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Whitelisted Players
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Everything posted by Butterrobber202

  1. Threatening Command Players with harsh punishments, especially WL strips, is very reminiscent of how people talked about Antagonists not so long ago. "You need to involve everyone in your gimmick, not just a few people" was something that was bashed into the community's head regarding antagonists for ages. Alongside the fact that any time an Antagonist laid a hand on anyone, they'd always get a "Hey, got a minute?" from a staff member and would be interrogated for their rational in killing them. It was after this period that Antagonist player counts cratered to what they are today. Secondly, just as it was when antagonists were our main shake ups, it was expected that if you wanted to have reliable and consistent interactions with Antagonists, you should join up as Command, Security, or Medical. Engineering, Service, Science, and Operations were your choices if you wanted better odds of not being dragged into antagonist actions. I'd argue that the same principle will still apply to Odysseys. If an Odyssey is a war zone (and let's be honest, most Odyssey's will be because violence is engaging and easy to set up) then Command have very little reason to send non-combat or non-combat support staff down to the Odyssey Area. I think saying "putting IC aside for OOC fun" is nonsense, since we're a HRP server. A HRP server whose community has been adamantly against the militarization of the Horizon. Now that we've arrived at this point and the calmer, civilian nature of the Horizon has been reinforced, it seems that the same people who argued against militarization are now going, "Nope, roles don't matter. Anyone should be sent into danger so long as they ask." No. Of all the arguments in the thread, I think this one is the most egregious. For years, it has been community policy to treat non-canon rounds as if they were canon up until the round ended. You could not act irrationally or out of character just because you knew it was a non-canon round. You couldn't charge a traitor with a butcher knife as a chef, you couldn't send unarmed doctors to bullet shield for you, you couldn't do any number of things that would be considered insane or dramatically out of character just because it was a non-canon round. Sending Bartenders, Janitors and Cooks into potentially dangerous situations for 0 reason would count in this category. We are Roleplaying, yes, but this isn't a little D&D group with 6 players max. Aurora regularly hits 30 and 40 active players on highpop. While remaining within the bounds of policies that have existed for years Command players are obligated to make reasonable, rational, and informed decisions. Be it when they are negotiating with terrorist mercs, insane traitors, or deciding how to deal with Odyssey missions. Within those binds, Command can't feasibly be expected to send every person on the Horizon on the Intrepid. I understand it is the purpose of the thread to accomplish this very thing, but until we get a red name to come in here and put their foot down on expectations, acting so harshly against Command Players is unfair. I think it is fundamentally ridiculous to threaten Command Players who are trying to act rationally in the setting of a High-Roleplay Server. If this sort of policy became common place with Odysseys, what happened to our Antagonist Player Population is going to happen to our Command Player Population as well.
  2. So can an energy sword.
  3. not to rain on the parade, but the uh. Energy sword, this thing's would-be bigger cousin, fits in the pocket when unpowered. This pen would still have to be drawn, and activated to be used with would have both audio and visual indicators before the attack can land. The energy-sword is hardly the only way that can do this, since there's nothing stopping anyone from having an energy carbine in their backpack to pull out and shoot someone with, alongside numerous other examples. this would be completely in-line with what's already in the game.
  4. As a note, the base object for this weapon already exists, someone would just have to add a concealable pen state and it would work.
  5. This would mostly be resolved if we heightened already present policies and forced anti-corporates and bad origins into the worst positions, such as Miner, Techs, Janitors, etc.
  6. For the record, I think the big thing here with Bava is that the admin should've never been tempted to go, "No, retcon this. You should never do this." Characters should be allowed to make stupid decisions ICly, because our rules absolutely allow that. In the exact same vein, straight up canon murder is allowed by the letter of the rules so long as it was escalated correctly. But the CCIA serve as an OOC buffer so that drastic IC actions like that can be filtered ICly rather than admins stepping going "nuh uh."
  7. Hello, I have not played actor yet, but these are my suggestions. I have played ST. 1. Actors need an antag icon, like revs/mercs/cultists, to make them instantly IDable to one another on an OOC level. This icon would also help the ST ID them, since they seem to have AntagHuD locked in the on position. 2. The Character Editor would be a nice thing for the Storyteller to have, if it is somehow important for a Actor or dead body to look a certain way. I know its possible for other players to modify another, since plastic surgery does this. 3. Build Mode probably needs an overhaul. As it stands, it is incredibly confusing to use, atleast for the first time. 4. I believe this is being worked on already, but create explosion punches holes into space on exoplanets through shuttle floors. 5. Storyteller needs to be activated as a preference, like all other antagonist types. (I'm not sure if plans for this were stated anywhere else, but I did not see it in this thread while I was skimming it.) 6. The Storyteller needs to be able to possess non-occupied bodies, be it for positioning or story purposes. 7. As the Storyteller already can create bombs and summon Nar'sie, I think they can be trusted with the Damage Menu, so they can wound their actors and set dressing corpses at their whim. 8. The Storyteller was granted a loud, blue local OOC to ID themselves as the storyteller. That is excellent. Please give them a global OOC one as well for important round announcements like, "something is fucked up, expect delays."
  8. I believe you can (or it should be possible) to control runes on a Z-level basis.
  9. (idea stolen from a fellow dchat observer) Just a relatively empty space for people to play with combat/antag mechanics without detracting from the main round. I think a place like this could help people learn how to handle combat and antag mechanics, without having to fail 10 times in a real round before getting the hang of it. I imagine people who were already killed in the current round, or joined too late to really do anything, or so on would be the primary demographics for this area. One of the contributing issues to lack of antags is lack of experience with antag mechanics, so this may be an excellent way to resolve that. In this envisioned space, I think little crystals that Thunderdome spawns could touch would allow them to "switch into" that antag type to play with its mechanics. You'd only need a Traitor Crystal to cover (most) uplink antag mechanics, a changeling crystal, a vampire crystal, a cult crystal, and a loner crystal. Add a monkey cube dispenser and a sink to the dome, and the thunderdomers could mostly be left to their own devices. I assume some codefuckery would be needed to make antaged-thunderdomers not appear in the end-round report. Outside of that one little hitch, I don't think there would be many issues with this addition affecting the main game.
  10. That's unfair. A M'sai skull can not survive a punch, much less a shotgun shell.
  11. but i made this thread in mild irritation and wanted a nuclear solution. you're ruining it with your sensibility and common sense (this works)
  12. my assumption is that staff would be immune to it.
  13. sees 30 people online epic, cool, plenty for a full round. I will log on. 3 readies, OOC is dead silent. just add an AFK Kicker that throws someone out of the game if they are idle in the lobby for more than an hour. Specifically, IDLE in the lobby so it doesn't kick those out who are working on characters.
  14. For the purposes of extended, I could see a good argument supporting the suspension of all antag 3rd party stuff. As for the rest, lore can not be prioritized 24/7. Its not possible to do so and maintain "realistic" circumstances in and outside the Horizon, while also satisfying the minimum conflict/tension levels to keep people entertained. The Horizon simply can't be attacked by pirates every day in the setting we have created. However, the server won't get by having us not be attacked every day to keep engagement levels going. Those events you reference are absolutely popular, as you say, but its because most of the time, we're combining both tension and the canonical nature of our setting for a special occasion. Any time we have a lore event that does not provide tension or conflict, the lore team is regularly hit with complaints of "boring event, could've been an email." The core of our setting may be the fact its a living world, but the core of the server is conflict. For that reason, when lore events/extended are not in-progress, gameplay must be prioritized.
  15. There is no long term investment in half our gamemodes, the non-supernatural ones included. You don't get to carry over the happenings of a merc round any more than a cultist round. Antagonists exist to provide tension and engage people. You need them to keep players on the server. As for the kit comment, most of the mercs kit is designed for killing, converting not existing. The same can be said for most of our current pirate overmap spawns. The point is moot. As I said, the cultist base should be much rarer and have a "do not fire until fired upon" policy when raiding/boarding the Horizon.
  16. Lore should only be prioritized over gameplay during extended/canon rounds. At any other time, game play and fun should be the priority. I think the cult ship is ultimately a good idea and a step in the right direction for overmap gameplay. However, they should have an ordinance against heading directly to the Horizon to fuck with people. I'd personally be pleased if off-ship antagonists could only fuck with the Horizon if the Horizon "shoots first" on the interaction. If the Horizon engages with them in RP first, then fine. On top of that, I do think the cultist ship should have a much rarer spawn value than it currently has.
  17. We didn't change the server name when we were on the Exodus, and we didn't while we were on the Horizon. We're Aurora.
  18. This does not change whose job it belongs to. If a patient is wishing to do recovery RP, it falls to medical to facilitate it. That said, its not like Security is going to provide much RP staring at them through a camera.
  19. AI Sat returns holy shit soul? You may want to reinforce the AI core and the plating that holds up its wires with reinforced plating, so in the event of a SM delam, the AI may have a chance of surviving the ordeal. I can't tell by looking if the spawn is set, but don't forget to slap the AI shell into cyborg spawn.
  20. Yes, and its medical's job to monitor them. Not Security or the AI.
  21. 1. The recovery area on Deck 3 is almost never used. Patients usually just sprint out of medical. Its a RP place that is not secure or highly valued. The Medical Equipment room contains medical belts, hypo-sprays and the syringe gun. The Syringe Gun is the only notable thing worth monitoring, but it does not warrant a camera on its own. 2. The break room is a break room. It is not an important area. If the AI needs to attend a meeting, it can be held in their office near the main hallway. As for drone fabrication, yes, the console should definitely be moved. I was unaware of that functionality. 3. Research Storage is an auxiliary storage bay. Any significant items are usually stored in Xenoarch's containment rooms or inside the Labs themselves. Round start, it contains lockers and an empty table. 4. Its a closet. Its not an active work place. A normal janitor isn't expected to spend much time here. Its on the same level as all of the other locker rooms. Even then, that specific area I'm mentioning is the Deck 1 Janitor Area's backroom. Yeah, I agree with the window being weird a the bar.
  22. 1. Interrogations Monitoring is not a room that is likely to have shit go down. Technically, its covered by the interior Interrogations camera until the windows are tinted. This is to provide someone in Security one more blindspot besides the bathrooms. This one I am willing to let go though. 2. The windows can be tinted, as far as I am aware. The point of it is to allow Bartenders to stow things unnoticed. 3. Private Lounge is a public space, but one that can be tinted. No need for it to be directly monitored in the first place. Additionally, while the windows are untinted, you can see into it from the nearby Bar Cameras. 4. Command Stairwell has its own camera, Hydro Garden does not need one. 5. Medical Equipment storage isn't being monitored because it has shit to steal in it, and its not a high-risk secure area, like the Vault or EVA. Also, it generally has little to no foot traffic after the round start prep is over, making it an ideal blind spot.
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