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Mining, opinions on how it is currently and what would you like to see changed


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Mining, an emphasis on danger.

So as someone who mains mining quite a lot, it does feel like as a miner, you don't actually have too many dangers, or worries when stepping into the mine. Any danger that is actually present for the miner can be easily avoided, I personally would like to see something like a larvaland added for miners, or perhaps 'unstable' rock which may crumble if you stand on it forcing you too fall. Mining which is in my opinion supposed to be one of the most dangerous jobs present on the station is just.. a walk in the park to be honest. Obviously the server is HRP, and that does mean that people don't want to die before they get a chance to RP, and adding something like this may deter some people from mining, but I personally think mining needs a bit of a reform.

With the current threats actually present to mining they can all easily be countered, some of them without needing to head out and gather ores for points, personally a more larvaland feel to the mine would be amazing, but of course that might be a stretch to add an away mission sight like larvaland. But just some more dangers in the actual mine itself should be present. I'm not saying add an away mission site, although that would be neat, just to introduce more features

A few ideas:

Unstable walls, Walking past one of these walls has a chance for them to crumble ontop of you, dealing brute damage also hindering you movements until you lift yourself up.

Unstable floors. Waling on one of these floors may cause it to collapse taking you with it, dealing some brute damage

Space carps. Pretty self explanatory, maybe seeing these little buggers might be nice.

Space spiders: An altered spider mob, which can survive in the void of space, found inside of rocks..

What are your thoughts, what would you like to see added? Or do you think mining is perfect how it is.


Mining is like Xenobotany, where only idiots or the super unlucky die. I've tried mining once, and it's not that bad, just incredibly boring compared to lavaland mining.

I think I will actually take on this project, making mining a little more extreme by adding hostile mobs and whatnot, while also making it more rewarding, such as discovering additional cool artifacts and loot.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Your opinion that mining has no danger is hilariously out of touch. Every single round I can recall has had an accident in mining and a search and rescue mission launched by a borg or another miner. I think you are applying your thug life skills in mining to other players. There's a lot of collatoral damage.

I do not think Mining needs wholly more dangers, but perhaps more fun stuff to find. The old asteroid had a few little secrets hidden on it but this one just has caves. Stumbling into dungeons and dealing with the contents would be fun and bring me to mining.


Your opinion that mining has no danger is hilariously out of touch. Every single round I can recall has had an accident in mining and a search and rescue mission launched by a borg or another miner. I think you are applying your thug life skills in mining to other players. There's a lot of collatoral damage.

I do not think Mining needs wholly more dangers, but perhaps more fun stuff to find. The old asteroid had a few little secrets hidden on it but this one just has caves. Stumbling into dungeons and dealing with the contents would be fun and bring me to mining.


Most instances where a miner falls seem to be due to a lack of magboots and them walking off a ledge. I suggest making magboots a starting miner item, and then adding dangers.


Your opinion that mining has no danger is hilariously out of touch. Every single round I can recall has had an accident in mining and a search and rescue mission launched by a borg or another miner. I think you are applying your thug life skills in mining to other players. There's a lot of collatoral damage.

I do not think Mining needs wholly more dangers, but perhaps more fun stuff to find. The old asteroid had a few little secrets hidden on it but this one just has caves. Stumbling into dungeons and dealing with the contents would be fun and bring me to mining.


People falling in my opinion is usually people not paying attention, or not being able to see. I'm not saying make mining 'thugish' or real robust. just have an emphasis on danger

I do agree with your second half being that mining needs more fun stuff to find, or do.


Working on a PR as we speak. This makes miners start out with magboots and there are a few map related changes that should make paramedic recovery easy. Going to the bottom and top floors is now possible with a static latter, and there is always a clear path to a nearby airlock on the level below and the level above


I looked through what we have as mob sprites, and there isn't much of a selection when it comes to a creature that is

- isn't used for events or antagonism

- can survive in space and makes sense to be hiding in an asteroid

So far the selection is:

Black Crabs

Old unused spider sprites




Your opinion that mining has no danger is hilariously out of touch. Every single round I can recall has had an accident in mining and a search and rescue mission launched by a borg or another miner. I think you are applying your thug life skills in mining to other players. There's a lot of collatoral damage.

I do not think Mining needs wholly more dangers, but perhaps more fun stuff to find. The old asteroid had a few little secrets hidden on it but this one just has caves. Stumbling into dungeons and dealing with the contents would be fun and bring me to mining.


Ill take it by this post that you have literally never stepped foot outside the station.

Your average miner is clueless. They rupture their lungs in the airlock cycler and they fall down the most obvious of holes.

There are no unpredictable danger as a miner. Rock shields you from radiation storms and carp doesnt go to the 4th level.

I would be highly supportive of adding some unpredictable danger that isnt space bears. If we're gonna put in space bears, we might aswell remove the voidsuits and send our miners out into space with internals only :^)

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Your opinion that mining has no danger is hilariously out of touch. Every single round I can recall has had an accident in mining and a search and rescue mission launched by a borg or another miner. I think you are applying your thug life skills in mining to other players. There's a lot of collatoral damage.

I do not think Mining needs wholly more dangers, but perhaps more fun stuff to find. The old asteroid had a few little secrets hidden on it but this one just has caves. Stumbling into dungeons and dealing with the contents would be fun and bring me to mining.


Ill take it by this post that you have literally never stepped foot outside the station.

Your average miner is clueless. They rupture their lungs in the airlock cycler and they fall down the most obvious of holes.

There are no unpredictable danger as a miner. Rock shields you from radiation storms and carp doesnt go to the 4th level.

I would be highly supportive of adding some unpredictable danger that isnt space bears. If we're gonna put in space bears, we might aswell remove the voidsuits and send our miners out into space with internals only :^)


If so many miners are dying already because they are so clearly beneath your vast intellectual capacity, then why would you make it even harder? What is your ideal fatality rate?

I would see making each additional deeper level harder but having more dungeons and rewards.


I didnt realize you had to be intellectually superior to look at your screen for more than 1 second and calculate that if you press one of your move keys, you wont step into a hole, fall and die to internal bleeding.

Same principle kinda applies driving. If you're not gonna keep your eyes on the road, then you'll most likely end up dead.

Honestly, I invite you to come play mining, see for yourself. Mining isnt some exhausting, super complicated task where every single step could prove fatal based on RNG.


Adding magboots will reduce the amount of deaths do to stupidity. I think the lack of magboots at spawn is just a noob trap given how most coderbases have mining take place on lavaland. Mobs are an easy threat to identify and deal with, and I think would be much more fun than playing "Avoid the holes, I guess."


As it’s stands someone named urist mcbaldie could honestly get 10,000 points without hassle, Your only threat which is the most avoidable is holes.

Mining has a pattern to it which is


Gather ores

Avoid hole


There isn’t anything too it, mining’s difficulty is based on the pure attention span of the player and that’s it, there’s nothing there which can physically prevent you from preforming your duties as a miner, mining isn’t difficult as it should be it’s easy and repetitive


Since the discovery of bluespace, humanity has managed to discover several strange artifacts and lifeforms not known to follow the laws of our reality, including slimes, which were originally discovered in areas along with artifacts.

These new discoveries - which often ended in tragedy as the artifacts hold mysterious, dangerous powers - has prompted Nanotrasen to create an entirely new field of study: Xenoarchaeology. The leading station for this field is the NSS Aurora, where a research outpost was created on an asteroid filled with xeno fossils and artifacts.

Slimes in the mines and bluespace "dungeons" full of dangerous creatures and neat artifacts.


I just think some of the ores should be renamed, like why is Uraninite still referred to as pitchblend in the far future when we don't even call it pitchblend now. Maybe there could also be some kind of danger to mining rockfaces in general, perhaps certain rock walls contain high pressure gasses that cause them to explode if struck multiple times.


We still have "Artifacts" with abandoned locked crates laying about, but they're still fairly rare.

I'd be opposed to adding more "dangers" to mining, but I'd be all more for adding interesting and exciting stuff, such as more things to find that aren't crates like small crashed pods, space junk laying about. Perhaps even adding some things that the Xenoarchaeology can enjoy.

Edit: And, mappers willing, that the trains could be more useful with some track already laid down in a route around the station.


Ported Explorer armor. People seem to have issues with the colorization, so I'm asking opinions on which color is better.




I like C. Would this replace current mining voidsuits?


Ported Explorer armor. People seem to have issues with the colorization, so I'm asking opinions on which color is better.




I like C. Would this replace current mining voidsuits?


Yes and no. The current plan is one of two plans:

Miners start with voidsuits, miners can purchase a an explorer suit if they desire speed and storage space. They can still purchase hardsuits if they wish.

Miners start with explorer suits, a weaker variant of a voidsuit. Miners can purchase a voidsuit as a middle option, or go directly for hardsuits if they wish.

Former option seems much more likely and makes sense progression wise.


Mining isn't hard; It's just that average miners are retards that don't even know basics of EVA.

I have a mining character and it's not that hard. Go out. Avoid holes. Mine. Buy KA and boots. Repeat.

It doesn't take two brain cells to figure out that "OH, THERE IS A HOLE" and not press the button to that direction.

I do feel like the asteroid should be a lot more "wild" as in not fully explored, with mobs (hostile, neutral, and docile) that you could fight for loot, or even supply to xenobio to make new things with it (so far no specific ideas, but I imagine maybe also throwing the mobs into the analyzer and getting new tech from it, like say carapace armor, biological capacitors, etc). Dungeon-caves would be nice, as maybe ruins, lost mini-spaceship wrecks, stuff like that.

or make it so it gets more dangerous as you get further out from the station central. so then noobies could just stick near the station area while adventurers could go to the fringes.


I had times as a miner when I would manage to fall down a hole (rip lag), be crit for 30 minutes, rescued, then fell again 5 minutes after I was healed. There is danger when you get reckless like I sometimes do.

Anyways, perhaps have the main level have jack in terms of minerals but the deeper you go the more minerals, and danger, occurs.

Also inst this for suggestion board?


I had times as a miner when I would manage to fall down a hole (rip lag), be crit for 30 minutes, rescued, then fell again 5 minutes after I was healed. There is danger when you get reckless like I sometimes do.

Anyways, perhaps have the main level have jack in terms of minerals but the deeper you go the more minerals, and danger, occurs.

Also inst this for suggestion board?


I was actually thinking about the farther you go, the better minerals there are, however I feel that would be too much of a detriment. Those sort of things only work for those long term progression based games like minecraft and terraria where there are different tiers of armor. It would probably be too irritating on this server.


There are already varying amount of ores per level (It is not the deeper you go - in fact it's the higher you go. Miners start in the middle.)

This works on two metrics:

1) The bottom z and the middle z have standard ore generation tables. The top z (the one right below the surface) has rich ore generation tables.

2) The top z is almost entirely asteroid. The middle z is half asteroid half station. The bottom asteroid is half space, a quarter station, and a quarter asteroid (roughly). Massive holes to space and large caverns without ore are much more likely to spawn on the bottom z then any other z.

This means that the top z has the most asteroid and the most ore in that asteroid, while the middle z has the moderate asteroid and moderate ore in that asteroid while the bottom z has little asteroid and moderate ore.

HOWEVER, even a "little" asteroid is still a lot of asteroid, and miners don't actually even need to mine that much ore to begin with.


The B explorer suit is better. The contrast is less noticeable with B when looking at the boots. But if anything you could just put all of them in as various style choices.

Add more cave dwellers (the creepy worm things) and make them hostile if you get too close, but they should drop ore too. Add nests for them to spawn from as well. Don't add spiders. If you want to add carp, remove the carp school events if you're going to make them spawn at such a high frequency.

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