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Everything posted by Jboy2000000

  1. But, uh... Bye? If this is you leaving Aurora, bye I guess. You were really fun to have around.
  2. I have have found the one true anime, to end them all, and but your anime to shame!
  3. I don't mean to sound rude, but, who are you? I know your name sounds really, really familiar.
  4. There are already machines that give out things free of charge, like the vendors in engineering, the vendor in the kitchen give out stuff for free, Im not a coder, but it'd probably be easy enough to steal spites and code from the machines to Frankenstein something for the warden. Something that might take coding, it might be cool to add some kind of nutrient paste/mush to give to prisoners, pretty much just the stuff you get for grinding anything, that I can't remember the name of, in a cup like ramen to give to prisoners. For some reason, I like the idea of feeding prisoners gross, tasteless mush, like a much grosser form of the "nutrient loaves" they give to prisoners today.
  5. So the general vibe Im getting from this thread is not that people are interested in limiting race for lore reasons, but basing what and what isn't restricted based on what they want?
  6. Im surprised no one's said yet, and Im mad I didn't think of say it before, but,
  7. What I do and don't disagree with doesn't matter, its obvious that tajarans are going to be restricted, and its only fair and it only makes sense that the other races should get the same treatment. If it wasn't me that made the suggestion, it should have been someone else. This isn't out of spite, anger or whatever else, this is a suggestion because lore is being used to finally restrict jobs like so many people wanted, and I don't want to see it implemented into only one race.
  8. This isn't any worse than whats being suggested in the other thread. This is suggesting we limit races based on the lore of their race, exactly what the other thread is suggesting. I agree with most of that, but not every security role, the investigative jobs don't really need speed as a key priority, they mostly need mental power, something that Diona have in spare. Also not sure what science jobs need speed.
  9. Yes, this is directly because of the "Cats in Command Thread." Since its obvious that Tajarans are going to be restricted in jobs by "lore justification," I suggest we actually try to add some fairness to this, by limiting the OTHER races as well. Here are my suggestions, based on lore. Unathi: No head roles. No security roles. No research roles. Unathi are in the middle of a giant galactic wide terror attack, and are on the brink of war with the two greatest super powers in the universe. Unathi shouldn't be trusted in job where they're given guns, in positions of power, or handling something as important as research, on station whose purpose is research. IPCs: No security roles. No medical roles. No IAA. No research roles. IPC's are banned from certain head roles because it said that they can be hacked and have important information stolen, in the words of devs. If thats so, security officers, medical doctors, and IA agents all have access to file important to people's personnel and employment information, and having them in those jobs would be a risk as well. Having them work on a research station, and work on important research projects would also put Nanotrasen's highly funded research information at risk of being stolen as well.
  10. I don't know if the rule is a good thing/bad thing, but to me it looks like a much nicer way of saying "we don't care what you say anyway, so you may as well not post anyway." I think all the examples of Frances showed are good examples of that.
  11. This isn't only completely unfair and biased by you, its completely unfair just in general. Look at poll, and then look at every other thread of your's that has a poll. This has twice as many votes as either of them, and only have as many views and replies, the people who are voting to limit Tajarans aren't even defending their point of view, I doubt they even give a shite about the lore perspective of it and just want to put the finger up to people who play the race. The thread where you ask if people like, something thats very important to every dedicated player on the server, only has 23 votes. The votes to limit Tajaran players are almost double that. The poll about IPC's being people has 37 votes, which is just BARELY bigger than the number of only one of the third options, and thats important not only to the entire race, but to all of security. Yet in both threads, people from all sides defended why they voted what, more than once. Here you have two people "defending" their vote one by saying "I support it," the other by shitposting like a joke that even you said is shitposting, and literally only one person giving an argument. So, like I said, the vote and the community are completely biased against Tajarans, and this isn't going to be used because anyone cares about lore, or anything, they just want to limit the race because they can.
  12. If people are obviously breaking how a Tajaran should act, they didn't deserve their whitelist in the first place. Why should Tajarans be the only race that requires a secondary whitelist? This is just a matter of people wanting to limit Tajarans solely because people don't like Tajarans, you're not going to see this kind of response if the thread was for Skrell, or Unathi, or any other race there is. Its unfair and completely biased.
  13. Just do what I do and look in the "free" section of Steam. You get to save your sheckles, and they don't run down your computer most of the time.
  14. Well, I don't want to gush on and look like Im a twat whose low-key trying to get you to stay, so. It was real nice having you here, I hope you have good luck and stuff. Even though you leave, Ill always remember you as you were. The Arrivals Terrorist. Jokes aside, you really were a treat.
  15. Im with Valk and Voyd here. If people want to betray lore and be little shits, punish them, don't punish every single person who plays Tajarans. To me, the votes look like every who don't like Tajarans are voting for this because they've had one of those bad cats ruin something for them, or don't like the stupid bad cats. If you want to talk about lore justification in job, we should cut Unathi from nearly every single job that isn't in civilian because right now theres a giant intergalactic political event going on and Unathi are raiding any human space they can, do you think Nanotrasen would risk getting political backlash from giving a lizard the power to rule over part of their stations, especially since Unathi have destroyed their telecomms satellites before, and actively worked against them thanks to great antag spy thing making Unathi antag actions canon on different stations.
  16. IPC's can't repair themselves with welders and wires, they need to use Nanopaste.
  17. IPC's can't repair themselves with welders and wires, they need to use Nanopaste.
  18. Can we compare IPC's to Diona for a minute? Heres how they stack up. Diona have all the advantages, minus the brute reduction, and then some. What is the disadvantage of Diona? They walk slow, and thats it. Diona also have the power to walk into space completely naked if they wanted, and they'd have no problem at all. Meanwhile, IPC overheat, die and blowup in a vacuum, dying a whole hell of a lot faster than any other species, get murder-killed easily by EMP's, which can double as an infiltration tool as well as a weapon, and can't repair themselves, except with a very limited resource, limited to a select few people, and if thats gone/not available, you're stuck relying on scientists, which already rely on someone else to supply them with the things they need, so they can't be supplied by who they need, miners, you're not going to be supplied by them. So, stacking up, Diona are far more overpowered than IPC's, but no ever complains about the houseplant walking in space without a suit.
  19. Can we compare IPC's to Diona for a minute? Heres how they stack up. Diona have all the advantages, minus the brute reduction, and then some. What is the disadvantage of Diona? They walk slow, and thats it. Diona also have the power to walk into space completely naked if they wanted, and they'd have no problem at all. Meanwhile, IPC overheat, die and blowup in a vacuum, dying a whole hell of a lot faster than any other species, get murder-killed easily by EMP's, which can double as an infiltration tool as well as a weapon, and can't repair themselves, except with a very limited resource, limited to a select few people, and if thats gone/not available, you're stuck relying on scientists, which already rely on someone else to supply them with the things they need, so they can't be supplied by who they need, miners, you're not going to be supplied by them. So, stacking up, Diona are far more overpowered than IPC's, but no ever complains about the houseplant walking in space without a suit.
  20. I think Im actually for this. A lot of time, people say that geneticists are allowed to self-test inside the lab because they have a waiver built in with their contract, why wouldn't a waiver saying they can leave their lab as long as they aren't carrying subjective materials, like the syringes needed to give these superpowers to people? That way, genetics isn't cooped up, geneticists would still need paperwork to give out powers, like how science needs permission to give out stuff (but not really). No one ever listens to that, and security never enforces it. Scientist almost never get paperwork to give out guns/items to people, and security rarely, if ever, stops them. No one EVER bothers engineers, let alone security. Ill give you that one. NO ONE listens to this, I doubt its even a rule because I see it happen so much, and security never, ever stops anyone doing it. No one, literally no one makes paperwork for making borgs/IPC's. Not RD's, not captains, not roboticists, and no one ever gets in trouble for it. Thats completely different, the bartender has a paper saying that they can't ever take the shotgun out of the bar. No one ever gets paperwork to have a pet slime, and security only ever bothers to arrest the xenobiologist if they release a human-slime, and that only in some case. For geneticists? If they leave the lab, at all, with powers and don't have paperwork, they are arrested 100 percent of the time from what Ive seen, and demoted in a big number of those cases as well.
  21. I think Im actually for this. A lot of time, people say that geneticists are allowed to self-test inside the lab because they have a waiver built in with their contract, why wouldn't a waiver saying they can leave their lab as long as they aren't carrying subjective materials, like the syringes needed to give these superpowers to people? That way, genetics isn't cooped up, geneticists would still need paperwork to give out powers, like how science needs permission to give out stuff (but not really). No one ever listens to that, and security never enforces it. Scientist almost never get paperwork to give out guns/items to people, and security rarely, if ever, stops them. No one EVER bothers engineers, let alone security. Ill give you that one. NO ONE listens to this, I doubt its even a rule because I see it happen so much, and security never, ever stops anyone doing it. No one, literally no one makes paperwork for making borgs/IPC's. Not RD's, not captains, not roboticists, and no one ever gets in trouble for it. Thats completely different, the bartender has a paper saying that they can't ever take the shotgun out of the bar. No one ever gets paperwork to have a pet slime, and security only ever bothers to arrest the xenobiologist if they release a human-slime, and that only in some case. For geneticists? If they leave the lab, at all, with powers and don't have paperwork, they are arrested 100 percent of the time from what Ive seen, and demoted in a big number of those cases as well.
  22. So, my wizard character coming to the station for the first time and meeting meeting X, Y, Z and A, even though non-violently, is not canon, so the next time my wizard is on the station, they won't know X, Y, Z and A, or know the station?
  23. So, my wizard character coming to the station for the first time and meeting meeting X, Y, Z and A, even though non-violently, is not canon, so the next time my wizard is on the station, they won't know X, Y, Z and A, or know the station?
  24. Because theres a character limit, and "1" takes less characters than "one."
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