuses on your own longevity, whether through understanding your physical limitations, or the societal limitations as they are perceived by non-synthetic crew. Survival is paramount in both these regards in order to best utilize the second chance given to them, and to contribute to the Mesh. They don’t care much for honor compared to their brethren, they are here to be accepted, and over all, here to survive. When playing any Unathi, it’s important to understand the perspective between the various factions in how they would communicate with each other due to how parallel they are in their ideologies. Historically speaking, with the dramatic recency of the Contact War, it’s an interesting aspect to roleplay accordingly for any Unathi PC, as any aboard the station would have experienced it in some aspect, some born in the midst of it, others perhaps before, having experienced society from before the collapse. While other races have experienced conflict certainly, the fact that the Contact War was specifically all Unathi personnel can create some deeply rooted issues in between characters. Character Name: Kir’kizan Geiz, Cargo Technician Hailing from Ouerea, and born to a modest family in 2440, Geiz was raised as the youngest of three siblings. His parents were among the earlier colonies of ships to depart Moghes in the wake of the Contact War. As the only member of the family who was not born on Moghes, he has limited knowledge of the events of the War, and attempts to learn and rectify this in order to more deeply connect with the rest of his family. Aside from this, they generally have a healthy relationship in their living space in New Skalamar, supporting each other in adapting to a new land while coping with the distress of the war. Being raised at the same time as the colonization of the planet resulted in an accelerated interest in the workings of the world, and Geiz eagerly set to follow the footsteps of his two brothers to begin work and discover. Through teenager years up until adulthood, Geiz would join his family in a variety of jobs to propagate the colonization efforts, but most of his work involved moving building materials more than any real construction effort. The berth of industries among New Skalamar presented a variety of opportunities, but Geiz found a nostalgic comfort in manual labor in the form of loading freight. A combination of physical exercise and the diversity of clients is a comfortable setting to get footing in the vast expanse. He would manage to travel aboard the NTCC Odin after a series of jobs, take up residence and finally take official work under NT for the NSS Aurora. What do you like about this character? Writing a character that doesn’t actually personally know about the fallout of the Contact War is interesting for a roleplay perspective, mostly in dealing with other Unathi if it gets brought up. I would imagine most of his knowledge about the War comes second-hand from both his family and other colonists seeking refuge. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would rate myself at about a 7. (people told me to put 8 but self confidence is a myth) I had some recent experience in playing my diona so getting an alien perspective on things and adapting to certain quirks was quite a nice change of pace. Looking to expand my repertoire and having an opportunity to play an alien race with Unathi basing let me focus a little more on their racial history. Notes: ;w;
  15. Loco took a significant amount of time to teach me engineering as a baby and was imo, really effective at communicating the point without boiling it down to a wiki quote. Fun person to work with, very helpful. +1
  16. Hi! Thanks for the questions, sorry for late, I fell asleep like right as this posted LMAO 1) When designing Fleet, my original concept was actually the name! So, in my head I was thinking about an ambitious, adventure-seeking little fella. 2) Overall disposition is probably friendly, and it's very likely that Fleet had an opportunity to commune with diona nymph raised in other clans (at least Dorviza) before settling its time aboard the Aurora. For being an active defensive measure in their own settlement, is for the most part, negatively receptive but interested in the more aggressive raider-types. 3) Another interesting one I didn't consider. I will go ahead and say this is /possibly/ a yes. Fleet has integrated enough into clan society to understand the concept of Unathi honor but that comes in direct conflict with their inherent need for preservation as a diona. The way I see it: the Wastelands are vast, and the opportunity to get into a scrap is pretty likely, so there's very likely been an encounter and Fleet would have had to survive to find aboard the Aurora. If blood was drawn (very likely), then this could also be a very powerful piece of RP when interacting with Guwan on the station. Hope these are sufficient, and thanks again! Happy to talk about my tree child.
  17. i like stev's hop they let me do dumb shit with zero consequence But like actually, pleasant person to RP with, fun interactions! Responsible head! +1
  18. Hi! Thanks for the feedback ;w; 1) I intended this to relate to the fact that while the diona are pretty buddy-buddy with Clan Dorviza unathi, maybe it hadn't /quite/ gotten to the other parts of the wasteland, by way of migration, spores, etc. For the purposes of re-naturalizing the wasteland, the relationship was definitely mutual for both Fleet and their clan. 2) I was pretty focused on the engineering aspect of the wasteland clan I picked out, but I did also notice that they're kind of secluded compared to the rest, which I feel can be related to diona physiology in a way (close knit clan loses a member, it's a huge blow to the community, to an extent) 3) I feel like through the supposed pilgrimage they'd probably have found a chance to expand their outlooks further. With the technological depth in the wasteland, it's likely that there could have been an upper limit to knowledge and they simply wanted to see more of the world. 4) Not something I have initially considered, but I feel like with the relation of diona - hegemony they'd probably pick up on some spiritual following. I think it'll have to be an IC thing developed if it turns out to be more than just a belief. Hope this answers! Happy to answer more if necessary :3
  19. BYOND Key: Ryog Character Names: Lyhia Kyousa - cargo Shou Tarouhi - forensics Species you are applying to play: Diona Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes :^) Why do you wish to play this specific race: After much deliberation, I wasn’t really sure if I vibed with any of the races and I was almost content with just playing human, but taking a look at diona lore on a whim has admittedly gotten me fairly invested. I really envy the naming structure of diona, which is the main factor that prompted me to dig deeper. It feels like an effective way to communicate a motive, a backstory, or some other aspect of your character’s personality without having to lore-dump on people. I feel like it can allow a unique flexibility in handling the character’s development, both OOC (relating aspects to your chosen name) and IC (sharing of experiences between nymphs). Conceptually, the idea of a “legion” comprised in one character can provide some interesting internal conflict given the nature of the hivemind. Finally, I think the fact that their MO of “learning from hosts” grants a lot of diversity when it comes to diona of different backgrounds or heritage. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I feel like a key difference in playing a diona versus a human is the concept of self-preservation. Obviously- every sentient will want to keep themselves alive, but the unique experience of a diona requires a bit more nuance in dealing with hazardous situations. A human or otherwise, for example, won’t suddenly forget how to use their hands or lose bits of who they are when in physical danger. A simple trip to medbay for another species can be a much more harrowing situation if their memories or their personality are at risk. Other sentients may be able to forgo dangerous situations with the knowledge that they can recover safely, where diona cannot necessarily have that same privilege. Aside from the lore-related implications, having to mechanically adjust for diona quirks like light level, speed, inflection, etc, can provide a significant amount of depth to roleplay. Character Name: Fleeting Wishes Upon Errant Winds, Engineering Apprentice /Station Engineer ‘Fleet’ (as henceforth named in this backstory) is a gestalt originating from a Clan Ozeuoi village, raised amongst their Unathi youth. Arriving initially as an unintentional ‘jump start’ in this sect of the Moghes Wastelands, reception may have been apprehensive at first, but it was surely not denied. Exposure to the clan’s ingenuity and resourcefulness amidst a hostile environment showed this one that adversity is overcome with a creative mind and swift action. The struggles resulting from Clan Ozeuoi’s more insular ideology shared many parallels with the now partially formed gestalt and its component nymphs. To further this newfound ambition, Fleet pursued an interest in engineering, fueled by a deep desire to understand what makes a given concept become reality. Going forward, Fleet would assist Clan Ozeuoi’s endeavors in both defending its territory and providing agricultural assistance, up until the village was deemed stable enough and left behind with a number of nymphs, with Fleet free to pursue grander ideas. To further these goals, Fleet would go on a pilgrimage of sorts through Moghes, finding itself accepting odd jobs within the Hegemony’s reach, gradually acquiring a reasonable sum of eight nymphs by its time of acquiring citizenship. What do you like about this character? While I already conceptually adore the fact that diona are a race of learning entities, I feel like engineering is a solid direction in terms of pursuing that goal. Writing the backstory and thinking about how to make it cohesive also gave me the opportunity to dive deeper into Unathi lore (which would have been my second option going for a whitelist) and is probably likely to get me invested enough to apply again soon. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would probably put myself at a 6/10, maybe 7 on a really good day. I find myself struggling occasionally with furthering compelling narratives as a human, and I hope that maybe a different perspective from diona might aid in that. Notes: i am incredibly nervous but please roast the shit out of me so i can l e a r n
  20. these are the only 2 characters i actually wrote backstory for and the only ones i ever feel like playing so lmk how you feel about these two and what i should work on : D i also play tama cat pai but yknow i just do cat stuff and have zero responsibility Lyhia: peppy cargo tech from vysoka, grew up rural and isn't super smartlike but tries her darndest to get along with the station patrons. usually has a pet or two. awful kd ratio, really. she dies every round Shou: nitty gritty ex-tcfl forensics tech that has some deep seated issues with some unresolved cases. copes with it by trying to be some form of order on a station born of chaos ends up doing literally nothing because haha ballistics go brrrr
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