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Character Complaint - Kato Zane/K0NFL1QT

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Tbear13

Game ID: bTJ-ccN1

Player Byond Key: K0NFL1QT, I believe.

Staff involved: Seb took my ahelp, he told me to make a complaint.. so here we are.

Reason for complaint:

TL;DR: HoS refuses to communicate with the rest of security, instead using an ion and laser rifle to secure valids.

Writing this a few hours after the round, so the times and such might not be a hundred percent accurate.

The Head of Security, Kato Zane (K0NFL1QT), failed to uphold the standards of a whitelisted player, in my opinion.

The round started pretty normal, I joined a few minutes in, he joined within seconds of me. After I gear up, we're told to report in and do so. Over the next thirty to forty minutes we hear.. next to nothing from the HoS. He verifies the charges on someone, agrees to the warden detaining a cadet for assault, and is otherwise silent. At around an hour and twenty minutes in, we get an announcement about a crate being put aboard, and how no crew are to touch it except for moving it to the cargo shuttle later on.

Here's where the real issues start though: A little bit after that announcement, I'm told to get a rifle and report to the vault elevator. Keep in mind, I got no explanation, we're on code green, I know nothing about the situation. While this is happening, medical reports an armed man in the operating rooms, which officers respond to. A firefight breaks out, which the HoS chooses to totally ignore. Once we get into the vault, I see that someone had broken in through the back of the vault, using inflatables to not vent it. The HoS yells something along the lines of "A Phazon was stolen!" and immediately runs to the armory, retrieving a laser rifle and ion rifle, without giving any direction or explanation to security other than telling the warden "You may hand out weapons."

A minute later, security is called to the bridge. I'm the first officer to arrive, and find a scientist with a 9mm pistol looting the Captains office. I command them to drop their weapon and get on the ground, which they ignore. The rest of security arrives and the Captain comes out of their back room, which scares the antag into firing. The HoS manages to stun them before they can do any major damage. As we leave, a floaty-mech thing comes down the hall, phasing through me. I'd assume this is what the "Phazon" was.

We proceed to search for that mech, until a cadet and I find it in robotics, charging up. I alert the rest of security, while the cadet goes in closer to investigate. Has the HoS given updates, ordered the rest of security, or even had us report in since before the incident in the bridge? Nope. So we're not sure if the mech had been re-captured, or if it was still a threat. After some backup arrives, including the HoS, the person inside the mech (Maline Trell, a traitor) taunts us, before phasing through the robotics wall towards security maintenance. Rather than have us establish a perimeter, organize a search, or anything of the sort, the HoS charges off after the mech silently. A few minutes later, the mech is disabled in robotics. The HoS rips out the mech's powercell and starts yelling for Trell to surrender. A few officers move around behind them in maintenance, making sure they can't escape.

A little bit after we got into maintenance, it's reported that there's a firefight in the RDs office, the ones in maintenance move in through a hole in the wall, where we encounter the gunfight. The traitor, the one detained at the bridge, and the warden are fighting against the rest of security, I move in to secure the downed traitor, while the warden is captured by other officers. Once this all comes over the radio.. does the HoS say anything? No, still nothing from him.

After that.. pretty much nothing happens. The traitor I'd secured dies a little bit after the fight, and a vending machine tried to murder me with heart damage. But.. yeah, that's about it until the end of the round.

While he didn't explicitly break any rules, I don't think this is acceptable behavior for a whitelisted player.

Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? I ahelped it, was told to make a complaint.

Approximate Date/Time: 4/5/2018. The round lasted from around 10 AM to noon.

Additional Stuffs Sorry for the messy writing, I have a headache and didn't sleep very well last night.

Edited by Guest

From my limited interaction, there was... Very limited interaction. I got a vault camera alert, so I went to go repair it. I bump into the HoS by the vault elevator. He greets me with "Going somewhere?", where I informed him the vault. He then puts himself in the elevator door and just stands there, talking into his headset. I ask what was up and I get nothing for a while until he says "Talking to the Captain".

I get zero information or even a hint that something was even remotely wrong. Another camera alert pops up after standing idle in the elevator for five minutes, so I just leave to deal with that instead.

Although I was just a lowly engiborg and not really worth giving a full situation update to, just spitting an "There's an ongoing security situation, wait/fuck off." would be plenty.

You need to relay information and guide your department. You're the head of security, not a lone commando.


The round started pretty normal, I joined a few minutes in, he joined within seconds of me. After I gear up, we're told to report in and do so. Over the next thirty to forty minutes we hear.. next to nothing from the HoS. He verifies the charges on someone, agrees to the warden detaining a cadet for assault, and is otherwise silent. At around an hour and twenty minutes in, we get an announcement about a crate being put aboard, and how no crew are to touch it except for moving it to the cargo shuttle later on.


Local HoS arrives late, introduces himself, gets a feel for the department and gets caught up on any ongoing issues... then goes quiet, because there is little to Command them over on Code Green with not even a hint of anything wrong.


Here's where the real issues start though: A little bit after that announcement, I'm told to get a rifle and report to the vault elevator. Keep in mind, I got no explanation, we're on code green, I know nothing about the situation. While this is happening, medical reports an armed man in the operating rooms, which officers respond to. A firefight breaks out, which the HoS chooses to totally ignore. Once we get into the vault, I see that someone had broken in through the back of the vault, using inflatables to not vent it. The HoS yells something along the lines of "A Phazon was stolen!" and immediately runs to the armory, retrieving a laser rifle and ion rifle, without giving any direction or explanation to security other than telling the warden "You may hand out weapons."


You got no explanation because you aren't entitled to an explanation; you're expected to follow orders. I was co-ordinating with the Captain and discussing our approach long before you were called in. You were the nearest Officer so I enlisted your support on their orders. Being one of the only crew on the station able to pilot mechs, and being right at the elevator, then recieving a Central Command order that the Mech is to be immeditely moved, and the Captain authorises me to do it, yes I prioritised the $100,000,000 mech we were told to transport over the firefight in the OR that other officers were calling out that they were responding to. I let the officers attempt to handle the shoot out, while I attended the issue I was situated next to, prepared for and ordered to do so, both by CC and the Captain.


A minute later, security is called to the bridge. I'm the first officer to arrive, and find a scientist with a 9mm pistol looting the Captains office. I command them to drop their weapon and get on the ground, which they ignore. The rest of security arrives and the Captain comes out of their back room, which scares the antag into firing. The HoS manages to stun them before they can do any major damage. As we leave, a floaty-mech thing comes down the hall, phasing through me. I'd assume this is what the "Phazon" was.

I was talking to the Captain on comms while camera scanning the Command area, and I see the scientist that someone has just reported to me as potentially dangerous, is now breaching into the side of the Captains office with thermite. I know he's going to be in there before I can stop him and the Captain is in imminent danger, as in may be dead within seconds, so I inform Security of the location and head over as fast as I can. While trying to talk him down, the scientist opens fire on the Captain, and then me, and we tase him down, arrest them and leave. And that's the first time we see the Phazon, as it phases through us, the Captains office and the Bridge. Not only are we now looking at Grand Theft of an extremely valuable mech that will severely damage Nanotrasens relations if we lose, but the pilot is commiting Infiltration of Command areas freely after having broken into the Vault, and at such a speed that we basically have no hope of chasing them, armed with weapons that we cannot match and armor that we can only really threaten with one gun. Everyone is briefly very confused about the Phazon phasing through and around us. I decide our only chance to even stop it is to ion out its battery charge. I should note by this point that I have recieved a message that potentially indicts my Warden as an accomplice of the scientist we just arrested, so I have discounted being able to trust them. But I did not call for their arrest because I was missing actual evidence, and the Phazon was proving to be the bigger threat. So, yes. I got the ion rifle and carried it myself, because my Wardens loyalty was in question (and as it turned out they actually were a traitor).


We proceed to search for that mech, until a cadet and I find it in robotics, charging up. I alert the rest of security, while the cadet goes in closer to investigate. Has the HoS given updates, ordered the rest of security, or even had us report in since before the incident in the bridge? Nope. So we're not sure if the mech had been re-captured, or if it was still a threat. After some backup arrives, including the HoS, the person inside the mech (Maline Trell, a traitor) taunts us, before phasing through the robotics wall towards security maintenance. Rather than have us establish a perimeter, organize a search, or anything of the sort, the HoS charges off after the mech silently. A few minutes later, the mech is disabled in robotics. The HoS rips out the mech's powercell and starts yelling for Trell to surrender. A few officers move around behind them in maintenance, making sure they can't escape.


Why would you assume the situation had changed if you hadn't been given an update? I told you the stolen mech was on the loose; you saw it yourself. Did you want me to sit your character down for a briefing every five minutes? Please, god, show a little initiative over events you saw unfold before your very eyes. You read the same announcements as I did, you saw the mech. I couldn't tell you to setup a perimeter, because I had no idea where it would go, and knew it would phase through you anyway. I was constantly trying to get the AI to provide a location, or tracking, of the mech so that I could pass that on to you. Basically anytime I wasn't talking to you, I was either talking to Command and the AI, or moving somewhere with urgency.

We found the mech in robotics, it phased away. I was on Command comms with the RD trying to figure out with the RD why the mech was there; it was there to charge. I asked them to dismantle the charging ports, to cut the mech off from its power. A minute later, the RD reports over Command to me that the mech is back in robotics, so I run in. I can see Maline is out of the mech, in a stolen RIG, attempting to climb back in, so I spray her and the mech with ions to shut down the Phazon and the RIGs power cells. And it works, because Maline has to try and fix the Phazon over the next few minutes, while Security surrounds them. Maline tries to install fresh batteries while I pull them out again. I have called for engineering to help officers breach in through the SMES room, but I don't remember them ever turning up.


A little bit after we got into maintenance, it's reported that there's a firefight in the RDs office, the ones in maintenance move in through a hole in the wall, where we encounter the gunfight. The traitor, the one detained at the bridge, and the warden are fighting against the rest of security, I move in to secure the downed traitor, while the warden is captured by other officers. Once this all comes over the radio.. does the HoS say anything? No, still nothing from him.


By this point, I was essentially taken out of the game by ahelps enquiring about my characters skills. I could ignore the game and deal with the admin breathing down my neck, or ignore the admin and play the game. Let me tell you, when you play Command and you suddenly have to deal with ahelps, you cannot perform your job at all. I had to spend the rest of the round focused on my ahelps, so I'm sorry I couldn't micromanage you through a firefight.


From my limited interaction, there was... Very limited interaction. I got a vault camera alert, so I went to go repair it. I bump into the HoS by the vault elevator. He greets me with "Going somewhere?", where I informed him the vault. He then puts himself in the elevator door and just stands there, talking into his headset. I ask what was up and I get nothing for a while until he says "Talking to the Captain".

I get zero information or even a hint that something was even remotely wrong. Another camera alert pops up after standing idle in the elevator for five minutes, so I just leave to deal with that instead.

Although I was just a lowly engiborg and not really worth giving a full situation update to, just spitting an "There's an ongoing security situation, wait/fuck off." would be plenty.

You need to relay information and guide your department. You're the head of security, not a lone commando.

I was standing by the Vault because I'd accidentally seen the Phazon down there, and the CC announcements were developing that situation. I assumed that someone was going to try and steal it, but I didn't expect Maline to breach in from the back like she did. I had no idea there was an alarm in the Vault that you were heading for, or an atmos situation down there that you needed to fix, so I held up the lift to stop anyone going in ahead of me while I discussed my next steps with the Captain. I didn't explain myself to you because I didn't have to; likewise, you didn't inform me that you knew anything about the Vault was amiss, even when given plenty of opportunity to say something, anything, while I conversed with the Captain.


I've experienced similar issues with this character. I can go into more detail if it's warranted


If you have further testimony that is not just 2nd hand info, go for it.


I've experienced similar issues with this character. I can go into more detail if it's warranted


It's a two day old character that you've been with on maybe one round as Fernando. On that one round, you reported a death to me and I was too busy actually relaying your information to Security and trying to co-ordinate them, instead of immediately acknowledging you, so you bold all caps called me the worst HoS in history IC.


Okay, I'll take this point by point, I'm organizationally inept, so excuse any issues.


The round started pretty normal, I joined a few minutes in, he joined within seconds of me. After I gear up, we're told to report in and do so. Over the next thirty to forty minutes we hear.. next to nothing from the HoS. He verifies the charges on someone, agrees to the warden detaining a cadet for assault, and is otherwise silent. At around an hour and twenty minutes in, we get an announcement about a crate being put aboard, and how no crew are to touch it except for moving it to the cargo shuttle later on.


Local HoS arrives late, introduces himself, gets a feel for the department and gets caught up on any ongoing issues... then goes quiet, because there is little to Command them over on Code Green with not even a hint of anything wrong.


Yeah, I get where you're coming from here. Maybe check in with everyone every 20 minutes or so? Couldn't hurt.


Here's where the real issues start though: A little bit after that announcement, I'm told to get a rifle and report to the vault elevator. Keep in mind, I got no explanation, we're on code green, I know nothing about the situation. While this is happening, medical reports an armed man in the operating rooms, which officers respond to. A firefight breaks out, which the HoS chooses to totally ignore. Once we get into the vault, I see that someone had broken in through the back of the vault, using inflatables to not vent it. The HoS yells something along the lines of "A Phazon was stolen!" and immediately runs to the armory, retrieving a laser rifle and ion rifle, without giving any direction or explanation to security other than telling the warden "You may hand out weapons."


You got no explanation because you aren't entitled to an explanation; you're expected to follow orders. I was co-ordinating with the Captain and discussing our approach long before you were called in. You were the nearest Officer so I enlisted your support on their orders. Being one of the only crew on the station able to pilot mechs, and being right at the elevator, then recieving a Central Command order that the Mech is to be immeditely moved, and the Captain authorises me to do it, yes I prioritised the $100,000,000 mech we were told to transport over the firefight in the OR that other officers were calling out that they were responding to. I let the officers attempt to handle the shoot out, while I attended the issue I was situated next to, prepared for and ordered to do so, both by CC and the Captain.


That's a bad way to think, in my opinion. Just because you're the "big bad hos" in command doesn't mean you should send officers into possibly lethal situations, without giving them so much as a "there might be an armed guy down there, careful okay?" because they should follow orders anyway. As for not acknowledging the firefight, you have a radio. If you're unable to multitask, move back to your office, watch cameras, and coordinate officers. You're the Head of Security, not Security Officer With Extra Access. It's better to have four people working together well than it is have five uncoordinated people, four of them being totally unaware of the current situation.


A minute later, security is called to the bridge. I'm the first officer to arrive, and find a scientist with a 9mm pistol looting the Captains office. I command them to drop their weapon and get on the ground, which they ignore. The rest of security arrives and the Captain comes out of their back room, which scares the antag into firing. The HoS manages to stun them before they can do any major damage. As we leave, a floaty-mech thing comes down the hall, phasing through me. I'd assume this is what the "Phazon" was.


I was talking to the Captain on comms while camera scanning the Command area, and I see the scientist that someone has just reported to me as potentially dangerous, is now breaching into the side of the Captains office with thermite. I know he's going to be in there before I can stop him and the Captain is in imminent danger, as in may be dead within seconds, so I inform Security of the location and head over as fast as I can. While trying to talk him down, the scientist opens fire on the Captain, and then me, and we tase him down, arrest them and leave. And that's the first time we see the Phazon, as it phases through us, the Captains office and the Bridge. Not only are we now looking at Grand Theft of an extremely valuable mech that will severely damage Nanotrasens relations if we lose, but the pilot is commiting Infiltration of Command areas freely after having broken into the Vault, and at such a speed that we basically have no hope of chasing them, armed with weapons that we cannot match and armor that we can only really threaten with one gun. Everyone is briefly very confused about the Phazon phasing through and around us. I decide our only chance to even stop it is to ion out its battery charge. I should note by this point that I have recieved a message that potentially indicts my Warden as an accomplice of the scientist we just arrested, so I have discounted being able to trust them. But I did not call for their arrest because I was missing actual evidence, and the Phazon was proving to be the bigger threat. So, yes. I got the ion rifle and carried it myself, because my Wardens loyalty was in question (and as it turned out they actually were a traitor).


The scientist who shot at the Captain was handled pretty well, I didn't have an issue with that. However, all this stuff you knew about the Phazon at the time, why was none of it shared with the rest of security? We knew.. there was a valuable object on the station. We weren't told it had been stolen, or that it was an extremely dangerous mech. It wouldn't have taken more than a minute to make security aware of the heavily armed and armored stolen mech that can walk through walls and yet you chose not to make any of us aware of that. Was making a beeline to get two rifles more important than keeping your six staff safe and effective?


We proceed to search for that mech, until a cadet and I find it in robotics, charging up. I alert the rest of security, while the cadet goes in closer to investigate. Has the HoS given updates, ordered the rest of security, or even had us report in since before the incident in the bridge? Nope. So we're not sure if the mech had been re-captured, or if it was still a threat. After some backup arrives, including the HoS, the person inside the mech (Maline Trell, a traitor) taunts us, before phasing through the robotics wall towards security maintenance. Rather than have us establish a perimeter, organize a search, or anything of the sort, the HoS charges off after the mech silently. A few minutes later, the mech is disabled in robotics. The HoS rips out the mech's powercell and starts yelling for Trell to surrender. A few officers move around behind them in maintenance, making sure they can't escape.


Why would you assume the situation had changed if you hadn't been given an update? I told you the stolen mech was on the loose; you saw it yourself. Did you want me to sit your character down for a briefing every five minutes? Please, god, show a little initiative over events you saw unfold before your very eyes. You read the same announcements as I did, you saw the mech. I couldn't tell you to setup a perimeter, because I had no idea where it would go, and knew it would phase through you anyway. I was constantly trying to get the AI to provide a location, or tracking, of the mech so that I could pass that on to you. Basically anytime I wasn't talking to you, I was either talking to Command and the AI, or moving somewhere with urgency.

We found the mech in robotics, it phased away. I was on Command comms with the RD trying to figure out with the RD why the mech was there; it was there to charge. I asked them to dismantle the charging ports, to cut the mech off from its power. A minute later, the RD reports over Command to me that the mech is back in robotics, so I run in. I can see Maline is out of the mech, in a stolen RIG, attempting to climb back in, so I spray her and the mech with ions to shut down the Phazon and the RIGs power cells. And it works, because Maline has to try and fix the Phazon over the next few minutes, while Security surrounds them. Maline tries to install fresh batteries while I pull them out again. I have called for engineering to help officers breach in through the SMES room, but I don't remember them ever turning up.


I don't expect constant briefings, but nobody in the department knew what was going on at the time. We saw a stationary mech in robotics, that's not exactly suspicious. And given the fact that we hadn't been given any updates up to that point, I wasn't expecting one, was I supposed to pull out my rifle and unload on a mech that appears to be unmanned? If you don't know enough about a situation to get security working properly, did you really know enough to wordlessly sprint after a heavily armed mech? What was the thought process there? You couldn't fight it alone, why not take a minute to gather your thoughts and get us focused and on task? You have a department to manage, after all.

Most of that second paragraph is all good, but why not alert officers to the fact that engineers were called? We'd pretty much given up on getting through the SMES room.


A little bit after we got into maintenance, it's reported that there's a firefight in the RDs office, the ones in maintenance move in through a hole in the wall, where we encounter the gunfight. The traitor, the one detained at the bridge, and the warden are fighting against the rest of security, I move in to secure the downed traitor, while the warden is captured by other officers. Once this all comes over the radio.. does the HoS say anything? No, still nothing from him.


By this point, I was essentially taken out of the game by ahelps enquiring about my characters skills. I could ignore the game and deal with the admin breathing down my neck, or ignore the admin and play the game. Let me tell you, when you play Command and you suddenly have to deal with ahelps, you cannot perform your job at all. I had to spend the rest of the round focused on my ahelps, so I'm sorry I couldn't micromanage you through a firefight.


You could've asked the admin to hold on a minute, admins are usually cool with giving you a minute or two. I'm not asking you to micromanage security in any way, but it'd be nice if you managed the department. We'd barely received any orders from you, and not a single update pertaining to the situation. You chose to focus on playing an upgraded security officer, rather than manage your department. That's my main complaint. If you can't manage the department and work in the field with us, manage the department and keep us on track. The round would've gone smoother having four security officers aware of the situation, rather than four officers out of the loop and one guy trying to be a superofficer.

I apologize if I come off as mad or upset. Not trying to insult you, if it seemed that way.


I have a similar complaint to add to this that does not relate to the situation reported, but follows the same exact pattern of behavior that is being discussed: Selective communication, or lack thereof.

For some basic background: On a yesterday, the game ID being bTJ-a02I (if you wish to look further into it), I was playing Sid as an undercover cultist. Something happened to where a lost assistant managed to get into the engineering lobby, in which case Security was alerted to so they can reprimand the guy and let him off with a warning or something. The Detective PDA'd me about it, which was cool. Then the CSI, Alan Grimm PDA'd me and obsessed over the minor case, even threatening me with charges and acting like THE LAW, demanding that I get to the lobby immediately or else. Now, the round was being hectic and my character had everyone breathing down his neck for power to the station because of a complication that he was doing his best to resolve as fast as he could. Not wanting to deal with the harassment any longer and dealing with enough stress on my plate, I comm'd the rest of security to get their CSI off my back, they all agreed with me that the behavior was shitty, it was taken care of, all was good.

Now, we get to the part where Kato Zane enters the scene. He arrives on the station, and I guess Grimm immediately went to tattle on me to their HoS. Next thing I know, I get a PDA message from the HoS. To summarize: He had only spoken to Grimm and had sided with the CSI, and not consulted with the accused or any observers that were involved, which was the entirety of the security department, and immediately (although a minor punishment) issued a warning of slandering a member of security and reporting a falsehood (both claims of which were false) without launching a proper investigation. Here are the PDA messages shared between Sid and Zane.

I did not AHelp it because it was an IC thing, and it was clearly handled. The guy even apologized after realizing that he had made a mistake, and I think it followed more of an in-depth investigation by them, and had hopefully learned his lesson. I was fine with that.

I found it odd that the HoS didn't know better and to actually further investigate the incident and get stories from all sides involved or gather the evidence that was on my PDA, the conversations between me and Grimm. There was no communication except for between him and the CSI, and then the PDA message of an official warning from Zane. Yes, the issue was resolved and corrected in the end and I do appreciate that, but the wayit was handled was poor.

tl;dr A Department staff is supposed to know regulations and procedure, as well as coordinate with their team to handle and resolve issues within their areas of expertise, and side with the station for it's well-being, not just the department. Although the latter is the least of the worries here, I had observed the same disappointing lack of communication the day before. There could be good potential with having K0NFL1QT play as HoS. But from what I see considering my experience and the one reported by Tbear a day later after my IC incident, this is a repeat behavior that could use some work on correcting.



I will be taking this complaint with [mention]sebkillerDK[/mention]. This will also be directed to the whitelist team [mention]Alberyk[/mention], [mention]Coalf[/mention], and [mention]Datamatt[/mention].

If anyone has a situation they can share please do so. However, please limit any stories to first-hand knowledge only.


I found it odd that the HoS didn't know better and to actually further investigate the incident and get stories from all sides involved or gather the evidence that was on my PDA, the conversations between me and Grimm. There was no communication except for between him and the CSI, and then the PDA message of an official warning from Zane. Yes, the issue was resolved and corrected in the end and I do appreciate that, but the wayit was handled was poor.

tl;dr A Department staff is supposed to know regulations and procedure, as well as coordinate with their team to handle and resolve issues within their areas of expertise, and side with the station for it's well-being, not just the department. Although the latter is the least of the worries here, I had observed the same disappointing lack of communication the day before. There could be good potential with having K0NFL1QT play as HoS. But from what I see considering my experience and the one reported by Tbear a day later after my IC incident, this is a repeat behavior that could use some work on correcting.


Local HoS issues the absolute minimum of punishments, that carries precisely zero consequences, based on the recomendation of his investigative staff. Then rescinds it with an apology as new information comes to him. Isn't a perfect human, but ends up doing the right thing. Better report that.

It was a warning. You know what I do when a member of Security decides to issues warnings? I say thanks for whatever and go about my day, because warnings don't mean a damn thing. Sure, in this case, you were probably innocent and right to object, while the CSI wanted to punish you for getting in his way (I have seen him do this before), but we ended up at the right place in the end.


That's a bad way to think, in my opinion. Just because you're the "big bad hos" in command doesn't mean you should send officers into possibly lethal situations, without giving them so much as a "there might be an armed guy down there, careful okay?" because they should follow orders anyway. As for not acknowledging the firefight, you have a radio. If you're unable to multitask, move back to your office, watch cameras, and coordinate officers. You're the Head of Security, not Security Officer With Extra Access. It's better to have four people working together well than it is have five uncoordinated people, four of them being totally unaware of the current situation.

The situation you and me were going into, didn't even require the rifle that you were sent to get. As far as I was aware, we were going to go into the Vault, grab the mech, and walk it to Cargo. The Captain insisted you come, and come armed, but we didn't expect anyone to be down there.


The scientist who shot at the Captain was handled pretty well, I didn't have an issue with that. However, all this stuff you knew about the Phazon at the time, why was none of it shared with the rest of security? We knew.. there was a valuable object on the station. We weren't told it had been stolen, or that it was an extremely dangerous mech. It wouldn't have taken more than a minute to make security aware of the heavily armed and armored stolen mech that can walk through walls and yet you chose not to make any of us aware of that. Was making a beeline to get two rifles more important than keeping your six staff safe and effective?

One of your main points of contension here seems to be that I didn't tell you about the mech in the first place. But if you recall, the initial Centcom message said it wasn't to be inspected, touched or even protected. Not to be interacted with at all, basically. I wasn't sure what I could tell you about it because WE weren't told anything about it as far as I knew (the Captain may have later gotten a fax for confirmation because the first announcement was super vague), I only knew what the announcement was about because I just happened to glance at the Vault cams and saw the mech before the announcement. I didn't feel like you needed to know much about the Mech that we weren't supposed to interact with at all, and was already locked safely in the Vault; like how the Captain knows there's a nuke on station, but doesn't tell anybody. I thought we were all supposed to be ignorant.


I don't expect constant briefings, but nobody in the department knew what was going on at the time. We saw a stationary mech in robotics, that's not exactly suspicious. And given the fact that we hadn't been given any updates up to that point, I wasn't expecting one, was I supposed to pull out my rifle and unload on a mech that appears to be unmanned? If you don't know enough about a situation to get security working properly, did you really know enough to wordlessly sprint after a heavily armed mech? What was the thought process there? You couldn't fight it alone, why not take a minute to gather your thoughts and get us focused and on task? You have a department to manage, after all.

Most of that second paragraph is all good, but why not alert officers to the fact that engineers were called? We'd pretty much given up on getting through the SMES room.

You saw the mech in robotics, fully strapped up with lethal weapons, AFTER recieving two Centcom updates about it, and having seen it phase into the Captains office. I told you that mech had been stolen from the Vault. You saw the pilot use it to commit multiple high severity crimes. And all you can say is 'that's not exactly suspicious'? Were you paying any attention at all? Do you have the capacity to draw your own conclusions? One of the reasons I didn't give you all specific orders to hunt the mech, was because it was so heavily armed. If you tried to stop it, you would have been killed. I had the AI trying to discretely provide information. Could I have given somebody else the ion rifle and sent them after it? Sure. But I don't recall recognising any of the characters as trustworthy security mains from an OOC standpoint, and ICly the character is new to the station and doesn't know the capabilities of the people he's commanding. And if that ion rifle was lost then we were going to have been at the mechs total mercy, unable to stop it at all - that's the reason I rushed to get it in the first place; because I assumed the phasing mech would prioritise getting the only weapon that can threaten it, out of our hands.

I called for engineers over the common communication channel, that you all have access to and see. Why would I request help over common, and then need to explain to you over security comms that I was requesting help over common to you? Had I seen engineers follow my request, I was planning to co-ordinate a breach of the back of the maintenance area to get Maline from that side, while I kept them busy in robotics. I didn't see any engineers turn up, so it wasn't a tactical option I wanted to talk about.


You could've asked the admin to hold on a minute, admins are usually cool with giving you a minute or two. I'm not asking you to micromanage security in any way, but it'd be nice if you managed the department. We'd barely received any orders from you, and not a single update pertaining to the situation. You chose to focus on playing an upgraded security officer, rather than manage your department. That's my main complaint. If you can't manage the department and work in the field with us, manage the department and keep us on track. The round would've gone smoother having four security officers aware of the situation, rather than four officers out of the loop and one guy trying to be a superofficer.

I apologize if I come off as mad or upset. Not trying to insult you, if it seemed that way.


One does not tell the admins to wait, when they have an issue. Overall, this was an unusual round due to the semi-secret nature of the mech delivery, the fact that I discovered it accidentally and that we were told in no uncertain terms that we were not to do anything at all to or around it, until we were then later ordered to move it. I could have sat you all down to explain that there was a mech in the Vault that I intended to move, but I was certain that somebody was going to steal it, so it was time-sensitive. But by that time it had already been stolen anyway. I was honestly a little unsure what we should do, because the circumstances were so unusual. I won't even question why admins thought spawning a free Phazon for Maline to steal, was a good idea or fair to all the traitors they weren't spawning mechs for, but hey, I roll with things as they develop. Admins use their verbs for fun things now and then.

Local HoS issues the absolute minimum of punishments, that carries precisely zero consequences, based on the recomendation of his investigative staff. Then rescinds it with an apology as new information comes to him. Isn't a perfect human, but ends up doing the right thing. Better report that.

It was a warning. You know what I do when a member of Security decides to issues warnings? I say thanks for whatever and go about my day, because warnings don't mean a damn thing. Sure, in this case, you were probably innocent and right to object, while the CSI wanted to punish you for getting in his way (I have seen him do this before), but we ended up at the right place in the end.


In that round, which I intentionally played him as snappy because of the stress he was experiencing, my character was upset with you, not me, and wasn't looking for an apology. He wanted a fix because he knew procedure was skipped and found it unfair. HE couldn't bite his tongue, but once matters were settled, he calmed down and was very thankful that a wrong was fixed. I appreciated the fact that you/your character lifted the warning, which I also stated as knowing was minor, but this isn't what it was about. It's about in-game behavior- it came as a surprise ICly and OOCly that the Warden didn't want to further investigate a matter and skipped procedure for this kind of thing- to communicate like they should have. I was fine and did not AHelp or make a complaint on the forums because I thought it was just an OOC accident. But when I saw this post and noticed the theme, I felt it necessary to post my experience as the lack of communication seems to be reoccurring behavior, even though my report is rather minor in comparison to the original post.

I'm sorry if my initial post seemed too harsh, it was not intended as an attack, merely as an observation that related to this topic.

Edit: When I made my post, it did not seem like you were still going off of the whole need-to-know one-man-army vibe, but you seem to of have better explained yourself in the previous. But there are some things that should have, or could have been done. In relation to your previous post before this one. If you were in doubt and confused, AHelp. If someone AHelps you, usually they start with "hey, got a moment?" Meaning, "when you have the time". So when you were in the thick of it in-game, it is perfectly fine and understandable to politely ask to finish up a task. I have done it a few times myself, and in fact, the last round that I just played, I did so, and they were willing to let me finish up. They know how it is to be bombarded and not wanting to hold others up. We can't just pause the game like that. It's unfair to others. I'll leave the rest of my thoughts out regarding that matter, as it is between you and Tbear.


I am posting with the understanding that like incidents may be added for testimony

Round number I do not recall.

Believe it was 18-03-05 ~22:30 PST

MALF round

I arrive around an hour into the round, and go about security things for a while for another hour or so until crew transfer/code delta

Main point of contention

At one point, the AI starts providing [false] announcements of intruders in Tcomms, the HoS states that a Borg is rogue, and we had CSI working on a number of things but I am uninvolved in that issue, we’re on code blue but we’re never told why.

We have reports of intruders, and sudden tcomms drop. I rush over to the armoury, HoS in his office, ask what the plan is. I count two minutes before receiving a simple response that “no intruders have been verified”.

HoS then goes into armoury and grabs ion rifle.

Walks out of armoury, and walks into Maint beside the armoury without a word.

The brief conversation that did occur played on “need to know” info and that we aught to simply just listen.

Without any further word from the HoS, no word over radio from them for ten minutes after they left through maint, I respond to a call for help.

Find them in the bridge, near death, two dead borgs beside them.

Just as we leave sudden code delta

The entire time, for roughly 45min the AI has been announcing some sort of computer nonesense regarding a hack, and some hostile entity taking control of station systems.

I am outlining this round, what I personally witnessed and only that to highlight the similarities between my post and others.

I do see it as a communication issue as well, a skill that is easy to learn once the error is brought to attention.

If a response is needed I will be unavailable for most of today.


I'm sorry if my initial post seemed too harsh, it was not intended as an attack, merely as an observation that related to this topic.


Don't worry, I'm not offended or angry about constructive feedback.

With your case, the warning was retracted because I realised I was being manipulated by a character with a grudge against yours.

Beyond that, I feel like I'm being rightfully defensive because my whitelist is being called into question over communication; not powergaming, not metagrudging, not malicious abuse, not flagrant violations of in character regulations, not out of character rule breaking, but communication. Communication, in most cases where the people reporting their grievances are only aware of half the story, where I am actively communicating and co-ordinating with either Command Staff while trying to get correct and actionable information out of them, or I'm relaying information from Command to the Security team when Command is sending me reports.

The round this complaint is based off was manipulated wierdly by admins, giving a traitor an overpowered and hard to deal with mech with only one manageable counter; the ion rifle. I took it upon myself to deal with it personally, given the danger posed by a rogue phasing mech with the new mech weapons, and the severity of the punishment for failure that Central was implying. This situation had to be dealt with correctly, and as safely as possible, and had to be dealt with swiftly. I had a subordinate team I could not trust to that degree, mostly out of unfamiliarity and the reasonable report against the Warden; sometimes doing something yourself is actually and fully the right way to handle things.


At one point, the AI starts providing [false] announcements of intruders in Tcomms, the HoS states that a Borg is rogue, and we had CSI working on a number of things but I am uninvolved in that issue, we’re on code blue but we’re never told why.

We have reports of intruders, and sudden tcomms drop. I rush over to the armoury, HoS in his office, ask what the plan is. I count two minutes before receiving a simple response that “no intruders have been verified”.

HoS then goes into armoury and grabs ion rifle.

Walks out of armoury, and walks into Maint beside the armoury without a word.

The brief conversation that did occur played on “need to know” info and that we aught to simply just listen.

Without any further word from the HoS, no word over radio from them for ten minutes after they left through maint, I respond to a call for help.

Find them in the bridge, near death, two dead borgs beside them.

Just as we leave sudden code delta

The entire time, for roughly 45min the AI has been announcing some sort of computer nonesense regarding a hack, and some hostile entity taking control of station systems.

I am outlining this round, what I personally witnessed and only that to highlight the similarities between my post and others.

I do see it as a communication issue as well, a skill that is easy to learn once the error is brought to attention.

If a response is needed I will be unavailable for most of today.


My memory regarding this round is a little less clear, given it was longer ago than the others, but I'll do my best to explain. It was extremely 'stealth and do nothing' malf.

I can't remember exactly when I joined this round, but I do remember idly coming across the camera feed of a borg that was building defenses in the AI core for seemingly no reason. That was suspicious, but I definately didn't jump on the 'borgs are rogue' angle then. I just kept a close eye on that particular borg, checking their cameras every now and then. I was talking to the AI about this in the Command channel so all Command staff could hear, but I don't remember what I did or did not tell Security given that I wasn't trying to push a validhunt. I think I talked about it to one or two of them off comms, but didn't institute any orders regarding it.

Sooner or later, we see this.



Yes, that is the AI calling out that they are immediately about to lockdown and vent Security, which is the precise reason I ran out of my office, straight into the Armory to grab the ion rifle and run into maintenance, because the AI told us it was going to lock us in and kill us. There was a few minutes of unease and confusion as we debated in OOC whether we needed to void that, while IC we all had to hide from a radioactive storm. Eventually I think it was Nursie admin ruled that we should ignore it. We all had to wait around and it was kinda wierd for us, because the malf blew their intent to straight up murder security and we had to try and act like we hadn't seen it, essentially being forced to forget it and wait for the AI to kill us.

I can't exactly remember what I did here. I think I wandered around a bit, tried to get into literally anything that could palette cleanse my mind of the fact that the AI was planning to gank me.

Then the AI makes a report about intruders on tcoms, so I go to my camera console to look around to try and confirm the report, because I was trying to play along with the gimmick, only to realise that the camera consoles cannot see onto the telecom satellite at all. However, while I was checking for that camera, I see as the engineering borg goes onto the Bridge and dismantles the robotics control console. I ended up calling that one out over an intercom, I can't remember which channel to, because the AI shut down telecoms. As far as I could tell, the AIs claims of intruders were unverified, because literally nobody else had seen them and nobody was reporting the atmos alarms that you'd expect from a breach.

Comms came back on and I was discussing the borg console problem with Command, when the AI claimed that 'no console had been deconstructed' despite me watching that it had been done. I still haven't jumped to 'borgs/AI are rogue' mode, but this is all getting too suspicious to ignore, so I went to the Bridge to check it out. I step into the Bridge and see the console I saw taken apart actually is deconstructed, so the AI is clearly lying to me to cover for the borg. As I'm on my way out of the Bridge the secborg from down the hall just opens up at me with its laser cannon. I get shot twice in supise before I can get cover, but I managed to call out that I was under fire on comms before they were disabled. I was also trying to call out my location and the situation to Security, while actively dodging laser fire, but comms were off. I had the ion rifle with me, so it wasn't really a fair fight for the borgs once they'd blown their suprise attack. I ioned and battoned them until they were offline, but the pain from the laser shots had rendered me unable to move anymore. I had my suit sensors maxed so people knew where I was, and came to get me. I get to taken to medical for treatment and the AI starts finally, openly taunting us over comms. The shuttle is called, and then Code Delta is called, so I announce to the whole crew that we're going to force launch and get off station as soon as possible. We go to the shuttle, I wait a minute, then force launch because the self destruct is active and I had no idea how long was left on the timer.

That was all about that.


I was playing one of the officers in that round.



The round this complaint is based off was manipulated wierdly by admins, giving a traitor an overpowered and hard to deal with mech with only one manageable counter; the ion rifle. I took it upon myself to deal with it personally, given the danger posed by a rogue phasing mech with the new mech weapons, and the severity of the punishment for failure that Central was implying. This situation had to be dealt with correctly, and as safely as possible, and had to be dealt with swiftly. I had a subordinate team I could not trust to that degree, mostly out of unfamiliarity and the reasonable report against the Warden; sometimes doing something yourself is actually and fully the right way to handle things.


I am not sure what you mean by "the report against the warden", but if you mean the incident in the RD office, than that happened after the mech incident and long after you ran to grab the ion rifle.

Regarding "I could not turst them, because I do not know them", well as a Head of Staff you generally should assume competency until proven otherwise.

Even if you dont know them, you should still be able to trust them to carry out their duties.

We only moved to robotics, because the AI requested for us to move there.

I have not seen a single attempt from you to communicate with us or coordinate us.

A Officer suggested that some of us move to maint to flank them.

A Officer requested engineering over to deal with the door that was welded.

We received more information from the announcements than we did from you.

Now onto the notion that "The only weapon capable of handling the mech is the ion rifle".

That is wrong.

Cargo can produce or ship in quite a few weapons that are effective against a mech.

Some of them even EMP weapons.

Therefore it wouldn't matter if a officer lost "the only ion rifle" as replacements can be ordered.

Its not just your communication that´s called into question here, its your whole approach to handle the incident:

You decided to grab the ion rifle for yourself and chase after the mech without trying to communicate with your officers.

Which ended in robotics with your removing the powercell of the mech your were chasing.

All that while leaving your officers in the dark to what is going on and without attempting to order gear from cargo to deal with the threat.


That's a bad way to think, in my opinion. Just because you're the "big bad hos" in command doesn't mean you should send officers into possibly lethal situations, without giving them so much as a "there might be an armed guy down there, careful okay?" because they should follow orders anyway. As for not acknowledging the firefight, you have a radio. If you're unable to multitask, move back to your office, watch cameras, and coordinate officers. You're the Head of Security, not Security Officer With Extra Access. It's better to have four people working together well than it is have five uncoordinated people, four of them being totally unaware of the current situation.

The situation you and me were going into, didn't even require the rifle that you were sent to get. As far as I was aware, we were going to go into the Vault, grab the mech, and walk it to Cargo. The Captain insisted you come, and come armed, but we didn't expect anyone to be down there.


Okay, that makes sense. It still would've been nice for you to let me know what was going on, but you also ignored my second point. You shouldn't be going around doing stuff yourself because of "trust issues" if you can't manage your department at the same time.


The scientist who shot at the Captain was handled pretty well, I didn't have an issue with that. However, all this stuff you knew about the Phazon at the time, why was none of it shared with the rest of security? We knew.. there was a valuable object on the station. We weren't told it had been stolen, or that it was an extremely dangerous mech. It wouldn't have taken more than a minute to make security aware of the heavily armed and armored stolen mech that can walk through walls and yet you chose not to make any of us aware of that. Was making a beeline to get two rifles more important than keeping your six staff safe and effective?

One of your main points of contension here seems to be that I didn't tell you about the mech in the first place. But if you recall, the initial Centcom message said it wasn't to be inspected, touched or even protected. Not to be interacted with at all, basically. I wasn't sure what I could tell you about it because WE weren't told anything about it as far as I knew (the Captain may have later gotten a fax for confirmation because the first announcement was super vague), I only knew what the announcement was about because I just happened to glance at the Vault cams and saw the mech before the announcement. I didn't feel like you needed to know much about the Mech that we weren't supposed to interact with at all, and was already locked safely in the Vault; like how the Captain knows there's a nuke on station, but doesn't tell anybody. I thought we were all supposed to be ignorant.


Right, I can't blame you for not telling us what it was before it was stolen. However, once it was stolen, you endangered the rest of security by not giving them a "There's a heavily armed mech on the loose, don't poke it!" The "you didn't need to know" excuse doesn't really hold up when you consider the fact that we were actively trying to stop the mech. That's like telling an engineer to go fix a breach without telling him where the breach is.


I don't expect constant briefings, but nobody in the department knew what was going on at the time. We saw a stationary mech in robotics, that's not exactly suspicious. And given the fact that we hadn't been given any updates up to that point, I wasn't expecting one, was I supposed to pull out my rifle and unload on a mech that appears to be unmanned? If you don't know enough about a situation to get security working properly, did you really know enough to wordlessly sprint after a heavily armed mech? What was the thought process there? You couldn't fight it alone, why not take a minute to gather your thoughts and get us focused and on task? You have a department to manage, after all.

Most of that second paragraph is all good, but why not alert officers to the fact that engineers were called? We'd pretty much given up on getting through the SMES room.

You saw the mech in robotics, fully strapped up with lethal weapons, AFTER recieving two Centcom updates about it, and having seen it phase into the Captains office. I told you that mech had been stolen from the Vault. You saw the pilot use it to commit multiple high severity crimes. And all you can say is 'that's not exactly suspicious'? Were you paying any attention at all? Do you have the capacity to draw your own conclusions? One of the reasons I didn't give you all specific orders to hunt the mech, was because it was so heavily armed. If you tried to stop it, you would have been killed. I had the AI trying to discretely provide information. Could I have given somebody else the ion rifle and sent them after it? Sure. But I don't recall recognising any of the characters as trustworthy security mains from an OOC standpoint, and ICly the character is new to the station and doesn't know the capabilities of the people he's commanding. And if that ion rifle was lost then we were going to have been at the mechs total mercy, unable to stop it at all - that's the reason I rushed to get it in the first place; because I assumed the phasing mech would prioritise getting the only weapon that can threaten it, out of our hands.

I called for engineers over the common communication channel, that you all have access to and see. Why would I request help over common, and then need to explain to you over security comms that I was requesting help over common to you? Had I seen engineers follow my request, I was planning to co-ordinate a breach of the back of the maintenance area to get Maline from that side, while I kept them busy in robotics. I didn't see any engineers turn up, so it wasn't a tactical option I wanted to talk about.


Okay, like I said, a stationary mech that's been sitting there for around two minutes doesn't make me think "Better shoot that thing!" It was stationary and appeared unmanned. Backup was called, which you responded to as well. If it was so obviously a manned, hostile mech, why didn't you ion it then? Why didn't you inform anyone that it was heavily armed? We hadn't been aware of the fact that it had guns mounted on it until we got a close look in robotics. Why play a character with such severe trust issues that he considers his department more of a nuisance, it seems like you felt that way, rather than coworkers?

I hadn't seem the engineering request over common, I was probably just a bit zoned out. My bad there!


You could've asked the admin to hold on a minute, admins are usually cool with giving you a minute or two. I'm not asking you to micromanage security in any way, but it'd be nice if you managed the department. We'd barely received any orders from you, and not a single update pertaining to the situation. You chose to focus on playing an upgraded security officer, rather than manage your department. That's my main complaint. If you can't manage the department and work in the field with us, manage the department and keep us on track. The round would've gone smoother having four security officers aware of the situation, rather than four officers out of the loop and one guy trying to be a superofficer.

I apologize if I come off as mad or upset. Not trying to insult you, if it seemed that way.


One does not tell the admins to wait, when they have an issue. Overall, this was an unusual round due to the semi-secret nature of the mech delivery, the fact that I discovered it accidentally and that we were told in no uncertain terms that we were not to do anything at all to or around it, until we were then later ordered to move it. I could have sat you all down to explain that there was a mech in the Vault that I intended to move, but I was certain that somebody was going to steal it, so it was time-sensitive. But by that time it had already been stolen anyway. I was honestly a little unsure what we should do, because the circumstances were so unusual. I won't even question why admins thought spawning a free Phazon for Maline to steal, was a good idea or fair to all the traitors they weren't spawning mechs for, but hey, I roll with things as they develop. Admins use their verbs for fun things now and then.


Admemes are cool with waiting a minute, in my experience.

I'd agree that the round was unusual. I don't believe you've given any valid excuses for totally ignoring the department you're in control of, however. The duties of a Head of Security, according to the wiki are "Coordinate security, maintain order." If you don't trust the rest of security, OOCly and ICly, don't play a job that requires you to command them. In my opinion, it's not acceptable from an IC standpoint to ignore your duties because you haven't talked to some of your officers before. OOCly, it's not much different. You ignored and endangered your department because of trust issues.


I am not sure what you mean by "the report against the warden", but if you mean the incident in the RD office, than that happened after the mech incident and long after you ran to grab the ion rifle.

If you don't know what I mean, maybe you shouldn't bring it up. I was sent a PDA message long before that, indicting the Warden of something. Ordinarily that would have been very important to shut down, investigate and parse out, but there was a phasing mech we had to deal with first. When exactly that was, it was either before I first went into the Vault or sometime around the time of the fight at the Captains office, either way before the fight at the RDs. And, to reiterate, when the gunfight at the RDs was occuring, I was locked in ahelps and not really able to manage the department or do anything about it myself.


Regarding "I could not turst them, because I do not know them", well as a Head of Staff you generally should assume competency until proven otherwise.

Even if you dont know them, you should still be able to trust them to carry out their duties.


Ordinarily true, but these were extraordinary circumstances. Not only is 'stopping a rogue mech' not exactly standard in a days work for an officer, but you're overlooking the fact that the Captain themself put this directly on me when they asked me to move the mech that turned up stolen. And then Central Command announced that they knew it was stolen and we had to recover it, intact. That was an order from Central Command to get it done, and done right. There's 'assume basic competancy', which anyone who plays Head of Staff can tell you is simply not true, and then there's 'do you trust any of these officers to get this done', to which the answer was no. Because the character is new to the station and doesn't know these people yet. I wasn't going to order any officer I couldn't trust with a task of that magnitude, so yes I resolved to handle the mission myself.


We only moved to robotics, because the AI requested for us to move there.

I have not seen a single attempt from you to communicate with us or coordinate us.

A Officer suggested that some of us move to maint to flank them.

A Officer requested engineering over to deal with the door that was welded.

We received more information from the announcements than we did from you.


I got the same call to robotics that you all did. The HoS can't order officers to engage a suspect if he doesn't know where they are. The officers suggestion to surround them was a good idea; I like when officers do competant things. An officer may have also asked for engineers, but I know I also did too. And, yes, you recieved the same information from Central as I did. The only time I had more information than anyone else, was at the start of the situation when I accidentally spotted the mech in the Vault, but at that point we were on orders not to go anywhere near it.


Now onto the notion that "The only weapon capable of handling the mech is the ion rifle".

That is wrong.

Cargo can produce or ship in quite a few weapons that are effective against a mech.

Some of them even EMP weapons.

Therefore it wouldn't matter if a officer lost "the only ion rifle" as replacements can be ordered.


I'll concede that the stations ion rifle isn't, in theory, the only actual weapon the station can get to when you take cargo into account. Next time we need to catch a phazon, I'll try and order ion rifles for everybody.


Its not just your communication that´s called into question here, its your whole approach to handle the incident:

You decided to grab the ion rifle for yourself and chase after the mech without trying to communicate with your officers.

Which ended in robotics with your removing the powercell of the mech your were chasing.

All that while leaving your officers in the dark to what is going on and without attempting to order gear from cargo to deal with the threat.


See above, and read back previous posts regarding why I had the rifle, I've answered most of these already. The only new point you've raised here is that I didn't rush cargo to order ions for everyone, which hey, you know, good idea.


Okay, that makes sense. It still would've been nice for you to let me know what was going on, but you also ignored my second point. You shouldn't be going around doing stuff yourself because of "trust issues" if you can't manage your department at the same time.


It was in character for me to not inherantly trust the abilities of the officers in this situation, partly because the character is new to the station and is unfamiliar with the crew and their capabilities, and because taking down phazing mech is absolutely not something most officers are probably trained for.


Right, I can't blame you for not telling us what it was before it was stolen. However, once it was stolen, you endangered the rest of security by not giving them a "There's a heavily armed mech on the loose, don't poke it!" The "you didn't need to know" excuse doesn't really hold up when you consider the fact that we were actively trying to stop the mech. That's like telling an engineer to go fix a breach without telling him where the breach is.


I did inform Security, as soon as I realised the Phazon was stolen and on the loose. I still hadn't decided how best to deal with it at that point, but I absolutely did inform the department that the mech was missing.


Most of that second paragraph is all good, but why not alert officers to the fact that engineers were called? We'd pretty much given up on getting through the SMES room.


I called for the engineers on the common channel. You should have seen it, but may have missed it and that's fine. But if you say I did not request engineering, I have to correct you. I did. But I was waiting for them to actually arrive before I started vocally planning and ordering a breach through the back path.


Okay, like I said, a stationary mech that's been sitting there for around two minutes doesn't make me think "Better shoot that thing!" It was stationary and appeared unmanned. Backup was called, which you responded to as well. If it was so obviously a manned, hostile mech, why didn't you ion it then? Why didn't you inform anyone that it was heavily armed? We hadn't been aware of the fact that it had guns mounted on it until we got a close look in robotics. Why play a character with such severe trust issues that he considers his department more of a nuisance, it seems like you felt that way, rather than coworkers?


It's not 'trust issues', it's 'newly transferred to the station and wtf these guys are not trained for this'. The first time we saw it in Robotics, people were trying to talk to Maline to persuade her into getting out of the mech and handing it over. I was more than happy to let that occur, and did not want to just 'no rp rush' them with ions because that is exceptionally shitty. I always sandbag for antags and give them every opportunity to stop, surrender and turn themselves in; sometimes that just gives them chance to kill me, and that's fine. I can take that. But I always make the effort. I was still roleplaying through the situation despite how frustrating a phazing mech, and wanted to talk to the antag. Weird I know, right? As for informing about its weapons, I can;t remember at exactly what point I was able to see it's weapons, but I'm fairly sure it had... the laser cannon, ion cannon, incindiary rifle and something else. If I can examine the mech, you can too.


I'd agree that the round was unusual. I don't believe you've given any valid excuses for totally ignoring the department you're in control of, however. The duties of a Head of Security, according to the wiki are "Coordinate security, maintain order." If you don't trust the rest of security, OOCly and ICly, don't play a job that requires you to command them. In my opinion, it's not acceptable from an IC standpoint to ignore your duties because you haven't talked to some of your officers before. OOCly, it's not much different. You ignored and endangered your department because of trust issues.


Except from my perspective, I protected my department by not ordering them to try and stop a heavily armed, high mobility killing machine, when there was one weapon that could threaten the mech and I happened to have it. That would be like ordering cadets to bumrush mercenaries, armed with only foam swords, and I wasn't going to order them to their deaths.

Could I have handled the situation better? Yes and no. Yes, I could have spent more energy on giving the department some orders, that I will concede, and yes I could have gone to cargo to order more ions. I will try to keep that in mind for the future. That option aside, there wasn't really much more I could do, because the nature of the 'event' was initially 'there is something in the Vault that you are absolutely not to look at, investigate or touch at all, in any way, shape or form', and in general everyone was pretty much on the same level regarding information. Once the mech was loose, I had as much information as the officers did, and I passed it on. I did not know more than the rest of Security. Maybe I didn't take a minute to stop, pause, and make sure everyone was on the same page, but you were told about the mech before your first physical encounter at the Captains office.

This is evidenced here, in your own words.

The HoS yells something along the lines of "A Phazon was stolen!" and immediately runs to the armory, retrieving a laser rifle and ion rifle, without giving any direction or explanation to security other than telling the warden "You may hand out weapons."

A minute later, security is called to the bridge. I'm the first officer to arrive, and find a scientist with a 9mm pistol looting the Captains office. I command them to drop their weapon and get on the ground, which they ignore. The rest of security arrives and the Captain comes out of their back room, which scares the antag into firing. The HoS manages to stun them before they can do any major damage. As we leave, a floaty-mech thing comes down the hall, phasing through me. I'd assume this is what the "Phazon" was.


You admit I informed you about the mech. You admit I authorised the Warden to hand out weapons. I didn't tell you where to go, because I did not know.


Alright, I want to explain why things were bad that round from my perspective, since you seem fairly worked up about it.

From what I recall we were the only two members of command. Fernando Gonzales is not great at command. I intentionally play communication as one of his biggest shortfalls. So I didn't mind not hearing from you on the radio.

Until we watched someone die on sensors. Died in the library, then moved down through Maint beneath the bar. We called out about this, no response. We waited. No response.

My doctors are not security officers. I don't send them into potential murder scenes without security there for very, exceedingly obvious reasons. All the same, we had to head down there ourselves. At this point my doctor convinces me to try contacting you again. So I do, again, over command.

I don't have security radio and I know better than to move a murder victim before the CSI can get there. From my perspective, I am standing at a murder scene, vulnerable, with my vulnerable doctor friend. I can't hear that you're giving security orders. So after another moment, I use general comms, which again, I try to avoid, to tell security there is a dead officer in maint AND (because I am playing a grump who is scared in a dark murder scene) that you have not responded and don't seem to care that one of your officers is down. Because you hadn't responded.

Communication is super important in command. Even when I'm playing my bad at communication character, I hit all the important points to make sure I'm doing the bare minimum I need to in command. That so many people are experiencing the same thing in different circumstances is concerning.


Don't worry, I'm not offended or angry about constructive feedback.

With your case, the warning was retracted because I realized I was being manipulated by a character with a grudge against yours.

Beyond that, I feel like I'm being rightfully defensive because my whitelist is being called into question over communication; not powergaming, not metagrudging, not malicious abuse, not flagrant violations of in character regulations, not out of character rule breaking, but communication. Communication, in most cases where the people reporting their grievances are only aware of half the story, where I am actively communicating and co-ordinating with either Command Staff while trying to get correct and actionable information out of them, or I'm relaying information from Command to the Security team when Command is sending me reports.

The round this complaint is based off was manipulated weirdly by admins, giving a traitor an overpowered and hard to deal with mech with only one manageable counter; the ion rifle. I took it upon myself to deal with it personally, given the danger posed by a rogue phasing mech with the new mech weapons, and the severity of the punishment for failure that Central was implying. This situation had to be dealt with correctly, and as safely as possible, and had to be dealt with swiftly. I had a subordinate team I could not trust to that degree, mostly out of unfamiliarity and the reasonable report against the Warden; sometimes doing something yourself is actually and fully the right way to handle things.


For a Head of Staff whitelist, communication plays a big part in the role. You have to coordinate with your department, other heads, and the rest of the crew to ensure their safety. The original complaint was concerned about it, which is okay. I noticed that it was similar to what happened to me and put in what I observed, which is okay. I thought that the lack of communication from my experience was an isolated case, be it IC or OOC, I shrugged off. But I noticed that there was a second case, which can be taken as acting as a one-man-army, and decided to give my input. However you have been providing more and more information from your side, and the more I read it, the more I realize that it was not your intention whatsoever to come off in such a way, and the fact that these two incidents happened next to each other was just a coincident.

With me, you have cleared things up and realized IC/OOCly either way, that you had made a mistake and it was fixed even though it was over something minor- which is great because it shows that you were willing to communicate ICly/OOCly. With the original case posted, there was an obvious confusion that you had further elaborated on within a couple more posts. I was not there for the situation so I cannot give my full opinion on the matter, but for me, these two similar cases are coincidental. Whereas the reasoning for mine was a mistake, the other appears to be purely situational. Thank you very much for taking the time to calmly clarify it with me.

I will leave this general advice though, which I will repeat: When in doubt, AHelp! If you didn't know how to handle the Phazon and was confused by the announcement, never be afraid to contact staff to clear things up. Their job description includes helping the community with concerns.



You were just ghosting over a round with me as Zane again. Granted there were power issues and telecom outages, but how do you feel about my performance for that round? Game ID: bTK-cTV6, Visitors, IPC Wizards and a dead ninja.


Okay, that makes sense. It still would've been nice for you to let me know what was going on, but you also ignored my second point. You shouldn't be going around doing stuff yourself because of "trust issues" if you can't manage your department at the same time.


It was in character for me to not inherantly trust the abilities of the officers in this situation, partly because the character is new to the station and is unfamiliar with the crew and their capabilities, and because taking down phazing mech is absolutely not something most officers are probably trained for.


It seems kinda silly to ignore your department because you're new, doesn't it? Is any character realistically trained to stop a phazon? That seems awfully specific for a corporate security team. I don't think either of those are great reasons to ignore your duties as a HoS.


Right, I can't blame you for not telling us what it was before it was stolen. However, once it was stolen, you endangered the rest of security by not giving them a "There's a heavily armed mech on the loose, don't poke it!" The "you didn't need to know" excuse doesn't really hold up when you consider the fact that we were actively trying to stop the mech. That's like telling an engineer to go fix a breach without telling him where the breach is.


I did inform Security, as soon as I realised the Phazon was stolen and on the loose. I still hadn't decided how best to deal with it at that point, but I absolutely did inform the department that the mech was missing.


Yeah, you're right about that. You did inform the department that a mech was missing, though I had no idea what a Phazon was before this. Next time, maybe be a little more specific? From an OOC and IC standpoint, not everyone immediately thinks "Combat mech!" when they hear someone yell "Phazon got stolen!"


Most of that second paragraph is all good, but why not alert officers to the fact that engineers were called? We'd pretty much given up on getting through the SMES room.


I called for the engineers on the common channel. You should have seen it, but may have missed it and that's fine. But if you say I did not request engineering, I have to correct you. I did. But I was waiting for them to actually arrive before I started vocally planning and ordering a breach through the back path.


It would be much better to begin planning before the, well, plan takes place. You should inform security of your plan, and keep them up to date on it. A plan is no good unless the people involved know the plan.


Okay, like I said, a stationary mech that's been sitting there for around two minutes doesn't make me think "Better shoot that thing!" It was stationary and appeared unmanned. Backup was called, which you responded to as well. If it was so obviously a manned, hostile mech, why didn't you ion it then? Why didn't you inform anyone that it was heavily armed? We hadn't been aware of the fact that it had guns mounted on it until we got a close look in robotics. Why play a character with such severe trust issues that he considers his department more of a nuisance, it seems like you felt that way, rather than coworkers?


It's not 'trust issues', it's 'newly transferred to the station and wtf these guys are not trained for this'. The first time we saw it in Robotics, people were trying to talk to Maline to persuade her into getting out of the mech and handing it over. I was more than happy to let that occur, and did not want to just 'no rp rush' them with ions because that is exceptionally shitty. I always sandbag for antags and give them every opportunity to stop, surrender and turn themselves in; sometimes that just gives them chance to kill me, and that's fine. I can take that. But I always make the effort. I was still roleplaying through the situation despite how frustrating a phazing mech, and wanted to talk to the antag. Weird I know, right? As for informing about its weapons, I can;t remember at exactly what point I was able to see it's weapons, but I'm fairly sure it had... the laser cannon, ion cannon, incindiary rifle and something else. If I can examine the mech, you can too.


Again, being new doesn't warrant ignoring the department, but anyway.. When you arrived in robotics, we were trying to talk with Maline, however, we weren't even sure if it was manned at that point. Me and the treeboi-cadet had been there for around two minutes and we hadn't seen or heard anything to indicate that it was manned. We were thinking that it may have been ditched, or recaptured somehow. We weren't expecting to receive an update if it was recaptured, and we were operating based on what little we knew.


I'd agree that the round was unusual. I don't believe you've given any valid excuses for totally ignoring the department you're in control of, however. The duties of a Head of Security, according to the wiki are "Coordinate security, maintain order." If you don't trust the rest of security, OOCly and ICly, don't play a job that requires you to command them. In my opinion, it's not acceptable from an IC standpoint to ignore your duties because you haven't talked to some of your officers before. OOCly, it's not much different. You ignored and endangered your department because of trust issues.


Except from my perspective, I protected my department by not ordering them to try and stop a heavily armed, high mobility killing machine, when there was one weapon that could threaten the mech and I happened to have it. That would be like ordering cadets to bumrush mercenaries, armed with only foam swords, and I wasn't going to order them to their deaths.

Could I have handled the situation better? Yes and no. Yes, I could have spent more energy on giving the department some orders, that I will concede, and yes I could have gone to cargo to order more ions. I will try to keep that in mind for the future. That option aside, there wasn't really much more I could do, because the nature of the 'event' was initially 'there is something in the Vault that you are absolutely not to look at, investigate or touch at all, in any way, shape or form', and in general everyone was pretty much on the same level regarding information. Once the mech was loose, I had as much information as the officers did, and I passed it on. I did not know more than the rest of Security. Maybe I didn't take a minute to stop, pause, and make sure everyone was on the same page, but you were told about the mech before your first physical encounter at the Captains office.

This is evidenced here, in your own words.

The HoS yells something along the lines of "A Phazon was stolen!" and immediately runs to the armory, retrieving a laser rifle and ion rifle, without giving any direction or explanation to security other than telling the warden "You may hand out weapons."

A minute later, security is called to the bridge. I'm the first officer to arrive, and find a scientist with a 9mm pistol looting the Captains office. I command them to drop their weapon and get on the ground, which they ignore. The rest of security arrives and the Captain comes out of their back room, which scares the antag into firing. The HoS manages to stun them before they can do any major damage. As we leave, a floaty-mech thing comes down the hall, phasing through me. I'd assume this is what the "Phazon" was.


You admit I informed you about the mech. You admit I authorised the Warden to hand out weapons. I didn't tell you where to go, because I did not know.


You didn't endanger security by ordering them to charge the mech, that is correct. However, the security department being kept out of the loop and uncoordinated put security's personnel, and the rest of the crew, in danger. You had more options than ordering us to "go unga dunga the mech" and not giving orders or direction at all. As a HoS, it's your job to keep your department safe and coordinated. You didn't do either that round.

As for not knowing where to send us, that's your job. If you don't know, take a minute to go over sensitive locations, areas with lots of crew, things like that, and figure out where to send security. You don't stop doing your job because you're not certain of where the antag is headed.



You were just ghosting over a round with me as Zane again. Granted there were power issues and telecom outages, but how do you feel about my performance for that round? Game ID: bTK-cTV6, Visitors, IPC Wizards and a dead ninja.


You seemed to do better that round, for sure. I was zipping around between security, and they seemed pretty well organized.


You were just ghosting over a round with me as Zane again. Granted there were power issues and telecom outages, but how do you feel about my performance for that round? Game ID: bTK-cTV6, Visitors, IPC Wizards and a dead ninja.


You seemed to do better that round, for sure. I was zipping around between security, and they seemed pretty well organized.


And seeing as the whitelist team were summoned by one of the admins handling this complaint, I'd like to counter-submit the above game ID (bTK-cTV6) as positive evidence of my capacity to communicate and control a department. Again, granted, communications were down a lot, and the antags were peace wizards and a ninja that died early so things were less hectic and far less high stakes, but I hope it at least serves as a more positive example.

[mention]ShameOnTurtles[/mention], [mention]sebkiller[/mention], [mention]Alberyk[/mention], [mention]Coalf[/mention], [mention]Datamatt[/mention],


After looking over the logs of the round and discussing it with [mention]ShameOnTurtles[/mention] we have come to the conclusion that there is no administrative action necessary as a result of this complaint.

Three main issues were determined and addressed, those being:

  • Lack of communication between the Head of Security the security team.
  • 'Lone gun' or 'rambo'-esque behavior from the HoS.
  • The handling of the FT/Engineer situation with [mention]Elohi Adanvdo[/mention].


Firstly, in regards to lack of communication and rambo-like behavior, we believe that it is not an OOC concern and in fact not ICly negligent in this round. Communication does drop off during/after the mech was spotted in robotics, but that was during an active situation and sometimes there isn't time to type on the radio. With that said, [mention]K0NFL1QT[/mention], you do show intent to improve, which is a positive thing, and we do not believe anything more than a verbal nudge to cooperate more with the team is necessary.

Secondly, the incident between the FT and the Engineer was handled admirably. Competence of the FT was assumed, a verbal warning was issued. When competence was questioned, they investigated and came to a different conclusion, retracting the warning. I don't see any way to improve on this. Looks like you guys sorted it out in the thread anyway but I think it is important to clarify administration's thoughts on this.

Lastly, our recommendation to the whitelist team will be non-action.

I will leave this open for 24 hours in case there are any closing comments.

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