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Everything posted by Muncorn
[Resolved] Admin Abuse and other boogaloo.
Muncorn replied to Yacobpo157's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
I'm not going to read through your entire complaint, nor the replies already here. I'm a bit busy, and I can take a good guess at what you said. I was the Ninja in this round, and I will fully admit that I was stupid, salty and arrogant after I got staff of changed. I was angry at the wizard primarily, and at you secondarily for taking all my stuff without a word. Alb gave me the pseudo-respawn because I did not want to play as some random fucker after I'd spent that long making the character I had. So I came back on as the new Ninja, and did my stuff and had some fun. The situation with me getting a second lease of antaggery is per the norm, me being staff or not. I am honestly quite sure Alb didn't even want to give it to me, but he was busy and went with the easy choice, and I fully believe Alb did nothing wrong in this scenario, and Shame simply said what needed to be said, any staff member would've said the same to you. So lets consider something. I said earlier that I was angry at both you and the wizard after what happened. We know what you did after this, which was unload a level of salt the dead sea would be proud of. What did the wizard do? He apologised, and he carried on making the round enjoyable. He was genuinely nice despite the fuck-up he had and him being quite new, and I'm happy to see that he put some effort in and made the round more enjoyable for everyone else, even including myself after a point. You, however, raged in LOOC and deadchat even after being told to stop, then moved that anger into PM's, then refused to listen to half of what was said to you. I'll now address something you talked about in your PM's. You said how staff complaints are always bias and never resolved, which is why I'm slightly surprised to see you still put this up. Let me tell you why most staff complaints don't go through. 1: Half of them are stupid. Not much the case on this one as much as I'd want to argue otherwise, many of the complaints we get are ridiculous or misunderstandings due to the reporting players stupidity or ignorance. Perfect example is the staff complaint by Nanako on myself, that was a fun show. 2: Lack of information. The staff often make conclusions and decisions in a manner of thinking the general playerbase are completely unaware of, not because we don't tell them it's that it's just quite complicated and nuanced. Secondly, many things go on that a complaining player could not know of, like staff discussions, logs, other IC stuff outwith their knowledge. This can lead to getting an answer that is far different than the complaining player, and quite often it is too much of a hassle to fully convey that information to the players themselves. This is the case here, but no.3 also plays a part. 3: Although we really shouldn't, the attitude of the player complaining does play a lot into this. You made it very clear to us the moment you started yor LOOC salt that you were not going to be fun to interact with, nor to deal with in the long term. We get people like you very often, and they tend to either leave, calm themselves or end up permabanned. Choose which one you want to be, we will not choose for you. I think that'll do on my end. G'day. -
I made it clear to my recall of my dislike of Gutter, back in my previous; though still current; rework of languages (https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=7514). I have sat on that for a while, as despite my dislike I was both scared to attempt a change, knowing of the backlash I could likely get, and at the same time not even knowing what to change. But, today, in my half asleep state of mind I have found the answer to fixing both Gutter and Tradeband for the better, while making as many people as possible happy... I hope. Current Form Oooooohhh boy. I'm making this just after the rework of Gutter, aint that just dandy. Gutter used to be a language made and used by criminals and slummers, and was an amalgamation of about 7 different languages. It has now been Reformed!; for the better of course; by having it not be made by criminals and instead just by slummers, and it now has 2 names. Look at that effort, good shit boys. For your benefit, I'll put the wiki descriptions of Tradeband and Gutter down here, and for your wellbeing I'll tell you why it's ridiculous while attempting not to rehash what I said in my old rework. Tradeband An offshoot of Tau Ceti Basic, which incorporates stronger French, Spanish, Portuguese, Cantonese and Swiss elements, with some Dutch, Italian and Latin influences A 'flowery, elegant' language, Tradeband is thought to have evolved out of a dialect of Tau Ceti Basic which traders used when bargaining for goods and negotiating prices amongst each other Freespeak An offshoot of Sol Common, which incorporates stronger English, Russian, Punjabi and Hindi elements, with some hints of Swahili A 'rough, informal' language, Gutter is believed to have evolved in Martian slums, quickly spreading throughout the Galaxy Wowzers, look at those beauties. Only a monolinguist could make those up (For clarification, I'm Scottish. I can say thank you in 3 languages, and 2 of those are English). Let's go through the problems shall we: 1:- Let me simply quote the first problem stated in the old rework, because who wants to do work right guys? I think that works well enough. Onto the next. 2:- I was going to have the history channel guy here, but the image fucked up. So lemme say here: Aliens As I clarified in the other rework, for a language to definitely be speakable by aliens it needs to be mostly spoken using throat and tongue movements, preferably the back of the tongue. Tip of the tongue and lip movements can't be guaranteed, though are possible. It's iffy, but since we agree they can't speak English, I have a standard, and the reworks meet them to a workable extent, which I'll extrapolate individually for each. 3:- There are several more minor problems, but I'll address those later on. Gutter The best way of doing this is giving a simple backstory of the formation of Gutter as per my change, the I'll compare and contrast it to it's original, and explain the differences and advantages. Lets go boys. Apologies for the shoddy work on that, hope the gist of it is there. In summary, it's a simple language, easily spoken and prevalant in the frontier primarily. It still has some speakers in central space, but not as common for sure. Lets get onto differences. Linguistic Structure: Originally Gutter was an amalgamation of like, 9 different languages. I've spoken with many multi-linguists, both casual and those trained in teaching and the like, and all have agreed that simply does not happen. Duo-root languages can happen, though rarely, but for more than 3 languages to combine is ridiculous. The new structure is simply an evolution of an older language, which happens quite often and especially so in rapidly evolving communities, which is the case of the population of early Mars settlements. This structure simply works better overall, and is actually believable, unlike the original monstrosity. Origin Story: Every hero needs an origin story. Sadly, Gutter was no hero, it was simply a mistake born out of a want for something fun that got put into the wrong hands. It now has a call to glory, some like, half arsed backstory that's believable and gives the language a root. Admittedly, all I did for this part was expand on what the wiki said, but who cares about details, sshush shush. Written Form: "Who cares about the written form of the language Mun, you can't even write ingame.", says the person that cannot read my mind and thus know that's next in line for lore/code requests. Old Gutter actually couldn't be written, that was confirmed to me a while ago by... Probably Jackboot, not sure. Freespeak does now have a written form, that being a form of Devenagari (Or whatever, I don't know Hindi shut up) suited to match the new form of the spoken language. However, it's only known by few, due to it's relatively complex and even new nature, and the simple aspect that many people that speak gutter either don't need to write it, or only need to write to other people that don't speak it like employers or similar. But it exists, so there's that. Alien Speech: Old Gutter made no sense, for the same reason "Old" Tau Ceti Basic made no sense. Why can Aliens speak Tau Ceti Basic and Gutter, which both use mixes of similar languages, but can't physically speak Sol Common, which uses the same mix of similar languages? It made no sense. New Gutter however is mainly vocal sounds due to pure coincidence as it evolved as a language, and totally not designed like that so I could avoid making up some reason for it to be that way. I think that's it all covered. Feel free to ask for more in- Wait a second, forgot Tradeband... ... Tradeband Aww shit nig*a. This one's fun, as I've already been threatened by Nursie over it. Lets jump into it, same shit as last time. Wow, look at that shit. In summary, it's an Italian based language with smooth, pleasant sounding vocals that still functions well enough for Aliens to spe-Woops, too early. Linguistic Structure: Old Tradeband had the same problems as Gutter, where it made no actual sense. This new version kind of makes sense, but I am open to people posing suggestions and changes for it, as it is somewhat of a stand in for something more reasonable. So like, yeah. Origin Story: Not much has changed, but fleshing out and adapting to fit the changes to TCB I made, as I'm presuming that is accepted in conjunction with this, if anything. Written Form: Original Tradeband probably had a written for, and I doubt a single person ever cared if it did. New Tradeband does have written form, looking more like a simplified and edited version of old Italian, with some minor quirks and more modern influences. Alien Speech: Much like Gutter, it is mostly back of the throat and lower tongue based sounds, but does incorporate several sounds that aliens, primarily Unathi, may find somewhat difficult. It is noted that whilst Tajara, Unathi and Vaucra can speak it, they each have some difficulty doing it effectively. ------------------- That's it... Not as detailed as I might hope, I am tired after all. I am fully open to suggestions, and fully welcome both praise and criticisms of this. Wish you all, good day.
[Rescinded] Reyntime13's IPC application
Muncorn replied to ReynTheLord's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I'm going to preface this breakdown quite simply. I've seen several of your characters around in both an IC and OOC perspective, and no matter what I have quite cleanly despised them. Whittier has caused a good deal of OOC trouble in the past as you full well know, and IC is a pain to even listen to, much less work with. Cherry is the epitomy of stereotypical "I'm a security gal" and Basinger; despite me not remembering anything about them; just makes me feel off by remembering the name. But, I'll digress onto the actual breakdown, though it's not going to be any more pleasent. Your reason for wanting to play the race is a bland as it gets, and something we've seen a thousand times before. There's nothing standing out saying you'll be outstanding in the species RP or anything of the kind, and from experience with others that have said much the same as you have here, you'll simply either play the race very rarely, or play it all the time and make everybody hate your characters, and that's presuming this gets accepted. Your explanation of the differences in roleplay is essentially a direct rip from what it says on the front wiki page on them and does nothing to show me your understand the nuances to their being. You say nothing of their different modes of thinking, the way they process morals differences, their limitations and advantages compared to humans or even other species, or even the more direct interactions between species. The character: Cons: - I'm going to make the presumption this is an Industrial IPC, as you make no reference to what kind of model it actually is. If it's not an Industrial however, it brings up a whole other load of problems. - Who are his manufacturers? This can make a large difference both to yourself and to those roleplaying with you, simply waving off whoever built the model is simply lazy and in utter bad form. - What makes this unit different than the other thousands of security designated IPC's out there? Simply saying he was 'made to be intelligent in these regards' does nothing to tell us what this units capabilities and limits are, all it tells us is that the only thought you've put into this is 'I wanna play an IPC and have an excuse to powergame'. It's just disappointing. - "Sold to NanoTrasen as a security machine as the start of a trade deal". Ignoring the horrific wording of this, what trade deal? What are the exacts of it, what else is going on in regards to it? You could've just said the unit was sold to NanoTrasen, or even rented, and be done with it, but instead you decide to make it some trade deal for no discernable reason? - "DATEN went through security training for the sake of formality". This is yet again showing me you don't understand at all how IPC's actually function and think, however this isn't a fairly commonly known one so it's actually not all that bad. As much as IPC's can be programmed and instantly taught skills, doing so is difficult and expensive, so what will generally happen is they are given basics and then actually taught the rest, as nearly all positronic units will have the capability to learn, and at a much higher rate than humans. So you may want to take that into account. - Detaining a group of rioters singlehandedly... I'm not even going to bother going through the multitude of reasons this is stupid, if you can't realise it yourself I'll start questioning your ability to play security as a whole, much less IPC. - Also, they detained a group of rioters whilst working with NanoTrasen? Where? When? Did they work at a NanoTrasen facility before the station? What was the riot about, what was the outcome of it? You have too many points here that have no detail in them or are simply glossed over as irrelevant for no reason, it's simply stupid. - They were granted free will? I don't know what you mean by that, and I don't even think you do. Free will implies one of two things in this scenario: 1; They are able to think freely and openly compared to linear though, which while that's quite normal you imply that this free will was granted newly upon being given to NanoTrasen. 2; They were granted actual legal freedom, but this contradicts yourself when you say they were sold (or traded, as you so put it) to NanoTrasen, so yet again makes no sense. It just looks like you bunged the term in there because you knew it was getting discussed with synths a lot so you thought it might help you along. Pros: - I'm not even gonna lie, there aren't any. I've been playing SS13 for nearly 3 years, all on HRP and have proven myself to be one of the most stable roleplayers on the server, and I'll still only rate myself as a 7-8/10 at roleplaying. Don't overexaggurate yourself, it makes you look worse. -
I'll put a small aside, mainly in responce to Sonic's more recent post. The self-destruct is nearly exclusively used to destroy synthunits that are an active threat, and that are unable to be easily taken down. Only time I've seen it used otherwise (barring this occasion) is in stupid manners that required admin intervention much like this, or an antag doing it themselves to take down a possible threat (Even seen malfs do it to their own borgs as a weapon, though that's a rare scenario). Ridding of the feature would be a detriment and a problem in many scenarios, and that's why it's there. No circumstance will lead to it's removal.
[Accepted] Crozarius' Industrial Frame Application
Muncorn replied to Crozarius's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
So, not read through it all as I write this, but the sheer amount of text is already a good sign. I'm going to be going full ham on this, so let's have some fun. Before I start though, what AI did you play on UT? As much as I recall your ckey, I've always been better with remembering the chars from back then. Either way, let's get to it. First off, all IPC's are included within one app, so stating it's an industrial frame isn't too needed apart from within the char description. It's a common mistake, but something to keep in mind. You're bringing up some differences even I had hardly thought about, which is honestly impressive. As much as most models likely can't do a 180 torso spin, you seem to have a clear grasp of what an IPC is about. Do note, however, unless you're playing as some down in the dumps cheap-ass model, they don't run on oil or have gas cooling systems. They've got internal batteries (this is an ingame requirement actually) and simply don't overheat in normal circumstances, though Industrials and Shells might have some basic cooling systems. As for their shape, you bring up a good point. There is a general standard for them to be humanoid, and the game sprites don't allow for much change in how you look, but everything you say that is pretty accurate, but conveying it IC may be a little difficult if that's your intention. Now onto your character, I'll go through the good points first, then move onto the problems I see with it: 1: I've seen a lot of IPC apps in my time here, both in my time as IPC overseer and else wise, and in all that time I have seen 2 other apps that created a reasonably designed company for their backstory. One was Coalf's I believe, and he only half mentioned it. The other was myself, and that was the same company as Coalf. So this is honestly quite pleasent to see. On top of that, it's believable, it's a nicely made company, and I just like it overall. 2: I'm going to presume this is a security IPC, going off of what you say here. Presuming that, it's nice to see a IPC going into security that isn't some robocop-esque machine that is in the top of it's form. This one's old, faded and been around a fair bit, but still should do it's job decently enough. 3: Leslie's a nice name for an IPC. Now for the bad points: 1: Overall I very much enjoy this application, and I see no reason why it shouldn't go through. I look forward to seeing you play and to boss you around as my Skrell HoS. -
Interview is here: https://pastebin.com/gy64H3L2 Went well, and we've learnt I am never doing another interview again, cuz' I'm awful.
[Retracted] Complete Garbage's Moderator Application
Muncorn replied to a topic in Moderator Applications Archives
We've had discussions in the staffchat concerning your app, and I'd like to go over some points. Also, you were right, you've got no recorded bans and also no notes this year, so good on you for that one. But, lets get to it with the questions. 1: How do you feel that the behaviour of the moderator team affects the server as a whole? Is it largely impactful, of little importance or something else entirely? And what impact could bad moderator behaviour have on the server? 2: How effective are you at working with others? 3: Outwith the summer holidays, how much time do you tend to spend on the server? 4: Have you moderated/adminned for anything outwith SS13, and if so, what was your experience with that? Now for some scenarios. 1: Somebody has ahelped to alert that there's an assistant milling around and is seemingly quite new, and this is reaffirmed when you talk to them. They have read the rules, but haven't played on HRP before. How would you proceed with this? 1.5: Situation is the same as above, but the player instead notes they were looking for a Low Roleplay environment. How do you proceed? 2: A player ahelps asking questions about a game mechanic you are unfamiliar with, and no other staff are online. How would you proceed? 3: You have been dealing with an issue concerning a player for a while, and they are refusing to accept responsibility for their actions and continue to argue with you over PM's, and even send it into Dsay/LOOC. How do you proceed with this? That should be all for now, feel free to be as brief or detailed as you want. I look forward to seeing your response. -
[Accepted] pikl's Moderator Application
Muncorn replied to pickled_tomato's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
We've had short discussions in the staffchat, and it's overall it's been quite positive towards your app, so I'd like to run through some small questions and scenarios, to see what you think of them. Before that, I'd like to bring to light that your only note is very minor, which is a very good thing to see off of the bat. 1: How do you feel that the behaviour of the moderator team affects the server as a whole? Is it largely impactful, of little importance or something else entirely? And what impact could bad moderator behaviour have on the server? 2: How effective are you at working with others? Now onto a few scenarios. 1: Somebody has ahelped to alert that there's an assistant milling around and is seemingly quite new, and this is reaffirmed when you talk to them. They have read the rules, but haven't played on HRP before. How would you proceed with this? 1.5: Situation is the same as above, but the player instead notes they were looking for a Low Roleplay environment. How do you proceed? 2: A player ahelps asking questions about a game mechanic you are unfamiliar with, and no other staff are online. How would you proceed? 3: You have been dealing with an issue concerning a player for a while, and they are refusing to accept responsibility for their actions and continue to argue with you over PM's, and even send it into Dsay/LOOC. How do you proceed with this? That should be all for now, feel free to be as brief or detailed as you want. Either way, it's looking positive, personally looking forward to seeing this go further. -
[Rescinded] Calion's IPC application
Muncorn replied to calion12's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
So. Reading through this, it threw up some red flags nearly immediately. I've seen you around, nothing bad on the RP or OOC front, but this character just reeks of problems you see in half the apps that come up. So let's dig through them. 1: Your reasons for playing are worrying. Wanting to have a race just so you can play Asimov synths isn't a good thing. IC'ly synths in any form don't go around contemplating existence on a daily basis. They're made for work in most aspects, or otherwise have a role to fill. As a synthetic, that leaves little to wonder about. It's the reason the old Bay synthetic religion following Tahleenah was always a little silly, there's no reason properly made synths would even bother to follow a deity in any sort, since it just distracts from functions. 2: You'd hit hard upon the biggest flaw in nearly every single whitelist application ever made, and one I try to hammer in as much as possible. The point of a species whitelist app is to show your understanding of the species. We only slightly care about your ability to make a character, or how well you understand the OOC influence of the race. Through this app, I see nothing to show you fully understand the historical purpose of synthetics as workers, and how they've come into the more modern light as sentients of their own in a sort; and nor do I see any indication you understand the more recent conflicts between pro- and anti-synths, and the affects it's had. Try to get some insight into this, either from your own point of view, or even from how your character sees it. 3: Speaking of your character, I'm slightly worried you didn't quite read into the timeline properly. The phrase; "He faced open distrust due to his situation of being an IPC when the glorsh rebellions and humanity's research were still fresh in people's minds." Is both confusing and nonsensical. Within the lore, the ability to make Positronic Brains (Or at least the capability to have synthetics in the complexity we have onstation, the lore isn't overly clear on it) only came within the last 50 years, in 2412 or something like that to my instant recall. That's some 300 years after the glorsh rebellion, and considering he didn't even seem to be functioning within Skrellian space in all likelihood, it would be inconsequential what the Skrell thing. And as for Human Research? What do you mean? There's so many things this could imply it's meaning holds literally no relevance without some explanation, so an explanation would be nice. 3.1: So... Why was he abused on the frontier? Presumably he was designed originally for a certain purpose, which you declined to actually state, though you could presume a general model with capabilities for imprinting. If that is the case, they would have basic combat capabilities as per Mercer's imprinting. If so, they'd be semi-useful, and overall there seems to be little reason for the abuse you mentioned other than to just add something to the character. Why were they not, say, with a group of raiders that looted cargo freighters in the frontier, or part of a security detail for a cartel boss or a rich guy living out there? There's a lot of opportunities for character backstories, you don't need to always go for the cliche. 4: So, who was this friend that converted him into a shell? It costs a fair bit to do that, to convert a chassis into one capable of using and conforming to synthskin, as well the acquiring the software needed for more Shell like properties. It feels like you just glossed over a significant part of this backstory that could've helped add depth to the character and show us you've really thought this out. 5: I can understand a synth undergoing training. But presumably, someone that has the capabilities to refit a baseline to a shell and to then convert the posibrain as well to adapt to it, could similarly get a premade program with basic combat skills, which could then be more easily honed. Years of training isn't needed for synths in most cases. I'm starting to realise I always dig in too hard on these, but I'm hoping this helped. If you have any questions concerning synths that you can't find answers to, you are able to contact the synth loredev (Cake, the Mod) or even myself, as I'm fairly involved in IPC lore and all myself. -
[Declined] Muncorn's Unathi Whitelist App
Muncorn replied to Muncorn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
As it does say in the backstory, he left before going through the legal process of becoming a Guwan. His family may have still had it legally gone through, but he hasn't seen them since that point and either way, would not take up the mantle. By design this is an awfully brash character, and I'm expecting not a single person to like them in character and quite possibly out of character as well, and that's in many ways intentional. However, I'll add the second character to the app in a little bit, so you can at least use that one as a judgement. -
BYOND Key: The Muncorn Character Names: Archer (AI, borg); Korlyarn'Lyuil-Falaan Juol; Aoife Syion Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Some point between Red and Black, not 100% sure yet. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've always been quite interested in Unathi, but to this point never had too much want to play them. They had seemed rather plain and boring, consisting of stereotypes and nothing much more. However, when I moved to Aurora I looked into the lore here and learned a decent bit, that it was, in fact, multiple stereotypes put together and then changed to sound better than they were, and this was quite nice. Recently though I've done some extra research into it, and additionally came up with an idea I thought would be quite nice, so I thought this would be a good time for this. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Unathi are often equated to the tribal groups within Africa in it's past during colonial times, and to a lesser extent in the present day. This isn't too surprising, as they're quite likely based off of it, however, they hold some large differences. Unathi are largely honourific, and value family values and tribal honour above all else and is the main driving point between most modern conflicts within the species. They also have the interesting factor of the Guwandi and the Guwan, which were what initially peaked my interest and is still what I'm focusing on with at least this character, though I have one or two others which are more accustomed to my overtly boring style. However, this all ends in having to nearly always roleplay a vastly different style than to any other species, having to moreso consider your tribe and family than a human might have to when doing certain acts. The two characters are below. First is Sskardar, the original applicant character and the, uh, debatably designed one. Second is a lot more basic and less likely to annoy Jackboot. What do you like about this character? He's, different. On the off chance Jackboot doesn't decide this character stupid and has me revert to my second idea, it'd create a valuable area of roleplay I don't think we've seen yet, a Unathi who goes against the traditions quite firmly despite all thats comes against him to make him stop. What do you dislike about this character? It could flop. I always take a risk with gimmicky characters, and many times before have I started playing a character I enjoyed designing and then hating the act of rolpelaying them onstation. Hopefully this won't happen here, but there's a good few parts to the character I don't quite enjoy, so we'll see. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd rate myself as a good roleplayer, as I put far too much effort into every single character I create. I however do have a few bad habits, though nothing too massive I hope. So I'd say 8-9/10. Notes: I have a secondary character made up that's a bit safer, if you would like me to use that instead. Please just ask and I'll provide.
[Resolved] Player Complaint: Muncorn
Muncorn replied to Tequilajoe's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
So, I'm going to preface this simply. Yes, it's a meme, yes it's quite stupid. However, I'm going to make a defense on roughly three points. First off, this character does actually have story, character, and design. An author and magical adventurer, they take the name Spess Wizwoz as their publishing name as it sells better than her birthname, which is far, far too long for me to write down here. The character is overall extremely silly, due to the fact she's had no reason, stimulus or way to change how she acts since she was at least 12, for a large variety of factors which I won't get into. Secondly, this is a one off character. I've played her twice before, neither time on this server, and both times it was enjoyable for everyone involved. It's silly, it's fun, and I saw not a single person complain this entire round barring you. Antags are meant to make things interesting and fun, and I'm very sure I managed to do so. So the purpose has been fulfilled there. Thirdly, that was quite honestly my third wiz round of the day, technically. And all my normal gimmicks were used up, so I went back to a classic. Was it a mistake? Probably. Do I regret it? Definitely not. I'll also note, none of the staff cared when I did it, and they knew from the start. Not going pointing names, but overall this was an okayed thing to do. Unless I see more people piping up in complaint, I'll stand by this having been a good and wholesome round. -
I lied, they're not simple For a while, I've been using my records format, as many of you may know by my constant spouting of how it's better than Sierra's. All respect for Sierra's generator, but I always felt it lacked detail. So then, this monstrosity happened, and I'm gonna share it. This'll consist of two parts, first version which is an empty template, second which is a filled in mock record made purely for this. This is all three main records, and the exploitable format will be here, however it's shit. I hate it, and it's only here because I want feedback on it. It's ugly, it's short, and it feels inadequate. But anyways, let's get to it. Employment Record Format Medical Record Format Security Record Format That's the formats. Now for a completed and workable example. Employment Record Example Medical Record Example Security Records Example Now, some tips on good record making. 1: Cross Reference. Make sure that all your dates line up with both each other, and a reasonable level of realism. 2: Keep it simple. Abbreviate, cut short, and even just refer to non-existent external files if you need to. If you don't, you may find you run out of space, as the records do have a limit, remember. 3: Make it believable, even if it seems silly. This mainly applies for the previous jobs, arrest history and education. Make up some places and such, even if the names are basic or somewhat silly, use them! Mostly for schools I stick to just the city they're in (Say, Olympia) and then take the level of education (Say, University) and then clump them together (Olympia University). You can add variety, like saying Olympia University of Medicine/Law/Robotics/Science, etc., but just make it semi-believable. Now, the finale of shittiness, the exploitable records. Shite Stuff Hope you're happy. Feel free to ask me any questions about this, or for advice on records or even flavour texts, since I do those too.
[Denied] Unathi Whitelist 2.0
Muncorn replied to Ethan Malakay's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Schev covers some good points here, and I'll expand on them here. But overall, this looks like an app you made in 5 minutes after reading the wiki page once, so I'm not overly impressed. 1: Fix your grammar and spelling. Reading through this is a tedium, as I'm forced to decipher your intended meaning every second sentence whilst reading through your backstory. 2: Expand on your answers. It tells you to write one paragraph minimum per section, and you hardly reached the maximum for any of it. Look through other people's applications to see what they write on those questions if you're not sure on it. 3: The only thing that interests you are their actions? On top of that being a lackluster answer on the face of it, it's overly broad in its scope. What actions, lore actions like the clans and political situations; the character actions like higher levels of aggression; or even the gameplay actions such as the sprinting mechanics and so on. Extrapolate on this when you go through point 2. 4: Your backstory is lackluster. It's short and lacks the detail which is the main point of an application in finding how well you know the lore of the species. I see nothing here that shows me you've studied the lore more than a quick glance and deciding you'd go with the default. You need more detail, and you need to show knowledge of the species far, far better than you have here. 5: Your backstory is boring. This was Schev's main point, which is that your Unathi is using the most aggressively unoriginal backstory you could possibly make. To make this easy, I'll list all the main problems with the backstory, and a way to possibly improve on it. - One thing before I start, you're naming is inconsistent. You say they're called N'dira K'res, but you then refer to them as K'hra Hor in the first sentence. Fix that. - Fighting lessons, wew this is fun. To my knowledge (and I must admit, my Unathi knowledge is lackluster) interclan battles and warring have largely stopped due to the rising modern state of the hegemony. Either way, it's boring to have this be the main point of your character since it's so common among other Unathi. Try for something a little more interesting and show that you know the lore. Maybe they grew up in the Moghues capital (whatever it's called, I dunno), since I'm yet to see a single Unathi to come from there in my time looking at apps and playing the game. Just having 'oh, he knows how to fight, and uuuuuh, family got killed' is a boring, stupid cop out for people that don't know anything interesting to do with their characters. - Okay, so this point should be mute if you take the previous point of advice, but why would a father that's trained your character for his entire life to fight and be with his clan, then suddenly send him off to university. It makes no sense, and you seem to have failed to consider multiple factors. 1, he likely never had schooling before university, so would need some before he could begin medical training; 2, why medicine? It seems out of the blue and far apart from anything he's done before. It's exceptionally hard even for humans (and Unathi on average have a lower IQ than humans, and I expect a village raised warrior wouldn't be an exception) and thus doing something like management or finance/economics would make more sense, or even something simpler like engineering or low level research in some fashion. It's up to you if you want to keep him in medicine, but it still seems silly; 3, NanoTrasen paid? Why? How did they learn about him, did he apply, what? It makes no sense, especially when you consider NanoTrasen would (possibly) give funding for education only in return for him working for them for a decent length of time. From the looks of it here, was there intention for him to work for them? Or was he simply going to go it alone and NanoTrasen now just lost thousands on a person they'll never see again. It's ridiculous; 4, Here's the crux problem of your character. You seem to have made them and realised he'd have no inclination to leave his clan and go work, so instead of reworking the character so he'd be dedicated to work, you just killed off the clan. On top of that, the clan got killed by mercenaries? Bullshit. Mercenaries are paid thugs, they're not pirates in any sense. Even if they were pirates, you have to ask yourself 1: Why were they there, and 2: Why would they raid a bunch of Unathi, there's nothing to gain. They're likely poor, judging from your comment on the lack of food, isolated judging by the first sentence, and overall not worth jack. Think of something reasonable, I don't even know at this point. - His sister? Okay, first off, is she played by another person? If so, who, because I'll need to talk to them about this backstory as well. If not, you're just going to pretend they work there? Sure, I guess, but make sure to consider some points. 1: Is she educated in any way, either way; 2: Why would NanoTrasen hire her, since I'm going off the presumption the clans still alive, as I'm not accepting your current version of events. And do note, they would not hire her unless it was worth it, and for the most part it wouldn't be worth hiring an uneducated unathi girl from a downtrodden clan in an isolated part of Moghues. So think about it. - Sidenote, why didn't he fight with his clan, presuming that raid did happen. Why not fight, he's 29, no child and thus perfectly capable of joining the defense of his family and home. It's seems forced and ill thought out, as is the running trend. 6. That name is bad. You can disregard this point if you want, but that just seems like a weird, weird name. It's got 2 single letters as the start of the words, which I have never seen before in player characters or lore. Only place i've seen that is in Skrellian place names. So maybe put some consideration into that. That's me done. I hope to god I've not just wasted my time on this. Put some effort into it, you're a iffy roleplayer with room to improve, and I'd like to see it happen. -
[Accepted] Keinto IPC Application
Muncorn replied to keinto's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I quite like this idea, but a few points I could think of to improve on after a quick think on it. 1: From the looks of it, you seem to plan on having multiple IPC's for each role (If you don't, do note you cannot hop from job to job without some serious explanation) then make sure you have multiple identifications for these IPC'S, such as a common naming algorithm (SA-1 for example). This would make sure confusion for admins and players alike is avoided. 2: Some more backstory would be for the best. Perhaps explain the company SBE a little more, or even extrapolate on how SA would work and function socially and mechanically. 3: Some fleshing out of your other answers would be for the best as well, as they're quite lackluster. Look at some previous IPC apps if you want some pointers, my own app from a while ago shows something very akin to what you're planning: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=7177 4: Include your Byond Key please, you seem to have missed it out. -
Examples of past work would be previous wiki's you have helped work on before, and examples as such, or at least some guides you may have made in the past. However, we currently have 2 wiki devs already, so I don't see this getting massively far, however who knows, Jackboot works in mysterious ways.
[DENIED] Benl8561's IPC Application
Muncorn replied to Benl8561's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Woops, missed this one by a mile. But, you missed the deadline, so I'm going to deny this app. Feel free to re-apply when you feel you can take the advice into hand, or you've spoken to me beforehand. -
[ACCEPTED] IPC Whitelist Application
Muncorn replied to DeBelgian's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Yeah, I feel you on forgetting to write down all your thoughts. There'd likely be spaceports all across the place, of varying sizes. my best bet for you is to say that a small Martian or Biesellite spaceport; likely in a vaguely named place, feel free to PM me if you want some more pointers; and Steele was hired by the port owners from NT at a decent price. But overall, this seems fine. You show some clear determination, so I'm gonna pop your whitelist through just now. Do remember though, these are given on an easy to get, easy to lose basis, keep things good and you'll do well. -
[Declined] Unathi Whitelist appeal
Muncorn replied to Ethan Malakay's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
There's a distinct lack of understanding here. Both in terms of how we create a setting here, your knowledge of the lore, and overall whether you've even played much on the server. I advise looking through some other peoples apps, seeing how they've done things, and see what you can do. Currently, there's not even a chance that this'll be accepted. -
[Denied] Twinscopes IPC Application
Muncorn replied to Twinscopes's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Though there's little to go on here, I can understand the struggle of finding enough words to put down to show what you'd like to convey. My only concern is a general lack of understanding about how IPC's actually work through roleplay, the social differences, how personality and emotions work, the impact of an absence of rights concerning them. Some reply stating how your IPC feels about the recent events concerning synthetic rights would be good, as well as some example of how Shockwave acts both in personality and emotion, or the lack of either. -
[DENIED] Benl8561's IPC Application
Muncorn replied to Benl8561's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
This application seems, as Jenna said herself, lackluster. There are no discount used IPC shops, they're bought from the manufacturer or straight from the people selling them. They're always expensive in some form or another, some just drastically moreso than others. Overall, I don't see any motivation other than "Yeah I liked AI this'll do" and a clear lack of general understanding. However, I'll give you until the 26th to either come to me on Discord: Muncorn#5016 or PM me on the forums, with questions about IPC's, or some change to this. If none of those happen, I'll put this app into archives with a deny. I hope for some kind of reply. -
[Denied] IPC whitelist application, BlingX3
Muncorn replied to Blingx3's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Damn, okay so. My apologies, for the delay on this. I've been quite stupid in how I've planned my time as a loredev, in my reply to these, and in all honesty my overall life. But here goes, lets see if I can get this app sorted out after, uh, 2 months, wew. Now I understand that this app was made before my becoming the synthetic loredev, so you're a bit out of speed on some of the changes, and I similarly don't think you've come to me asking about anything, so lets start on the first problem. Organic, Brain, IPC's. Before I explain the problem here, lets look at what an MMI does. The purpose of an MMI or other organic based synthetic brains are to allow for more natural memory storage and processing. The thing they do not do is let a regular brain function with the added bonus of controlling a robotic body. When any MMI or related device is created, all connections in the brain are effectively wiped, leaving a blank slate. So what do we see in your design here? What is essentially an MMI of sorts with organic and synthetic components (and apparently positronic components, though I'm going to pretend that's a quirk of wording for my own sake) acting with previous emotion and personality, or at least some semblance of it. This, is not how it works. You either have a proper brain, a posibrain (or microprocessor), or an MMI that is essentially a larger, more naturally formed posibrain. There is no overlap on any of these, so the design you have here would not work, even within old specifications from before I was in charge, and most certainly not now. Secondly, is that an MMI cannot fit into a default IPC chassis, though considering the previous problem this shouldn't cause much issue once that's fixed. So, first problem done. Problem with that, is that's the entire concept of a character gone, which is not something I'd overtly like to do. I've got a rough idea of a possible fix which keeps the same theme as you have right now, and I'll try and get it formulated for tomorrow. Hit me up on Discord when you can. A final note, for if this passes or if it doesn't. There will be some changes being made to IPC's tomorrow or Saturday, some that might concern you, and some that might. Either way, something to be aware of. -
[ACCEPTED] IPC Whitelist Application
Muncorn replied to DeBelgian's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
So, there's a few problems here and there throughout the app, which I'd like to address before I consider this for pass or fail. You seem to have some genuine interest in IPC's, and I love to see that no matter what, but here goes. 1: Created on Sol II? Venus? Though it has people living there, it's most certainly not a place you'd expect many IPC's to be built on, much less in large numbers. Might wanna have a little reconsider on the matter: https://aurorastation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Venus https://aurorastation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Sol 2: Whilst I don't doubt you know the lore to a decent extent, and it may be a mistake, what type of IPC is Steele? Baseline, Shell, Industrial? A large batch I would assume Baseline for this, inkeeping with the rest of the interests here. 2.1: Why S.T.E.E.L.E as a name? Nothing wrong with it, just curious. Normally batch IPC's are numbered, and names are given later on when put into private work, which is not the case here. 3: Which port did Steele work at? It'd have to be a pretty shitty one to be decommisioned, and then why did NT go and get involved here instead? Did they own the port? Are they Steele's manufacturers? I think that's implied, though your grammar leaves a bit to the imagination. If that's the case, NT's not too big on sending IPC's off for easy labour like what you say, though that's a fairly minor point. Some clarification on the subject would be appreciated. 4: Personality, and emotion. Important things, and a serious considering all IPC players must make. Should there be personality and emotion, or no? What I see here is a baseline IPC made for simple interactions, so at most I'd expect a simple, greeting friendly personality and not much else. Not much in the way of emotion or preference, as you display here. Some advancement on the personality could easily be made, if you can find some reason for that to happen. 5: Why does Steele dislike security? It should know they provide protection, so why value their violent nature over their protective one, for surely the benefits overcome the harm. Perhaps something to think about. A final note, for if this passes or if it doesn't. There will be some changes being made to IPC's tomorrow or Saturday, some that might concern you, and some that might. Either way, something to be aware of. -
[ACCEPTED] Granodd's Whitelist Application For: IPC
Muncorn replied to Granodd's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
So, I'm reading through this (which is difficult enough as it is, I'm tired and it's immensely long), and I read through, occasional small problem, minor quirk of wording I don't too agree with. However, I feel that arguing on those tiny matters would gloss over the simple fact that this is overall an excellent app. Reminds me much of one of my IPC's, though a good deal more exciting. I'd like to bring up two points, however. Firstly, whilst I'm not going to have you change it, do remember that there's absolutely no need to have some exciting backstory filled with bad guys and big events, it's no necessity, nor shall it ever be. Secondly, I'd like to make you aware that several changes will be put in place for IPC's and synthetics either tomorrow or Saturday, and if they aren't then I'm no longer a loredev, so I've got my motivation. Whilst it likely won't affect much people, and most certainly not your IPC, it's something you should be aware of.