Saudus Posted June 18, 2018 Posted June 18, 2018 Quote you said it, though. does that mean you were wrong? Well the two statements you are comparing isn't the same I think? Because: Quote a few paragraphs of a negative response. Is not the same as Quote saying -1 means that they don't agree with something but you don't know what that something is I get what Burger seems to mean on that that a general +1 is better than a general -1 because it doesn't leave what is a problem unspecified. That said, people very rarely give a general -1, they usually say what they are -1 on. And when they go just -1, I assume it usually means the entire concept/idea.
Scheveningen Posted June 18, 2018 Posted June 18, 2018 Quote That said, people very rarely give a general -1, they usually say what they are -1 on. And when they go just -1, I assume it usually means the entire concept/idea. That's kind of the issue here. This isn't about Burger going, "ah, shit opinion anyway" to someone who only goes "-1, this sucks and so do you", because this is actually his response to most forms of criticism that are generally more strung out in length and the critic's own personal reasoning. To the point where he'll say this to apply to the broader scope in general. . This is how much he cares about your opinion. I've no qualms with this individual contributing to be part of a state of affairs in a team structure as staff, but he should stay very far away from actual decision-making related to the staff position. He's proven countless times to get easily frustrated at feature feedback especially if it's negative. He admits it, even going so far that it "gives him depression" when he reads the negative feedback. Assuming he's not exaggerating (though I'm not sure about that, I'm sure he was plenty serious about calling me a downie and still hasn't apologized for it), he takes offense easily and gets aggressive on the forums when replying to negative feedback to the point of being tactless and disrespectful.
HunterRS Posted June 18, 2018 Posted June 18, 2018 From my experiences with burger, I gotta say they aren't great. He insults players who don't agree with him or just for no reason, and half the time he means it He doesn't take any criticism well and will fight for what he wants to change. He thinks he can change whatever he wants and will get mad when people tell him they aren't good ideas. For all these, I will -1 this.
BurgerBB Posted June 18, 2018 Author Posted June 18, 2018 tbh for you nerds out there if someone other than me said that I said something It's likely wrong, this also goes for out of context screenshots -1 means nothing. it's the fact that whether or not if your -1 contains anything actually substantial, such as proper feedback and whatnot. A non-dev leaving a -1 means practically nothing compared to when a dev leaves a -1, as the -1 actually counts towards locking the thread. By extension, anyone, including devs, leaving a +1 means nothing. also by extension life means nothing
Banditoz Posted June 18, 2018 Posted June 18, 2018 The one actually opening the PR is not required to listen to feedback.
Scheveningen Posted June 18, 2018 Posted June 18, 2018 Putting content creators onto a pedestal higher than that of those who only play the game is kinda arrogant and elitist, don't you think? Never thought I'd see this day come, honestly.
BurgerBB Posted June 18, 2018 Author Posted June 18, 2018 it is truly a wicked day when I discuss the feature dismissal system and not mention my actual thoughts regarding whether or not feedback matters or not (it does)
Pacmandevil Posted June 18, 2018 Posted June 18, 2018 Quote Putting content creators onto a pedestal higher than that of those who only play the game is kinda arrogant and elitist, don't you think? No it is not. There's a very defined difference between content consumers - who typically do nothing to actually contribute or improve to something they often spend more time whining about than it's worth, or content creators, who will actually put up with those people to pursue a hobby - one that anyone can learn with a little effort. Even the shittiest content creator is leagues better than a consumer, as they actually *do something*.
Scheveningen Posted June 18, 2018 Posted June 18, 2018 Quote Quote Putting content creators onto a pedestal higher than that of those who only play the game is kinda arrogant and elitist, don't you think? No it is not. There's a very defined difference between content consumers - who typically do nothing to actually contribute or improve to something they often spend more time whining about than it's worth, or content creators, who will actually put up with those people to pursue a hobby - one that anyone can learn with a little effort. Even the shittiest content creator is leagues better than a consumer, as they actually *do something*. You know the people playing the game are enjoying a hobby too, right, and you changing the hobby they're trying to enjoy is actually important to them, yeah? Kind of a massive distinction to make in case you forgot that while people can be abrasive in suggestions here, odds are they play the game more than the contributors do. Maybe consider how much say they have, instead of antagonizing them and calling them inferior? Literally shitty defense of this bull. This is some retarded us vs. them mentality you got going here. Fuck right off with that shit if you're going to bring that divisive elitist trash to this server.
Pacmandevil Posted June 18, 2018 Posted June 18, 2018 That doesn't make them as or important. or on topic for this matter. it's likely better to move this conversation elsewhere.
MoondancerPony Posted June 19, 2018 Posted June 19, 2018 Quote Burger's like a chimp with a machine gun. A lot of power and no restraint. He's going to put in whatever he wants, and he doesn't care if you or anybody else likes it. As soon as you elevate him to the status of developer, you're going to make him think that he's got a blank check to do whatever he wants to Aurora code. He already displays this behavior, so I shudder to imagine how bad it could get once you all let him think his opinion is intrinsically more valuable than everyone else's. I know you're all desperate for the rapidity of changes he offers, but I feel some of you are going to get serious buyer's remorse on this one. And it would be one thing if he only acted with callous disregard for the desires of the Aurora community, but even worse, he is extremely bloodthirsty and pedantic about it. As has been observed on multiple occasions, if you disagree with one of his suggestions, then he treats you like a personal enemy and quickly resorts to mockery and mudslinging to try undermining anyone who's not on board with his changes. And if that doesn't work, he just wipes his hands and says, "Oh well. I'm the guy who makes the changes, so you're gonna have to deal with it :)" It is my observation that Burger doesn't have a suitable temperament to act as part of the development team. You might like a lot of the changes he will make to the game. But then, you also might not - if you don't, you're going to be shit out of luck. We would get better results by just letting him continue to code as an independent contributor. He's going to be coding his pet projects either way; it's better that he have more, rather than fewer, checks and balances. -1 I initially also gave this a +1, but you worded what I was originally trying to say quite well, and so I'm retracting my +1. In the coder discord, I have seen some really rude and obnoxious behavior from him, specifically attacking individuals: His complete disregard for non-dev (and former dev) opinion leaves a bad taste in my mouth, even in the (relatively few) cases where I'd agree with his assessment of the feedback. Burger's behavior in OOC is also rude rather often, especially when playing FLAWED (as the all-caps doesn't help cushion the blow at all). When crew transfer votes fail, he tends to start shouting in all-caps in OOC, as well as when rounds end, insulting people in the round (antagonists, Command, a specific department), again in all-caps. While I get that this may be related to his character gimmick with FLAWED, it's definitely not a sign of maturity or behavior a coder should be exhibiting so often. I can't in good faith do anything but -1 this application. Burger, I would reconsider it if you changed your behavior and attempted to act more mature and respectful. EDIT: I can relate to this, I really can. Like several other developers, current and former, I had to actually completely leave the community for a while and stop developing because the stress from it was adversely affecting my health. But I would say that it was more the toxic, echo-chamber environment surrounding developers and contributors as a whole that made me leave, not the players. The exact kind of toxic behavior you're exhibiting is an issue I have seen several people raise, but the only response seems to be doubling down on it. This isn't a personal vendetta or anything, and I'm trying my hardest to give constructive feedback and also get across that I understand where you're coming from, but the responses to feedback you give are less than satisfactory. You complain about players acting entitled, but I would argue that you exhibit similar behavior; you disregard negative feedback because of some supposed inherent flaw with the feedback or the person giving it (a case of the fundamental attribution error, I think), or you act entitled to positive feedback and don't actually reflect on it at all. Additionally, an inability to listen to feedback, or an outright denial to do so, is not a good behavior in a dev. No one has an obligation to listen to feedback, yes. That's irrelevant. It is a good idea to listen to feedback, and exercise discretion in what does and doesn't matter based on the merit of the feedback, as opposed to outright ignoring it depending on whether a "content creator" or "content consumer" made it. I would really reconsider this assessment of you if you even made an effort to change, regardless of whether or not it's successful.
BurgerBB Posted June 19, 2018 Author Posted June 19, 2018 It seems like this meme of not giving a care about feedback has gone long enough. I've chosen to ignore the posts accusing me of ignoring feedback because they lack actual truth and substance and they weren't worth addressing until now. There is a difference between me not listening to feedback and me not following feedback, and as it currently stands, I hear feedback. I read every post people make on feedback. I LISTEN to feedback. Whether or not I follow that feedback or not should not matter at all in the adult world but here we are. If someone leaves feedback I don't agree with, or is feedback of incredibly low quality, I acknowledge its existence in my head and only consider it as "this is what this person believes" as opposed to "this person speaks the truth." It seems like there seems to be a huge misunderstanding when it comes to what feedback means on the forums, and that it actually means something more than just your opinion. I don't have to follow through will anyone's feedback. No matter how right you think you are in saying something is shit or whatever, it is merely your opinion. I only code things that I have a drive to code. I don't have the drive to code something I don't agree with implementing unless it's to selfishly prove a point, such as giving kinetic accelerator upgrades a reliance on science. I'll say this again: Feedback are opinions, they're not facts. They can be based on facts but given how everyone seems to believe that they have a degree in game design and only post theories and conjecture, nothing in the feedback forums is based on fact which depresses me as a developer. When I think of the perfect feedback, I think of a post that gives a point, with evidence, and gives a suggestion. For example, the perfect feedback would be: "This kinetic accelerator is likely OP for this level, in the master branch, you would get a kinetic accelerator of this type after spending 4000 mining points but for this one, you only need 2200 mining points. I suggest making it weaker, perhaps reducing the damage by 25%-50% or increasing the cost. I calculated the DPS for it, and they both have roughly the same (20 old 23.333 new)" > isn't hasty to give a +1/-1; is reasonable > acknowledges that their opinion is an opinion through word choice > actually knows what the fuck they're talking about > uses facts/statistics > gives a suggestion to a solution > suggestions given are presented as suggestions, as opposed to orders The feedback I see here is: "-1. No, just NO. I'm tired of this constant power creep to mining, these kinetic accelerators are too strong, and it completely just invalidates any other way of mining such as C4 or the plasma cutter. I just cannot support this. Mining doesn't deserve any more additions, how about you buff science instead?" > -1 based on one issue > comes off as whiny > comes off as entitled > 0 evidence or statistics provided > no solutions provided > no attempt to actually convince me of anything > worthy of being laughed at There is a reason why -1s aren't actually counted for anything when it comes to non-devs leaving feedback, and this is one of them.
Chada1 Posted June 19, 2018 Posted June 19, 2018 Quote The feedback I see here is: "-1. No, just NO. I'm tired of this constant power creep to mining, these kinetic accelerators are too strong, and it completely just invalidates any other way of mining such as C4 or the plasma cutter. I just cannot support this. Mining doesn't deserve any more additions, how about you buff science instead?" The feedback here is i'm tired of seeing you treat people like shit, and I don't want to see you doing it with dev colors. This isn't about your code, it's how you've been treating people in your threads. Assuming you were willing to stop doing that, I would change my feedback. But so far, all i'm seeing is you refusing to budge or alter your behavior whatsoever. Instead, you claim we're the problem for being offended by how you conduct yourself, as you continuously make it a point to mock everyone who posts. The problem is you're conducting yourself more like an internet troll than a developer.
UnknownMurder Posted June 19, 2018 Posted June 19, 2018 I'm going to say what I think is more important and a shot worth taking. I am not happy with some mudslinging from few of pessimistic people here, some posts are not warranted to be said in which can be interpreted as campaign smearing. I am going to +1 because programmers, coders, mappers, etc. are very scarce and hard to obtain. Developers are people who add contents to Aurora Station and assist in maintaining the server. If we have less or no developers, then there is no future for Aurora Station. What I state next may sound irrelevant to this topic however it seems we're already on the issue of behaviors. I don't often look at the behaviors of a programmer since I'm already taking computer science classes as a kouhai at a college and I can relate to their behaviors often, I respect many developers because we share same mutual feeling. Is it hard to keep your problem inside and accept where the path is taking us? Yes. Do I often scream at people for their failures in real life and unable to get the job done (e.g. group programming project)? Yes. I often think myself to be superior than others when I'm really not. Some developers are not often expected to maintain smiling face in the real world because they literally work behind the scene. I believe it is safe to assume that we've reached to the point of where we must test [mention]BurgerBB[/mention] regarding his behavior. Will his behavior conflict with his duties as a developer? That's a mystery at the moment and I am sure that through his tenure as a developer in which Burger will soon respect our ideas and proposals without calling people out. If this is something that BurgerBB is unable to do so and the community is not satisfied by slinging a staff complaint at him, we always can discuss and work things out in the later future. As long as BurgerBB is in the staff team, he will soon learn to respect people and provide a reasonable criticism whether he likes it or not. Perhaps that will help ease the strain on players that complains that "BurgerBB treats players like shit".
BurgerBB Posted June 19, 2018 Author Posted June 19, 2018 Quote Quote The feedback I see here is: "-1. No, just NO. I'm tired of this constant power creep to mining, these kinetic accelerators are too strong, and it completely just invalidates any other way of mining such as C4 or the plasma cutter. I just cannot support this. Mining doesn't deserve any more additions, how about you buff science instead?" The feedback here is i'm tired of seeing you treat people like shit, and I don't want to see you doing it with dev colors. This isn't about your code, it's how you've been treating people in your threads. Assuming you were willing to stop doing that, I would change my feedback. But so far, all i'm seeing is you refusing to budge or alter your behavior whatsoever. Instead, you claim we're the problem for being offended by how you conduct yourself, as you continuously make it a point to mock everyone who posts. The problem is you're conducting yourself more like an internet troll than a developer. Name anyone I've treated like shit and what I've said to give off the impression that I'm treating like shit and I'll attempt to explain why I've said/done those things.
Skull132 Posted June 19, 2018 Posted June 19, 2018 > Sleep 7 hours > Work for another 8 > Everyone shitposts a developer's application okay.jpg Where do I even begin. Okay, first, let me make it clear that I've been on Lohikar's discord since it was created, and thus have followed most of the shenanigans there. And there are a few points I would like to present. First and foremost, I have very rarely observed him speak ill of specific community members. And in the cases that has happened, it's usually been from your list of usual suspects, eg Delta. I am certain that most folks who have been with the community for long enough can draw their own conclusions from this. Some thought should also be taken to figure out how much of it is just vexation. As, consider, I can not recount major instances where Burger has done actual work in a manner which is vindictive. And he has yielded to feedback, among other things. Though, I will thoroughly acknowledge the points brought up by [mention]MoondancerPony[/mention] in the addendum to his post. I think that's one of the most reasonable responses in this thread, as a matter of fact. And perhaps more than one person from here should consider it. Ultimately, it should be taken into consideration that the relationship between a community and its staff (coder, admeme, CCIAA; doesn't matter) is symbiotic. Arguments by Pacman and Delta here have described parasitic relationships of various forms, but the truth is completely the opposite. Now, here are my plans on what to do with this app. Already spoken to the devs and Burger, we will be inducting him into a month or two of trial. The objective will be to see how he handles himself wearing boi green. Basically in vain of what UM wrote. (Wtf, people have written up most of the stuff I wanted to say already.) Ultimately I am certain that, if needed, we are able to overcome what needs to be overcome. And if not, then Burger gets to hang around as a contributor and so forth. The trial induction will happen over the course of this week.
Chada1 Posted June 19, 2018 Posted June 19, 2018 Quote Quote Quote The feedback I see here is: "-1. No, just NO. I'm tired of this constant power creep to mining, these kinetic accelerators are too strong, and it completely just invalidates any other way of mining such as C4 or the plasma cutter. I just cannot support this. Mining doesn't deserve any more additions, how about you buff science instead?" The feedback here is i'm tired of seeing you treat people like shit, and I don't want to see you doing it with dev colors. This isn't about your code, it's how you've been treating people in your threads. Assuming you were willing to stop doing that, I would change my feedback. But so far, all i'm seeing is you refusing to budge or alter your behavior whatsoever. Instead, you claim we're the problem for being offended by how you conduct yourself, as you continuously make it a point to mock everyone who posts. The problem is you're conducting yourself more like an internet troll than a developer. Name anyone I've treated like shit and what I've said to give off the impression that I'm treating like shit and I'll attempt to explain why I've said/done those things. The majority of posts you make have bait in them. It usually has a misrepresentation that is meant to be offensive. I even quoted one case of this in your former paragraph. Reveal hidden contents "The feedback I see here is: "-1. No, just NO. I'm tired of this constant power creep to mining, these kinetic accelerators are too strong, and it completely just invalidates any other way of mining such as C4 or the plasma cutter. I just cannot support this. Mining doesn't deserve any more additions, how about you buff science instead?" is something you typed to offend anyone who disagreed with your changes in a former feedback thread, drastically misrepresenting the majority of feedback given in the thread. You also did these 'examples' that misrepresented and ad hominem'd people several times all throughout multiple of your own threads, and even conflated their opinions with the absolute worst you've seen for a specific department, as if what a character does ICly represents an OOC opinion, while using the same argument for your own opinions. I've caught you insulting someone who dared to share map concepts in another Discord in one of your suggestion threads when it was entirely on topic for the thread, ontop of multiple other times of you venting off server and basically proclaiming that you shittalk people off server where they can't see it on purpose. You don't treat any one person like shit, you treat many people like shit and not even jokingly like Fowl and Alberyk. Let me ask, what do these contribute? Do they contribute anything other than offending the person you're talking to? No, they don't, you're doing nothing more than attacking the sincerity of the poster. This is the behavior I have a problem with, i'm only asking you to stop and maybe treat people with a basic decency.
Scheveningen Posted July 13, 2018 Posted July 13, 2018 Context: Fun argument happened. Burger once again plays the victim to counter-argue criticism, I pull up his infamous example of his utter lack of disrespect for one of his critics (myself), and he decides to rebuke it in a fantastic manner: . . I am blown away by this tactical nuke of tactlessness. This is the exact thing he was told not to do. Everything Skull said about symbiosis in relation to Burger was at best, hopeful idealism. Burger's current display of justifying his own actions shows the truth of who he is as a contributor and as a person. No. This person absolutely does not have my support as server staff, far from it. Skull would be making a complete mistake if he gave this person a pass to be staff. This is the exact pitfall Nanako underwent with her ego and her pitiful racism in general. I'm not gonna "wait and see" again for the next instance of this bigot to screw the pooch because he has no idea how to responsibly interact with people and keep his own nonsense in check. He does not deserve to be on staff. This is a terrible representation for who you want in a staff member. See above at everything Chada1 also stated in the reply before Skull's. He hit on the nail on the head on every single issue pertaining to Burger's complete lack of respect for criticism that isn't overwhelmingly suiting his own personal agenda. Is it too soon that this happens literally not even a day after the owner of Papa Johns resigns as chairman because he dropped a tactical nuke of a racial slur in a very inappropriate setting? What the hell, man. . This statement also did not age well. Burger barely has the temperament to contain himself from using a racial slur for a supposed 'comparison' to justify behavior instead of apologizing for it. By God, what a dark timeline this is where it is appropriate to use racial slurs and aggravated comments about disabled people to compare to community members. That's not the mark of a responsible individual. That's someone who makes excuses and casts blame everywhere else but on themselves. Forgive me for being dramatic, but this is just ridiculous.
BurgerBB Posted July 13, 2018 Author Posted July 13, 2018 Alright, this may sound like I'm deflecting most of the blame here, but I suggest reading until the end since I like doing things chronologically. I posted an idea and some work in the discord channel. Someone unofficially said "It's shit" and I responded by saying that I don't like when they say that. This irritated me a little, and the irritation got a little worse Scheveningen butted in saying that I'm not addressing their point, so I then get back on topic and start talking about the point at hand. Scheveningen proceeded to make backhand comments about how I don't value other people's opinions, which irritated me again, but I opted out to avoid opening that can of worms. A productive conversation about the addition ensured with other users. After the conversation, announced that I will be trying to change the viewport to 640x640 to see what would happen in a test, and then I left to check on my guacamole. I come back to lohikar got a little heated due to Scheveningen's inability to understand the change and announced that they were done trying to explain that to them, but Scheveningen made a backhand comment that Lohikar ignored ( I asked if people got upset with my 640x640 test, and people said yes. I expressed my amusement via caps lock cruise control and tried explaining that it was a test on my personal pc and I don't even know if it actually does anything (spoiler alert: it does nothing). For reasons not quite known to me, Scheveningen brought up the fact that I called him a disabled manchild quite a while ago, and posted an old screenshot of me doing such. I made a huge mistake and corrected him, saying that at the time I actually called him autistic and said that he was disruptive and buts into other people's buisness like an child with down's syndrome in the back of the class. It's the silly "I didn't call you an X, I said that you were LIKE an X" defense, which I admitted was a bad defense, and I admitted that what I said was awful; hence the analogy that racists typically use when they call people racial slurs, and me saying that it's a bad defense and a bad post. What I said at that time was awful and no staff member should say such things, and I apologize for making such comments in the past. As for the comments perceived to be racist, they weren't meant to be bigoted or racist. I fully apologize to anyone who may have been offended by my use of the n-word, and I half apologize to [mention]ParadoxSpace[/mention]. It seemed at the time that everyone was a little heated, especially me, and I do not take any remarks made towards me personally.
Scheveningen Posted July 13, 2018 Posted July 13, 2018 You chose to express yourself initially by comparing me to someone with Down's Syndrome in the most derogatory term possible for someone with the disability, a "Downie." Goes to show what respect you have for the disabled and to also accuse me of being such by making that comparison. When I call you on having done this shit, you extrapolate and barely change the definition of what you were defining me by. You then drop the tactical nuke of a slur directed at me because you apparently didn't find any other method that was appropriate enough to make your point. You are full of shit when you say you meant no offense. If you meant no offense you would not even found the justification to even type out that disaster of a sentence to make a point. I literally had someone tell me that they expected better of you than to say that, because with your acerbic wit you've found much more tasteful ways of getting your point across than whatever today was. And you dare say you had no intention of being offensive or racist at all, after the 'Downie' comment? Why should anyone believe you? I have not seen a single, directed apology in my DMs for your behavior towards me. You went to one person to mistakenly apologize to them even though they were not even the person you meant to apologize to. And then you make a 'half-apology' to Paradox who was barely even involved in this entire situation, the only person you initially attempted to privately apologize to. Do you know why I'm so pissed off about this? Because you have not once attempted an apology directed at me for the initial insult. "The action was unacceptable, I know" means absolutely nothing to anyone alone. You did not once directly to say me, "I take responsibility for this, I apologize, it will not happen again", because in spite if you've said that, you did it again anyway. You following up with that second bombshell display of anti-social tendencies just seals the deal in how I'm supposed to approach you now. Your justification and actions are absolutely terrible all in all. Paradox is not even close to being the person you should be apologizing to. He was absolutely not the person you were attempting to offend. Your behavior is absolutely unacceptable as both a player and a trial staff member. What is wrong with you?
BurgerBB Posted July 13, 2018 Author Posted July 13, 2018 The slur wasn't directed at you, or anyone. It was a quote from typical racists who use the "I didn't call you a x, I only COMPARED you to an X" when they try to provoke people of color. The Aurorastation discord has a pretty clear policy on the use of the n-word. If you search it up on discord, you can see various staff members, users, and godking garn himself using it appropriately in humor, however again, I apologize to anyone who was offended by this. Also, I wasn't aware that this whole situation regarding what was said was unresolved. I was under the impression that it was resolved because in a discord DM, we both moved on as showcased in the complaint thread about you. As I said earlier, the "downie" comment I made was terrible and I apologize for making it,
Scheveningen Posted July 13, 2018 Posted July 13, 2018 Quote The slur wasn't directed at you, or anyone. It was a quote from typical racists who use the "I didn't call you a x, I only COMPARED you to an X" when they try to provoke people of color. Good thing you mentioned this after the fact, that way I can't possibly be upset about your conduct. Quote The Aurorastation discord has a pretty clear policy on the use of the n-word. If you search it up on discord, you can see various staff members, users, and godking garn himself using it appropriately in humor, however again, I apologize to anyone who was offended by this. Okay. Context. Let's see what Garn says about this. . OK. Precedent that garn sets here; "Do not make a habit of throwing that word around here, and don't throw it around lightly." You threw it into a conversation very lightly where the entire convo would've better off without your extremely poor attempt to make humor out of a legitimate racial slur. Quote Also, I wasn't aware that this whole situation regarding what was said was unresolved. I was under the impression that it was resolved because in a discord DM, we both moved on as showcased in the complaint thread about you. As I said earlier, the "downie" comment I made was terrible and I apologize for making it, I honor my agreements I made with others until those individuals no longer honor theirs that they made with me. I have no obligation to attempt in restoring trust, integrity and coordination in an exchange to try and repair the ever-expanding rift that keeps growing, if the person I made an agreement with decides "okay all bets are off" the very next day. I outright question the value of your supposed commitments that you said you'd hold yourself to, because I didn't just say for you to stop being toxic to me, I told you to stop being toxic to other people as well. You cannot do this. You are so far incapable of doing this because you have never once shown self-control under fire. You always crack wise back, make excuses and only apologize when you actually seem like you're in a great deal of trouble. Apology not accepted. You took far too long to even apologize because you don't even think you did anything wrong. Only now that you may actually catch flak for what you did will you actually apologize so you can safe face. This doesn't show you're capable of respecting people at all, you think people's opinions are dirt from the get go if they don't agree with you. I do not think you can be trusted. I do not think you will be able to coordinate well with attitudes differing from your own. I do not think you have the integrity to be a staff member.
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted July 18, 2018 Posted July 18, 2018 I changed my mind. -1. I want you off the team.
SleepyWolf Posted July 18, 2018 Posted July 18, 2018 That is not acceptable behaviour that we want from a staff member, and it's frankly not at all funny. At all, in any way. I don't want Burger on the staff team. If you even look over their discord messages, even with context, they're a bundle of toxicity and bullshit racism, even if he says it's not racist it fucking is and he hasn't stopped. Here's an example. I know it was already posted but it's huge bullshit. You can go back and look in the discord logs for context as well, he badly tries to explain it. He's tried to defend himself here as well but he's not stopped, as you can see in Jackboot's screenshot. I don't want this even in the discord. Reveal hidden contents
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