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Tips of the round actually containing tips of the round


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More than half of the tips of the rounds are memes. While this is funny to some, I feel that the tip of the round has a lot of potential to inform users of actually useful mechanics or recently changed mechanics. Perhaps seperate the two by displaying a helpful tip of the round at round start, and a memey "Message of the Round" statement at the end of the round.


"More than half" is a pretty gross over-statement. Issuing two messages a round is also really not necessary. Players will see plenty of helpful tips as they play the server - they do not need to see them all at once.


Maybe all the tips could be made into a list together for people to peruse, instead of popping up at roundstart, so anyone can just kinda browse the helpful information whenever

Guest Marlon Phoenix

I like the gags. We need brevity on the server.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

"The second antag contest is still ongoing."

I love some of those tips, honestly, they're funnier the longer you've been here.




I personally love the memes, we may be a HRP server, but we have a capacity to have human feels such as humor in the server. Overall, I was thinking of making more memes to expand the pool. If you want tips, look on the wiki, or forum, or ask ooc, or even ahelp. -1

Guest Marlon Phoenix

No one is removing the memes. They are being displaced and seperated.


This isn't necessary.


It's like looking at my life from the outside.

"Let's separate the memes a bit and try to be serious"

"Never, not necessary, reee"

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