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Everything posted by Kaed

  1. Everyone who lands on the surface level or spawns on it just falls through into construction level. We'll put trampolines in
  2. I know what you're talking about and I've been quiet about it for that exact purpose. Maybe you should be reporting it as a bug so it can be fixed instead of quietly keeping it to yourselves as a private exploit to cheese cultists (or cheese as cultists). =/ This however, isn't the topic here. There isn't really a need for ninjas to be decloaked when they're hit. Though I wouldn't say no to improving the targetting system that prevents you from attacking something you can't see under most circumstances.
  3. It's like looking at my life from the outside. "Let's separate the memes a bit and try to be serious" "Never, not necessary, reee"
  4. The dynamic of this spell is now a demonstration of power more than anything else. It shows someone you are in control and can choose to statue them any time you like. But it also means that only one person can be statued at a time, and the statue wears off in a reasonable time, allowing interactions.
  5. Killinski's dog has not been approved. As far as I can tell, Tishina, the one who actually makes that decision, has not even posted in the thread yet. I just skimmed through it again to check, but it's possible I missed it. Even so, if it was approved, I'd like this policy to make them reconsider. Additionally, this is about bringing pets to work as a persistent item that you apply for, not about buying dogs from the merchant. That isn't, and never has been, any actual problem. You can buy guns from the merchant too, but you certainly can't have them as a custom item. It's for single round flavor only.
  6. They need to be small enough to fit in a carrier item so they don't clutter up space in emergencies. It's not a problem when there is 1 husky, but when you have 5+ people bringing their huskies to work and they can't be carried because they're a large mob, they start doing thing like clogging up elevators in emergencies and you have to leave people behind to save the fucking dogs (and people will do this, trust me). So let's just nip this off and require they can fit in your pack. Portable pets cause less safety and logistical problems So would I but we gotta create compromises or things will go mad. We don't. I'm trying to plan ahead here.
  7. Simple suggestion: Since bringing pets to work is apparently a thing we are going to be doing, it would be good to set some sanity limits. My suggestion is... -Pets must be small enough to fit in carrier (cats/mice/hamsters/small dogs/little birdies, etc). No large dogs or plains tyrants or 'tame lions'. -Pets must be of established domesticated species and not 'exotic/dangerous'. (like birds of prey, poisonous snakes, ocelots, platypi)
  8. You know what you could also do. Take the actual person hostage instead of a fucking pet that only one person has any reason to care about. I could literally go up and murder this akita without any preamble and the most I would get is like a 10 minute charge, possibly less if I turned myself in afterward. The 'interesting' roleplay you guys are talking about would be interesting about once. And then it would get a little tired.
  9. Most of those times was me sort of rubbernecking what was going on from a distance through binoculars and bailing the moment the wizard started heading my direction, I think the one time I actively put myself in danger was when I tried to be clever and put a locker over the crusher ladder when I thought they were down it on the lower level (they weren't), and I skedaddled the moment they saw me. None of those were really 'engaging' the antag, more spying and one attempt to block an egress that didn't work. Keep in mind I don't always see the danger you see as an AI, and have limited vantage points.
  10. I'm not sure what proof I can provide. I admit I don't know the full extent of the logs, but I think they only record when you hit something with a weapon, or when something explodes. I did not manage to hit the wizard once, so I'm not sure that the logs will even show when I fired my weapon.
  11. If you can provide me with the religious symbols needed I can take a stab at spriting an obsidian version of them. I don't know what 'full coverage for all major religions' would look like, because I only know a handful of religions symbols in the first place. What would I even use for a buddist symbol? A ying yang? That's hard to do with obsidian, it's one color.
  12. Once again, he was trying to kill one of my officers in front of me, and no one else was was around to help. I am well within my rights to make the bare minimum effort of shooting at them through a window as they run off. This is just needlessly trying to tie my hands on an (apparently) not clearly understood principle. Captains are not held to a strict protocol of nonviolence except when directly attacked, they just aren't supposed to risk their lives needlessly. There was no active risk to me while I shot at them, because, once again, they were fleeing while dragging the officer away. Anyway, it's clear at this point that one of us is not grasping the situation (and obviously we both think it's the other person) so I'll wait until someone else steps in.
  13. I'm also not sure that my looc venting at a nearby player while I sat in the captain's office waiting for the ERT to resolve things is particularly relevant to the complaint in question, which strictly involves us, but you decided to include those, so here we are. There was neither security in the immediate vicinity, nor was I directly in danger, which was actively the content of your warning. I was on the other side of a window, firing a laser at a wizard dragging a wounded officer away. I explained this to you several times, and you just kept telling me there is no reason ever for a captain to attack an antagonist, which is tacitly untrue, along with dredging up irrelevant arguments like that my character was unbalanced for not being afraid of a juggernaut which had just been destroyed by the wounded officer. This is why I am annoyed with you.
  14. BYOND Key: Kaedwuff Staff BYOND Key: QueenofYugoslavia Game ID: bWE-am1J Reason for complaint: I came across and officer being beaten to death in the library by a juggernaut (which the officer killed before collapsing) and took a few (wildly missed) shots at the wizard as they ran off with his body. Cue 15 minutes of this mod arguing with me that as a captain I should never be engaging antagonists when there was an ERT (which had not even docked yet) or security (most of which were dead, including the one literally dying in front of me) on station. I was not in any reasonable amount of risk shooting at a fleeing aggressor, nor did I pursue them beyond them leaving my sight. They repeatedly ignored my explanations of the situation to force this hardline opinion on captain behavior on me, then placed a warning on as seen below. Evidence/logs/etc: I really, really don't want to capture images of all the PMs over 15 minutes of this, so please just check the logs. Additional remarks: The most polite thing I can say about this experience is that it was incredibly pushy and unprofessional, and as the mod in question seems to have trouble even spelling I have deep concerns about their fit for this position.
  15. Nobody cares about this talking point, stop using it as if its an actual argument. Stop attempting to apply 2018 logic to 2460. The state of a workplace in 2018 is nowhere close to what would be a workplace in 2460. There will not be simulated poop mechanics until Lord Fowl manages to get his PR pushed through the bowels of github. "wHaT iF tHe DoG pOoPs" is not an argument, as defecation is not represented through mechanics. An argument could be made that pooping is not canon in lore, as lore tries to represent and justify mechanics. Stop acting like things you don't care about personally don't matter to everyone because you don't care. I care, and the fact that there are no mechanics for pooping in game doesn't mean that it doesn't exist ICly. Nor does 400 years of social logic change cause basic bodily functions to vanish just because it isn't represented in the game mechanics. This doesn't mean poop doesn't exist in 2460, we have bloody toilets on station, even if they're mechanically decorative, it means that the higher ups are uncomfortable having mechanics for it. Animals shed, poop, chew on things, make messes, irregardless of what the code actually represents. Aurora has some nice amenities on it, like a bar and kitchen, but it is not designed to be lived in. It's a workplace where people work in shifts. I could see, maybe, that heads might have the clout to bring in their own workplace pets, since they normally get them anyway, but just anyone on the station (except maybe visitors) having pets? Absolutely not. That being said I reluctantly acknowledge that this and the other app both were heads and I guess could get away with this. (though I think it was a mistake to let the cat crate be brought in)
  16. What's the point of having a custom item that you have to leave in your office all the time just to meet realism standards. And aren't items supposed to be something you can carry? Something that spawns at round start. From what I understand mop holders which is what allows you to pick up Ian and other things, don't actually spawn properly you have to pick up an animal to generate a mob holder. It's possible I'm wrong, but I don't really think that custom items should involve a mob that you spawn with. We've already got it limited to not bring any custom weapons with you even though there might be a Perfectly Natural reason why your character has a weapon. And we already have weapons on station that were carefully selected. By contrast we already have several pets on the station that are they are because they are presumably well-trained. Adding a pet custom item is setting a precedent for people to start bringing their own custom pets. If we let this happen then there's no particular reason why we can't let half the people on the server have a pet, and then you have everyone dragging around animals all shift and now we're running Pet Care Station. Maybe that won't happen but if we let one pet in, by what right do we refuse other people bringing pets in? Finally, this is supposed to be a professional workplace. Similarly to a recent application to bring a pet Falcon to work was summarily rejected, I think that this application should be met with the same response. You don't bring pets to work. If you start letting people bring pets to work then you have to filter every single pet to make sure that their trained and won't poop on the floor or bite someone or get lost in the ventilation system. Frankly that's a lot more work than I think the bureaucracy of Nanotrasen wishes to do, and it makes a lot more sense for them to just limit pets to the ones they've already designated as workplace animals. The vetting process of a custom item that people need to consider is: Would it be a problem if every player on server had this item? With a pet, the answer is definitely yes.
  17. It's bugged me for a while that wizards rely on not just obviously mystical clothing, but wearing a special pair of utterly nonmagical sandals, or, in a singular special case, literal 'magic shoes'. I've always felt magic clothing should be enough, honestly. I feel like the shoes thing was only added in the ancient past to give players the ability to shoot off a wizard's feet to take away their casting powers. So I removed the footwear requirement. Now, wizards shall be free to wear whatever they want on their assorted leg appendages. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5336
  18. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5335 The concerns in this thread have been taken into account in this latest PR.
  19. I mean some overtures have been made to make nutrition have more of an impact on the game Though I'd also like the useless as shit cookbook that spawns to be replaced with a new book that hyperlinks to the cooking guide wiki page, similar to the corp regs book
  20. That's not the issue. You can kill someone within a minute of statuing them if you like, you just break the statue. The problem is that it's not fun for you to be stuck like that for so long, unable to do anything. It should be a disable spell, not a 'write you out of the round' spell
  21. Planning to edit this myself to 1-2 minutes, and also to change it so antags don't have a magical block against being polymorphed 4noraisin.
  22. Like the OP says, this is getting off topic. Focus on the subject of the thread. I'd be happy to debate this with you on discord if you want.
  23. On the contrary, that's one of the main reasons we make mechanical changes at all. The very concept of 'nerfing' a mechanic is grounded in the ideology that something needs to be fixed because the players certainly aren't going to just refrain from using something overpowered out of courtesy.
  24. Something [mention]Bauser[/mention] recently said encouraged me to open this thread. Right now there doesn't seem to really... be any policy on security and information dispersal, that I'm aware of? But almost always, I have to admit, there is a tendency for the security department, and command, to some extent, to shut the crew at large out of stuff that goes on. You've all seen it. "internal security matter, we're going to blue' etc etc. The crew inevitably asks what's going on but are stonewalled 'for their own protection' or 'to prevent panic' or whatever, until some of them start dying because they don't know wtf is going on because sec refused to tell them. Can we set some policies to actually have in place about this, rather than just leaving it up to the HoS/Captain's personal preference whether the non sec crew gets to be involved in goings on with antagonists?
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