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Everything posted by Blue

  1. As a non-biased person, who has had little interaction with Delta besides OOC and Dsay, I'm just going to say that I believe he deserves a chance to prove that he has improved. Now, that sarcastic post might hinder that. Delta, I'd strongly recommend you let go of any frustrations you have for now and just go with the flow. I know, criticism can be unpleasant but just go with it. I'm sure they'll let you have that chance, but not with attitude.
  2. You could always click again... Then again, it is kinda annoying.
  3. You could do what I do and ask medical for anesthetics or soporific. Because it's a bit uncommon to actually legally cut someone's brain out. You don't need anesthetics every single shift.
  4. Once upon a time, a Bluey started out on Alium Deathtrap. His friends were doing deep roleplay and stuff, but he just couldn't get in to it. This game was soooo complex, so much stuff he could do! Bluey was a botanist. His friend was a librarian. Bluey couldn't even figure out how to save characters yet, so his was randomized each time. He was a bald woman named Valery. (s)He said hello to their librarian friend. (s)He asked for a book. He showed them one, and (s)He took it and ran off, literally screaming "#yolo" A chase ensued. Bluey found a crowbar and began beating his librarian friend's head in. Security was called. Bluey tried to run, but he was caught! And tossed in a cell! The officer left the cuffs on, so he escaped the cuffs and started beating the window. The officer came back, flashed him, and took what was his. Now, it was obvious that this baldie was little more than a senseless griefer. But how the security officer reacted changed everything. He sat down. He talked to Bluey. He asked Bluey why he had to act this way. Bluey said he was bored and wanted to start shit. The officer explained to Bluey that he's not doing anything productive, and that he's limiting how much fun he could have by being a criminal in a cell. He used some big metaphor about Johnny Cash to convince Bluey. Bluey saw the light. He saw the wonders of roleplay. That officer was Huey Bancroft. Bluey remembers his name because he was so awesome. When Bancroft found out that Bluey was in a cell for 30 minutes for stealing a book, he waited until it was over and took Bluey straight to the therapist. Then, Bluey began to actually roleplay and he loved it. Then Bluey got banned for stabbing people with Chloral Hydrate. Then Bluey hopped servers like a bunny and got where he is today.
  5. Well, it's been fun and all. Actually, not really. It's been pretty dull. Out of the 15+ characters I have, I've only had the will to play two of them. One of them, which used to be my favorite, I can hardly get any RP out of no matter how hard I try. The other is involved exclusively in clique RP which I just can't enjoy prolonged. I even made up a grand concept for a new character and got like maybe 20 minutes of good RP out of a round with him, then got ignored. I've been having a hard time actually hitting the "Join game" button. Conversely, I've had a hard time not hitting the "Observe" or "Ghost" buttons. I just don't have the will anymore, sorry guys. I'll take some time off and focus on other games and such. If I really miss Aurora, I'll come back again. But until then, Blue is out.
  6. Blue


    I think Bay attempted to incorporate addictions but then scrapped it when you started eating potato chips and getting addicted. It's honestly better to just RP them out for now. Maybe in the future, someone can code something in character setup that makes you react to certain substances in a certain way. I dunno.
  7. Blue

    The Security Hud

    Have you tried using a screwdriver?
  8. Blue

    The Security Hud

    There's also a version that covers both eyes from RnD. Haven't played sec in a while, but unless the sprites were changed, the ones in the locker are sunglasses style.
  9. What do you dislike about this game mode? Don't just say 'everything' or 'nothing': Fucking everything oh wait, I can't say that. It's a mode based around redsuits breaking in the station and systematically making it a pain for everyone else. The security team tries in vein to stop the men with lethals with their tasers. The engineers scramble to fix the areas the ops breach, only to scream and run their asses back when they see the ops still there. Medical gets stacks upon stacks of bodies to fix and clone. Everyone else just hides and cowers. Hiding, cowering, "It's g-gonna be alright, I p-promise" RP is not fun. Do you think the things you like about this game mode are conducive and healthy to the general flow of roleplay?: Nope. Ops are designed to be stealthy, quick, and efficient. None of that in an antagonist makes anything fun. Do you think that reinforcing the things you like about this game mode would help make it better for everyone else's RP experience?: Nope. Just make people whine more about how the ops are "powerless". Are the things you dislike about this game mode highly destructive to the flow of RP?: Oh, hell yes. Do other people on this server share that sentiment? If so, how many that you know of do?: Quite a few, actually. How do you think we could 'fix' the issues that, in your opinion, make the game mode bad?: Just scrap it. It's a terrible gamemode.
  10. http://gyazo.com/256ca83cd69f457acf606c009a8cef9e Courtesy of indie.
  11. Because everybody wants to be a hero. Everybody wants to be a supercool Taj. They look at the lore, read about and oppressed, lower class species and think "I'm going to make my character above all that because". Nobody wants to play a low-caste citizen. Nobody wants to play a submissive Taj. So why bother? Oh and despite the Tajaran race having distinct advantages over humans (claws, temp resistance), and the only downside was not being able to play like 6 jobs out of the plethora they could, the players decided that no disadvantage was necessary at all. and people get really worked up about it for some reason...
  12. Blue

    IPC Language

    That's mainly a gameplay thing in my mind. It'd give traitor IPCs an astounding advantage Icly. They already have a staggering advantage on other species. And a staggering vulnerability to Ion rifles and EMPs... I dunno about a language for IPCs. I mean, Unathi and the other guys have their own language because they grew up far away from these other races. IPCs were literally made by humans. I don't see why anyone would take these machines, give them free thought and sentience, and give them their own private "tongue" that humans could not understand. Your typical paranoid human wouldn't really be too thrilled of that design.
  13. Decontamination Expert
  14. Jar'eeka is making engine fix...again.
  15. I like the old core. I don't know why we changed ours.
  16. Too many people just let command push them around though.
  17. Blue

    Regarding Heist

    No...I don't want uber-sneaky birdmen that go sneak-sneak around the station and silently take people out and steal shit. That's not fun.
  18. Mutiny has the same problems rev had. You got heads being literally Hitler, with a crew that consists of pacifists for the most part. The ones that *can* fight back are usually afraid to do so with security cracking down on them. People get upset that sec is allowed to be corrupt, people vote for transfer the minute they can, and OOC is filled with hate.
  19. Bluethunder/Xon/Robotik/whoeverhisotheraltaccountiscallednow got banned. I have a clean slate!
  20. Assuming we're still using the 1-shot stunbaton, haven't played sec in a while (Pleaaaase don't nerf them like bay did), there already isn't much room for any civilian to robust an officer with his baton out. All it takes is one click for them. The assistant is gonna have to pray to RNJ.
  21. Blue

    Ask a mod/admin!

    I believe it crashed. Pray for someone to awaken and fix it. It's back up.
  22. Well, I don't think anyone would lynch you for going for the dying guy before the break in. Okay, tips. [*]Bicaridine, Anti-Toxin, and Dermaline all heal faster in their aspects than Tricord. Use a mixture of these three for super effectiveness [*]Smoke has an ability to basically multiply the amount of a substance you can have in you. For example, if I have 10 units of Bicard and I make smoke and stand in it long enough, I'll probably have like 20 something in me. [*]You can put chemicals in cigs. They don't react unless you light them. Smoke + Chloral cigar, anyone?
  23. Good evening fellow Aurorians. After this long separation from the station, I have finally returned until the community drives me away again. Rejoice.
  24. So uh...looks like I'll be gone for a while more so uh...Bye Aurora.
  25. See you later Aurorians.
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