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Ho-lee shit.

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I don't know if you guys realize this, but Farcry is legitimately the coolest fucking SS13 player I've seen in a long time.

The first round I've played with him, today, was by far the most amazing I've played in my time since I came back. Dude is a fucking LEGEND.

Rook Jameson [security] says, "Yinzr."

Rook Jameson says, "Yinzr."

Rook Jameson [security] says, "I need you."

Rook Jameson says, "I need you."

Rook Jameson [security] says, "Interrogation."

Rook Jameson says, "Interrogation."

Sslazhir Yinzr [security] asks, "Yesss?"

Roman Sealeg [security] asks, "Magna et commodo culpa qui exercitation?"

Jamison Stamos [145.9] asks, "Dove?"

Rook Jameson says, "What you're about to see may unnerve you."

Message from Leonin Smythe (Captain), "I'm quite an expert enough." (Reply)

Sslazhir Yinzr says, "Right..."

Sslazhir Yinzr asks, "What isss it?"

Charlie Dove [145.9] asks, "Yeah?"

Rook Jameson says, "It's not my area to question the work of my superiors."

Ana Roh'hi'tin [security] says, "So what happened in the psychiatrrric lab."


This is Unknown!

He is wearing an orange jumpsuit. It has a marker for "Cell 2" painted on the front and back.

He is handcuffed!

He is wearing some orange shoes on his feet.

He has a fresh skin on his head.

Criminal status: [None]

Security records: [View] [Add comment]

Standing about 5'10", with l... More...


Leonin Smythe rubs his chin.

Jamison Stamos [145.9] asks, "You lurking about in medical as Usual?"

Leonin Smythe says, "Look at him."

Rook Jameson nods firmly.

Leonin Smythe says, "Spitting up like an infant."

Rook Jameson says, "Close the door, Yinzr."

Leonin Smythe says, "I'll ask you again, boy."

Sslazhir Yinzr folds his arms, looking at the prisoner.

Leonin Smythe says, "Residence."

Leonin Smythe asks, "Where do you live?"

Charlie Dove [145.9] says, "I am, how you say, a DOCTOR so that would be appropriate..."

Bobbert [145.9] states, "o Sounds interesting."

Unknown is limp, bleeding from the mouth, eyes closed.

LOOC: Hivefleetchicken: holy shit this just got dark

Leonin Smythe asks, "Who hired you?"

Kassia Opal [security] says, "Ana Roh'hi'tin"

OOC: Hivefleetchicken: omfg I forgot how fun it was to play with farcry holy shit

Kassia Opal [security] shouts, "Shit!"

Kassia Opal [security] says, "I mean"

Rook Jameson [security] says, "What."

Rook Jameson says, "What."

Ana Roh'hi'tin [security] says, "The silence means nothing, but we have blood and crrrime scene tape. So does someone want to speak up about what happened."

Unknown was unbuckled by Leonin Smythe!

Sslazhir Yinzr raises a hand.

Kassia Opal [security] shouts, "Thats not supposed to go on the coms!"

Leonin Smythe has grabbed Unknown passively!

Sslazhir Yinzr says, "We have a name, captain."

Leonin Smythe slams Unknown's face against the table!

Rook Jameson [security] says, "Right."

Rook Jameson says, "Right."

Leonin Smythe asks, "WHO?"

Everett Osprii(as Unknown) says, "NMGHHHHHHH"

Rook Jameson [security] says, "Here we go, Roh'hi'tin."

Rook Jameson says, "Here we go, Roh'hi'tin."

Leonin Smythe slams Unknown's face against the table!

Leonin Smythe asks, "WHO?"


This is Unknown!

He is wearing an orange jumpsuit. It has a marker for "Cell 2" painted on the front and back.

He is handcuffed!

He is wearing some orange shoes on his feet.

He has a fresh skin, and a small bruise on his head.

Criminal status: [None]

Security records: [View] [Add comment]

Standing about 5'10", with l... More...


Leonin Smythe says, "I'LL ASK YOU AGAIN."

Unknown coughs up blood, going pale.

Rook Jameson [security] says, "Osprii, research guy."

Rook Jameson says, "Osprii, research guy."

Leonin Smythe shouts, "I CAN KEEP GOING!"

Leonin Smythe slams Unknown's face against the table!

Leonin Smythe slams Unknown's face against the table!

Everett Osprii(as Unknown) yells, "MM_nNGH!"

Rook Jameson [security] says, "Killed the psychiatrist."

Rook Jameson says, "Killed the psychiatrist."

Everett Osprii(as Unknown) says, "UINIUN..."

Unknown is buckled in to the chair by Leonin Smythe!

Rook Jameson [security] says, "Multiple items of contraband."

Rook Jameson says, "Multiple items of contraband."

Everett Osprii(as Unknown) says, "ANnn..."

Leonin Smythe shouts, "You don't like that, do you?!"

Rook Jameson folds his arms.

Leonin Smythe says, "Keep the catbeast off me, would you? Some of us have to do our job."

Rook Jameson says, "Yinzr."

Sslazhir Yinzr asks, "Yessss?"

Rook Jameson asks, "I suspect you have some experience in this field?"

Leonin Smythe says, "I know what you're thinking, boy."

Rook Jameson asks, "Would you perhaps like to take the mantle of making him talk?"

Leonin Smythe says, ""He's just bluffing.""

Ana Roh'hi'tin [security] says, "Judging by the fact his skull is fucking caved in."

Sslazhir Yinzr asks, "Interrogation?"

B.O.R.S. [security] states, "Back online."

That's a floor.


This is Unknown!

He is wearing an orange jumpsuit. It has a marker for "Cell 2" painted on the front and back.

He is handcuffed!

He is wearing some orange shoes on his feet.

He has a fresh skin, and a bleeding large bruise on his head.

Criminal status: [None]

Security records: [View] [Add comment]

Standing about 5'10", with l... More...


Leonin Smythe says, ""He won't really hurt me.""

Sslazhir Yinzr shakes his head, flicking his tongue out.

Morgan Harper [security] asks, "..I can come in there with a first aid kit. Can I do that?"

Sslazhir Yinzr says, "Not really, commander."

Rook Jameson nods.

Leonin Smythe [security] says, "Go ahead, Morgan."

Leonin Smythe talks into the captain's headset

Rook Jameson says, "Don't tell Amber this is what I do."

Unknown mumbles incomprehensible bubbling bloody garble.

Morgan Harper [security] says, "Okey dokes."

Leonin Smythe says, "Christ almighty."

Rook Jameson says, "He's weak, Captain."

Leonin Smythe asks, "You really are a babbling idiot, aren't you?"

Leonin Smythe says, "Let me spell it out for you."

Leonin Smythe says, "You talk. T A L K."

Morgan Harper has analyzed Unknown's vitals.

Leonin Smythe asks, "You do know how to talk, right?"

Sslazhir Yinzr says, "Jussst a sssecond."

Morgan Harper says, "Hiya, mister. Hold still."

Rook Jameson says, "Granted."

Leonin Smythe holds up the man's bloody, bruised head by his hair.

Rook Jameson grimaces.


Leonin Smythe asks, "What do you think is the best course of action with our friend?"

Rook Jameson says, "Listen, Prisoner."

Rook Jameson says, "Smythe is a good marine."

Rook Jameson says, "He knows hos to just barely keep you alive."

Rook Jameson says, "Ahem. How."

Arrivals Announcement Computer [145.9] says, "Maka Johnson, Lab Assistant, has arrived on the station."

Rook Jameson says, "I'm gonna' ask you nicely, before I hand you back to him."

Kassia Opal [security] says, "I'll be back in 5 minutes sir"

Rook Jameson says, "Talk."

Rook Jameson holds the Prisoner's chin.


Unknown remains limp and unresponsive

Rook Jameson asks, "Can you hear me?"

Leonin Smythe says, "Yinzr."

Rook Jameson raises his fist.

Sslazhir Yinzr asks, "Captain?"

Leonin Smythe says, "I'd like you to go get me a cheap lighter."

Rook Jameson slams his closed hand into the Prisoner's head.

Sslazhir Yinzr nods.

Rook Jameson shouts, "TALK!"

Everett Osprii(as Unknown) says, "Nnn..."

Unknown was unbuckled by Rook Jameson!

Rook Jameson has grabbed Unknown passively!

Unknown screams!

Rook Jameson slams Unknown's face against the table!

Unknown is buckled in to the chair by Rook Jameson!

Everett Osprii(as Unknown) shouts, "NGH!"

Rook Jameson says, "Hrm."


Leonin Smythe chews his unlit cigar, robotic eyes impassive behind his sunglasses.

Leonin Smythe says, "I just need you to do one thing."

Cryogenic Oversight [145.9] says, "Red Soil In An Open Palm has entered long-term storage."

Leonin Smythe says, "Work with me."

Leonin Smythe says, "I'll give you ten seconds to start talking."

Leonin Smythe says, "Ten."

Leonin Smythe says, "Nine."

Leonin Smythe says, "Eight."

Leonin Smythe says, "Seven."

Leonin Smythe says, "Six."

Leonin Smythe says, "Five."

Leonin Smythe says, "Four."

Leonin Smythe says, "Three."

Leonin Smythe says, "Two."

Leonin Smythe says, "One."

B.O.R.S. [security] queries, "Jamison Stamos was released correct?"

Morgan Harper [security] says, "Uh huh."

Sslazhir Yinzr [security] says, "Yessss..."

Sslazhir Yinzr talks into the security radio headset

Leonin Smythe presses the lit end of the cigar into the man's right eye, twisting it around.


B.O.R.S. [security] states, "Criminal status updated from incarcerated."

Leonin Smythe asks, "Smell that?"

Rook Jameson nods.

Unknown makes some groaning and pained sounds, but other than that...

Leonin Smythe asks, "Smell your cornea burning?"

Unknown Nothing much.

Leonin Smythe says, "Next eye."

Leonin Smythe flicks the cigar across the room.

Sslazhir Yinzr growls briefly, emitting a short barking sound from his throat.

OOC: Mirkoloio: Fuck, Why is Xander not around when you need him..

A.D.P [security] states, "Prisoner is in full health."

Leonin Smythe has thrown the premium cigar.

Unknown This time? No groaning, no pained noises, just eerie silence and bubbling blood from their mouth and nose.

OOC: Mirkoloio: Does anyone know how old Jester Stamos is?

Roman Sealeg asks, "What the fuck?"

Leonin Smythe rubs his chin.

Ana Roh'hi'tin [security] says, "Yet his face is not."

Leonin Smythe says, "He's a sturdy one."

Leonin Smythe nods to Roman.

Roman Sealeg says, "You've just broken the law..."

Leonin Smythe asks, "Do you know why?"

Leonin Smythe says, "To protect this station."

Ana Roh'hi'tin [security] says, "Irrrelevant. Abuse is against the law. He will be detained."

Leonin Smythe asks, "This man, here?"

Unknown remains limp, probably near-death.

Roman Sealeg says, "Don't need to know why..."

Roman Sealeg says, "You still broke it."

Leonin Smythe gestures to the man in the chair.

Roman Sealeg says, "So."

Leonin Smythe says, "He's a murderer."

Roman Sealeg asks, "Easy way or the hard way?"

Ana Roh'hi'tin [security] says, "Leonin Smythe. You have one chance to come out and submit to arrrest."

Rook Jameson says, "Your help is appreciated."

Rook Jameson says, "Watch on cameras."

Ana Roh'hi'tin [security] says, "Else you, and the head of securrrity, will face charrrges."

Rook Jameson says, "This prisoner denied the easy way."

Roman Sealeg says, "He is to be arrested."

Leonin Smythe [security] says, "Mhm."

Leonin Smythe talks into the captain's headset

Ana Roh'hi'tin [security] says, "RRRook Jameson is charrrged with neglect of duty forrr witnessing and allowing the abuse of a suspect to continue."

Roman Sealeg says, "He has broken the law."

Rook Jameson [security] says, "Loyalty implants."

Rook Jameson says, "Loyalty implants."

Roman Sealeg says, "Doesn't matter who he is. He has broken the law."

Rook Jameson [security] says, "I am not to question the orders of my superiors."

Rook Jameson says, "I am not to question the orders of my superiors."

Unknown has blood-soaked clothes by now.

Leonin Smythe [security] says, "And neither should you, Roh'hi'tin."

Leonin Smythe talks into the captain's headset

Ana Roh'hi'tin [security] says, "Then you can make a plea of not guilty by rrreason of durrress."

Of course, then me and Leonin kissed and fucking shot up security for NanoTrasen in a blaze of glory. Died fighting, because our loyalty implants refused we deny CC's orders to interrogate the prisoner.

It was fucking /AWESOME/, and I want Farcry back.

Edited by Guest
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Guest Menown

Help. I'm currently being linged on the Aft-port solars. Send security pls.


It isn't.

Leonin was a non-antag and brutally tortured an individual, then when security came to arrest him, justified, he immediately opened up with lethal fire despite that being against his 'chip' to begin with.

Posted (edited)

Remember when you could forcefully extract a confession from an infiltrator (+murderer) by using a mix of good RP and game mechanics without getting swarmed by security?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Oh, and about the lethals. I only had those on to try and intimidate the warden into standing down, but then he ran around (like people always do when they get targeted with a gun) and everyone else rushed in, which started the firefight. So there's that.

Edited by Guest

Even better, the guy I tortured had a great time and actually made the character's injuries permanent, and a part of his character's development. RP doesn't always have to be by the books, and in fact can be better when you go off the rails and aren't afraid to get your hands dirty. I think that's something people forget and need to be reminded of.


Torture is fine, however, firing lethals at officers as non antags is a stupid thing. The captain fired lethals upon Ana, and if Yinzr was not there, with the revolver, she would be dead.


Yet you still fired lethal on someone attempting a lawful arrest. I'm not disagreeing that RP always has to be by the books but lets be clear on something here. You straight up broke the law and abused a criminal and got dealt with IC because of it (and then died due to an antag officer). If your idea of officers freaking out is them enforcing corporate regulations then frankly i contest that.


I suppose the more reasonable thing to do would have been to lie down and get arrested, but that's extremely dull. Instead Hive and I did something unpredictable that spiced up the round, rather than going to sit in perma for the duration. Honestly I'd have preferred the warden to not freak as soon as I aimed at him and used him as a way out instead, but things happen. I personally had a lot of fun and I know a lot of others did as well.


The problem I have with spicing the round up is captains are loyalty implanted. Regardless the main problem I had was the lethal and since it was all being handled IC I decided not to bwoink you.


I see were your coming from and I actually think its a healthy mentality to have, the conflict for me here is its my understanding that a loyalty implant would physically prevent you (and the HiS) from doing something like this.


There is.

You have a loyalty implant. You aren't an antag. I don't need you to spice up my round. It's 'spicy' enough dealing with typical antag bullshit.

If you don't want to play by the constraints of a role, that being a loyalty implant as a captain, don't play it. We don't need random shits 'spicing' up the round.


Always shitty when people bolt as you got your gun on them.

I can recall 6 situations where I've done that, the gun was on lethal and the person ran. Of course they would die and then complain.


Going to be completely honest, don't do antag stuff as Head of Security or Captain, play a corrupt Officer or Warden, but the two loyalty implanted Heads are Heads, and they are meant to serve as examples on how to act as Heads and as players in general.


Let me guess this straight. I get a permanent strike on my account, because I hit someone with a baton, with no loyalty implant, the and I get ahelped immediately as soon as it happened. And the admins actively let THIS happen?

Let me guess this straight. I get a permanent strike on my account, because I hit someone with a baton, with no loyalty implant, the and I get ahelped immediately as soon as it happened. And the admins actively let THIS happen?



Lovely, isn't it? We're just as well willing to forego the set precedents and player accountability for their own actions because, hey! It was for the lulz. It was funny, and it was !FUN!. Screw whether if it was right or wrong, it was funny. Such a splendid case of knee-slapping, A-yuck-yuck!

And damn everyone else that it seems to affect.

I'm so glad we're willing to praise each other for this behavior. We're really moving forward as individuals.

Let me guess this straight. I get a permanent strike on my account, because I hit someone with a baton, with no loyalty implant, the and I get ahelped immediately as soon as it happened. And the admins actively let THIS happen?



Lovely, isn't it? We're just as well willing to forego the set precedents and player accountability for their own actions because, hey! It was for the lulz. It was funny, and it was !FUN!. Screw whether if it was right or wrong, it was funny. Such a splendid case of knee-slapping, A-yuck-yuck!

And damn everyone else that it seems to affect.

I'm so glad we're willing to praise each other for this behavior. We're really moving forward as individuals.


All of 2 people are praising this right now..... please work on your hyperbole's.

Let me guess this straight. I get a permanent strike on my account, because I hit someone with a baton, with no loyalty implant, the and I get ahelped immediately as soon as it happened. And the admins actively let THIS happen?



Lovely, isn't it? We're just as well willing to forego the set precedents and player accountability for their own actions because, hey! It was for the lulz. It was funny, and it was !FUN!. Screw whether if it was right or wrong, it was funny. Such a splendid case of knee-slapping, A-yuck-yuck!

And damn everyone else that it seems to affect.

I'm so glad we're willing to praise each other for this behavior. We're really moving forward as individuals.


All of 2 people are praising this right now..... please work on your hyperbole's.


You get that was sarcasm, right?


If it was handled entirely in IC and people who were involved are dissatisfied with the way the characters acted, there is a complaint board where this issue could be taken.

That said, I'm going to hold my opinion for the complaint, if one is even made.

You get that was sarcasm, right?


I literally cannot tell if any of that is sarcasm or being serious considering how you normally post on forums.

Regardless, this goes to everyone: It's less of "staff did nothing about it! roar! anarchy! rahhhhhhhh!" and more of "staff weren't paying attention, maybe we should've ahelped". Did you know nobody ahelped the issue? Nobody ahelped the entire issue until the very LAST second before the restart, and then Scopes talked to both Hive and Farcry at the start of the next round. Please tell me how we're supposed to act on something we don't know about because I don't remember us becoming omniscient if we're (such as me and other staff) doing other things until we hear the sound of an ahelp. If nobody ahelps an issue, then don't expect staff to come in immediately or at all.

typical antag bullshit.


Sollution? Nerf antags even more... Actually, delete antags, that way you'd be the most robust person on the server :^)

But really, Sue, you're no saint either.. Especially as a HoS... I remember you burning some antags alive in a cult round.. Or.. I also remember you deciding to shoot my ling with a lawgiver, and accidently decapitating a bystander... But I doubt that much action was done on you.

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