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Everything posted by Blue

  1. Blue

    Baseball = Contraband?

    Heh, still seems funny to me, but I'll accept it. On a sidenote, maybe we should add non-lethal bats?
  2. Blue

    Baseball = Contraband?

    Well you see Delta, here's my problem with that. I completely understand how they can be used as weapons. However, to say that they *could* be used as weapons to justify their banishment is sorta meta, in my eyes. You're defending against what could happen, not what you know happens. If self-antags and chucklefucks come along, crash the harmbaton on their pathetic little skulls. And Sue, that does not mean the crew cannot try, or be creative with their use of the bats. They could play softball with it in the holodeck, for example, with a beach ball or any toy, really.
  3. This round, botany had produced plenty of baseball bats, made of wood, for the crew to potentially play with. That is when the HoS De Santos quickly came in and announced they were contraband. Now, Delta, I am NOT attacking you or anything. If I was, I'd put this in an incident report at the very least. In fact, since multiple people backed up your character's claim, I cannot even complain about it. However, it does leave questions in my mind. A baseball bat is a baseball bat. It is designed to play sports with. Yes, it's only real mechanical use is a beating machine. But it is still a baseball bat. While on the station, Vira said they were contraband because "They can be used as a weapon". Okay, I can get that. But, every department has like 3-4 items in it that can be used as weapons. Science literally creates weapons as their job, even. Toolboxes aren't contraband, are they? The other argument was that you had no use for a baseball bat on the station. What about leisure time? You could invent some kind of game to play with it. We have a basketball simulator, so having sports on the station isn't too far-fetched. Really, it's not like a knife, or a bomb, or a gun. It's just a baseball bat. If people can openly hold out crowbars and welding tools and such, why can't they use a baseball bat?
  4. Yeah...I don't really see the difference.
  5. I really don't see what the point to this is. I don't see what's preventing people from abusing guns like these. All I can see from this is more accidental "MEDBAY TO BRIG" incidents. Other than the obvious one-shot-stun, what makes these guns better than using a taser?
  6. Blue

    Forum bickering

    This is why I don't like having opinions on things.
  7. If you're the same guy I remember, you were one of the biggest chucklefucks to grace the station. You'd constantly self-antag and try to robust the security officers arresting you. Those moments where you did, it would just turn out awful. I can clearly remember one instance where you took a downed officer's HUD and used it to set everyone in sight to arrest as Beepsky frantically stunned everyone. I also remember you raiding the armory and, even as a warden(?) take the bulletproof vest without reason. Funny thing is, while complaints piled up against you, you seemed to not get punishment at all. It was always "I won't do it again" promptly before doing it again. I can probably dig up on the old Aurora forums some of those complaints. So what I'm saying is, you've done a lot to earn your ban. I have no doubt that you're ready to come back here. But why should we let you, other than because "I wasn't a very good roleplayer", which is what everyone says when they have nothing to say. How could you have improved? Edit: Since I have some free time, for those of you who weren't with Aurora around the time of these shenanigans, http://auroraserver.freeforums.net/thread/1711/hans-strauss-bar27262 http://auroraserver.freeforums.net/thread/1712/bar27262-complain http://auroraserver.freeforums.net/thread/1705/grand-chucklefuck-thread (images on the first post are of Bar's character, Han Strauss)
  8. Or when you're stripping someone. "X is trying to put a grab on Y!"
  9. +1 Because Sierra understands how species should be played, as displayed by her Tajarans, which were diverse in personality yet still kept the Tajaran essence to them. I have no doubt that they can do the same for Unathi.
  10. See, I'd agree with you completely, but it happens all the time. Imagine Skull did that every other round, or everytime he got access to telescience. It's too much. Well, we've got a duty officer program for that sort of thing. Just file an incident report and cite "He's been doing it way too often" and leave it IC.
  11. I remember Skull doing something exactly like this in medbay, and everyone thought it was hilarious. But seriously, this seems like an IC issue. Nobody was harmed. Just a bunch of monkeys that you could have disposed of. I don't see how this could be considered self antagging at all.
  12. That's the whole point of having a chemist. Optimizing.
  13. It sucks when you have a diona that was "just grown" or an IPC that was "just built". You have to put 17 as the bare minimum.
  14. Maybe when Bay does the "expansion" they're working on for it. I really think Xenobotany can replace genetics.
  15. Blue

    Nerf Crossbow

    Still need to actually use it to fight someone before it gets nerfed. But yeah, it's pretty damn powerful. I'd suggest removing the whole pin-to-the-wall feature as I don't know how that would be possible without impaling them and basically killing them on the spot...
  16. Not true. There were cases where I put someone with mild injuries in cryo and everyone yelled at me for wasting resources. As long as you don't use it for everything you should be fine. Plus, some people don't like to spend forever waiting for their treatment, some people don't like being treated forever.
  17. Then...don't stick them in cryo and treat them yourself? >.>
  18. Why doesn't anybody mix Cryo, Cloneo, Bicard, Anti-tox, Kelo derma and tricord like me? :c
  19. Blue

    Alcohol Rework

    We have enough skills that nobody uses already...I'd rather just increase the amount of the "stronger" drinks you need to have in you before you get slurred and blurry.
  20. I like the idea, but I feel like there's too much open space. Maybe expand the lab a little?
  21. Basically. The issue isn't so much us "veterans" (Heh, feels weird to call myself that) forcing new people out, so much as we chose to remain in the same hugging groups, leaving new players to find their own or resort to other means to find fun. Read; Baldie behavior. But the issue that affects us all is the drama. We have too much of it. I left for about half a year because of it. People talking trash about other people behind their backs because "he/she's character is shit" or "They don't know what REAL HRP is" or some other bullshit reasons. Okay, maybe their reasons are legitimate sometimes, but they still put on a friendly neighbor face like nothing is wrong when something is definitely wrong. Sorta unrelated, but I blame it half on our inability as players to overlook the faults in people, and half on the massive amounts of self-inserts we have. People base their main characters off themselves. Can't critique a character without the person taking it personally. Can't separate yourself from the character. And your characters live in a world designed for them to struggle to like each other. Honestly, if people stopped playing them then there'd be a tremendous decrease in this "bad" community behavior, in my opinion. However, as voltage stated and Taina highlighted, it's people taking things too far or nowhere at all which ultimately holds us down. What can we do about it? Not much, really. It's who we are. Unless we can change that, I don't know how we can fix this issue other than by posting a few empty "I'll do my part" comments.
  22. @TheAmazingRathel Maybe if you weren't so weird, people wouldn't be creeped out. #zombiealiens Jade Rathel @HazzTehJazz Hmm...maybe if I made them some friendly tea, they'd be fine? #SeeWhatIDidThere #BecauseYouDrankMyTea #AndYouCouldntHandleIt #AndProbablyGotIndigestion #SorryButThatWasFunny
  23. - @HazzTehJazz Don't you just love it when people freeze in fear at the mere sight of you, before you can even say hello? #IJustWannaBeFriends
  24. Lockboxes being on all weapons and needing to be opened by the warden/HoS is a huge heeeeeeell no from me. I've been around before that. Jamini and Duck are 1100% correct. Lockboxes for the RD is meh...it would mean that you'd have to have an RD if you hope of testing anything, or even finishing RnD. Honestly, it seems to be more inhibiting of the scientists with self-control to test what they want to test.
  25. Yeah, engineering tends to be the friendliest department. Kinda like family.
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