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Everything posted by Kaed

  1. I utterly disagree with the first half of statement, but the rest of this threat seems largely sound.
  2. *waves hand dismissively* This is a conscious choice on your part to assume this is the way it should be. I can only speak from a US standpoint, since I live there, but corporations even today have 'business casual' dress codes and there has been a gradual relaxation on general up-tightness in US culture over the last few decades. Hundreds of years in the future when we have FTL drives, things could be even more different. There is literally no reason at all why we have to cling to a specific (centuries old, at the time of the setting) ideal of joyless uniformity in what amounts to an isolated live-in facility that has a fairly large and sprawling setup and a very private guest list. Sure, wearing a hot pink shirt to work is a bit silly. But wearing a cape that still matches your department uniform color? That's not such a big deal. Or it doesn't have to be, unless you force it to. So don't try and justify this as the way it is supposed to be. It's just a group of people here who want to enforce a certain corporate culture of their choice on the server , when what we have right now is pretty much business casual, with multiple outfit choices for many of the departments even without the loadout options. I'm not sure why a more stiff-necked outlook on clothing choices is going to improve the server's level of fun, myself. That being said, I suppose moving them to the xeno loadout wouldn't be such a bad thing, given that I mostly see my unathi wearing them.
  3. I am unable to see this idea as anything other than several higher staff imposing their opinions on what sort of fun should be allowed in the game upon the general crowds. To me, I see akin to a crotchety group of old men, waving their canes at those darn kids with their flowy cloaks running around looking like they walked out of a game of thrones convention, oh what is this world coming to, new fangled fashions are so awful these days. I admit, I come into this topic with an extremely heavy bias counter to the idea. I find capes to be pretty much the most wonderful that has been added to this server for a long time, adding a dash of flavor that I adore. As an unathi main, I imagine all my unathi characters feeling that this cold human installation is just a bit too chilly and being able to have a nice cloak to cover up with that still fits in with their department is a great way to add a personal touch of flavor to the characters. It sweeps behind them and feels grand and slighty imposing in a way that fits in my mind with the species mindset. And then I come here, to this PR and feedback thread, and hear grumpy people calling for the removal of it and other things I like. People who, to me, seem fixated on making the server some kind of whitewashed monocultural thing, and scorn the existence cloaks and ponchos and sombreros of all things (which, incidentally, I have only ever seen worn by a single robot RD on any regular basis). I simply can't understand what mindset they come from that the very presence of non-western ethnic influence causes them them to have a collective pursing of lips and scowling in disapproval. I don't say this in a way to demean them here - I am serious in that I legitimately don't understand what is making them complain about this. The only thing I've seen in the loadout that makes me roll my eyes is the philosopher's wig, which looks so utterly stupid I have never seen a single person wear as more than a passing joke it in the years I played here, so it seems a non-issue. The fact of the matter is that capes are cool. They look cool, they exist to be a display of fashion. You can call it outmoded and out of touch with a post-modern setting, but at the end of the day, we're playing a video game with pixelated aliens in it, and we do this to have fun. It's fun to make your character wear things that you like the look of. It's entirely possible to invent reasons why cloaks fit into the setting as much as you can scream for reasons why they don't. If you continue to embrace the idea that xeno species lore exists on this server, you can't shut your eyes and scream that it shouldn't influence the in-game fashions this way. You might as well remove the entire loadout system from the game if you want to enforce a specific look on people, because it's such a complicated and enormous thing that has such a huge impact on the appearance of in-game characters. Trimming things out of it based on personal opinions is largely an act of sophistry and forcing your will on other people who might be enjoying the options we have now. Granted, I would probably lose all will to to continue playing on this server if you did, but at least you'd have your strict brand image that you apparently find so desirous. I also see a few arguments about cloaks not making sense around machinery. The number of jobs on station that work around active machinery are very small (i.e. when is an Head of Personnel ever going to be working with active machines?) If you really want to enforce that there is a place for cloaks, then adding code that punishes you for acting stupid around machinery, like the old code that made floor-length-braids get ripped off, is a better option than removing them all to protect from a low-impact scenario.
  4. This bomb is nowhere near as dangerous as ninja bombs, though. And if you want to suicide bomb yourself, it should damn well better accomplish something, or there's no point to it.
  5. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5631 Due to how pathetic the explosive implants are when you actually set them to 'full explosion' I have tweaked them to actually pack a punch instead of just killing the person exploded and making people nearby get some blood on them. What this means: -Some testing has revealed that this new setup means that anyone directly adjacent to the bomb holder will probably be slurried. -I used the HoS armor to test explosion resistance, and took approximately 50 total damage between burn and brute. -This item therefore will do little against a protected opponent, but will annihilate unprotected individuals right next to the detonation.
  6. You don't need to grab anyone to cuff them. You can cuff someone just by walking up and clicking on them. I wouldn't be against requiring an passive grab at least for it to work.
  7. No. Synthetics have a plethora of strengths over everyone else, making their primary weakness harder to acquire just is an indirect buff for synthetics. They don't need it, nor do they deserve it. Ninjas even have tools to mitigate emp blasts already.
  8. That would effectively make the round shorter Burger. If there's a vote sooner the round is more likely to end sooner.
  9. Won't this make rounds even shorter though? It's already hard enough to get stuff done in 2 hours
  10. Yeah, and there's no reason an antagonist wouldn't recall a transfer shuttle except OOC considerations. The pendulum swings both ways. If an antagonist is expected to not recall a shuttle when it is in their power to do so, then it shouldn't be held against them if they start doing things when the vote is getting close. I never stopped the initial vote from happening, and I was warned against doing that in the future. Fine. But if I had initiated code red one minute after the vote ended rather than during it, would that have been acceptable? At what point is calling a fake code red allowed? Never? Why not? Code red is a valuable fulcrum for telling the entire crew something is happening. Are we just supposed to never do it as an antagonist to keep people's jimmies unrustled?
  11. I don't agree that it's an issue at all, but like I said, it was already resolved with ahelps, so making a complaint thread after the fact demanding I get banned for it doesn't really accomplish much. Fake announcement or not, it was initiated by an antagonist, and people saw something happening, so they wanted to stay. The fakeness of the announcement is utterly irrelevant. If a team of mercenaries had showed up at 1:58 and started shooting people, and there actually had been intruders and a legitimate code red, it would have largely been the same situation. People would have voted to leave if they wanted to. I followed up the announcement with crew-wide antagonistic behavior, instead of, say, calling code red and hiding in a tunnel for an hour, and that should frankly be enough. There isn't a rule on 'vote swaying', last time I checked. If you're allowed to tell antagonist to go eat a dick and not recall a transfer shuttle, it's a bit of a double standard to demand antagonists stop trying to start anything within the 5-10 minutes leading up to the vote so that they leave the server's voting mentality pristine of interesting events.
  12. If you want to offer me advice on what you would like to see, give me something to work with, I can maybe do something. If you have suggestions on how to improve your experience when I am an antagonist beyond vague goals like 'engage more people' and 'don't do stealth I hate stealth antags', I could run off that in the future. But all you are doing is saying that you don't like the way I play. It's not enough to say 'don't do it that way' and then expect me to magically come up with a plan to satisfy you. From my standpoint, you are the bad guy here, attacking my playstyle without offering any actual critique or constructive input. It doesn't feel unreasonable for me to be rolling my eyes and telling you to leave the round if you don't like it. Come up with something more helpful than 'you're bad at antag' and I'd be happy to listen. It's too easy to cast stones from the sidelines when you didn't have to do the actual work at antaggery.
  13. All this appears to be is a lot of people telling me how they like to antag or be antagged and expecting me to play the same way or that I'm doing it 'wrong'. There is nothing inherently wrong with stealthy antagging or control tactics. To be frank, antagging in a way that engages everyone is hard. New people and threats constantly appear, such as a captain or HoS or FT showing up halfway through the round, forcing you to make new plans. And if you're not good at the combat system (like me), being directly aggressive is all but suicidal. You're all quick to whine about not getting to roleplay and that you got 'ganked', or complain that I don't engage everyone until later in the round when I have a power base, but for the most part the only thing an admin can do is address problems with my behavior that violate rules. They don't exist to punish players for using a gameplay tactic that makes people some vocal people upset, or for not being interesting enough in the ways that everyone likes. Mostly because there is no such thing, because everyone wants something else. I made an attempt to give everyone that round chances to stay alive and continue roleplaying. If they felt being thralled or captured and bitten ruined their roleplay that round, that is frankly on them, not me. They were free to leave immediately like the CMO did, but they managed to stick around and have fun. The only ahelp that game was related to my capture of the captain and the code red, and that issue was already resolved. Everything else here is just people pointing fingers at me and claiming I have history of being a big stealthy meaniepants that they didn't enjoy.
  14. Because only minutes later the AI and borgs were acting up, and I had to go relaw them. By that point, I pretty much figured the intruder plan had been scuppered due to AI squeals on channels I couldn't hear, and moved onto a new one, which was using the AI and borgs to herd people. And eventually even that had to be discarded and I went no-subtlety. Plans change organically. And I prefer to arrange things to give me an advantage. When I don't exert as much control over the situation, and let people know what is going on early, I tend to be mobbed and murdered by a greytide assault. It's happened twice when I wasn't careful enough. So I won't apologize for that, and I do not think I am obligated to go loud before I am ready to take over. Also, they had two hours to roleplay. Just because they are sitting in a corner and sobbing in terror at the end does not mean they got 'no roleplay' this round. You're acting like being hunted down by vampires and thralls no longer counts as 'roleplay' because it's not roleplay you personally like. They were told to bring the crew before me in the holodeck, not murderbone everyone. The crew being rendered helpless is not a bannable offense, and whether it is bad roleplay is very subjective. Try and view things from my point of view here. There doesn't seem to be a win state for me. Once, I tried acting like a serial killer and succing all the tajarans on board the station to death, leaving their corpses for security to find. After all that work, and literally leaving evidence to find, they still called the shuttle at 2 hours. (not to mention all the salty tajaran players mad they died) Now this time, I've took, steps to stop people from wanting to call the shuttle at two hours, and people are getting mad at me for stopping them from leaving before I get to have any fun. What is going to make you happy? Me leaping at people and biting their necks publically so I can be arrested and detained instantly? That's not how it works. So it's damned if I do involve the whole crew early, damned if I don't. I'd rather try and get some fun when I can rather than cater to everyone's whims and saltiness. It's a game, I opted in to be a bad guy, and it was therefore my decision to be a bad guy in my own way. I broke no rules, even if you think I broke the spirit of what you consider fun or fair.
  15. Information not included here: -The captain was speaking of me exceeding my authority for and implying they were going to punish me for several minutes before I approached their office. I also engaged them in a perfectly normal conversation so I could get close enough to dominate them. We had an AI, so telling them to hold still and silent so I could enthrall them was entirely reasonable. -There was no intent to murderbone people for an hour, this is a salt-fueled exaggeration. In fact, we were going on a hunt for people to feed for blood drinking, stirring up fear, and take the crew either as thralls or prey. I understand some people were killed during the fighting, but it's frankly not my responsibility for my thralls deciding to kill people when I'm not there ordering them to. I told them to capture prey, not kill everyone. The single person I killed that round was a chemist who shot me with a chloral dart, then spat in my face when I asked them why I shouldn't kill them. -The CMO, whom the OP here played, was lured into a trap and captured. They were not harmed other than being fed on, and after some time, they were enthralled, giving them a chance to participate in the round. Instead immediately went to cryo. -My success in keeping the crew from calling for help and being trapped is not a reason for a ban. The crew are not obligated to win against an antagonist. A well executed plan that you failed to notice or stop does not mean I am a bad antag. -The vote in question went off and people decided not to leave. I do not understand why this is 'illegal vote influencing' any more than people saying 'vote extended for event' in pre-game chat. People are allowed to make their own choices, they did. All of these issues were also resolved in-game in ahelps.
  16. Some discussion with my code guru has informed that the best way to do what you are describing is to make the voucher itself a physical item you get in the loudout (restricted to non-assistants) which you affix to your ID card (changing it's appearance so you can see the voucher stuck on it) and can them be swiped by a special EFPOS variant I will make for the restaurant.
  17. Projects can be modified if game updates change things. I'm done dwelling on this minor point of vouchers for the moment. It's as thought out as it needs to be for the purposes of gameplay. This update is about a larger concept than whether or not we add them.
  18. Make up your own in-game logic for it. Maybe you bought it, maybe you earned it somehow, maybe you are on a meal assistance program. The economy is irrelevant and arbitrary with the current setup. I have no intention of making the coupons actually change anyone's account balance, at least until the probably-never-happening economy update. Essentially, you are getting a free meal by selecting it out of the loadout, even if ICly, it's paid for somehow.
  19. I don't understand what your argument here is. The voucher just means you prepaid for a meal that's all it is. What is difficult to understand here? The point of this update is to reinforce that crew members do not get free meals. We give you an option to get a meal in the shift without having to swipe your card, but in the end you're still paying for something.
  20. The piece of paper gets you a meal deal. Something that is available and ready for lunch/dinner/breakfast that day, so you can hand in the coupon and get your food quickly from something(s) that were selected for you ahead of time. It's intended to be a balanced serving rather than just whatever your heart desires. You could instead use your own funds pay for something else on demand, like getting four cookies, or pie, or an eggplant salad, whatever else takes your fancy, and wait for it to be finished.
  21. -Don't take it as an insult. Ignorance just means you don't know something, and entitlement just means you feel you are owed something by someone. Ignorant entitlement therefore means you think employees are owed something (free meals) when the reality is that is not how businesses work. -You're making a point while ignoring the context. If we have an on-station restaurant, then there is a nearby place to shop for food, isn't there? Not to mention the vending machines. The remoteness of the Exodus is not relevant to this. -Clarifying an idea is not arguing against it -Vouchers are provided by someone that you have paid them for or as a reward for something. You are not just handed a meal token out of the gentle kindness of NT's heart -Gourmands are just people who like to eat a lot, and despite the connotation you appear to be applying to it, it's just the name of the Club, and has nothing to do with the quality of the food acquired. It's a roleplay coupon for a percent off. Why bring anything but default items to work? It's fun and for roleplay purposes. Maybe someone is a wannabe food critic on the side. Plenty of options.
  22. You guys aren't looking at this the right way, and viewing the issue through a lens of ignorant entitlement. I've spoken with several older family members and friends about their experiences with jobs and food access, and this is what I found: (Pre-emptive addendum: This is not particularly about arguments on the lines of "it's the future, culture may have changed". You can use that to make up any shit you want, like that cannibalism became legal and accepted, or that everyone eats protein paste now. We draw concepts from our modern culture to put content into this game, especially from the cooking angle) -None of them have worked in a job that was not food service that provided free food to their employees, with the sole exception of jobs that were somewhere very remote like a coal mine or oil rig, where there is no where nearby to go and shop. -On-location cafeterias are not paid for by the company with the exception of special events like holidays or special events, where a managerial staff might buy everyone a meal on company budget. -Certain jobs with on-site restaurants offer their employees benefits regarding the restaurant, like discounts or being able to get pre-paid meal tokens. Sometimes, they take extra out of your paycheck for the discounts. With that in mind, here's what I think I will do with this: Meal Tokens: These are brought with you via loadout, similar to how you can bring a lunchbox. They entitle you to one 'meal' with the restaurant that is in that day. Generally, this will involve a 'daily special' or option of several things, a drink, and maybe a desert or side. What constitutes the 'meal' offer should be up to the restaurant of the day, within what ever reasonable limitations they put up. These tokens are given to the restaurant staff and are destroyed on site with some machine akin to a paper shredder. One use only. The implication is your employee paid for this and it is a voucher for one meal. Maybe the HoP will have a box of them? NT Gourmand Club Membership Card : These are special cards available to employees who want to join the Gourmand club (via loadout). They come in Silver, Gold, and Platinum membership, providing something like 10%, 30%, and 50%+1 Free meal. These are simply presented for their benefits. Normal crew members get Silver, Heads get Gold, and only the captain may be in the prestigious Platinum Club. Might even be fun to add a special room exclusively for Platinum Club members. For lunch with the cappie.
  23. That rule is intended to keep people from creating mass suggestion threads with a bunch of unrelated things. Overhauls are conceptually one suggestion, even if they contain multiple parts. Can you imagine how obnoxious it would be if people wanting to do/have a large rework project had to post 4-8 threads in quick succession? This is almost literally what I have been saying would be the setup. Freelance employees that are not full employees of Nanotrasen, with their own goals. Restaurant employees imported by Nanotrasen. You are arguing without an actual ground to defend.
  24. The meal plan card will have to have money invested in it like a credit chip, or otherwise contains a non-reusable token or point. It has to be redeemed somehow for a meal per shift, otherwise you could have multiple people sharing the same card and that doesn't work. The restaurant is losing profits.
  25. They're a successful mining and research company. Why would they need/want to invest money in a culinary division? Not only that, but it also could explain the constantly changing bar sign between rounds - the restaurant is a space for franchises to (pay to) come in, serve food to employees of one of the most successful companies in Tau Ceti. Nanotrasen gets paid for allowing these companies the space and time for publicity, instead of having to spend money hiring chefs and bartenders. It's basically only profits for NT, and the restaurant franchise, and the crew, who potentially gets to try new and interesting cuisine all the time.
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