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[Accepted] Dragos Moderator App

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Posted (edited)

Basic Information

Byond Account: QueenOfYugoslavia

Character Name(s):

Ela Monislyum


Jayreece Bart

Zorrianna Balkerina

AI Name(s):



Discord username + tag: Drago#1720

Age: 19

Timezone: PST

When are you on Aurora?: Normaly mornings, late nights


How long have you played SS13?: For around a year and a half now

How long have you played on Aurora: About 8 months of that time

How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Most of my time on ss13 has been playing on Aurora or baystation builds. Often times when I am not online I will setup my listen server and practice my spriting skills aswell as self teaching myself baystation based code such as used on Aurora

Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: I have experience with the commands and abilities and the more in-depth parts of administration, however not on a server. I however have admined and developed and wrote lore for multiple other game servers, having coded for a GMOD server and acting as head of server production for that server that reachs a pop of about 50-60 players weekly, having to daily deal with situations and resolve issues between multiple different partys

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Twice, one for a misunderstanding involving ghosting and needing to leave for awhile and the other for screwing around which I understand was and is wrong, if the interviewer wishs to inquire deeper then I went with the banner I will do so but its more so personal reasons which have been resolved


Why do you play SS13?: SS13 is one of the more in-depth games I have ever laid hands onto. People complain that its hard to get into or that its engine limits it when I find both to be the opposite. The UI is clunky and bothersome when you first try it yes, but as you slowly begin to play it and understand its mechanics, it becomes one of you're more favorite and enjoyable games

Why do you play on Aurora?: Aurora is a heavy roleplay oriented gamemode. While this may sound like "No fun zone" to some, its quite honestly not. Aurora is one of the most serious and well developed, mechanic and lore wise on SS13 and for this reason, that and how nice every interaction with staff has been, it makes me feel welcomed

What do moderators do?: Moderators ensure the cogs keep on turning. Moderators aren't the fun ruining police but do the exact opposite. By ensuring a quality of role-play is ensured, Moderators are able to keep the server fun and engaging by the players, aswell as fun and fair for all sides

What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: To be a moderator is a way of serving the community and keeping it running; helping the playerbase solve disputes aswell as keeping events or such running in check and working along side the higher up staff team

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to be a moderator to give back to the community that has become a family of sorts to me, a community and staff team that i feel happy safe and comfterble talking to about any issue I have, be it personal or game related; I wish to serve the community as it has served me

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?:






[*]Game Mechanic Comptent

[*]Hard Working

How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Stress can be a good thing or a bad thing but I have learned to handle it quite well. People are playing a video game and may get angry, I however think this gives you a chance to work them towards having a more positive outlook by helping them understand there flaw rather then outright punishments

I placed vouchers from other communitys on my last application, I can repost them here if needed

Edited by Guest

Hello there! I'd like to ask if you could go through and make the questions Bold for us, it makes it easier for us to read.

Character names: This is just an example. Thank you!


Second followup interview with the applicant:

Catnip - Today at 3:13 PM

Alright, ready to start?

Drago - Today at 3:14 PM


Catnip - Today at 3:16 PM

Alright. First off, read through your first interview: https://pastebin.com/PvqnhHbE

Run through every question and answer, and one by one, tell me which answers you would change.

Drago - Today at 3:18 PM

I wouldnt say change the entire answer but as you noted in my first application, dont try and use looc as a means for moderation communication, stick to pm or bwoink

Catnip - Today at 3:19 PM

I urge you to take the time to read through each answer and think on whether or not you'd change anything. Or is this the only change you'd make?

Drago - Today at 3:21 PM

I believe this is the only change i would make. I feel my process for the situations were otherwise fair, sound and balaneced and gets the point across

Catnip - Today at 3:22 PM

That was quick. Alright, moving on.

Drago - Today at 3:22 PM

i went over them earlier while waiting is why

Catnip - Today at 3:27 PM

One of the main reasons your last application was denied was your notes history. As of now, your last note was one month ago, around when you last applied. Do you feel a month without run-ins with staff to be a sufficient change? Would you say that the lack of notes has been due to a lack of on-server activity, or merely improvement?

Drago - Today at 3:28 PM

I believe it has been improvement. I have taken even a deeper step back to understansd the ruels and how they are enforced and how they should be obeyed.

Catnip - Today at 3:31 PM

Based on connection logs, you've been playing on average about one round a day, which is plenty. I'm inclined to believe that there's been a positive change in your conduct. My question is, is one month enough?

Drago - Today at 3:33 PM

Things can be invented or improved in days; but however, The rules are simple and clear cut and I do indeed understand them to the fullest extent and can enforce them

Catnip - Today at 3:33 PM

Alrighty. Anything else to add?

Drago - Today at 3:33 PM

No sir.

Catnip - Today at 3:34 PM

Then, I'll get back to you within the next couple of days, ASAP. Have a good one.


Trial started on July 1st, and will run for one month until August 1. Note that ANY rule violations during this trial, or after, will result in instant denial. Good luck.

  • 4 weeks later...


This is not meant to be a personal attack, a staff complaint, or any attack on the characters. I find Queen RP's quite well and is generally a very nice person. I don't see much in OOC from them but they aren't a massive cock when they do! I just want this out of the way and stated before I get down


Overall, I don't have anything negative to say. To be honest most of my feedback and views of Queen's modship are quite good. They are active, they answer quickly, it appears they take alot of Ahelps and make sure that they respond timely. I do, however, have one issue, and yes only one. Its just that every now and then when Queen takes my ahelps or bwoinks me, I feel like I'm being talked to like I'm just a dog. Sometimes Queen lacks tact and I'd say.. forgets about experience, what I mean on this, on a canon event we had a while ago, I was bwoinked about the whole issue between Uriel and Marc and was basically told that the whole thing was an IC issue like I was the one that ahelp'd and was kinda spat at for reminding Queen I wasn't the one with an issue. That I was writing up my Incident Report to be posted after the round.. and it just felt bad ya know? Now I'm not saying Staff have to kiss ass and treat everyone like a baby. And it wasn't that big of a thing why I didn't even think about making a complaint. I'd just say in future think about you address things and do take note of the person you are messaging. Someone newer to our server might need to be told about the whole Report process and what counds as IC, etc. But players as old as Alb and Catnip probably don't need that ya know?

I'd say they have my vote as a perm staff member, Queen seems to be able to handle it! :D +1



This is not meant to be a personal attack, a staff complaint, or any attack on the characters. I find Queen RP's quite well and is generally a very nice person. I don't see much in OOC from them but they aren't a massive cock when they do! I just want this out of the way and stated before I get down


Overall, I don't have anything negative to say. To be honest most of my feedback and views of Queen's modship are quite good. They are active, they answer quickly, it appears they take alot of Ahelps and make sure that they respond timely. I do, however, have one issue, and yes only one. Its just that every now and then when Queen takes my ahelps or bwoinks me, I feel like I'm being talked to like I'm just a dog. Sometimes Queen lacks tact and I'd say.. forgets about experience, what I mean on this, on a canon event we had a while ago, I was bwoinked about the whole issue between Uriel and Marc and was basically told that the whole thing was an IC issue like I was the one that ahelp'd and was kinda spat at for reminding Queen I wasn't the one with an issue. That I was writing up my Incident Report to be posted after the round.. and it just felt bad ya know? Now I'm not saying Staff have to kiss ass and treat everyone like a baby. And it wasn't that big of a thing why I didn't even think about making a complaint. I'd just say in future think about you address things and do take note of the person you are messaging. Someone newer to our server might need to be told about the whole Report process and what counds as IC, etc. But players as old as Alb and Catnip probably don't need that ya know?

I'd say they have my vote as a perm staff member, Queen seems to be able to handle it! :D +1


thank you for the feedback, I really appreciate it. I sorta kinda remember that incident and I do apologize if I come off as having tone or attitude at times as I really dont mean to come off that way and am working on improving it. English isnt my primary language so at times I might use word choice that comes off as having a tone or being upset (Its gotten rare that this happens as I have been working quite hard on improving it) so I do apologize if I came off that way as I never mean to.


Although our Queen of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes only really leaves one reply in a ticket before then closing it silently 20 minutes later, I've never had a negative interaction with them whether OOC or IC, I find them extremely pleasant to engage with.


Although our Queen of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes only really leaves one reply in a ticket before then closing it silently 20 minutes later, I've never had a negative interaction with them whether OOC or IC, I find them extremely pleasant to engage with.


I have improved on this quite abit since my last feedback, normaly if it can be resolved shortly I tend to try and do that but I understand the issue and have worked hard to remember to close tickets, thank you dfor the feedback


They've always been icly and oocly a good player. And they've been super helpful with me being able to get in to my own trial. It's always been a pleasure working with them as a trial. And I feel they could definitely make a good full mod. +1


Probably my favorite new blood since becoming staff. Drago goes above and beyond what is expected of mods and has a very good administration style that (at least for me) works great. +1


Gurrrrl! You've been doing great! You go the extra mile to help new players and you're friendly and courteous about i from what Ive seen.

One minor thing I'd like to note is that you drag things on sometimes during ahelps, but its just something that'll buff out over time!

All in all, solid effort, keep it up!

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