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Everything posted by Kaed

  1. Neither are crayons, but they've been generally removed from public access. The ability to randomly mark up entire swaths of floors for luls may not cause anyone danger, but it's kind of annoying. If you guys really want one in main tool storage, I guess I can though.
  2. I mean technically yes, but I kind of intended to be an engineering only item. Do you think a random assistant should be going around using drafting chalk?
  3. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/6301 Adds drafting chalk to the game. Its purpose is to mark the floor for construction plans, allowing you to indicate where you want walls and things placed. It comes in 6 chalky colors, and a box is available both in the engineering lobby and the surface secondary and primary tool storage!
  4. Jackboot's making me review jawdat at knifepoint so... here's what I've got. He's a pretend cat person who plays HoP, and leaves manifestos all over. The pamphlets mention a lot of chapters but don't actually contain any of the chapters so it's just a placeholder made of LIES. What if I want to read stuff I've given, fucking politico-literary tease is what he is. Some head loremaster, can't even write a real multi-chapter political manifesto. Uhm... other than that, he hasn't made any particular impact on me. I hear people comment about him bullying their character about going on picnics or something, but none of it is really directed at me. Oh, wait. I remember him once flirting with my HoS unathi then voting for cyborgifying with the other heads despite strong objections by my HoS, then tried to backpedal after the fact once he realized he had earned the disgust of his desired romantic interest, claiming he hadn't understood these principles were so important. So I guess given these limited interaction I've had with him I guess I'd have to rate him as: A milquetoast sort of dad-cat who professes to stand for causes but when there's actual resistance sort of caves in and goes with the consensus and tries to apologize for it later. I guess in non-politically charged or non-dangerous situations he would be a cool guy to have a barbecue with, but he's not someone I'd want at my back when the revolution comes, unless it was a communist revolution, then maybe he could give someone a nasty papercut with his manifestos as he runs away to shout mean things at them from a distance.
  5. The duties can be easily dispersed to others without needing a dedicated, barely played role for it, as people have repeatedly said this whole thread. The loyalty implant is also a joke - its primary purpose for existing is so people can point to their implant and claim they are working in Nanotrasen's interests, even if they are just doing what they want under a thin veneer of 'enforcing regulations'. Loyalty implants are so vague and indistinct ("You are loyal to nanotrasen") that people can insert whatever meaning they want into having one and use its existence as a cudgel to justify their terrible behavior. The reason why many IAAs have time to do this is because their job responsibilities are also a joke. It's so niche and underused that they have to figure out things to do the whole round, and since they are supposed to be a corporate liaison for regulations and disputes, generally that means either walking around finding people to heckle over regulations or finding people to talk to and doing even less fuck all than even an assistant every round. Almost every role on the station has a clear idea of stuff they should be doing in the round from the beginning. Not just vague responsibilities that aren't relevant except in rare situations - miners mine, engineers set up the engine, chefs start cooking, etc. The only other role that's comparable to IAA's in general lack of 'shit to do' direction every round is the chaplain, but chaplains generally aren't empowered with a sense of entitled authority and a magical implant, and usually just start on religious service roleplay anyway. Bureaucracy not being a religion, the poor IAAs have very little idea of what actually to be DOING in their free time. Even if they aren't going around heckling people are hooking up with metabuddies for some chair rp, I've seen desperate IAAs creep into the bridge to make announcements in the hopes of reminding people they exist so they maybe come over and interact with them in their office (they don't). So if you want to keep the IAA job around, you're going to have to do more than flip your hands in the air and handwave off bad IAA behavior as 'just bad players'. You need to give them actual, concrete tasks and duties to perform every round, instead of hypothetical responsibilities that float in the air unused 90% of the time. They don't have to be complicated, but they have to be something for them to DO, so they aren't encouraged to just wander off and 'make their own fun' in terrible, obstructive ways by finding people to hassle. Inspections, paperwork to file, records to go over, command staff interviews to make, etc etc. SOMETHING. They don't need more 'teeth' they need something to sink their teeth into so they don't turn into wandering regulation vagrants out of boredom. If you can't bring yourself to support IAA duties, and feel that infringes on their freedom, then maybe you're better off letting the role go and playing someone else who can wander around and roleplay with people all round, like a visitor. You don't need the backing of Nanotrasen to go roleplay with people all round.
  6. What if we try test of this idea, since we're already planning to test juggling security around to departments. "Things are fine the way they are." Is a terrible reason to never try anything new. What it really comes down to every single reasoning given on this thread, is people wanting to get what they want. As a results this entire thread is based on speculation on both the people for and against the change. Maybe things will be better without an IAA. Maybe these captain and head of personnel buddy buddy biases people keep bringing up will make things terrible. We don't know either of these things for sure and are spouting conjecture. So just give it a try and see how it works. It's certainly a much more trivial change than security is going to be going through.
  7. I miss being able to cover my face with them...
  8. I always have been and remain adamantly against the existence of the IAA role being on the server, so I support anything that removes it from play. It was a terrible idea to add it in the first place and I wanted it gone for years, jackboot has summarized it's inherently antagonistic nature better than I have. The times when there actually is a conflict for them to resolve are very rare, so they have to do something else with their time other than sitting in their office staring into space, half AFK. Usually what they do in that free time is go around trying to play regulation gotcha. This is only fun for the IAA, getting people into trouble for inane things like wearing the wrong uniform or building without a permit. I've even had an IAA call the head of security to arrest me for not changing because I was busy doing something. So let's bulldoze the role and change their office into something more useful, like an extra bathroom, or Cryo Storage Room.
  9. I don't think that we should be whitelisting any antagonist, though I admit I'm not sure if malf rounds would not happen or they would happen and there would be a possibility that no one would be the malf because no one was valid for AI in the round. As much as I'd like to agree that whitelist AI I would probably make for better rounds, I think oversight is fine how it is now. I'm more than just being a valid hunting and power gaming tool, the AI is a valuable way for players to enter the game and see the almost the whole map like a ghost while still participating. It's also a good way to teach people responsibility and interaction in a round. Since the only thing that the AI can really do is interact with people and manipulate machinery, it's almost entirely a role playing position. And yes sometimes people join the game just to be shitters but that also serves the purpose of weeding them out. I would honestly rather someone vent the station or fill it with phoron and be permabanned because they were handed way too much power to troll with it once, then to have to deal with low-level shittery for ages because the admins are very forgiving to new players.
  10. The way things are arranged now it's impossible to walk into the temporary morgue without walking through cloning. Could we maybe swap places there so you have to walk through the morgue to get to cloning and make it public access for medical individuals? Cloning should be a branch off of the morgue rather than the opposite anyway, the morgue doesn't exist in facilitate the cloning facility.
  11. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/6246 -Adds an aspergillum, which will hold up to 10u of liquids, such as holy water, and spray out out to adjacent squares, such as those occupied by filthy vampires. It also makes a pretty jingle sound when you do so. The sprite was provided by Dronz, who claims to be ashamed of it, but I don't have anything better right now we agreed to use it. -Removes the buggy null item box, and replaces it with obsidian shards that can be reassembled at will to whatever null item shape you crave. -Null items can now be mounted on poncho backs.
  12. It just seems odd to me that all station accounts have exactly the same amount of funds in them, despite some that would definitely have been considered more priority than others. Why does the security and research department not get more than the civilian department, for instance? Both of them need a lot more money to get stuff they might need to buy. But I suppose that's another suggestion.
  13. What if we reduced the civilian account to 3500 and gave the cook a 1500 credit charge card in their kitchen for basic expenses? Not only does it generally lower the size of the civilian account's general funds, but it also allows chefs to function properly outside of a HoS/Captain being present, in a limited fashion. Exact numbers subject to debate.
  14. Can we please stop prefacing every thread with 'unironically?'. It's getting kind of tired and is unnecessary. No one posts suggestions ironically/jokingly without a smack from a mod, we don't need to be told that it's a serious suggestion. That being said, I am in support of making combat mechs harder to make. I'm really sick of robotics pumping out combat mechs so they can cheese antags. If they want to do that, it should be harder. Personally, I'd like it if you can't even get the gygax/durand control boards for them on station, you have to have them imported at a high price from cargo.
  15. That is literally one of four parts of this suggestion arrow, and I specifically noted not all of them are necessarily tenable. Did you read the entire post?
  16. You should think of it as less of a punishment for 'being concise' and more an encouragement to think through and reason, present well thought out points to your argument. Just because the poster may think their reasoning may be incredibly self evident doesn't mean it is for everyone else.
  17. The only conceivable way you're getting that second shot is if the person is alone and has no one to bail them out and they are in pain crit. It takes AGES to reload the AM rifle.
  18. There are an uncomfortable number of suggestions that pop up that are, for lack of a better term, sort of garbage, reflexive angry posts in response to something that happened in a round or that were a result of something someone did that made a person real angry. Sometimes, these opening posts are barely two sentences long, and contain charged, extremely subjective language that makes it clear the writer is mad about something specific. So I suggest some new policies for posting suggestions that would improve the policies. Some of these may be untenable to actually enforce, I don't know. They're largely suggestions. -Require that suggestions to nerf/remove a feature or game mechanic only be posted a minimum of one day after an event occurred during a round that made everyone mad. People rarely come up with good ideas when they are foaming at the mouth over being killed. -Require that any suggestion to remove/nerf a feature also include a scenario that occurred that caused you to believe something needs to be nerfed/removed. Just posting statistical data about the item isn't really enough to determine anything. -Ideally, some commentary of what it would ideally be replaced with. Simply saying 'delet this pls its OP' should not generally be a sufficient opening post. -Suggestions should strive to be written from an objective standpoint. Stuff like "I thought this thing would be a good idea, but clearly it is not because XXX" is subjective. It is not presenting facts, it is presenting charged opinions. Nor should indirect insults be levelled in the direction of anyone who wants to use said feature or items. Stuff like 'anyone who uses this item has a small penis and is overcompensating' should not be acceptable.
  19. This is an argument solution I can get behind more than 'wah OP remove pls'. I would very much like a sniper rifle that is worth buying. Lower the damage to something more like 50-60 and increase the shots. It would be nice to also be able to scope farther than 7-15 squares.
  20. Unless they are wearing head armor. Or a rig. Or a number of other possible counterbalances to your issue. Lots of things can kill unarmored targets easily. Also, like burger said, apparently you can't one-shot headgib people due to something he did. As for the roleplay thing, it's not the fault of the tool that no one has used it a way that doesn't involve creeping around scopeshotting people randomly. Just as a random example, threatening to kill someone if demands are not met, then doing so via the rifle, is a good way to create a scary situation. But the important point is actually that an object in the game should not have to justify its existence by you having seen it used in ways you like. Maybe there are fun ways to use it that don't involve being an edgy 'small penis sniper that I haven't thought of'. I am not using it right now, it's not my job to make them up. I don't use it, because it's an intense hassle to deal with as the player wielding it and unless you are really lucky, an expensive piece of garbage that instantly puts the entire station on alert that there is a sniper. Snipers are generally more effective when you don't know they are there and they can attack from hundreds of feet away so there is no way for you to reach them.
  21. This is patently untrue. Maybe somewhere in the code I couldn't find it says it's supposed to do this, but I just tested this exact scenario in a dummy server. Extensively. Only once was any of the target mobs hit by a bullet, and even despite that, it was not even close to instantly lethal - they took about 70 damage to their head, far from 'instant kill' damage. I am forced to conclude that you are incorrect. Further, only the first two walls were ever damaged in any scenario where I tried to fire through them. You would have to be astronomically lucky to make more than 1-2 wall penetrations. "what if they get really lucky' is not a reason to remove a weapon. I also want to point out that the AM rifle, for anyone not aware, holds exactly 1 bullet in it at a time. You have to reload it after every firing, a process that can take 5-10 seconds depending on your lag and hotkey use, and can only be fired effectively while wielding it in both hands AND using the scope.
  22. No. Something being capable of instant killing a person is not grounds for removal. The fact that someone can be killed without the ability to fight back is also not grounds for its removal. We have a number of different abilities and weapons in the game that can decapitate people or force him to be unable to fight back while they are killed. I don't see a strong effective difference between parapenning someone so you can drag them off and kill them and using an AM rifle. Given the proper framework, both results in a corpse with little chance for the other person to resist. The ability to kill people is part of the game. You don't need to remove everything that is intensely dangerous from the game. It's a precision murder weapon, and should be treated carefully to further the round. If you feel someone is abusing the item to just go around head shotting people for no reason, then you report them. Keep in mind it also is blocked by reinforced walls which are a lot more common on the new station than they were in the original design of the map.
  23. See, that doesn't seem much different from my idea, though. It's easy to make a burger this way, and even if there are a few more steps involved, it actually makes more sense to grind up meat and make it into a patty before cooking it than just sticking a whole steak in a microwave with a bun. There are already some mechanics in the game for cooking that rely on putting mooshing together two food items to make a new one, namely how you make a cheeseburger - put a cheese wedge in a burger and it becomes a cheeseburger on the spot. It should be easy to mass produce basic burgers/cheeseburgers and hot dogs if you want to, but making fancy food in this way is actually going to be easier to remember than it is now, because it just involves adding more ingredients to the base rather than remembering the specific list of say, the ingredients that you have to cook to make a big bite and then a super big bite burger (which involves 3 microwave sessions to make, in current code). Let me show you what I mean. How to make a big bite burger now: Bun and steak in a microwave = burger Burger, 3 meat, 3 egg yolk (raw egg ;s) = Big Bite Burger BBB, Ball of Dough, 1 meat, 1 whole tomato, 1 boiled egg, 1 cheese wedge, 5 units salt/pepper = Super Big Bite Burger Total ingredients needed: 2 dough (1 is cooked ahead of time), 5 meat, 2 eggs (one is boiled one is raw), 1 tomato, 1 cheese wedge, 5 units salt/pepper (10u total) + using the microwave 3 times. Assuming you have all the ingredients ready, from the time you start making the first burger till the super big bite burger is finished is probably about a minute to a minute and a half, including loading ingredients into the microwave and waiting for it to finish cooking. Contrast how it would work in my system, assuming all ingredients were on hand: Stick a patty in a bun. You have a burger Add 3 more patties, and a fried egg to the burger. With each addition, it becomes something new. A double burger, then a triple burger, then quadruple burger and finally a big bite burger upon the the contents totaling 4 patties and a fried egg. Up until then, it's just an X burger with an egg in it. Add another bun. You have to do this before you can add more meat, making it a 'double decker X-burger', because it will get silly if people make burgers that are just stacks of meat (I'm not looking to have silly joke food items that are just stacks like people used to do with sandwiches). Then add tomato slices, another fried egg, and at least 1 slice of cheese and it becomes a Super Big Bite Burger (note: You may have added the cheese and veggies before this step because you wanted a double or triple cheeseburger with fixings. This is acceptable, and will still get you a SBBB) Note that the qualifiers for a Big Bite and Super Big Bite are determined by the total ingredients in the burger, with certain points where you have to complete before you can move to the next one. Most importantly that you can't pass 3 meats total without adding a bun, which turns it into a double decker. This is probably going to sound complicated but it's actually not that difficult: you can make a 5-patty double decker (this is the most meat you can fit in one burger) without making a Big Bite or Super Big bite - the main difference between the two is the addition of the fried eggs, which changes it from a regular burger to a Big Bite, and Then Super Big Bite once all the requirements are met. The salt and pepper is not even part of the recipe anymore, because technically you use it with raw beef to make the ground beef you form into patties at the beginning of the cooking process. Now as for the speed of this... well, if you know the ingredients and have them all at hand, you could go from a pile of ingredients to a Super Big Bite Burger in less than 20 seconds, just assembling the the required ingredients as needed fairly quickly from your premade materials. This is, in fact, exactly how a 'fast food' restaurant works, they have a lot of prep time but then all the ingredients are ready to go the moment someone wants a burger, and they have it to them in minutes. Also keep in mind that a steak will probably contain sufficient meat for 3 or 4 burger patties, and instead of using whole tomatoes and cheese wedges, you will be using slices. Your resource usage is a fraction of what it used to be with the wasteful microwave method. Imagine if you will, too, that instead of a SBBB requiring 'tomato slices' it requires 'at least one vegetable'. What if the customer doesn't like tomatoes and wants pickles and onions on their preposterously large burger? There's no real reason they can't have it and still get their coveted "Super Big Bite Burger'. And we're only talking about burgers! It also saves a lot of time if three people want different items - Let's say you have three people, one wants a hot dog, one wants a cheeseburger, and one wants a big bite. You'll have to wait for the two microwaves you have to finish the first two orders before you can even start on the third one, with our current systems, since microwaves can only process one recipe type at a time. AND remember, a big bite requires two trips into the microwave, so it's actually four separate microwave orders for 3 food items. In my system, you'd just slap a hotdog in a hot dog bun, and then the required fillings in the hamburger buns, and you have the orders ready in 30 seconds or less. As for the cooking itself, I'm ballparking about a 20-30 second cook time per patty/hot dog/fried egg/etc, but you can cook up to 10 objects at a time on the kitchen grill (3-5 at a time on the portable grill)
  24. ??? This game IS a simulation. That's the entire point of why anyone plays on Aurora, to pretend to be a spessman. And I don't think I'd quality the cook as 'entry level'. Even now, there's a lot of fiddly recipes and three different cooking machines to use, to the point where you literally have to have the wiki open to use it. If you want entry level, play an assistant, cargo tech, miner, or janitor, the main roles for farting around and doing fuck all except role-playing and exploring. What I'm doing is trying to make the simulation a bit more realistic than magical microwaves. It doesn't change the recipes, it just makes them a bit more immersive and multi step.
  25. No reason it can't do more than one thing, really. And it still happens on extended, when there are no antagonists, sooo.
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