Reporting Personnel: Ramala Halaby
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Bridge Crew
Game ID: Round before cnr-dluv
Personnel Involved:
- Ramala Halaby, Bridge Crew, Victim
- Ska'zaszhk Guwan, Cook, Offender
- Vayla Singh, Physician, Witness
- Imari Mneme-Osei, First Responder, Witness
Secondary Witnesses:
- Deshan Baral, Security Officer: Arrived on the scene during the fight, and witnessed the Unathi attacking this one.
- Ahari Zerikanh, Security Officer: Arrived on the scene during the fight, and witnessed the Unathi attacking this one.
- Liam Knight, First Responder: Arrived on the scene during the fight, and witnessed the Unathi attacking this one.
Time of Incident: (If unable to provide, leave blank)
Real Time: 7:40EST, (04/21/2023)
Location of Incident: Kitchen
Nature of Incident:
[ ] - Workplace Hazard
[ ] - Accident/Injury
[ ] - Destruction of Property
[] - Neglect of Duty
[X] - Harassment
[X] - Assault
[X] - Misconduct
[X] - Other: Slander
Overview of the Incident: So, this one was having a pleasant shift and was talking to some of the members of the command team in the dining area of the joint kitchen and bar. This one mentioned that she was worried the chef would not have anything for her to eat or would try to throw her out. The cook later messaged her saying that they weren't going to throw her out, so she decided to give them another chance. When she went to eat, Executive Officer Maglina was already there and was being served what appeared to be poorly made meat. This one asked for something different to be fixed, and the conversation escalated (despite her trying to calm the cook down by apologizing and using an understanding tone) to the point of the cook calling her multiple insults. For example, the cook called her a 'harlot' (which is something this one had to look up the definition of to understand), claimed that she was inbred, called her 'rich, fat and spoiled', and continued to antagonize her.
While it was hard, she didn't say anything else to the cook because of her desire to keep the respect of the S.C.C. Instead, she decided to go for a walk and eventually, a member of the crew came on shift and greeted everyone. This one responded, as she typically does with a shortened greeting typical for citizens of Her Majesty's lands. The cook immediately began insulting her again, but she can't remember what they said. When this one clarified that she was very polite and had tried to give the cook the benefit of a doubt, the cook continued to mock her, her culture, and her food as a whole, over the radio. The cook made comments such as 'Tajara food smells and tastes like scat', and implied that food from Adhomai belonged to rats.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this one had to go down to the kitchen to explain what she had written to them on a PDA message, since the cook apparently is unable to read Basic (!!!!), which this one thinks showcases their poor work motivation, since she studied long and hard to understand Basic, as did many of the other crew. When she came down and began explaining how the cook was aggravating her, they began to taunt her, saying that 'she is fat, rich and annoying' (which she isn't any of these things) and challenged this one to a fight.
Due to the fact that she values her job and the opportunity given to her very much, she did not want to risk her position by fighting with the cook. She thinks the cook took her refusal to fight personally, as they jumped over the table and began to strangle this one. She slapped and tried to claw at the Unathi, but due to their height difference, she wasn't able to do much. As she was trying to catch her breath, they ran away. While she was gasping and choking on the floor, Doctor Singh checked on this one and ensured that she was okay. Eventually, the Unathi came back and continued to mock and insult this one, at which point first responder Mneme-Osei arrived.
At this point, due to the fact that the Unathi had harmed her, and would possibly hurt others, this one knew she had to act. The Unathi continued to insult and bombard her with threats, to the point that she felt the only way to keep anyone else from being hurt was by restraining them until security arrived. Therefore, she climbed over the kitchen table (to make sure the Unathi wouldn't run away before security arrived) and told the Unathi to stop insulting her, and that she was going to report them to the officers. She thinks the Unathi was scared at this prospect, as they shut the kitchen shutters and began attacking this one, and she had to fight back to defend herself. Luckily, due to her training, she was able to hold them off until security arrived, at which point she was given medical treatment for her injuries.
Submitted Evidence: N/A
Would you like to be personally interviewed?:
[X] - Yes
[ ] - No
Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: By the time the fight concluded, there were no heads of staff on the shift. She didn't think of reporting the harassment to a head of staff.
Actions taken: Security staff arrested the Unathi at the time for questioning, but she saw them leave the security department very quickly, and she would assume they didn't receive any charges.
Additional Notes: