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Everything posted by Muncorn

  1. We've got too many FTL related companies already, as such we'll be denying this.
  2. We'll be declining this on the basis of it being completely unfeasible to have any kind of man-made structure cover an entire planet, much less one that is just an amusement park and similar attractions.
  3. As that's the only thing you've brought up, that bodes well overall. As for the name, let me make some things clear, mainly for myself. By AI, I'm presuming you mean AI in the level of complexity that Skrellian technology allowed us to have. Presuming that, before that point there will have still been rudimentary AI as a lack of it would make very little sense as we already have it in present day to a certain extent. The most common usage of this AI will have been fairly trivial, perhaps to help answer basic questions or as a cheap alternative to an MMI or Cyborg, as those have existed since 2200 or so. The Positronic Brain will have come about as a replacement for microchips and not in particularly as a sole facilitator of AI. Due to its function being both similar and inspired by Asimov's Positronic Brain, and it having a fairly large, cuboid shape which very vaguely resembles a brain, the term was coined and used even if it didn't do anything like you'd expect a brain to do. The eventual relevance of it being called a brain would likely have been quite unknown to Professor James Molikeev at the time, much as Asimov would never have expected his dreams to become reality. I hope that covers it.
  4. You're fine to use this for one of your own small tribes, but as a whole it doesn't fit into the overall theme Boot tries to convey with the Unathi.
  5. We won't be officially canonising this application, though you are free to use the lore in your own wiz adventures onstation.
  6. This app is being canonised, since I see no problem with it and Jackboot couldn't understand it. An abbreviated form of it will be placed on the wiki when possible, and feel free to refer to this app if anyone inquires as to slime lore.
  7. Cake is currently in the process of getting this integrated in some manner, so I'll be archiving this now.
  8. Cake is currently in the process of getting this integrated in some manner, so I'll be archiving this now.
  9. As per Jackboot's weird thingy, all frontier planets are automatically canon until otherwise stated. You can personally bug the wiki maintainers if you really want it on the wiki, but best course of action is to place this lore in a more easily accessible part of the forum and direct people there. I'll be archiving this post.
  10. This is apparantly semi-canonized, so I'll be archiving it for now. If you want to check up on the canonization process or make changes, contact Mofo1995 directly, or another member of the loreteam.
  11. This sort of technology has massive limitations even with the sci-fi setting we use. As much as we'd like to simply circumvent these limitations and put this through, it overrules a decent portion of AI lore by making much of our groundwork redundant, so it's against our best interests to accept this. As such, I'll be denying this, though it'll be kept in mind.
  12. Time Travel, it's always a finicky subject, and not one many of us ever want to deal with. It took me a good number of reads to actually understand what you wanted out of this, and that outcome seems overly frivolous. I'm perfectly happy for you to use this as headcanon, but I won't be putting it forward onto the wiki anytime soon.
  13. I'm going to put this through and add it to the list of things I'll bug the wiki devs about. It'll likely undergo some changes from it's current form.
  14. Lore is placed on the wiki and is currently a work in progress. Please pursue further updates to the page: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Notable_Skrell_Martial_Arts personally with the dev in charge.
  15. If you'd like to see this placed on the wiki, please talk to the wiki maintainer team. Otherwise, feel free to repost this lore to the general section or somewhere equivalent so it can stay relevant. This app will be archived to stop clutter of the subforum.
  16. If you'd like to see this placed on the wiki, please talk to the wiki maintainer team. Otherwise, feel free to repost this lore to the general section or somewhere equivalent so it can stay relevant. This app will be archived to stop clutter of the subforum.
  17. Creator has requested application be closed due to inactivity and lack of current relevance.
  18. This lore is currently a work in progress, and a start to it has been put on the wiki. As such, I'll archive this to stop any more clutter of the board. If you want to see more progress on this, contact a member of the Lore team if possible (preferably Loow, as he is in charge of the Skrell) or a member of the wiki team.
  19. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): Synthetic Lore Founding/Settlement Date (if applicable): 23rd Century Region of Space: Mars Controlled by (if not a faction): Null Other Snapshot information: General lore concerning Positronic Brain functions. Long Description:
  20. Ckey/BYOND Username: The Muncorn (Muncorn#5016 for Discord) Position Being Applied For: Person that does the lore canonization apps or whatever. Past Experiences/Knowledge: Worked as Synth loredev for a little bit, stopped due to inactivity and lack of commitment in the role. Same goes for me as a Moderator. Looks bad, is bad, but I do enjoy this server and one thing that I've always enjoyed has been the lore. A job such as this would be something I quite enjoy, and have been wanting done for far too long. Examples of Past Work: I've got my own two Lore Canonization apps up right now, which are listed below. I've additionally got some tidbits of synth lore that Cake assures me will one day be completely canon. https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=8554 https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=7514 Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.): Discord. Additional Comments: As much as I'm somewhat unsure of what the role entails (And Jackboot did semi-advise I apply) I'm sure I can work it out.
  21. How long a rule has been being broken for by somebody makes no difference on how we deal with it when we finally do deal with it. But lets go through fully what happened. When I first saw you come on as Ned Ed, I pointed it out in staffchat as I was somewhat unsure if we should allow it. We decided that no, it was a little too silly, so I first PM'd you and gave the reasoning that is was fairly silly, and not something we're looking for in the atmosphere we make on this server. You argued, but I stood my ground and made the decision, applied the note and left it at that. The argument that you've used the name for ages means nearly nothing, no staff on at the time had ever seen you before either IC or even OOC, and nobody came to your defense. So that was cleared, and I thought it done with for a good while. Then, a few days ago I believe, I come on the server to see Alberyk talking to you about the name Ned Ed, much to my surprise. Alberyk was not one of those admins present in the first incident, so we do now have 2 separate staff members talking to you about the same issue, and at the same time you decided to go against what I specifically told you to do at that earlier point; change your name. And this was a deliberate action to keep it from what I can tell. I'm sure that conversation with Alberyk is what sparked this complaint, and you did quite seemingly go directly against staff wishes. I'll see what Garn will decide on this, and [mention]Alberyk[/mention] would do well to chime in as well, if possible.
  22. You actually brought up something I've had an issue with. Many people (myself included, sadly enough) do not know enough about the xeno species whether they play it or not. No skrell player knows anything about Querrbalak (or however it's spelled, honestly forgotten), few Unathi players can recount exactly how Guwandi and Guwan's differ and the reasons behind both. It's annoying as characters should know this, so I'd propose something that I've thought about in the past, which would at least ensure to some degree whitelisted players know their species better. Currently to get a whitelist you need to show you can incorporate your xeno character into the backstory, and show that you've at least skimmed a page of the wiki. I would propose that in whitelist applications, each loredev puts in a specific set of questions for each race for the whitelistee to answer. Nothing too difficult, just stuff you should know after reading the wiki to a decent level, and maybe even throw some more recent stuff in if you're feeling edgy. These questions could range from "What are the four biological types of Vaucra", or "What year did Glorsh reach singularity?" and so on. Nothing too difficult, but knowledge nearly always essential to that species. I'm not sure if we could; or even should; apply this to head of staff whitelists, I might consider it, but I personally believe this is something we could at least try out, for now.
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