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Why we call Security, Shitcurity


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Posted (edited)

What is this topic about?

It's basically the thread for dissecting what gets Security this title.

My thoughts on it

Security gets this title because a handful of officers try to roleplay heroes. This often reflects badly on the department, sometimes Security Officers just play to stroke their ego (a minority). For example, an officer detaining someone without a warrant or running in with a baton first without giving the suspect a chance to surrender. And, then they get flamed in OOC, so a small minority screws over a majority of good roleplayers.

Edited by Guest
What is this topic about?

It's basically the thread for dissecting what gets Security this title.

My thoughts on it

Security gets this title because majority of officers try to roleplay tough guys, or assholes. They show this complete disdain for helping out a co-worker, they often see themselves above or special, even in OOC they're at each others throats. It's a toxic environment, an experience I had yesterday, after being attacked by a swarm of bats, my body covered in bruises and scars, being incredibly hungry, and a broken bone, I asked if someone could get me a meal for after my surgery. What happened next is the Security team began mocking the character. Now, for an example of a really good department, engineering. Engineering is a very polite and a very light-hearted happy bunch of boys and gals. They're often talking with each other, having a good time. They're almost always full of competent personnel and willing to lend a helping hand to the apprentices, teaching them the ropes what to do etc.


This is all very circumstantial. How you just described security one round, is how the engineering department is next round. It all varies from round to round, depending on who is making up the manifest at that moment. Some security players are some of the best roleplayers I've played with in the past four years of SS13. That's not to say that some of them players are awful. There are definitely awful players. A lot of them don't exclusively play security, they can be found in all the other areas of the game as well.

Here's my advice. Rather than being bitter towards every player that dares to carry the security belt, focus on the ones that are legitimately screwing up. We have a dedicated admin team, all of them with sound judgement capabilities. In addition to that, we have threads here on the forums where us, the players, can post IC and OOC complaints(http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=35), like this one, just in case admins miss a beat, or you feel like whoever responded to your adminhelp didn't treat you fairly.

I'm really sick and tired of seeing these posts. Good players with security characters have to put up with a lot of shit. It's no secret that security is a high stress job. For the sake of everyone involved, including security players that are tired of getting this bad rep as a result of a handful of people, put this sort of thing though the proper channels. Report them, so that the admins/moderators can deal with it appropriately. Flaming the department as a whole will get nothing done.


I'm not saying they're awful, you're misreading this as a complaint. It's a minority, and some can roleplay very well. But, a negative attitude reflects onto the department. I'm explaining a reasoning for why it gets this title from the OOC. I'll elaborate more on the post and add some examples, because while i'm reading this and with your points it comes off more as,"Guys was mean, department sucks.".


I'm not saying they're awful, you're misreading this as a complaint.


That's literally exactly what you're saying. It's right there in the title of this thread. 'Why we call Security, Shitcurity.'

You're missing the entire point of my first post, and what you just said reflects that. Venting to the general sub forum is not the way to go about dealing with problems. Bring them to the rule enforcement staff, so that you can actually get that change in security that I think you're looking for.


If I had an issue with a group of players, I would take it up on the incident report board, or it's OOC counterpart. The topic was poorly worded and I had a different intention than a complaint. I made this to discuss why security is called shitcurity and to make an explanation for it. Not because I want to file a complaint.


Being Robust in all the wrong ways.

Bucklecuffing people in Perma and leaving them there to die.

Being Detective and using your revolver as an stun baton.

Arresting people for no reason.


Here are why people get called Shitcurity for the wrong reasons:

-Arresting almost anyone that has friends.

-Doing their job.

-Going into Medbay without being in their super cool secret girls only club(with some lizards and one or two dudes)


I guess I'll contribute my thoughts to this discussion. First serveris I do believe hackie is honestly trying to hold a conversation in hopes of coming with a clear understanding why security is looked upon in a bad light and is not simply complaining about security. In fact he had purposed a reason in defense of why security for the most part is good.

My thoughts are that the bad views on security is simply an aspect of the job title that cannot be avoided. The job of security is to arrest anyone who causes chaos (they need to maintain order). That means at least 50% of interactions between security and other members is that of security coming in to stop what ever the members are doing. I say this because there is literally no reason to call security other than because someone caused chaos and trouble. This automatically makes the trouble maker upset with security (even if they were being rightfully arrested no one likes being arrested). This also puts stains on the innocent because anyone involved with the situation may be arrested as well by mistake (something I've seen happen often). This causes a distrust because even innocent people will fear security.

Basically securities job is to stop people and people don't like being stoped. So already security has a negative tone when they get involved. This is where I think hackies comments come in. With this negative tone it doesn't take much at all (one arrest happy officer) to go from the desire to avoid security to simply not trusting and disliking them granting the title shitcurity.


I don't like simply discussing an issue with out purposing solutions. We can actually take a lesson in some police practices if we want to resolve this issue. One, clearly remove the "problem officers" that makes everyone call security shitcurity. However this won't fix everything. Security will still have a bad tone that no one will be fond of. I would also suggest mandate new policies in the job title. Instead of simply "maintaining order" perhaps they can also assist crew members in basic day to day working of the station. I actully wanted to do this because I wanted to practice coordination between telescience and security so that we can do hostage rescue and infiltration alot better. I was quickly shot down because security didn't want to work with me (they would rather distrust telescientists than improve relations with RnD). If security did things like this and worked with other departments I would give security more exposure during calm situations and reflect better on the department because of the helpful attitude. Perhaps have security guards assigned to department to keep an eye on the safety of the apartment (I know I would like one in xeno just in case I get attacked by slimes, but I get the feeling the security guard will arrest me for being attacked...The bad light of security I'm talking about)

I can come up with other suggestions but I am posting from my phone. The main idea is. If you just want the bad light but not shitcurity then simply get rid of the bad officers. If you would like the entire station to think fondly on security rather than negatively then a much larger reform will need to take place.


I rolled a sec cadet with the intention of making him p. lenient when it comes to minor crimes like trespassing ect. Be like that security guard people like who wants to give people the benefit of the doubt. but all he did was go on patrol for a few rounds and I got bored of him

-Arresting almost anyone that has friends.

I love being called a cock and then slandered by some drunkard, and then going to ask the guy what he thought that would achieve, trying to intimidate the fellow without robusting him, when all of their bar friends leap on me and scream and shout like they're going to rebel.

Then I get punched by all of them and stun the shit out of everybody leaping at me with their fists with a baton, before calling in backup to arrest them, then everyone's just screaming in LOOC about 'HURHURHUR WHAT ARE YOU, JACKBOOT?' (I was told this once).


-Going into Medbay without being in their super cool secret girls only club(with some lizards and one or two dudes)

Double yes. I have actually had to just hide behind the nearest lizard and/or shy, timid furry in order to slip past the lesbo desk guards once.

I shit you not.

How the fuck do you nail that description SO well, Valkrae?

Like, oh my god, I thought I was the only one who had to deal with this.

I honestly feel empowered in the strangest way that someone else there understands our struggles. Thank you. Very much.

...Still not going back on the server, though.

I rolled a sec cadet with the intention of making him p. lenient when it comes to minor crimes like trespassing ect. Be like that security guard people like who wants to give people the benefit of the doubt. but all he did was go on patrol for a few rounds and I got bored of him


While it's been a while since I played too actively due to a variety of factors, I'd like to remark on this real quick. As somebody who plays, or played a pretty lenient Security officer, I can say that the entirety of security has to be lenient for this to fly. If somebody gets upset you let somebody off the hook, you can get in trouble pretty fast.

Furthermore, people don't appreciate it very much. I know Travis/Furry does, but my leniency usually just bites me in the ass. The person acting out goes back to acting out, or they actually come back and hurt me in some way.


Being Robust in all the wrong ways.

Bucklecuffing people in Perma and leaving them there to die.

Being Detective and using your revolver as an stun baton.

Arresting people for no reason.


Here are why people get called Shitcurity for the wrong reasons:

-Arresting almost anyone that has friends.

-Doing their job.

-Going into Medbay without being in their super cool secret girls only club(with some lizards and one or two dudes)


Yep, and yep. I haven't usually had problems with point three, but I'm generally liked by Medbay, I think? Not sure. Departments do tend to act like factions though, even in rounds where that's not appropriate.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

People force security to be assholes most of the time because no one understands the concepts of remorse or choking on their pride and accepting a warning or sentence. They just go back to acting out or breaking the law, and I get in trouble for trying to be nice. So I just killed off my lenient characters because I'd rather deal with bile from one source than all sides.


Let me tell you about a magical story.

I play Winston Carton, and when he started I wanted him to be that nice sec officer who had a bad temper when someone was able to piss him off. It was going well, and even a few people said "Wow I really like Winston"

I was so happy.

Three shifts later I wanted to put a gun in my mouth, because if you even looked at certain people the wrong way you got ranted at. My personal favorite is when people come up, Like Matthews the engineer, and just insult me when they get bored knowing that I can't hit back. Another favorite is the ten minute stand offs I have to have when someone does something stupid but not stupid enough for me to baton them, or they just hide behind a door I can't get through. Because then I have to stand there, and try explaining why they are being arrested to a flurry of "Go fuck your mother, go fuck your father, go suck a dick" and after about ten minutes of a person not listening, you tend to want to crack their skulls open.

Around seven shifts in, Carton had been insulted, abused, stabbed a few times, etc etc. He just stopped trying to be a nice guy, and he has slowly turned worse and worse as people have treated him worse and worse. Now he is beating a person if they waste more then ten minutes of his time for calling his mother a whore because he just is tired of everyone's shit and has a serious anger problem.

Magical thing though, Dun dun dun.

Every Sec Officer has the same story!

1) Started out nice, trying to help the people

2) People treat the sec officer like shit, but he tries

3) People kick the sec officer in the balls, either literally or metaphorically

4) Sec officer now hates the station, now is asshole

There is no Shitcurity that is born. Shitcurity is made by the people it protects.


Josh makes a very good point. If players actually treated sec with a bit of respect, they would get that respect back.

Instead ALOT (not all) chars tend to treat security like shit and it just pisses us off.

Guest Marlon Phoenix


I can relate to this so well. A big reason I moved to detective was so that I didn't have to deal with the horrible, terrible, disgusting behaviour people have against security. Honestly it made me realize why so many cops can be assholes; imagine the level of crap they deal with IRL.


Rebecca Inn is incapable of hate. Hate is a very strong word for her (much like me). Even while verbally abused by the crew, she just keeps telling herself that she has to suck it up, and hope for the best. it's to the point where Rebecca only has five or so friends, and 3/5 are security personnel. OOC'ly, I dislike most of the crew, and I feel like harmbatoning anyone for so much as uttering the word "shit" because I'm sick and tired of the stigma. I want to stop playing Rebecca as a nice person, but the fact that it wouldn't align with her character is what stops me because she wants to believe that everybody is capable of being good and hopes that they'll change.

My first several shifts as security when I started playing on Aurora made me feel like leaving. Why? Because people were literally revolting on the station when it wasn't even rev. I had all of these crazy tajarans that wanted to play super edgy cool badass, and would oppose sec no matter what. I had all of these doctors that only cared about their friends, and one that would refuse to treat me after getting shot by a traitor with a revolver, solely because I arrested them earlier in the shift (spoiler alert, I died in reception from internal bleeding, and was only revived twenty minutes later when the CMO discovered my corpse in the morgue). At one point I got firebombed by an engineer because I tried arresting him for jumping the bar for drinks (was probably an antag, but the buildup to do it speaks for itself). Then there was the time the ENTIRE crew wanted security's blood solely because security arrested the Vox after the notification from the Icarus or whatever the NMV is. Then came the day where I had to keep a suicide watch person in reception for half an hour because the CMO locked himself up in his office, and refused to come out while claiming "he will not do security's job" despite the fact that suicide risks are MEDICAL'S job. For my first few shifts I was essentially under constant attack and death threats as a fucking cadet. I was scared of being officer because I thought then I would get drawn and quartered for sure. Then I got sick and tired of all that shit, and decided to play medical and science, but I noticed that no matter who is in your non-sec department, who is in security, and what non-sec department you are in, security carries a stigma for everyone no matter what. Everybody hates security. Everybody talks bad about security no matter what. Even captains and HoPs on the security channel itself constantly remind us how incompetent we are if we so much as blink without their approval. Those red shirts. Those brutes. Those damn apes.


All in all, there is no shitcurity, because we stop the beatings before you die since we are nice,and lets be honest here. A lot of the crew deserve to die. So you are welcome for the protection and the lack of death.

All in all, there is no shitcurity, because we stop the beatings before you die since we are nice,and lets be honest here. A lot of the crew deserve to die. So you are welcome for the protection and the lack of death.


The only true shitcurity I encounter are one-off players. I once came onto a late night shift with traitors where the lone security officer had arrested the traitor, taken his e-sword, and tortured him with it until his hand exploded. The only good thing she did that entire time was give him CPR so he wouldn't die on the spot.


It's because HoS Lysanuh Dilgan, Detective Faruq Bishara, and HoS trainee Rose Watson, are no longer in the sec department. We were the wicked trio that could take down any threat and keep our head high with NT pride. But we are...no more.

You guys are on your own. Sorry.


Inis has never suffered from shitcurity syndrome other than from balds, even on apollo when she was HOS, but as other roles I have seen characters like Emma Grey and a couple of others who I know are fair and nice characters being called shitcurity by large portions of the crew, including regular players, because a trolling chemist or a punpun gibbing chef calls out once about "Sec arresting me for no reason," or "POLICE BRUTALITY". And immediately Sec gets abused by the crew, primarily medbay, because (not joking, this seems to be the thought process) "Urgh, uneducated redshirts, how unrefined," or engineering, with a thought process similar to "Stupid sec, why the fuck do we even let those unrobust chucklefucks on station."


There are so few in sec that know how to be a good sec officer - Inis Truesight being one of em. One of the best wardens out there.

I know there are more, but I can't pull the names off the top of my head right now. But I haven't played in Sec since coming back, so I can't really see what goes inside.

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