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About scrumptiousmommy

  • Birthday 20/09/2001

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    Space stations
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Chef (10/37)

  1. its supposed to look like this
  2. Following your quarry.......... unlucky for you im too tough... i lift the heavy weights at the gym....

    1. Dr_Tragedy
    2. scrumptiousmommy


      The Quarry at Crystal Springs

  3. surstromming

    1. Desven


      more like sus storming am i right

    2. scrumptiousmommy
  4. exactly what i wanted. Except just a message, no smell mechanics or anything weird any way that makes sense for it to be on the station 👍 ❤️
  5. thank u bro i agree
  6. thats what i want, i just probably dont want people using it every round cus it can get annoying even trouble maker characters could do gimmick without fully getting arrested or something
  7. i think that idea would be fine for other canned items, but the surstromming is basically a stink bomb so I think you'd get in trouble unless u opened it in private lol ALSO CREATED CANNED BEANS!
  8. Good evening, fellow Aurora Station connoisseurs. I, frequently playing on my beloved Aurora Station, came to the realization that my favorite cuisine, surströmming, was unavailable to devour. I formally request the immediate implementation of this delectable Swedish fermented fish and cannot fathom any grounds for this proposal to be contested; the addition of this meal may serve an amusing dish for in-character piquancy. The pungent stench of this fine dish is unhinged which may be some cause for concern in some environments - this will consequently result in the dish being prohibited in certain areas. Crew in a certain perimeter may feel the affect of said stench, resulting in a system message along the lines of “You smell something dastardly”. To abstain the greytiding scoundrels from abusing this feature, implementing a feature which disallows opening the tin without an aluminium receptacle cutter would effectively ward off any failure roleplayers; the can opener, for example, would suffice. The inclusion of a can opener would build upon the roleplay of any crew members who may stumble upon any enclosed canned sustenance, or even a chef de cuisine who might want to further their immersive experience, by opening cans. However, you desire to implement this feature, whether it be through cargo bay as a shipment, in the kitchen pre-placed, or a received through a vending machine (exclusively the surströmming), I think the aurora station's hole of harmless/somewhat useful gimmick items will be more completed with the implementation of the surströmming- which is also, effectively, food. Below you can find my sprites for the can, opened can, and can opener.
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