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Everything posted by Jboy2000000

  1. Thats a good suggestion, but looking at the difference between sizes of binary and words, maybe not actual binary. Maybe instead of that, just have it so the language replaces every letter or word with a 0 or 1.
  2. Thats a good suggestion, but looking at the difference between sizes of binary and words, maybe not actual binary. Maybe instead of that, just have it so the language replaces every letter or word with a 0 or 1.
  3. This would be great. My original IPC was meant to have numbers in it, but when I couldn't have numbers I had to replace them with letter look alikes and the name ended up looking so rediculous and stupid no one on the station bothers to talk to me, and I even got BWOINKed because of it, so I just ended up getting rid of the character all together.
  4. This would be great. My original IPC was meant to have numbers in it, but when I couldn't have numbers I had to replace them with letter look alikes and the name ended up looking so rediculous and stupid no one on the station bothers to talk to me, and I even got BWOINKed because of it, so I just ended up getting rid of the character all together.
  5. Ive decided not to bring it up on the complaint/ban thing since we were told to wait for staff to say anything, but theres also several, several, several other posts that are basically the same thing, both in that thread and on other threads.
  6. Ive decided not to bring it up on the complaint/ban thing since we were told to wait for staff to say anything, but theres also several, several, several other posts that are basically the same thing, both in that thread and on other threads.
  7. You know, at first I was half tempted to shit post along with your guys. But that I realized I wasn't a little BITCH. OOOOOOOH.
  8. You know, at first I was half tempted to shit post along with your guys. But that I realized I wasn't a little BITCH. OOOOOOOH.
  9. The video in question is . It starts off as an explanation of certain type of "drags" and Final Fantasy, but then it takes a serious turn, and it started to talk about the overwhelming negative portrayal of homosexuality in gaming/gamers. I myself, after watching the video, think it may be true that most games do purposefully show anything outside of gender/sexual norms in poor light. Now, the second part of my the title, how could we be proof? Well, we are literally a community of people who play games, and nearly everyone I know on the server has said at one time or another they play other "real" games as well. So, with that in mind, let me ask, how are non-heterosexuals portrayed on Aurora? Not only that, but how are they perceived? Even if the character is normal, when people hear they aren't straight, that character is most likely chucked into the bin of stereotypical SSL's immediately. This thread isn't meant to insult anyone or anything, just food for thought I thought Id share for conversation's sake.
  10. The video in question is . It starts off as an explanation of certain type of "drags" and Final Fantasy, but then it takes a serious turn, and it started to talk about the overwhelming negative portrayal of homosexuality in gaming/gamers. I myself, after watching the video, think it may be true that most games do purposefully show anything outside of gender/sexual norms in poor light. Now, the second part of my the title, how could we be proof? Well, we are literally a community of people who play games, and nearly everyone I know on the server has said at one time or another they play other "real" games as well. So, with that in mind, let me ask, how are non-heterosexuals portrayed on Aurora? Not only that, but how are they perceived? Even if the character is normal, when people hear they aren't straight, that character is most likely chucked into the bin of stereotypical SSL's immediately. This thread isn't meant to insult anyone or anything, just food for thought I thought Id share for conversation's sake.
  11. I have to side with Alby on this,they are already readily available for one telecrystal, why give it to them for free when the cost of getting them is already pretty negligible, and its not like Nukes Ops honestly need the one/two crystals to spend it takes to kit the entire team with an animal gasmask.
  12. I have to side with Alby on this,they are already readily available for one telecrystal, why give it to them for free when the cost of getting them is already pretty negligible, and its not like Nukes Ops honestly need the one/two crystals to spend it takes to kit the entire team with an animal gasmask.
  13. Apparently Im not up to date on names.
  14. Apparently Im not up to date on names.
  15. I can't say Ive had the pleasure of RPing with all of Ghost's character, but I can say that when I have RPed with who I have, they're just that. A pleasure. I can say without any doubt that Jacob is one of the best QM's there is, in the way of interaction at least. I can tell you, as an avid QM'er, it isn't easy to make a good QM, since the job of QM is pretty much a paperpusher who heads cargo. I can say, firmly, from just my interactions from that one character that Ghost is pretty damn good. He'd be great at playing one of those fishy fucks. Reading this was also a lot more fun than reading his ass.
  16. I can't say Ive had the pleasure of RPing with all of Ghost's character, but I can say that when I have RPed with who I have, they're just that. A pleasure. I can say without any doubt that Jacob is one of the best QM's there is, in the way of interaction at least. I can tell you, as an avid QM'er, it isn't easy to make a good QM, since the job of QM is pretty much a paperpusher who heads cargo. I can say, firmly, from just my interactions from that one character that Ghost is pretty damn good. He'd be great at playing one of those fishy fucks. Reading this was also a lot more fun than reading his ass.
  17. I don't know if you'd get in trouble for doing such, but can't you just choose the hair you want thats male/female specific and then change the character's gender, like how you used to change an IPC's colour before it became part of the code?
  18. The wiki says you can apply to be a Vacura now, so maybe we shouldn't be so quick to say that apps for them shouldn't be happening.
  19. Im no coder, but I think that means glasses protect against 0.1 damage from anomalies.
  20. I don't think the current version is working. I couldn't get it to work, so I just backtracked to the version before the latest update. The wiki will probably still help, and if not, there are two Youtube tutorials I found that use that exact version.
  21. Ive been playing this game for a few weeks now, without watching or reading ANY sort of tutorial. I must have been playing for a combine at at least 48 hours now. I also JUST made my first ship with engines. I looooove it so much, when they said you can micromanage everything, they meant EVERYTHING.
  22. Here is a petition to ban Volt Hitler Age. Sign below to make the server a better, Volt free environment. Here is a list of things Voltage has done in his evil, tyrannical life time. Everything Anything Everything AGAIN. Being Voltage. Burned our crops. Poisoned our water. And delivered a plague on our houses.
  23. Server IS up, the IP address link is just funked up. Connect from the HUB.
  24. I remember when the trailer first came up months ago. People were in some sort of uproar because snek tiddies.
  25. I sent one PDA message, that never even got replied to. It was even a "coded message" it was the Syndicate code phrases that I copy and pasted from my notes. The only time I can recall seeing Techno's character personally, was him walking away from the bridge, and me walking up the command hall. Which shouldn't really be suspicious of a QM, its their job to supply the station. If it's code red, I obviously shouldn't be using the radio, but people wander the station all the time in red. If him seeing me outside of cargo and a PDA message that only serves to prove with both work for the exact same people is enough to justify killing someone, why don't nuke ops duke it off as soon as the round starts and kill each other? If thats how it works, they should probably do that, lest one of them be a snitch. Now that's just wrong. I stood waiting until you do something, I didn't expect the voice changer to slander Victor, hence I moved in. But then again, how did you not even "see" Victor stalking Keener? Or is it because you didn't even mind another agent moving close to you and you thought "oh my plans will always work ehehe". My character didn't automatically know you were a syndi member, OOCly, I knew you had to be a tator, ICly, you could have just been so schmo who got tangled up in Kate's powerplay. If that was the case, why would she treat you any different from any other random passerby in the halls? Unlike you, I didn't have any IC reason to believe you were an agent.
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