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[2 Dismissal: Archived] Move Robotics to the Engineering Department


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Robotics handles very little development or research work, at least in our universe/setting on board, they are not researchers, they only serve to maintain and produce cyborgs, use Integrated Electronics (scientists end up doing this more it seems though...) and occasionally help with the AI.

Their work, focusing on production and maintenance of existing cybernetics like androids and prosthetics would fit much better under the Engineering Department, which focuses on upkeep and maintenance as well.

Further argument for this is that the Research Director and Science Department have a decent amount of different fields to work within, there is RnD, now Chemical research (#sekritchemsboi), telescience, xenobotany, xenobiology, xenoarchaeology, anomaly and toxins. That is eight specific and different fields of work, each with their own mechanic, within one department.

Engineering and the Chief Engineer however, have two, Atmospherics, and Engineer. Now you can argue Engineering has engine techs, maintenance techs, and electricians, but all of those titles encompass very similar work, and those alt titles only serve to LIMIT one's ability/expectation to conduct duties, it does not specify they are able to do anything more than a 'Station Engineer' could, and there are no specific special mechanics for any of the alt titles. Adding robotics would expand the Engineering department and give the CE more staff to work with (fun!).

Now how do we accomplish this? The steps would require mapping, moving robotics over to Engineering, and fill the gap left by robotics in Science. My suggestion would be to move the awkwardly placed chemistry lab and misc testing room into the robotics area, including moving the weirdly placed autopsy table up there too. Then we could convert the god awful ugly misc lab and tiny tunnel hallway into maintenance.

I don't know where we would place Robotics in Engineering, but I'm sure room can be found/made somewhere, the lobby is really big for no reason, and it could always go on the sublevel. If so inclined, we could also give roboticists special headsets (that already exist in code) that have engineering AND science access.


This topic again :^)

You fail to realize one thing.

Robotics is highly dependent on RnD to actually be worthwhile. You require components from RnD to make advanced mechas, you require components to upgrade your fabs to ludicrious efficiency (which is how you make mechs with limited resources). You require a link to the RnD servers to make things work. And you fail to note the literal mountains of highly experimental technology that the roboticist already have access to and the liberty to test.

They are, at worst, a maintenance and RnD support role. At best, a highly interesting toy factory where you can orchestrate a high amount of scientific shenaniganry (think wormhole generators, experimental power gens, weapons, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.)

Also, interesting point. RnD has the permission to produce weapons, this extends to basically the entire department. Engineering does not. So that'd remove a large bit of fun from robotics.


The link can be maintained at a distance. It is a wireless system [mention]Skull132[/mention] . The entire process of RnD making robotics advanced components for mechs is just RnD pressing the Sync Database button.

Next, our addition of rigsuits that Security can use and Medical is actually supplied with has made mechs useless for the most part. Never will using resources to build a clunky, gygax, be better than arming up a hazard RIGsuit.

Next point, weapons. Robotics only works with weapons that works on mechs, I don't see why this should change if they're in engineering? The mechs would be intended for security one way or another. Also, see point: Mechs don't matter now.


Splitters! Ye sick of dealing with us science bams?

Misc and Mat labs are cosey though would totally love all the extra space in science if we took over robotics and have a dedicated genetics lab or well more labs in general. You'd still need nanopaste and upgrades, y'all are pretty much the inbetween of science and engineering (and even security for when they need a mech), definitely, but it would be a mess breakup that would make us all sad. ;-;


Trying to get rid of me are you? ;D

Engineering really wouldn't be the best fit for them, firstly robotics is a science field. While yes they are an applied science, and look like grease monkeys, all of those roboticists have an associates in applied science of some kind. Necessary to know how to fabricate and work on the computer bits and design of the robots/mechs. The knowledge of the medical science for prosthetics and cyborgification, and the ability to work with AI.

Secondly engineering as a department has nothing to offer them, and shoving robotics into a sub-level damns the department to the same hell that is xenobiology. Roboticists and Mechatronic Engineers have the qualifications to be assistants to their department when they are done basic bot work. They do not have the qualifications to maintain the engine, or set up solars, shielding, etc.

Also, the position requires the close relationship with RnD. If I am not in close proximity how will I be able to yell at them to work faster/harder as easily as I can now? I feel like this would cause robotics to be an afterthought and forgotten.


The entire process of RnD making robotics advanced components for mechs is just RnD pressing the Sync Database button.


You require components from RnD to make advanced mechas, you require components to upgrade your fabs to ludicrious efficiency...


Your failure to make use of this mechanic, or ignorance to it, is irrelevant to this discussion.


Next, our addition of rigsuits that Security can use and Medical is actually supplied with has made mechs useless for the most part. Never will using resources to build a clunky, gygax, be better than arming up a hazard RIGsuit.


The existence of better alternatives has little to do with my points. The tools that allow a Roboticist to accomplish all of the tasks that I listed are still present, they are simply more marginalized than they used to be.


Next point, weapons. Robotics only works with weapons that works on mechs, I don't see why this should change if they're in engineering? The mechs would be intended for security one way or another. Also, see point: Mechs don't matter now.


Woups I forgot to be specific in my post. Let me append specificity to my statement.


Also, interesting point. RnD has the permission to produce, stockpile, and experiment with weapons, this extends to basically the entire department. Engineering does not.



Also, see point: Mechs don't matter now.


Also, read what's posted to you and attempt to understand it before replying.


Robotics at least can help SOMEWHAT in science, what could it possibly offer engineering? Robotics requires alot of space as well, and if its at sublevel makes it harder for cargo and robots to get there, as robotics is one of the main consumers of cargo products, making it so they have to get a engineer or someone with engineering access to enter. This just seems to me just a way for people who main chemistry or xenobio to have a massive lab like robotics does at main level. It is confusing to me that the fact it "builds robuts" makes it similar to engineering, when it is WAY more similar to medical in terms of repairing synthetics and modifying organics via surgery. If they really want robotics moved it would have to be awkwardly placed in medical sublevel. In conclusion, this suggestion would just make robotics hard to access and put in a department that can not contribute to their field of work in any way besides materials, which RnD gives robotics anyways.


Robotics finds itself at a weird junction where it's a bit of engineering, medical and science. Mostly science, but the other departments nonetheless. However, Engineering has always made a focus on power, atmos and infrastructure, which Roboticists have no business being near. The only thing relative to engineering that Robotics has to really deal with is drone fabrication. In all honesty, the drone fabricator should just be moved to Robotics anyways.

To me, Robotics is more in line with Medical than it is Engineering, especially with the biomechanics aspect of it all.

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