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GladiatorGames's request to valid-hunt better - Head Of Staff Whitelist

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Posted (edited)


 Character names. 
(Characters I actually play)
Jack Davies, Sean O'Rourke, Tony Advantorii, Samuel Davies, Johanes Kangala, Te-Ranga Potiki

How long have you been playing on Aurora?
2019 - 2021 On and off, if I were to actually pool all the playtime together I would put it at a roughly realistic One Year.
I had a major month's long break during 2020 where I only, at the end of the year, started getting back into the server.

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?
I have regrettably received three administrative actions in 2019 in my very early days of Aurora where I foolishly had not really taken a look at the rules as I was just fresh off LRP servers, which is not an excuse what so ever. I would like to think that these actions are not extremely serious though they are still rather... Well, stupid. I can assure you that I have evolved beyond my primative days of monkeying about. If you wish for more details on these actions just hit me up at my Discord, GladiatorGames#4844

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?
I believe, as many say, that a Head of Staff's primary OOC purpose is not only to direct experienced players down the right path but most importantly to guide inexperienced players down their journey of their selected department of choice. A Head of Staff is commonly taken up by a player that is confident or experienced in the department they are heading and as such, these players are usually expected to teach new players of their knowledge and understanding of their department as a way to help and grow the community. In summary, the power of knowledge, a thing that Heads of Staff are expected to have, is something that they are to use to mold and develop new players into yet another experienced and confident player in the Aurora Community.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?
Whitelisted players are almost one hundred percent of the time players who have sunk a large amount of time and effort into the Aurora Community which is commonly why they spur themselves to gain these whitelists which provide responsibilities that they have to uphold. The responsibilities that I believe whitelisted players have is their time and experience within Aurora, as I stated just before, these players are usually ones who have invested time into our Community and as such have learnt the nuances, skills and experiences that other Community members have which is perfect to allow these experienced members of our server to teach other newcomers of the way of life here and how things a done, not only in Out of Character situations, like writing Whitelists as I am doing here, but also in In Character situations where they can teach their hard-earned knowledge to the new players to get them started on their journey of HRP within Aurora.

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?
Welcome to Tau Ceti! The powerhouse of the human race, Nanotrasen is beginning to fall by the wayside as Phoron reserves begin to run dry by the day, the giant, in a last ditch effort to cement itself back down has created the SCC to not only assist itself but also other Companies along with it. As a great power falls, a new power rises with Einstein Engines coming to the forefront of Tau Ceti with its new and strange technology that could completely phase out the ever more expensive Phoron powered engines provided by Nanotrasen. Tensions grow not only in the Corporations but also around Tau Ceti as a Rogue Fleet from Sol Alliance encroach on the Republic of Biesels borders starting an all too familiar Invasion of its borders. This is when the SCC is revealed to Tau Ceti to help defeat this great fleet along with the united Coalition and Elyrian forces which are able to drive this crazed fleet away.

Augustus Wolf, a Senior member of the S.W.A.T within Mendell City, has been caught up in all of the Politics and Controversy of the current era, with not only Mendell City itself growing more volatile with Districts 6 being especially problematic to his career and continued existence as a breathing man but also the great corporations which are not pitted in a life or death struggle with each other to keep their positions on top which have caused his position within the S.W.A.T to be pulled to and fro for personal gain of many corporate sympathizers within the city, but among all of this turmoil and uncertainty he has finally been pulled from his esteemed position within the S.W.A.T to work within Nanotrasens stations.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
I am planning on playing this HoS character after the application is accepted in an effort to make a recognized and remarkable character that keeps coming back rather than just having a more one and done approach, though I assure you, with time, my repertoire will expand!

Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.
Augustus Wolf, HoS (As of current)

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
Yes I do!

Extra notes:
I just want you to be aware that I am currently in a rather busy period in my life with school work coming out the wazoo along with tests galore, so though I will strive to join in as many times as possible I can not guarantee a completely filled out week of joining in! And on a side note, thank you so much for reading!

Edited by gladiatorgames123
To appease stev, you unhappy LOVELY PERSON

You do put effort in the stuff you do from my experiences, mainly observed that with your characters when you're coming up details. I think my only concern would be how you handle HoS as it is a high stress role that also kind of relies on you being available and not inactive. Something that could be seen in a trial.

I think you might enjoy HoP too considering your AI play.


I'm totally not being bullied in DM's in to leaving this. 
I've seen your characters about plenty, you're perfectly competent, so I've got some little hypothetical situations for you to answer.

Three hypotheticals

1: You're the only command staff online, you've otherwise got a perfectly adequately stocked station, and a group of raider/mercenary/burglar/jehovah's witnesses show up, and start doing their shady business. What is your first course of action. (Let's say your assets are two security officers, a warden, and a full stocked medical team.)
2: You have a moderately stocked command staff online, (Let's say a research director, chief engineer and you.), and one of them starts doing shady business. What do you do.
3: In a sleepy round, what do you do to drum interest and get people remotely engaged. Answer as both HOS and HOP

21 minutes ago, stevIII said:

1: You're the only command staff online, you've otherwise got a perfectly adequately stocked station, and a group of raider/mercenary/burglar/jehovah's witnesses show up, and start doing their shady business. What is your first course of action. (Let's say your assets are two security officers, a warden, and a full stocked medical team.)
2: You have a moderately stocked command staff online, (Let's say a research director, chief engineer and you.), and one of them starts doing shady business. What do you do.
3: In a sleepy round, what do you do to drum interest and get people remotely engaged. Answer as both HOS and HOP

Hey, Stev! Thanks for dropping by to comment! Even if I held you at gunpoint.

Hypothetical One: The absolute first thing I would do, assuming I fully know of their presence aboard the station, would be to make first contact. This could be in the form of personally talking with them, or over radio, but either way I would attempt to ask of their intentions and their purpose aboard the station. Depending on if the Antagonists act aggressive or not I would request that the Warden begin to prepare equipment for an easy grab and run for the Officers with the equipment being appropriate to the threat level of these Antagonists, once this is complete I'd tell the warden and/or one of the Officers to begin clearing out open station crew areas, such as the Bar, Library, Kitchen, Holodeck, etc. if they are close to the boarders location or if they could possibly get in the way of them. The main goal would be to pin down the group while still allowing wiggle room for them to continue their gimmick, though I would attempt a more balanced approach, going for mechanical effectiveness (Actually stopping the threat), with RP effectiveness (Allowing them to advance their plot and RP with crew members).

Hypothetical Two: In this scenario my goal would be to stir roleplay, and the way I'd do this is talking with the head in person, in an Office meeting or even just in the hallways, discussing what they're doing, poking and prodding ever so gently at this suspicious action, though if my Character deems that they were just doing something that could look suspicious but is completely fine, the talk would end there with a smile and a wave. Though if this was a more serious suspicious action, I would do as said before but instead have an Officer follow the Head to an extent, while in truth this is not an effective mechanical solution it would certainly provide an RP opportunity for both the Head and the Officer allowing for a game of cat and mouse between them, though if this Head retreats to a position where they are free from the prying eyes of the damned Security department I would let them go, possibly occasionally requesting a checkup on them on Camera's to see how they're doing.

Hypothetical Three: As a HoS I would drum up character interaction and RP opportunities by providing courses, some of these courses being on Firearm safety, for example, what to do when you find a firearm on the ground unattended or how to safely move a firearm out of a situation where someone could get hurt, or even fitness programs, encouraging workouts and competitions between crewmembers while also providing information on how to safely and properly exercise to even getting Crewmembers to assist in training operations with the Security Department like Laser Tag games which will be fun for the Crew and grueling and heavily-spectated training sessions for the Security team. As for HoP, I would perform similar things! Competitions between crewmembers in fitness, Treasure Hunts, Questionnaires, and cooking competitions and much, much more!

Again, thank you for the comment, Stev, really appreciate the questions! 


I have been threatened and have no choice. Really though, most of my experience with them in-game comes from non-personal departmental interaction with Officer Kangala, and from what I've seen I believe they have played the Eridanian Suit angle well. They seem to be quite persistent about playing a Head of Staff, and I believe they would be able to uphold the purposes they stated in the OOC 'purpose' and 'responsibilities' sections.


Posted (edited)

hi. i play verline steerpike in sec. i've worked with you a few times, and i think you can probably hack it on command. you reply to people over comms and communicate well, and that's half the battle right there. my main criticism for you is that you use a lot of IRL terminology and methods in-game. i think that this is an issue, because i do not personally believe that one needs IRL knowledge / familiarity of a subject to enjoy that subject in-game. i would want to see you try to find a more 'happy medium' with this kind of thing,- make it so a layman can understand and be interested, and be able to RP with you easier. i hope my feedback helps! 

Edited by Faye <3
5 hours ago, Faye &lt;3 said:

hi. i play verline steerpike in sec. i've worked with you a few times, and i think you can probably hack it on command. you reply to people over comms and communicate well, and that's half the battle right there. my main criticism for you is that you use a lot of IRL terminology and methods in-game. i think that this is an issue, because i do not personally believe that one needs IRL knowledge / familiarity of a subject to enjoy that subject in-game. i would want to see you try to find a more 'happy medium' with this kind of thing,- make it so a layman can understand and be interested, and be able to RP with you easier. i hope my feedback helps! 

Hey, Faye! Thank you so much for dropping by and giving some feedback!

In the spirit of trying to constantly improve my characters I'd like to ask a few questions on this concern of yours, if you wouldn't mind of course!
While I perfectly believe and understand that you don't need to be a master at methods or lingo to enjoy an RP game such as this, infact, that is exactly why it is a game, I just want to know to what extent you believe the ideal 'happy medium' reaches, and what things do you believe balance both 'Real life realism' per-se, with enjoyment? Another question I have to see where I may be going wrong is also on what things I do or say that you believe are not exactly ideal. As said before, this is all in the spirit of improving my characters and as such I would like to ask what things my character has said and done that you especially didn't like or want to point out, because, this is just a personal view and I could be getting this horribly wrong, I don't believe that I use too much of this real life jargon in my everyday round.

Another minor question that I would have to ask is pertaining to my HoS Character, My HoS Character, in short, is going to be a real hardass on his Officers, I plan to provide the Officers with hard and puzzling training sessions which stir role-play and strategic thinking, such as what I plan on doing on full sec rounds, 'Kill Houses' which will be situated on the Construction floor where Officers will do games of either laser tag with crew or live fire exercises on targets laid out around the floor with Augustus watching like a Hawk for any flaws in their execution, these training sessions won't just be practical either, with Augustus setting up mock hostage situations where the Officers get to plan on their course of action or even just being simple prioritisation training. While I can perfectly understand why someone would go, 'Hah, he's just trying to be a Police/SWAT Officer in SS13' I want people to look beneath the frankly silly 'milsim' type attitude and look at the RP opportunities, how the Officers get to interact and how the crew will also get to join in, allowing for a whole cabal of chances for unique interactions and conversations. So, I ask you, after all of that much-to-long, confusing and overcomplicated paragraph, do you believe this is going over the boundary of IRL terminology and methods or is this fine in your eyes, I genuinely would really love to hear what your opinion on this is.

Look forward to hearing back from you! Thank you for your time!


Heya, this isn't a -1, way too early into the trial for that. That said, some feedback from the recent raider round.

- The escalation in general was really not great. I personally don't mind frontlining as HoS to much, but there's that and then sprinting in front of an emitter to deal with two antags. 

- Very little leeway was given to said antags. I'd really avoid AI bolting especially as it's pretty miserable to deal with and generally escalates rounds real fast in response. 

I'm not going to go too heavily there though as you were spoken to previously, but I do have other issues and that's to do with the training side.

I'm gonna be real man, I thing you need to be really careful on insisting officers do training courses. A voluntary, or overly fun/challenging training session is one thing, but PT in the holodeck is just not going to be very enjoyable for a lot of people. Short bursts might be okay, but I feel a HoS that insists on a lot of departmental training during down time may end up making people second guess whether or not they really want to join the round if they're not going to be able to RP on their own terms.


I think you can make the idea work, just needs some more consideration. Getting the crew involved in hostage stuff, fake murders, cargo weapons training, ect generally tends to go okay so long as it's not super regular. Good luck, hoping things go well.

On 27/09/2021 at 18:02, Peppermint said:

Heya, this isn't a -1, way too early into the trial for that. That said, some feedback from the recent raider round.

Hey, Peppermint! Thank you so much for dropping by and giving some feedback, apologies for the late reply!

Being completely honest here, that round had to be one of my worst on station, excluding my 'rounds' in previous years. I completely and whole heartidly agree with what you're saying! The escalation was completely and utterly horrible which was all on me, pressing the Antags into uncomfortable spots where they would have to react as well as my lack of knowledge on how to respond to antags that don't want to communicate and not to mention the aggressive frontlining, I am.... Well, embarrassed to say the least when it came to my actions. As for the bolting action, in retrospect there's no real reason to ever order such a thing unless under specific circumstances. As for the final point, you've provided a very interesting thought for me which has got my mind thinking, I will assuredly follow your advice as we can both agree it would be for the better.

Again, I really appreciate the feedback, and I promise you I will take all of the experiences of the round and learn from them! Thanks again and hope to see you in round!


I've played with Gladiator's character Augustus Wolf, Head of Security. He is an amazing roleplayer, each time I've been onboard as my Captain. Most times he runs small events, the first time I met him, he was training the crew at the firing range with different types of weaponry. I participated and watched as he shared his IRL knowledge about weapon handling. I learned something new that day. The other day we did a gym exercise and I loved to participate and roleplay, it was a great event and created a ton of roleplay.  Anyways I love the character +1


I can count on one hand the number of these I've actually replied to over the years.

That being said, Augustus Wolf is a great Head of Security character. Hell - I'd even say he's one of the better (if not best) that I've seen. The player clearly puts in the effort in to keep interactions enjoyable for all parties involved and ensures that as much of the crew gets a chance to play as possible - as opposed to only Security. Whatever you're doing, please don't stop. My only concern with your play is that you're putting in so much work that you'll burn yourself out before long. I really hope you don't.


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