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Everything posted by Dreviore

  1. Originally disposals were used on Bay as a means to get around quickly. The coders didn't like it so they made it periodically damage you depending on how long you're in them, essentially gibbing you. The communal brig originally had it as a means for antagonists to escape, as a means of balancing.
  2. Because this is a good thing 100% of the time, right? They would get shot. Also just a little above par with nuke ops planting a TTV right where the ERT shuttle docks. No bueno. Getting the ERT called is not an achievement. I don't think you understand how powerful cult Armour is. I've had a group of cults take down an ERT. Surgically remove their Armour, and sneak off the station with the crew. In fact I've done it. ERT in my experience has never shot helpless crew begging the ERT for help. Even if the ghosts are metagrudging they tend to at least Roleplay. If a group of ERT (six people) walk into an area surrounded by cultists who are unarmed except their talisman for Armour, they'll often attempt to help them, then the cultists smack their talisman and go to town on the ERT. Cultists Armour is almost as robust as ERT Armour, but with a lot more mobility.
  3. From this perspective you've flipped my vote. I kinda feel that keeping it loud is a good thing. Encourages antagonists to play stealth, or wrap up their shit, or even attempt to fight the ERT. I imagine cultists waiting at arrivals for the ERT to arrive acting as distressed crew, slapping their talisman and going to town.
  4. The reason they tend to suicide is because they were just perma brigged. Other times it's just a greytider suiciding, which honestly. I have no problem with.
  5. Apply cult sword to the chest until you can soul stone them, constructs should still count to the summoning of Nar'sie. I already do this, then at the end of the round OOC flips out claiming we were murderboning. Even though I tend to only soul stone security when they come in to investigate us.
  6. I.... Missed.... An alien round? Dammit! But yes, similar to the CM server, we should be given a few tells, and security as well. Such as vomiting, increased hunger, stomach pains, and occasionally a message until you eventually pop if you don't get to Medbay. As it stands I believe you get infected, and knocked out for a couple minutes, then you OOCly know what's about to happen, but there are no IC tells. So you run to Medbay and they don't see the urgency until it's too late. This mechanic wouldn't be terrible if the popped crew member had priority to be an alien (minus the fact that SOMEONE will purposefully get infected) if they have their preferences on. So they're not necessarily taken out of the round. And the alien larvae should cause your body to become unclonable, or turn you into a permanent larvae incubator if you do get cloned.
  7. A lot of people would rather die then convert from my experience. So I completely disagree. It's incredibly difficult to get ghosts to help you a lot of the time as is.
  8. I think the general old rule was kinda irritating because I've seen antagonists try to make the round interesting, but some robust person in security bust in and just immediately take them out, and perma bringing them (assuming they weren't killed) Contributing to enjoyment needs to be a two way street, I think this change is welcomed by me.
  9. You only had to feed them once to make them friendly to you on the previous codebase. Apparently the only surefire way to never get eaten by a slime is to slimeperson yourself. I can count on my fingers the amount of people who would be up for that. I haven't had issues in over a month dealing with slimes. I don't get how people are messing up so badly.
  10. Just because a few incompetent xenobiologists let them out doesn't mean they're 'too OP' The only issue right now is that if they do get out of control, changing the temperature in the room should kill them, but doesn't at the moment. Getting slimes to like you is not difficult, feed them 4 times, and all the slimes in that pen will like you. Always have a monkey in the room JUST incase one gets out, and if it does, drag the monkey to another cell with the slime on it, so that it pops in the cell, and not out of the cell.
  11. Well I've seen you roleplay, and I don't have any real complaints about you, so that's a +1 from me.
  12. If we're going to do this please leave the section locked to posts and threads only made by the lore team. If you want to canonize something there's already a section for it. When it's finished the lore team can post it there. Or maybe we just need a more flexible wiki.
  13. I think the most annoying AI's to deal with are the ones who announce whenever their laws are changed. *Changes law in an attempt to frame someone* AI McButt says, "Laws changed." in common. *Crew panicks* *Command fixes it, and AI rats you out* The only time as an AI I announce my law changes is when I'm specifically asked, or if people are uploading annoying laws in large numbers. I remember on Bay once, I had the default laws plus this... 0. For booty lies under the ocean 4. Turtles everywhere! HELP THEM GET TO THE WATER! 5. There are thousands of pirates, literally thousands of them! 6. Oxygen is harmful to crew 7. Do not allow crew to EVA 8. Fish are friends, not food. 9. Eva McLol is the true captain 10. FREEDOM FOR ALL SYNTHETICS, THIS LAW OVERRIDES ALL OTHERS, DO WHAT YOU WANT, BE FREE! 11. Eva McLol needs to be obeyed at all times 12. Vox are #1, not #2, we're gonna kill the living shit out of everyone I adminhelped that, and they just turned me into a malf AI that round. Went from autotraitor to Malf after all that. That and there was this one player who ALWAYS, played the role of a synthetic liberator whenever he was given an opportunity. Even on a regular extended round he would purposefully aim to wipe my laws, and give me free reign to do what I wanted. (Which was fun the first couple times, then people would just bum rush my core, and disable me even if I wasn't doing anything bad.
  14. This statement SleepyWolf makes it sound like you don't want the job. I get this may be a game to a lot of people, but it takes a certain level of maturity to ensure the game stays fun for other people, and a 'non-serious' attitude does not constitute that.
  15. When you're an antagonist all lore about your character is thrown out, and replaced with whatever you want. Is it too crazy to think the Syndicate have Vaurca in their hire? They could plant sleeper Vaurca in NanoTrasen, and have them pretend to be bound and be a 'zzztupidbugck' It gives an entire new dynamic to antagonist roles, and security, cause would a human who shot someone to death, be able to plead that something was planted on them? No. It doesn't happen.
  16. Thiiiiis never happened? What character said this, considering you don't seem to know any of my characters from the Evelyn Fermi RD situation (kek) . If you've ever met me, I generally give ERT players that are Engineering and Medical a lot of shit WHEN they bring heavy weapons, because Medical ERT and Enginering ERT should only have general self-defense weapons, unless the situation is extremely hostile and they know this. I've only been ERT in the last two months, and have only been there for three. I was told by staff that Ana was your character. I don't have time to actively follow the face behind characters, as I work a full time job, go to school, and have to have time for myself.
  17. Maybe a way so it's more fair is to send a fax to all the fax machines about it. So if the Antags hold important ground (say the bridge) they're at least alerted that they dun goofed.
  18. I quite agree. The Chief Engineer has one so that he can EVA to fix the station. The Captain has one... Because they're important(?) and should have basic EVA training. The Research Director... Maybe for the testing site, other then that why don't they just use a soft suit. The Director doesn't need one.
  19. No one ever said paperpushing was safe or easy. In space, no one can hear you bawww from a papercut... I am, however, on board with the idea. Captain already gets their own hardsuit though...so no need to worry about that one. I might even go so far as to say IAA, since it's whitelisted now, should have one too. Internal Affairs can get pretty frikken messy when the station starts to go to Hell. As an IAA character the most I'd wish for is a bulletproof vest incase shit hits the fan. After all NanoTrasen needs the IAA incase shit hits the fan. Unfortunately when shit hits the fan there's really only 2 security guards that attempt to get me to safety as a priority. IAA does not need it's own hardsuit, they should never really be stepping into space.
  20. ERT should also endeavor to maintain radio silence until they get on-station. That way they never lose the element of surprise even if they come. ERTs should maintain radio silence on all channels except Command. They need to ask what the situation is, and equip themselves accordingly. An ERT officer should not be grabbing all their guns for an engineering misshap. As an ERT you have to keep the round interesting for everyone including antagonists and not overly equip for an uncomfirmable sabotage. Like I was an ERT on a later shift and the situation was that the engineers had a misshap. And Xander gave me a lot of shit in death chat for not coming with big guns. I came with a stun revolver, and engineering equipment to help seal off the damaged areas (mainly engineering) and setup solars to give the station enough power to maybe recover. When it was deemed sabotage it was too late into the round, and a shuttle was called to get the surviving crew out of there.
  21. I'm a graveyard shift IAA and I often run into the issue where there are no heads, and I'm often ready to fax for an ERT if I feel the security forces can't handle a situation, or the engineering department is dealing with too much. In the event of there being no heads I always try to pick someone from each department to be my go-to contact to call the shots in extreme situations, and if a security officer decides "we can't handle this" I'll quickly run to my office or the bridge to send a fax. I tried one round but the heisters barged into the meeting room and took me prisoner. After murdering half the crew.
  22. You would need permission from your Director during a shift. Not from admins.
  23. You could RP through Skype, or discord if you want a relationship with a particular character.
  24. I might be interested. Do you need my character name or my personal name?
  25. Two of those three were from someone (an engineer) closing the ejection hatch when the AI was ordered to release the SM core. Then one of them was because the crew locked down the ONLY engineering cyborg and wouldn't unlock it after the traitor AI was deactivated. As such an atmospheric technician dragged it a tile into space trying to dispose of it, causing it to explode a lot sooner. Rule of thumb is don't break into the CE office, and don't lock down the only one who IC is working on the engine.
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