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[Accepted] Nanako's Head of Staff application

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Just want to point something out:


If you want to drag personal issues into my application, ill happily post our entire history of discord logs for all the time we've known each other, and let people judge how they will. I've nothing to hide.


I'd say that's at least a little manipulative :/

many of the accusations in question are relevant to things which happened in personal conversations. Brightdawn has chosen to block me and then drag our personal drama into a public space, i didn't do that.

I don't approve of it personally, i think private conversations should be kept private. But if they're going to be used against me in public, then shouldn't i be able to present evidence to defend myself?

What else can i do. I've tried to answer those accusations as best i can, maybe that'll be enough.

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Yet these "accusations" hold a bit of water given these are characteristic to you, Nanako. I've seen you make really stupid decisions and handle things in the most inelegant ways, I've seen you argue and bicker with people over the tiniest and silly things, and you break procedure under the guise that you're "just doing your job" while toeing the line of decency in these regards. The last thing we need is a head of staff that selfishly and destructively makes awful decisions that only benefits themselves and ends up damaging the round for other people.

Why do you think you deserve this whitelist?


To be honest a healthy portion of this drama is just dumb and if you get your rocks hot because of what a kid says over you online just ignore them or kill them already.

That said, my problems with Nanako don't stem from any forums or wiki or drama shit - I actually think they're pretty chill OOCly. If it weren't for your really really bad character backgrounds and schutztaffel Elisa pic cringe, I'd even go so far as to give you my support.

If I can be convinced this one won't be a cringy pile of miku bullshit, I'll gladly +1 this since I don't think this drama is relevant to my opinion of your ability to be a head. We already have powergaming heads up the fucking arse here, I don't see how this is any worse than letting delta continue play Vira "if nuke gets voted I'll order five shipments of guns at round start" de santos, etc

To be honest a healthy portion of this drama is just dumb and if you get your rocks hot because of what a kid says over you online just ignore them or kill them already.

That said, my problems with Nanako don't stem from any forums or wiki or drama shit - I actually think they're pretty chill OOCly. If it weren't for your really really bad character backgrounds and schutztaffel Elisa pic cringe, I'd even go so far as to give you my support.

If I can be convinced this one won't be a cringy pile of miku bullshit, I'll gladly +1 this since I don't think this drama is relevant to my opinion of your ability to be a head. We already have powergaming heads up the fucking arse here, I don't see how this is any worse than letting delta continue play Vira "if nuke gets voted I'll order five shipments of guns at round start" de santos, etc


Pretty much this.


In that round as interim CMO, in the short time i held the position, i was busy dealing with categorising the three mysterious corpses in medical, attempting to clone them, and setting records. I largely only interacted with a couple of people, the chemist Micka, and that sex-offender paramedic who turned out to be a changeling and murdered me when i went to medical storage. Not sure if you were either of them, if you were someone else i don't recall at all. After that round, the captain who appointed me (Xander) felt i'd done well enough to come here and post positive feedback


I was the Chief Engineer, You repetitively refused to answer any questions for the command staff, You refused to answer questions about the bodies when the captain asked, I even went into the medical bay only to be ignored, The fact that you had your sensors off the entire time and you weren't communicating with the Heads of Staff, Made us (Engineering Team, AI, Myself) Believe you were the murderer, The only reason you were not captured was because the Captain trusted you, I would advise to work on your communication better, CMO Is a very stressful job if you don't communicate it throws everybody in disarray.


think i did this about 3x when i started playing her, i don't do it anymore and haven't for a week or two,


Every time the code elevates or changes you implant yourself, Or at-least that's why my attack logs tell me, I may be wrong, So ill take your word and retract that part of my statement.


Do any particular incidents come to mind?


The most memorable incidents come to mind when your EMT comes to robotics and demands an odysseus mech constantly harassing the robit team in a rude way.


In that round as interim CMO, i did the CMO's job. Sorting medical records, filling out forms, organising my team and issuing guidanceI was only doing cloning because of a dire shortage of doctors (we had a paramedic and a chemist, no doctors), i didn't feel like i did anyone's job for them


Correct, I am talking about past rounds with your Nanako's, In general I do not want to see any Nanako clone character in a command position, If you made another character then sure ill +1 you, But the Nanako's leave sour tastes in my mouth and my immersion goes straight out the window, I don't think Nanotrasen would hire people with the exact same appearance and exact same name, That's spells trouble.

Good luck, If you tell me you will work on my complaints ill +1 ya,

My biggest issue with you is the Nanako Clan, Please work away from those.



Nanako's profile requires some explanation to all you non-stitch-counters. Princess Elsa is...

1. In Panzer black.

2. In a white shirt.

3. Not wearing a tie.

4. Wearing infantry piping.

5. Wearing signals collar tabs.

6. Wearing a Field Marshal's collar tab.

7. Wearing a Oberleutnant's shoulder board.

8. Wearing hair below the ears in clear violation of every goddamn regulation on haircuts.

9. Not wearing SS runes.

Raising the question,

1. Why do I know these things.

Did I +1 this before? While I feel "The Nanakos" are not ideal characters, I still feel "The Nanako" is an ideal player.


I was the Chief Engineer, You repetitively refused to answer any questions for the command staff, You refused to answer questions about the bodies when the captain asked,

At the start, shortly after being made interim CMO, there was a period where i hadn't yet gone to my office to get the CMO headset, and wasn't hearing the command channel. I did however communicate with the captain on the medical chanel

Made us (Engineering Team, AI, Myself) Believe you were the murderer,


The changeling killed me a short time after i took the post, and took my place, started impersonating me.


I even went into the medical bay only to be ignored,

might have been after i died, i don't recall seeing you.


The fact that you had your sensors off the entire time and you weren't communicating with the Heads of Staff,

I had my sensors on, right up until the changeling turned them off before killing me.


The only reason you were not captured was because the Captain trusted you, I would advise to work on your communication better, CMO Is a very stressful job if you don't communicate it throws everybody in disarray.

I was captured and killed by the changeling. I didn't communicate because i was dead. The only reason i wasn't captured was because i was already dead.

I remember watching the command channel as a ghost, i was actually REALLY hoping you'd come and try to arrest me, i wish you'd gone through with it. then you would have found my body. The changeling spoke just enough to throw people off its scent, and then it pretended i was going to cryo, he got bwoinked about that.

I really thought you knew about this antag involvement, everything i said about that shift, was only about the 20-30 minutes i had before i died.

As a time marker, the last thing i did was send an announcement telling people to turn up suit sensors, it was the second of two announcements i'd sent. I was murdered by the changeling immediately after that, and everything from that point on wasn't me.

Nobody found my body, but for some unknown reason, the changeling decided to clone me, shortly after Fereydoun Niouathi arrived and took over the CMO post. I asked admins for exactly what i could remember, so i didn't know that he was changeling, but promptly got him fired anyway because i remembered being ordered by the captain to write up a suspension form (which i did, it was sitting on my desk awaiting the captain's stamp)


I don't think Nanotrasen would hire people with the exact same appearance and exact same name, That's spells trouble.

They don't have the same name though, they only share a first name, and different surnames. There are plenty of people among NT's vast manpower who share forenames. I don't know exactly how many people they employ, but it's got to number in the millions.

they'd have similar facial features, though slightly differentiated from the life they've had, and hair colours are all ddifferent. The fact that they're similar visually is unlikely to be noticed, because they probably didn't all interview with the same HR manager, out of the thousands that NT must have.


After long talks with Nanako over the fire with a cup of tea about my complaints. I have decided to change my -1 to a +1 and wish them the best of luck.

Good luck.

After long talks with Nanako over the fire with a cup of tea about my complaints. I have decided to change my -1 to a +1 and wish them the best of luck.

Good luck.


Clear evidence Nanako is manipulative. /sarc

After long talks with Nanako over the fire with a cup of tea about my complaints. I have decided to change my -1 to a +1 and wish them the best of luck.

Good luck.


Clear evidence Nanako is manipulative. /sarc

I would argue that PMing everybody who makes a -1 in an effort to make it a +1 would be pretty clear evidencene yeah.

Quick addition: Anyone can say they're going to improve on PM I'd advise changing intill you see change.

I've seen you make really stupid decisions and handle things in the most inelegant ways,

If a decision is stupid, which I generally judge by the consequences of it, I'll learn and improve for the future. For exmaple since i let a raider escape by talking about their sensors over public comms, i've been trying to use public comms less for such things, and PDA security members more. This works especially well when there's someone in security i know to be reliable


I've seen you argue and bicker with people over the tiniest and silly things,

Some things that are tiny to others, are important to me. Maybe i just have strange priorities. The pills/liquids argument, i thought was a pretty major and fundamental issue. (though as mentioned, i did also think we were having a civil intellectual discourse about it, not an argument)

The last thing we need is a head of staff that selfishly and destructively makes awful decisions that only benefits themselves and ends up damaging the round for other people.

For what it's worth, every decision i make as a doctor, is aimed to benefit the crew, and save lives. Sometimes, like with the comms incident, i've failed at that, but i'm doing my best.

Saving people is always my foremost concern


Why do you think you deserve this whitelist?

Because i've worked hard to get to this point, having slowly started in intern positions and worked my way up the ranks, promoting only at the suggestion of others.

Because i've learned from many people, and created a pretty huge network of people who think i'm good to have around. The support of those people is why this thread has become the biggest application thread around, instead of being crushed and denied after the first page. I don't know if it's the biggest in aurora's history, but i went back and searched through the archives, it's recieved more interest than any of them

Because i love aurora, and playing here has become a massive part of my life recently. I've put a lot of time and effort into being a part of this community, and this forum.

Or perhaps because i've learned to fit in better. I've been bwoinked by admins countless times, about various aspects of characters and playstyle, and every time i've folllowed the instructions and made sure the same problem doesn't come up again. For jboy, I stopped doing engineering and electrical stuff, for serveris6 i stopped doing surgery, and then chemistry. And with garnascus's explicit approval, i resumed surgery after a promotion. Each time submitting an accurate and updated character skill sheet for approval.

Or perhaps just because i'm effective. I know medical well, and can hold it together when everyone else is falling apart. I need to work on being a nicer, more flexible leader. But i'm definitely an effective leader. I know what everyone's best at, and how to guide them to their specialties. I know everyone's job, and can take over for them if they're absent. And i know how to teach everyone their job, if they don;t know what they're doing. Teaching people and disseminating information is one of my major passions. It's why i did this: https://aurorastation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Guide_to_Chemistry#Basic_Treatments


I even used sarcasm tags.

It seems to me that someone capable of convincing individuals to their point of view is well suited to be a head of staff. Even if we want to label this as manipulative, it cannot be denied as a useful skill for a department head. As far as if Nanako is manipulative, I see no point in arguing it. These things are decided in our own heads.


Possibly also relevant,I'd like to add that I'm often online during deadhours, where there's few medical personnel OR heads of staff




Generally I try to avoid responding to whitelist applications because of my lack of playtime during prime hours. However considering I owe you a reply I decided to sit down and read all the posts in this thread. I have generally noticed some common themes and after having a long shower over thinking my reply I decided the following..

You, have some great traits both OOCly and ICly. At times you are heavily out going and can be extremely helpful. I also find you to be great at role playing in very select situations.

Let's get started on wearing down some of my opinions.. First off I highly suggest dropping the "Layers of Nanako" character group. Pick the one you like best and get rid of the other ones. Yes a lot effort is required to properly create a new character, but generally I find the whole "Nanako 1,2,3, & 4" idea kinda lazy, not only to mention I didn't even know your different characters had different last names until I read your application.

Next, I find your RP to still be slightly meta/power gamey. No where near the extent of what it was like in the past, however at one instance I have found the "sweet ole' nurse who can't hurt a fly" to be wielding a fire axe, running around hallways yelling at the Chief Engineer on how to do his job during a raid. What happened to the character? You suddenly became this bad-ass woman who was able to do what she want and everyone should listen to her because you were going to be the one who lead the station to victory. This is one example yet I still often find you pushing the bounds, telling others how to do their job and getting way too involved in situations that you shouldn't even care about. There are many situations in which your actions (Such as forcing entry and getting in the way of other's work) would of resulted in a suspension or demotion from just going to far and not knowing when to stop, and I doubt with the streak and reputation you seem to carry regarding these kinds of things you would hold your status with Nano Trasen.

On the other hand, when you focus on your character, and focus on being helpful and contributing within realistic bounds- taking orders without the need to give them, I think you really do shine. You have played as one of my subordinates before, and you really set an example on what I would expect a whitelist player to be like. You really need to stop pushing yourself into situations and be more conservative. If you just practiced taking orders, and not getting in everyone's face. You would be a fine person to slowly tip your toes into the cold metaphorical swimming pool of head whitelist.

It took me around 8 months before I felt okay enough with applying for head whitelist. That was due to good self judgment and learning from my mistakes. When you are called out you really need to just stop fighting and defending yourself. It looks pety and you have done it with nearly every single negative reply. Take some advice for a change and stop throwing in your two cents. Say sorry, ask how you could have handled the situations better, and learn! When I was first starting out any time I made a mistake I would slow down, step back- and find out what I did wrong in the situation. It sucked hearing negative feedback but I welcomed it because it really can make you a better player. If you are just take this advice, after a lot of trial and error you will come out head of staff material.

You have the OOC knowledge required, and I am sure you have the right mindset. You just trip over yourself and you are unable to give up when you are in the moment. I would like to see you as an interim once or twice. I do think you have a month or two left before you are anywhere near ready to receive whitelisting. Take my advice, listen and consider everything that everyone has said so far. Then come back to whitelist.

I know you are the kind of person to do the right thing, you just don't know how to start.

Neither -1 nor +1, I really would like to give Nanako a shot, yet I don't believe she can handle it at this moment.

Good luck, LEARN from your mistakes,



-1. To be honest I'm sort of afraid of someone like Nanako holding a Head position. Without mentioning that all characters except one have the same first name (which just so happens to match their username).


Killerhurtz, I'd love to hear your explanation into 'someone like Nanako' .


Basically, from my experience, they're too stubborn, head-strong and just can't take "no" or "you're wrong" as an option. Without mentioning that I feel they have views on how the gameplay should be (most notably that things should be done a single way to be done right) and a feeling I have that they would be overbearing in micromanagement makes me feel they may not be ready for a Head position.


You know medical gets a fireaxe in medical for a reason... I've used it as CMO before... It's for getting into places that there are injured.


Their character is a nurse, not an EMT. They were a nurse that round, not an EMT. They were engaging with the rest of the lynch mob to chase after a heister that was crotchkicking the people chasing them.

They had no reason to actually have the fireaxe with them.

Their character is a nurse, not an EMT. They were a nurse that round, not an EMT. They were engaging with the rest of the lynch mob to chase after a heister that was crotchkicking the people chasing them.

They had no reason to actually have the fireaxe with them.


This. She was indeed involved in the lynch mob attacking Evelyn, getting in my way. I accidentally shot Xinc with a shotgun.

I like to take back my +1. I just spotted Nanako with a Fire Axe as a Medical Doctor in a Heist Round where I was chasing Evelyn (Printer16).



Their character is a nurse, not an EMT. They were a nurse that round, not an EMT. They were engaging with the rest of the lynch mob to chase after a heister that was crotchkicking the people chasing them.


I was a paramedic, not a doctor or nurse. You could tell my job from the word Paramedic on my ID card, or the EMT utility belt around my waist, or the fact that i spent half the round outside of medical in a voidsuit, responding to calls for aid

The axe is part of their job description and i was carrying it to breach doors, since the AI disconnected halfway though the round, and we were getting called CONSTANTLY to casualties all over the station. We were in red alert from about 15 minutes in, and the station was in a perpetual state of crisis. We had wounded officers in security, people dying in the research dock, wounded people in space several times, multiple casualty calls to cargo and to engineering.

As Dr Magojiro, i pick paramedic or medical doctor depending on what the station needs, and the staff already on the roster. I always join sometime after roundstart


This. She was indeed involved in the lynch mob attacking Evelyn, getting in my way. I accidentally shot Xinc with a shotgun.

There was about ten people involved in that. I came when Xequal called out that evelyn was subdued to the west of the bridge, and called for medical to come help cut the hardsuit off. I was attempting to sedate her and take her back to medical for treatment and hardsuit removal in surgery.

I wasn't part of some lynch mob, and the only attacklog i generated was injecting soporific. I was there because medical was called there. I was getting in your way at the end because evelyn was downed and in critical health, and we needed to get her out of there before she died from those wounds, crit only gets worse, and most of that crowd was randomly attacking her with no business to be there.

As a doctor its my responsibility to uphold a strict ethical code, including treating people regardless of their criminal or political status, and opposing unethical behaviour (like beating someone to death in a mob because they annoyed you)

During the mass-winding at the end, i was never actually winded. and released without any questioning


I wasn't part of some lynch mob, and the only attacklog i generated was injecting soporific.


They said, as their character was 2-handing a fireaxe chasing after the heister in the cloaker suit along with the rest of the 9 man PayDay gang.

I wasn't part of some lynch mob, and the only attacklog i generated was injecting soporific.


They said, as their character was 2-handing a fireaxe chasing after the heister in the cloaker suit along with the rest of the 9 man PayDay gang.


Now you're just being silly, i only hold it in two hands when i need to break something open, quite often i have a pillbottle or an analyser or a rollerbed in the other hand. I dropped my axe on the floor several times in order to attempt to treat the heister. For some reason, someone kept opening doors and windoors, letting them through, continually breaking containment when they were cornered.

I did not hit evelyn with the axe, i had no intention of hitting evelyn with the axe, nanako has never intentionally hit any crewmember with the axe. IT is a breaching tool for clearing obstacles, not a weapon. (if you actually hit a person with it, it embeds into them almost 100% of the time which makes it impossible to recover during combat). I had the axe with me because i'd just come to evelyn after working on other paramedic duties, iirc i was at security at the time, checking on xinc who had large burns. Before that i was called to the research dock for casualties there.

There is literally nothing wrong with a paramedic carrying a fire axe during red alert. It is an emergency tool, and red alert is an emergency situation. I fully admit to having been too overzealous with it in the past, and having used it in situations of questionable justification. But this was not one of those.

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